by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© July 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is solely the opinion of the authors and for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Yang (sometimes pronounced yan) and Yin (sometimes pronounced een). These are the ancient Hebrew or Ebre names for the two forces of creation. There is no exact word for them in English. Similar words for them exist in Japanese, Chinese and many other languages.
They are complementary opposite forces. This means they always work together and they require each other at all times.
Yang, and its complementary opposite, yin, are the essential forces at work in the universe.
Yang and yin are basic physics qualities of matter. Yang is warmer while yin is cooler.
The first book of the Hebrew Bible, Genesis, begins with a somewhat detailed discussion of Yang and Yin. It is a very beautiful part of the Bible that must be understood in terms of the science of yang and yin discussed in this article.
(The word Genesis means the creation or the beginning. It comes from the same root word as the words genetics, general, generation and generate).
Genesis explains that God (the oneness) created the twoness:
“1. In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. (editor’s note
– this is yang and yin)
2 And the earth was without form,
and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light:
and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was
good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (editor’s note – this is yang and yin)
5 And God called the light Day, and
the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first
6 And God said, Let there be a
firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the
7 And God made the firmament, and
divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were
above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament
Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under
the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear:
and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth;
and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it
was good.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring
forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after
his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass,
and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed
was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
13 And the evening and the morning
were the third day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights
in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them
be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15 And let them be for lights in the
firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And God made two great lights; the
greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made
the stars also. (editor’s note, this is
more yang and yin.)
17 And God set them in the firmament
of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And to rule over the day and over
the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was
19 And the evening and the morning
were the fourth day.
20 And God said, Let the waters bring
forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly
above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and
every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly,
after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be
fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply
in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning
were the fifth day.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring
forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast
of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth
after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon
the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
26 And God said, Let us make man in
our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own
image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (editor’s note, this is more yang and yin).
Yang and yin are not just words or forces. They are very powerful way to understand nutrition, development and most of life.
You will find references to these forces everywhere on this website because they are super important ideas. Please read this article a few times and check out the articles listed at the end of this article. Otherwise, development science and proper nutrition will not make sense!
Not the same as Chinese medicine or acupuncture. We are told by our guides that the way yang and yin are taught in books and schools of acupuncture and Chinese medicine today are not correct. They have been altered, in part due to the extreme age of the teachings. Teachings often become altered as they are handed down from generation to generation.
The principles of yang and yin we use first came from Macrobiotics. This author was very fortunate to have studied with the late Michio Kushi, the main teacher of this science. Since then, our understanding has greatly increased and changed somewhat by some of our guides who are experts in the science of yang and yin.
This article purposefully has some repetition. It is a good way to learn the
principles of yang and yin.
These principles are very important. If you understand them, you will
understand the yang/yin concept well.
Each of the following principles builds on the previous one, so the
simplest one is given first.
1. The basic directions in space: In and out. This is also
the same as contracted and expanded,
small and large, thin and fat, centripetal and centrifugal, and up and down. (These only require one direction.)
2. Trajectories: Straight and curved. This is the same as linear and rounded. (Curved requires a second vector or direction.)
3. Frequencies: Higher and lower. This includes the colors,
the sound frequencies, the electrical frequencies, speed such as fast and slow,
near and far infrared, VHF or very high frequency and VLF or very low frequency,
and more.
(These criteria require at least a third vector or
direction in space to produce them.)
These are the three main principles. There are more principles of yang and yin, but they are combinations of the above.
Now let us expand on these ideas.
Yang is a physics concept that at its root, means inwardly-moving energy. It also usually means downwardly-moving energy. “Downwardly-moving”, in this article, means moving toward a center such as the center of the earth. So inwardly-moving and downwardly-moving mean the same thing.
It is a motion of atoms or particles. These particles are moving toward each other, or toward a center. There is no good word for it in English, so I am using the ancient Chinese word for it.
