by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© Febuary
2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is solely the opinion of
the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure
of any disease or health condition.
Symptomatic healing can occur
rapidly, within days or weeks of beginning a development program.
However, deeper healing proceeds
at a pace the body sets based upon its ability to eliminate toxins and
infections and its ability to rebuild tissues, organs and glands. In all cases, this takes at least a few
years and often ten to twenty years or more.
Factors that slow down healing can
be organized according to the 7 system:
1 LEVEL CONDITIONS. These include
all the physical blockages and dysfunctions of the body such as metal and
chemical toxicity, damaged organs, a damaged nervous system, digestive system
and eliminative system, and more.
LEVEL CONDITIONS. These include sexual and emotional
problems and situations that impair healing. Too much ordinary sex is a common error that depletes energy
and slows healing. Down Sex is much better.
Negative emotions such as anger, fear, grief, hatred and others also slow
healing very much.
LEVEL CONDITIONS. These are situations that throw a
person out of control of their life.
Traumas such as rape, beatings, accidents and serious illnesses all have
this effect on the mind.
The result is that one becomes
fearful and often angry (second level problems) and this slows healing. However, the real source of the problem
stems from the third energy center, which has to do with power and control over
one’s life.
LEVEL CONDITIONS. These include all social situations
that get in the way of healing.
For example, often family members or friends
talk a person out of their health routine, excellent diet, or natural healing
program. These sometimes
well-meaning people can scare a person into stopping their development program,
and this is very common.
Another related situation is the
tendency of most people to “follow the crowd”. If everyone is eating salads and drinking smoothies with
coconut water, one just goes along instead of questioning these harmful practices.
LEVEL CONDITIONS. These include all situations that
impair healing that have to do with one’s work, job, career, hobbies and other
creative activities. These are
many and include overwork, toxic working conditions, boredom from unfulfilling
work, fatigue due to one’s job, staying up too late for a job or to do a hobby,
hating one’s job, one’s boss or one’s co-workers, and more. These get in the way of many people’s
LEVEL CONDITIONS. These include all ideas and thoughts
that impair healing. For example,
if one is lazy or too medically-oriented one may not
want to begin or continue with a development program.
Skepticism, cynicism, rigid
belief systems such as vegetarianism, raw foodism, or
attachment to any dietary system often gets in people’s way. Other mental problems that impair
healing are distractibility, egoism leading to the belief that one knows better
than we do what to eat, for example, lack of self-discipline and inability to
think clearly.
LEVEL CONDITIONS. These situations include religious
beliefs that get in the way of the healing program. For example, if one believes that the Hebrew kosher laws are
all one needs to guide one’s eating one will not develop and heal very well
If one believes that harming
others is okay for any reason, this always gets in the way of healing because
at a deep level we are all one and related to each other. Harming or even cheating others always
harms oneself.
Other spiritual problems can be
a misplaced desire to spare all life and be a vegetarian. These people do not realize that the
real life of an animal, plant or person, for that matter, resides in the
souls. These are not killed or
injured in any way when one eats the flesh of the animal. Killing the animal just frees the souls
that are trapped inside the animal.
Still other spiritual blocks to
healing are false beliefs that one is the body, not souls, and that one does
not deserve the love and grace of the Creator. Others are that one is a sinner, which is not exactly right.
Still other spiritual factors
that sometimes slow healing are a need to mature, a need to be inspired, a need
to atone, a need to repent and a need to forgive oneself
and all others.
- A yin condition
of the body. Undoing this takes time and requires
remaining faithful to the diet and living a healthful lifestyle.
- Layers of
adaptations and compensations. These must be
undone one at a time. Ill health
actually occurs in layers that must be undone in the reverse order that they
occurred. One cannot “skip
layers”, we find.
- Low adaptive
energy when one begins slows healing.
When one
first begins a development program, a person’s adaptive energy is low. This means there is little energy
available for healing. Digestion
is usually weak, for example, so that obtaining one’s nutrients is difficult,
no matter what one eats or what supplements one takes. Elimination is usually impaired, so
this slows toxin removal.
- Traumas. These affect all the levels described in the section
above. They are present in many
people and always slow down healing.
- Hidden serious
health conditions are handled first.
factor does not really slow down healing, but it appears that it does. Most adults and some children have
hidden, but important health problems such as aneurisms, a weak heart, brain
dysfunction, digestive problems and more.
When one begins a development program, these will heal first.
You will not be aware of it in
most cases, except that your immediate complaint, including even a major
disease such as diabetes, won’t heal for a few years. You are not wasting your time and money, and you are
However, the souls inside the
body always prioritize the healing order or order of which problems must be
healed first. This is essential
for your survival. For instance,
it makes no sense to heal diabetes if a dangerous fast-growing cancer remains
somewhere hidden in the body.
house analogy. We tell people this is like remodeling
an old home. As one tears apart
the old structure, one may find one must rebuild the foundation first before
prettying up the house. Otherwise,
the whole house may collapse.
Suddenly, your 6-month remodel project takes twice as long. The same is true of our bodies.
- Long-standing
infections take time to slowly reduce and finally eliminate. Everyone has these today. They include sexually transmitted diseases, Lyme disease, morgellon’s disease in some cases, and other chronic
infectious processes. Certain
areas of the body such as the sinuses, ears, nasal passages and bone marrow are
often infected and have a poor blood supply, so healing infection in these
areas is always slow.
Symptomatic improvement may
occur rapidly, but restoring the body’s entire energy system and the whole body
always takes time. Patience and
persistence are always required.
- Re-education
takes time. Human beings are programmed to
learn. That is, all of our
survival behaviors are not programmed in, as they are with most other
creatures. As one heals, the brain
often has to learn new behaviors.
This process takes some time, in some cases. It is literally a reprogramming of the main computer.
- Rogue
interference. On earth today, there is active
interference with healing in some people.
Most of it comes from the group we call the Rogues. Some call them the satans or satanic ones. They are a group of angels who have rebelled against the
Creator and wreck havoc, especially upon human beings, whom they envy. They often slow or
stop healing in hundreds of ways.
- Soul level
problems. This is more esoteric. However, healing depends upon the
actions of souls inside the body.
Many souls are not healthy and this slows most healing in most people.
- Subtle energy
problems. These are actually physical problems,
but are so subtle it is best to discuss them separately. Humans are not just organs, glands and
tissues. Our bodies also have
complex subtle energy systems.
These can and do misfunction, which slows or
stops healing. An entire section
of articles deals with these systems, which include The Energy Centers, The Dantiens and the Channel
Interventions. These occur when souls, creatures,
developed human beings or others decide to assist a person with their
healing. This is more common today
than one might imagine. An intervention
is almost always based upon merit.
It also helps a lot to pray fervently about your health concern to
attract the attention of usually hidden helpers. For more details, read Interventions.
Development. Development can greatly accelerate the rate of healing in
the body. It requires a proper
diet and lifestyle, a few specific nutritional supplements and the pulling down
exercise. For details, read Introduction To Development and other
articles on development on this site.
Revelations, insights and
turnarounds. At times,
getting an insight about oneself or about others can greatly speed up
healing. Insights or revelations
are common during development programs because the brain begins to function
better, which improves perception and the ability to understand people and
situations. Turnarounds are
associated with Pivot Patterns on a hair mineral test.
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