by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© January 2021, LD Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is
solely the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Here are suggestions
for healthy attitudes that will help anyone survive and prosper in today’s
1. I am great. This is not about your ego, but rather your spiritual essence. Others may not see my essence, and may even mistreat me. It is their loss.
I feel sad or sorry for
them. They just don’t
understand. Their efforts to harm
me are pathetic, sad and insane.
If only they knew the truth.
2. I am much more than this body. I am trillions of souls working
together with a DNA configuration called the body. The souls are wise and
3. I am not really angry, even if I am
feeling upset. You don’t want
me angry. You would not like it.
4. Whatever one fears tends to come true. So I fear that I am getting well, and I
fear that things are going well.
5. I stay in the present moment. Anxiety tends to occur if one is living
in the future, (although some anxiety is biochemical in origin. For details, read Anxiety
And Panic Attacks.) Regret
occurs if I live in the past.
Everything is available in the present and all healing takes place in
the present.
6. I focus on happy, simple things and
sharing love and truth. (Love does not mean sex.)
7. We are all somewhat confused and ill. So I just focus on doing my development
program and I know it will help everything.
8. If you are on a development program,
most symptoms are retracing!
However, if you experience bothersome symptoms, contact your Helper and
ask for a complete review of your program.
9. (This one is a bit philosophical). At some level, healing and development have already occurred. However, we must “go through the motions” of eating correctly, and caring for ourselves correctly in order to experience the healing and development.
1. Where there is life, there is hope.
2. My primary job is healing. All else is secondary. Keep priorities straight. For example, do not let work, family, Christmas or anything else stop your healing program.
This may sound selfish, but it is absolutely necessary. It is enlightened selfishness because as you get well, everyone around you benefits, so it is not really selfish at all.
If people ask what kind
of work do you do, say that your primary job is healing and developing myself.
3. Keep a sense of humor. A good way to do this is to watch funny
programs on television, rent humorous movies or read humorous stories. Anything too serious is not helpful
because life is quite strange, in reality. For more on this topic, read Humor
on this website.
4. Do not analyze your health condition too much. The reason is that it is a futile exercise because of the complexity of the body, and it is somewhat morbid.
Instead, follow a
development program more carefully.
The Pulling Down Exercise is very special
and many people ignore it or think that other meditations are the same. They are not!
5. Don’t compare your life to those of your
“healthier” friends and family.
This can be difficult, at times, but remember that:
A. You really don’t know how healthy
another person is. People who look
wonderful and run around all day and night can suddenly die of a heart
attack. It happens all the time.
B. In reality, we don’t know the
reasons why one person’s life is different from another’s.
6. Remember the line from the Bible: “Those whom God cherishes most, He chastens.” This means that because you suffer, it does not mean you are “bad”. It might mean the exact opposite and we find it often does! Your souls want you to pay more attention to your health, so you get a lot of reminders.
Perhaps your suffering
is the way that your “rough edges” are being ground away. This is like a diamond that must be cut
and polished to be really valuable and beautiful.
7. Be willing to take help. Realize there are people out there who
want to help you. In other words,
it is a benign world and ask in prayer every day to
connect to those wonderful people and energies that are just waiting to assist
8. Watch out in dealing with doctors, medical tests, diagnostic labels, and prognoses. Doctors may mean well, but very few have even a clue about development science and they can easily scare you. Realize that blood tests are often skewed by a development program. Read about this in the article entitled Blood Tests And Development Programs.
We never say to avoid doctors because once in a while they are helpful. However, become aware of the medical paradigm, also called the diagnose-and-treat paradigm of healing, which we find to be mainly incorrect. The medical paradigm is also used today by naturopaths and most holistic doctors.
Instead, we balance,
strengthen and develop the body.
For details about exactly what development means, read Introduction To Development.
9. Decide that your illness is teaching you
many good lessons. These
include patience, becoming more empathetic, becoming a better listener, and you
will be much more able to help others in similar situations.
10. Go down swinging, if necessary. When things get rough, decide that
giving up is somehow not as much fun as keeping going, and doing your best each
11. Ask the Holy Spirit, your souls and the
developed Masters for help, support and guidance each and every day. You don’t have to believe in these
beings. Do it, anyway.
12. If possible, take a slow, gentle walk every day for at least 15 minutes and no more than one hour. During the walk, breathe very deeply and do the Pulling Down Exercise the whole time.
If walking is not safe
outside, perhaps walk at a mall.
Or consider buying a medium-sized dog, and maybe a mean-looking dog, to
walk with you. Another option is
to buy a simple treadmill and use it every day. If they seem costly, look for one at a thrift store.
13. Stop listening to the naysayers in your family and among your friends and colleagues. Don’t discuss your health with naysayers. In some cases, you will need to cut them off friends altogether who discourage you regarding your development program.
Instead, try to be around those who are on the same healing journey as you are.
Also, do not spend time
with the whiners and complainers, but only with those who are actively healing
their health condition and their life the way you have decided to do.
14. Read inspiring stories of people who
suffered and overcame. Watch
movies of this type, as well.
There are many inspiring stories and biographies. This website has a biography section of
articles on the Read
Articles page.
15. Do at least one or two coffee enemas
every day, and an extra one if you feel very out of sorts or toxic.
16. Stay in touch with your Helper on your
development program. Never
isolate yourself from your support team.
17. Keep a “toolbox” ready for emergencies. It should include very inspiring and
uplifting reading material, maybe a CD or DVD, and reminders to rub the feet,
pop the toes and knees, do an enema, push down, and call your Helper, if
18. Know that healing can seem like
spiritual warfare. Some days
you will win and some days you will have a setback or defeat. That is okay. Losing a battle is not losing the war. You have lots of help even though you
may not think so.
19. The twenty-third psalm is very
powerful. Repeat it
often. Read more about it in the
article entitled The Twenty-Third Psalm.
20. Let go of anger. I know it can be difficult, but it just
makes you more ill. So forgive
everyone for everything – no exceptions allowed!
21. Let go of worry as best you can. It accomplishes absolutely nothing. A good way to do this is to stay in the present, and take one day at a time. Living fully in the present is, in fact, the best way to prepare for the future.
The pushing down
exercise will slowly help greatly to keep you focused in the present. In contrast, living in the future tends
to cause anxiety and worry.
22. Let go of regret, remorse, guilt, and feeling sorry for yourself. These do absolutely no good at all! Staying in the present will help you with this ,as well. In contrast, living in the past leads to regret and remorse.
If you need to
apologize to someone for something from the past, get it over with and do it.
23. Learn to love and accept yourself at all times, no matter how rotten, depressed, despondent or afraid you feel. This can be done, I assure you. You don’t really know what is going on at deep levels, so stop judging yourself.
There is nothing like
despair to help wake a person up.
Perhaps the entire reason for your situation or illness is so you will
wake up and not live or think like everyone else, many of whom are not as happy
as they seem. For details, read The Real Self.
24. Sex is overrated, unnecessary, and can
waste a lot of time and energy.
Love is great, however. Down Sex is
a powerful and intimate healing method as an alternative to ordinary sex.
25. You never fight alone. This is a principle, but it is also the truth of your life. You are never alone. You have Guide Creatures, Planning Souls and many other Helpers assisting you at all times. Also read The Light Workers, The Secret Society of Light-Hearted Loving Warriors and The Path Of the Warrior.
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