This inwardly-moving motion gives rise to the qualities that are considered more yang. They include:
a) Warmer – as the particles hit each other and generate heat through friction
b) More compressed, condensed and/or contracted – as a result of the inward coming-together movement of the particles. It also causes yang to mean higher pressure.
c) Dryer, with less
water, and harder – due to the particles coming closer to each other and
pushing out the water and other softer matter.
d) More activity and movement as the warmth and close proximity of the particles rub up against one another.
e) More associated with maleness than with femaleness. This is a tricky one, but the male energy is considered hotter and more compressed (like a penis, rather than an open and larger vagina
f) More concerned with radiating than absorbing. This is also due to the warmth and compressed nature of yang.
g) More organized, more ordered or more coherent. These words are not exactly the same, but they are meant as similar in this case. Organized means that the parts fit together better, which is similar to the idea of coherence. The opposite of coherence, in this case, is adherence, which is when two objects or aspects just stick together, but are not coordinated or highly organized together.
h) More physical, at times, because physical matter is more dense and compressed than etheric or ethereal substance, which is more expanded or yin (the opposite of yang). However, this one is tricky because more physical does not necessarily mean more organized (see above).
h) In development science, fast oxidation and an elevated sodium/potassium ratio are more yang. Bodies in fast oxidation tend to be warmer and more active.
i) Fullness. This is due to the greater concentration or higher density of particles. In contrast, yin is more empty.
Men and women. Men, in general, are slightly more yang than most women. Men tend to have faster oxidation rates than women, in general. The body is also generally more hard or muscular, and more contracted.
However, this must be qualified. The male body is more yang on the outside, but more yin on the inside. The female body is more yin on the outside, but more yang on the inside.
This, too, is tricky and has to do with organization, and not the hardness of the tissues, for example.
At its root, yin means particles are moving apart and usually in an upward direction. The word upward here means away from a center such as the center of the earth, or of the universe. In this sense, “moving apart” and “moving upward” mean the exact same thing.
This type of movement of particles gives rise to the qualities of yin, as follows:
a) Cooler – as the particles move apart, they bump into each other less, creating less friction and less heat.
b) More expanded – as the particle move apart, they take up more space forming an expanded mass. It also causes yin to mean lower pressure.
More watery and softer – the particles move apart and softer material
such as water can get in. Water is
one of the most yin substances there is, while minerals are one of the most
yang or concentrated substances.
d) Less obvious activity – as the particles move apart, they “drift” more and it seems like there is a slowing of movement. They also do not bounce off each other as much, so this causes less movement, too.
e) More associated with femaleness than maleness. This is somewhat tricky, but females tend to move a little slower, have a slower oxidation rate, and their reproductive organs are more expanded.
f) More concerned with absorbing than with radiating. This is because “cooler bodies in space” tend to absorb heat, while hotter ones tend to radiate their heat. So this is directly related to the cooler quality of yin.
g) Less physical – because as the particles move outward in space, their mass becomes less physical and more etheric or ethereal.
h) In development science, slow oxidation and four lows pattern, and a low sodium/potassium ratio are more yin. The body is cooler, more sluggish, and women generally have slower oxidation rates than men. The body is also generally softer, with a little more fat, and more expanded.
i) More empty. This is due to the lower concentration of particles in space.
In summary, Yin refers to a quality of some matter that tends to be colder, more expanded, more chaotic, more disintegrated, centrifugal in nature (which means moving outwardly and sometimes upward), often more feminine in nature, tending to be damp or more watery, more flaccid and softer.
An example. Though it may be a little crude, the simple idea of a hard, linear penis (yang) compared to an open, rounded, moist vagina (yin) may help one recall some of the major qualities of yang and yin.
