by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© March 2022, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is
solely the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Definition. The aura is the glow or radiance around
all physical bodies - human, animal and plant. It is very real, even though most people cannot see it. It is not occult or strange.
The aura exists because life is
not merely physical. Life is also
an electrical phenomenon. For this
reason, we all have an electrical field surrounding and within the body. By understanding this, you will gain a
much greater appreciation for yourself and for others.
Halos. Some people can see the aura, and some
artists have drawn it quite accurately.
For example, the halo that is often drawn around saints and other holy
men and women is the aura. The
aura is easier to see around holy people because it is brighter. A section later in this article discusses
detection of the aura.
The brightness, color, size,
shape, density and other qualities of the aura provide a tremendous amount of
information about a person or creature.
These depend upon one’s state of health, thoughts, feelings, moods, and
one’s level of development. This
article is a very brief introduction to this enormous subject.
While few people can see auras,
everyone feels them to some extent when they interact with others, in
particular. Some also feel them
when they enter a building or location, perhaps, or go to a party or gathering.
People often describe other
people with words such as "warm", "cold",
"intense", "bubbly", "hard", "soft",
"strong", "weak", "open" or "closed". These have to do with the aura or
radiance of the person.
A look at the aura would reveal
these traits actually exist in the energy field of the person. In other words, these descriptions of a
person are very real at an energetic level. They are not figments of the person’s imagination.
A number of components blend
together to form the human or animal aura. In most people they are:
1. The radiance of the three dantiens. These are three balls of subtle energy located in the head,
the heart area, and the lower abdomen.
For details, read The Dantiens.
2. The radiance of the seven physical energy
centers. The
energy centers are spinning vortices of subtle energy that are lined up along
the midline of the body, from the groin area to the head. For details, read The
Energy Centers.
These two subtle energy systems
actually form and maintain the physical body and the other energy fields, as
3. The radiance of what are called the
subtle energy fields or “subtle bodies”. In addition to a physical body, everyone is
born with an astral
energy field. It is located in
the same area as the physical body and gives off a glow that is determined by
one’s emotional state and thoughts.
Between the age of 10 and 30,
everyone develops an etheric energy field or “etheric
body”. This is a more advanced
subtle energy field, or energy body.
It develops as one uses the mind for constructive purposes and as a
person overcomes hardships by using the brain rather than by “getting by” using
cunning, cleverness, brute force or laziness. For details, read The Energy
4. The radiance or glow of the physical body. Each cell of our bodies is a tiny
electric device that gives off a slight glow.
5. The radiance of the trillions of souls that
are in and around the body.
Souls can be undeveloped, in which case they have less of a glow. Some, however, are more developed and
glow brighter.
Later in this article we discuss
changes in the aura that occur when one develops. These cause the aura to be much brighter and more beautiful.
healthy person has a larger and brighter aura. People who are near death have smaller and dimmer
auras. One’s race, skin color or
religion has nothing to do with the aura.
A healthy person also usually has
an aura that is more beautiful, whiter, and lighter in color. The aura of those who are ill is
usually dull, darker, muddy looking, and often has a greenish or yellowish
tint. Near death, the aura almost
disappears because it is so dark and small.
The aura of babies is unique
because it is always somewhat bright and cheery-looking. However, on earth this does not last
too long. Usually, by the time the
baby is three years old, the aura has faded in brightness and dulled in luster.
This is always due to the use of
vaccines, bottle-feeding instead of prolonged breastfeeding for up to 3 years,
and due to giving babies antibiotics and other medical drugs.
Interestingly, if a baby is
breastfed, then the baby’s aura always remains excellent until breastfeeding
ends. This is just one reason to
continue breastfeeding for 3 years, or even longer if the baby wants it.
Development, as the word is used on this
website, is
fulfilling the complete genetic potential of a human being. It brings much better health and the
possibility of a longer lifespan.
It also brings with it a calmer personality and a much sharper
mind. Memory improves and many
other aspects of the personality develop as well.
One also develops more abilities,
more talents and more intuition.
At a point, one can access guidance, which helps one survive and succeed
in life.
Development has a great effect
upon the aura. It causes other
components o enter into the formation of the aura. These include:
1. The dantiens
glow more brightly.
2. The seven physical energy
centers grow larger and glow much more brightly.
3. The etheric
energy field grows much larger and glows more brightly. In addition, five other energy fields
develop, each of which glows as well.
4. At a certain point in early development,
a spherical energy field appears around a person. For details, read The Merkaba.
5. With continued development,
rays of energy begin to emanate from the top of the head. For details, read The
This is a wonderful achievement
that few accomplish, although it is within the realm of possibility for anyone
who is reading this article. For
details, read Introduction To Development.
The sequence of development.
At first, the higher energy fields or bodies take form, but are not
active. Then, at a certain point,
each of the higher bodies fills with etheric energy
that activates or “glows” the bodies.
This means the higher energy
fields or “bodies” are now usable.
This is the basic sequence of early development of a human being.
Some people naturally see the
aura to varying degrees. They are
usually born this way, although occasionally a person develops the ability
later in life.
The rudiments of the human or
other auras can also be measured and photographed using electro-photography,
also called Kirlian photography after the Russian
scientist who invented the basic technique.
Dr. Kirlian
found a way to place objects or a person’s hand, for example, in a strong
electromagnetic field that reveals some qualities of the aura. One can buy such equipment via the internet.
The aura reflects and reveals ALL
of the activities of the person, from his thoughts and emotions, to the food
one is digesting, to the state of health and the state of the energy centers
and much more.
It is so much that it causes
information overload. Developed
masters who can see the aura spend years and years learning about its meaning.
There are a number of books
written about the aura written by people who can see the aura. Among the best are those by Barbara Brennon such as Hands Of Light. An
older book that is very good is The Human Aura by Kilner.
The internet
also contains a number of articles about the aura.
To be continued…
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