by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.



The chart of the tissue minerals can be divided into groups of four minerals each. These groups are called the mineral tetras. The grouping may seem unusual, but it is very important.

For example, the graph of a hair mineral chart will be much more useful and easy to interpret if the minerals are arranged according to the tetras.


- The first tetra of minerals = calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

- The second tetra of minerals = iron, copper, manganese and zinc

- The third tetra of minerals = chromium, selenium, vanadium and cobalt.


Significance. Each higher level tetra is associated with a different level of functioning of the body. For example, the first tetra is a most important one. The second tetra is somewhat less important and is a deeper level in some ways. The third continues this trend to be somewhat less critical, but also a deeper level of functioning.

Order of the minerals. The minerals in each tetra must be arranged in the correct order. This is very important. It is not enough to know which minerals are in each tetra. They also need to be in a special order on a hair analysis graph.

Related to the four steps of action. The four steps of action is a spiritual concept used to help understand how events unfold in the physical world. The four steps are desire, intention, allowing and surrender or ending.

The four steps or action are associated with the four minerals of each tetra. For example, calcium is the first mineral in a tetra and it is associated with a quality of desire. One can say that calcium is a builder mineral. Think of cement or concrete, which contain a lot of calcium.

In contrast, potassium is found at the end of a tetra. It is a highly soluble mineral. This means that it dissolves and breaks down other compounds. It is more of a destructive or ending mineral.

Interestingly, the old name for potassium is kallium. We believe this name came from the word Kali, the goddess of destruction in the Hindu religion.

Correspondence. There is a correspondence between the tetras. For example, there is a correspondence between the Na/K and the Mn?Zn.

Na and K are the third and fourth minerals in the first tetra. Mn and Zn are the third and fourth minerals in the second tetra.

Doubling. A mineral pattern in one tetra is more powerful if the same pattern is present in another tetra. For example, if both the Na/K and the Mn/Zn are low, it is a more powerful indicator of a low Na/K. If both the Na/K and the Mn/Zn are elevated, it is a more powerful indicator of a high Na/K. These two conditions are called doubling.

The same is true of other common mineral patterns such as the bowl pattern, the hill pattern, step up, step down, four lows, four highs, a shell and sympathetic dominance.

Mirroring. A mirror ratio is a ratio in one tetra that is opposite that of the other tetra. It is as though one is looking in a mirror. The mirror ratio of the Na/K is the Fe/Cu ratio.

Mirror patterns are a type of balance that can occur, at times, in the body.

More tetras. There are more tetras, all the way up to 96 minerals. However, they are less important in most cases. Also, commercial laboratories do not read all the minerals, so we don't have them to discuss.

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