In general: Yang tends
to be more contracted, more dense, condensing, increasing in mass, warm with
more internal heat, more organized or anti-entropic, dryer and often more
tends to be more expanded, evaporating, less dense, more chaotic, less massive,
cold, damp and in some cases more ethereal.
example, water is more yin, while land is more yang. The warm tropics are more yang, while the areas near the
north and south poles are far more yin because they are cold. Here is more detail:
1. Hot and cold. More yang means the particles of matter are closer
to one another (more contracted or compacted) and there is more friction
between them, generating more heat, more light and more concentrated mass.
In contrast, more yin means that the particles of matter
are further apart (more expanded).
This causes less friction between them, which causes less heat or more
coldness, less light and less concentrated mass. Please memorize this, as it will help all understanding of yang
and yin.
2. Frequencies of energies.
Yang tends to be a lower frequency or slower moving waves, while yin
tends to be a higher frequency of energy or faster moving waves of energy. This is not always the case, but it is
often true.
example, the color red is a lower frequency and more yang, while the color blue
is a higher frequency and somewhat more yin. Infrared is an even lower frequency and tends to be more
yang than red, although infrared contains some frequencies that are yin as
well, so this criteria is variable.
3. Directions of movement. Yang tends to be inward-moving or centripetal. It is also generally downward-moving toward the center of the
contrast, yin tends to be more outward-moving,
split apart or centrifugal. It also tends to be upward moving away from the earth. Once again, this is not always true,
but is often the case.
example, foods that grow up in the air on trees, such as fruits, are further
away from the earth and this is one reason they tend to be more yin. Root vegetables are much more yang, in
part because they grow under the earth’s surface.
4. Amount of chaos. Yang is less chaotic and more organized or more
integrated. This is also called
anti-entropic in physics.
contrast, yin is more chaotic, or more broken apart, or more disintegrated, or
more entropic.
Summary of yin and yang, called the Four
Words in Tibetan:
contracted centripetal anti-entropic
Yin: cooler expanded centrifugal entropic
concept of yang and yin also involves certain principles that are necessary to
know about, or you won’t understand the concept very well. Here are some of the important ones:
1. Nothing is purely yin or pure yang.
A pure state of yin or yang cannot exist in a balanced universe. In fact, if it does begin to occur, the
one changes to the other, at times.
This is the basis for atom bombs, for example, as matter (more yang) is
changed into pure energy (more yin) in a violent way.
The proportions of yin and yang
are always changing. In other
words, it is a dynamic concept that is always shifting as conditions change.
3. Yin and
yang always coexist and are complementary opposites. They are not “antagonists”, but rather
work together to build our physical universe. This means dark and light have their place, as do male and
female, hot and cold, contraction and expansion.
4. The
qualities of yang and yin depend not only on the qualities of the material, procedure,
substance or activity. They also
depend upon the frequency, intensity, duration, long and short-term effects,
and upon effects that can be mechanical, chemical, electric or other.
5. Most
people’s bodies are extremely yin today. This is the cause of most illness, from a yin and yang
balance perspective. It also means
that the best results will often occur with the use of more yang therapies,
diets and healing methods.
Health, today, usually means to become far
more yang. Disease, today, often
means that one has become too yin. This was not always the case. However, with the amount of toxic
chemicals, radiation, toxic metals, yin infections such as yeast infections,
and other factors in play today, this is the case in almost everyone.
Rare exceptions might be people whose attitudes are too
yang, or who have toxins that could make the body very yang. However, these exceptions are extremely
rare and hardly ever seen. This toxic
yang is almost always quite temporary.
Living tissue. This is composed of two major components:
1. Minerals. These are quite yang, and include minerals such as manganese, zinc, chromium, iron and selenium. Toxic metals have a more yin or damaging effect on the body.
2. Proteins. These are also fairly yang substances, especially animal quality protein.
The “fuel” foods. The two main types of fuel foods are:
1. Fats and oils. Fats from animal tissues are more yang than oils derived from grains, fruits, seeds or nuts.
2. Starches. These are the grains, and starchy vegetables. These are fairly yang when cooked.
3. Sugars. These include fruit and all sweet foods and beverages. They are very yin.
Here is more detail about the fuel foods:
1. Fats and oils. Fats are more yang than oils. Fats are solid at room temperature, and usually of animal origin, which are yang characteristics.
Oils are more yin than fats. Oils are liquid at room temperature, and derive more from plants. Both of these are yin characteristics.
2. Starches and sugars. Starches (complex carbohydrates), are more yang than sugars (simple carbohydrates).
Starches are more concentrated and complex, which are yang qualities. Sugars are more broken apart, a yin quality.
The most yin food. You can see that of all these foods, sugars are the most yin. This is a major reason to avoid them, since the bodies today are already too yin.
Artificial sweeteners and other food chemicals are often even more yin, making them even more harmful to the body, in many cases.
Yang refers to the quality of some physical matter that is warmer, more compact or condensed, more integrated, moving in a centripetal direction (toward the center), and more often moving downward. It is considered more male, more forceful, more direct, less watery and more dry, and harder.
Minerals and their effects. Minerals, in general, are more yang compared to many other substances. The toxic metals tend to have a yin effect, no matter how yang they are in themselves.
More yang minerals. Among the nutrient minerals, the more yang minerals are calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus and iron. You will notice that these can form more acidic compounds, which is more yang, especially sulfur, phosphorus and iron.
Calcium and magnesium form some alkaline compounds, but are still considered somewhat yang minerals for other reasons. Calcium is very compact, contracted and hard. Magnesium is very energetic, bright and shining – all yang qualities.
Toxic yang minerals. Among the toxic metals, lead, cadmium, arsenic and nickel are a little more yang than some others. Cadmium is the most yang, enhancing the oxidation rate and hardening the entire body, especially the kidneys, liver and arteries. However, all the toxic metals ALSO tend to have a yin toxic and very destructive effect on the body.
More yin minerals. Among the nutrient minerals, those that are slightly less yang are the alkaline reserve minerals such as zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium, lithium and others.
Toxic metals. Those that are slightly more yin are copper, mercury, aluminum and others. They tend to be softer elements. All have a yin toxic and destructive effect on the body when in excess.
TAOISM (sometimes spelled and pronounced Daoism). The words yang and yin are found in Taoism, an ancient philosophy that has been on earth for well over 10,000 years.
The words Tao and Taoism are Tibetan words that mean the science of God. It is an unusual set of ideas because it deals mainly with forces rather than teaching via stories and parables, as is the case with the Western Bible. However, the goal is the same – to teach people how to live in peace and harmony together.
Taoist philosophy, as with Biblical theology, teaches that creation proceeds from the One (God) to the two (such as light and dark, male and female), and then to the many. I am told that the older Taoist version of creation is not as well-suited to Western people. The historical and parable-style of teaching found in the Bible and other stories is better for us.
Below is a standard chart of the examples of yang and yin in many areas of human endeavor.
Gender (in general) |
More male |
More female |
Direction |
Down toward the earth |
Upward away from earth |
Pressure |
Higher pressure |
Lower pressure |
Circularity |
Less circular (straighter) |
More circular |
In/out direction |
Inwardly moving or centripetal |
Outwardly moving or centrifugal |
Density |
High density or compact or compressed |
Lower density or expanded |
Altitude |
Higher altitude (further from the earth’s center) |
Lower altitude (closer to the earth’s center) |
Continental location |
Nearer the center |
Nearer the oceans |
Colors |
Red, orange, yellow |
Blue, indigo, violet |
Size |
Smaller (more compact) |
Larger (more expanded) |
Shape |
More linear or straighter |
More rounded, curved or circular |
Temperature |
Warmer |
Cooler |
Texture |
Harder, rougher |
Softer, smoother |
Location |
Correct location. Also, places that are away from large bodies of water, on inland. |
More displaced. Also, locations near large bodies of water. |
Chaos tendency |
Anti-entropic or syntropic |
Entropic |
Moisture content |
Dryer |
Wetter |
Flow quality |
Faster flowing |
Slower flow or stagnant |
Astronomical bodies |
Stars (hot and contracted) |
Planets and moons |
Sounds |
Lower notes, deep tones |
Higher notes, shrill |
pH |
More acidic if not too acidic |
More alkaline |
Materials |
Crystalline, harder, warmer, more compact |
Flowing, softer, cooler, more expanded |
Chemical Elements |
Somewhat heavier elements, especially the alkaline reserve minerals, but not the toxic metals, which have a yin effect. |
Light elements and the toxic metals because they have a yin effect. Radioactive minerals are extremely yin because they destroy the body. |
State of matter |
Solid |
Liquid, gas |
Attitude |
More overt and more extroverted |
More covert and more introverted |
Physics |
Electricity (more radiant force) |
Magnetism (more attractive force) |
Tissue quality |
Tight, tense, contracted, inflamed and hot |
Colder, relaxed, dilated, limp and more sickly |
Blood sugar |
Slightly high |
Lower blood sugar |
Muscles |
More contracted or tense |
Relaxed or flaccid |
Bones |
Hard, dense |
Soft, osteoporotic |
Nerves |
Hard, tense |
Relaxed, limp |
Heart |
Rapid pulse, hard pulse, possible arteriosclerosis |
Slow pulse, weak heart, expanded arteries |
Adrenal glands |
High hormone levels |
Lower hormone levels |
Cancers |
Hard tumors |
Soft tumors, diffuse or blood cancers |
Body temperature |
Higher temperature, inflammed |
Lower temperature, degenerative |
Body position |
Standing or sitting |
Prone or lying down |
Age |
Younger |
Older |
Body shape |
Apple shape, and more slim and linear |
Pear shape, and heavier, more rounded and more voluptuous in women |
Hormones |
Testosterone, aldosterone, insulin, thyroxine, all pituitary hormones, pineal hormones |
Estrogen, cortisol, cortisone, glucagon, parathormone |
Bood pressure |
Higher blood pressure |
Lower blood pressure |
Activities/lifestyle |
Gardening, farming, walking, study, adequate rest and sleep, deep breathing, and a little sun bathing. |
Sex with orgasm, music, art, staying up late, and using computers, television and cell phones. Too much exercise or too much sun have yin effects. |
Diseases (a large topic) |
In general, conditions with inflammation, heat, fever, or some solid tumors. However, most disease today is of a yin nature because the bodies are almost all yin due to radiation poisoning, chemical toxicity, and mineral-depleted food. Nutrient minerals are more yang. |
In general, conditions characterized by cold, fungal or yeast infections, many viral infections, degenerative diseases, nutritional deficiencies, most chemical poisoning, and toxic metal poisoning |
Oxidation rate |
Faster oxidation |
Slower oxidation or four lows |
Sodium/potassium ratio |
Higher Na/k |
Lower Na/k |
Calcium/magnesium ratio |
Lower Ca/Mg |
Higher Ca/Mg |
Autonomic Nerve System |
Parasympathetic (has a healing and yang effect) |
Sympathetic (has a tissue breakdown effect) |
Hill/bowl patterns |
Hill pattern |
Bowl pattern |
Step down/step up |
Step down |
Step up |
Emotions |
Contentment, love, joy |
Fear, anger, resentment, grief, guilt |
Thoughts |
Pure, uplifted, logical |
Confused thinking, destructive thoughts, erratic thinking |
Morals |
Ten Commandments, Christian morality |
Moral relativism (or no truth), loose living, lack of religious orientation |
Politics |
Capitalism, free markets, individual rights, self-governance |
Welfare state, dependency, corruption, oppression, socialism, communism (these have severe yin effects on most people) |
The nutritional balancing procedures |
All are yang – coffee enemas, red lamp sauna, ozone machines, foot and hand reflexology, Roy Masters meditation, and the spinal twist. This is why they are recommended, in part. |
Baths, colonic irrigation, herbal formulas, extra supplements. One must be very careful with all of these, as they are more yin! |
Food Categories |
Meats, poultry, fish, eggs, whole grains, salt and cooked vegetables |
Alcohol, sugars, fruits, juices, all fermented food, raw vegetables, nightshade vegetables (really are fruits), squashes, nuts, and seeds |
Cooking |
Cooked food (cooking adds heat and salt) |
Raw food (colder) |
Where Food Grows |
Underground (roots) or on the ground |
Above ground and high in the air (fruit) |
Vegetables |
Roots are the most yang. Next are the cruciferous vegetables, and next are the greens. Mung sprouts are fairly yang. |
Nightshade vegetables, squash family, especially zuccini and summer squashes, raw salad vegetables, mushrooms and fungi |
Protein foods |
Eggs and red meats are more yang. Next is chicken and turkey. Fish and shellfish are somewhat less yang. Sardines are quite yang because they are small fish and low in mercury. Cheese is generally less yang than meats and eggs. |
Milk. Egg or milk protein powders are very yin because they are broken apart and processed. Nuts and seeds are more yin. Legumes or beans are all somewhat yin. Lentils are the most yang among the legumes. |
Fats and oils |
Meat fat and egg yolk are the most yang. Next is butter. Next is cream. Next are vegetable oils, but not tropical fruit oils such as coconut and palm oils. |
Refined vegetable oils, coconut oil, palm oil, hydrogenated fats used in margarine, commercial peanut butter, and in other foods. |
Fruits |
All are yin, but small fruits that grow in northern climates, such as berries, are somewhat more yang |
Larger fruits, melons, fleshy fruits and especially tropical and subtropical fruit such as coconut, palm & citrus. |
Size of a food |
Smaller |
Larger |
Food processing |
Whole foods |
Most processed food, especially refined, or broken apart as in protein powders, juices, and isolates |
Beverages |
Coffee and some tea. Spring water and some well water. |
All sugary beverages and all fruity beverages, and all alcoholic beverages. Also, distilled water, reverse osmosis water and alkaline waters. |
Food chemicals |
Salt, especially sea salt, but not refined table salt |
Most other food chemicals and additives are very yin |
Drugs |
Most all drugs, both medical and recreational, are extremely yin |
Type of supplement |
Glandulars, minerals and some all-natural products, solids |
Most vitamins, most herbs, especially liquids, and most synthetic products |
Number of supplements |
Fewer supplements |
More supplements |
Herbs |
Ginger, mustard, dill weed, horse radish, burdock, milk thistle, dandelion, tarragon. |
Almost all other herbs. This problem is much worse today due to toxicity of the entire planet. |
1. In and out |
Inwardly-moving |
Outwardly-moving |
2. Spin |
Right spin |
Left spin |
3. Up and down |
Downwardly-moving (toward the earth and from head to feet) |
Upwardly-moving (away from the earth and from feet to head) |
4. Autonomic system |
Parasympathetic branch has a yang effect |
Sympathetic branch has a yin effect |
5. Back and forth wobble |
Good, solid wobble |
No wobble or out of control wobble |
6. Impact |
Good, solid impact |
No impact or erratic impact |
7. Up and down wobble |
Good, solid wobble |
No wobble or out of control wobble |
Minerals |
Zinc dominant |
Copper dominant |
Hormones |
Testosterone |
Estrogen & progesterone |
Voice |
Lower pitch |
Higher pitch |
Body Hair |
More |
Less |
Eyes |
Smaller |
Larger |
Hips |
Narrower (compact) |
Wider or expanded |
Blood |
More red blood cells |
Fewer red blood cells |
Body shape |
More linear |
More curved or rounded |
Shape of genital organs |
More linear |
More rounded |
Reproductive glands (testis and ovaries) |
Together (compact) and lower on the body |
More apart (expanded) and higher on the body |
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