by The Writers Group

© December 2016, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




This part of the Pushing Series not necessary

A Bit Of History





How This Exercise Differs From Brainwashing

Habit Change And The Pushing Exercise

Developing The Witness

Sexual Healing

Useful Analogies To Understand The Exercise

From Externally Controlled To Internally Motivated

The Ultimate Lifestyle Modification



Connecting The Inner And the Outer Selves

Polishing The Mirror

Clearer Perception

Love Aspects

Emotional Control

Power And Authority With Others

Greater Ability to Love And Help Others


Less Energy Vampirism



How The Exercise Reduces Stress

A Positive Stressor

Mental Development

Descending Into Hell And Returning Here, At Will
















Third part not necessary.  This part of the Pushing Down series is not necessary.  All that is really necessary is the procedure, and to do the exercise correctly and persistently.  However, the pushing down exercise touches upon many aspects of life.  This third part of the series briefly discusses many of these areas of life.




In the West.  The pushing exercise has been part of the Orthodox Hebrew religion for several thousand of years.  It is done while davening, an old Hebrew worship practice.

Christian monks and nuns have also taught this exercise to their members for over 1000 years.  To my knowledge, however, they do not teach it in churches to the public.

In the East.  Tibetan and other Buddhist priests teach this exercise to all the monks and nuns in their monasteries and convents.  They have done so for at least 10,000 years.  They do not teach it to the general population, as this article does.

Other Eastern religious groups also teach the exercise to their priests, but none that I know of teach it publicly.




Did you know that many mental exercise or meditations are not safe?  This is why Christian and Jewish leaders generally advise against all of them. 

Problems with most of them include: one can overdo on them, lose awareness, “space out”, become ungrounded, and even have hallucinations and delusions that one cannot control.  One could also learn false doctrines and beliefs.  Any of this can be very damaging.

One can also waste years of one’s life with a “spiritual practice” that really does not move one along, even though that is how it is advertised or taught.


Why this one is safe.  In my experience, the pushing down exercise is very safe.  I have helped teach it to thousands of people without hearing of disasters or adverse effects.  Also:


It is very grounding and centering.   This tends to be much safer than many other mental exercises.


It does not cause strain to the body or to the mind. Always make yourself as comfortable as possible.  It is helpful, however, to have your back straight and not to use a pillow under your head if you lay down when doing the pushing exercise.


It is not hypnotic.  In fact, it has an opposite effect.  That is, it will help to break hypnotic conditions.  


It is a slow, steady, safe way to open the energy centers of the body and heal the body.  This does not occur with many other mental exercises.


It will not lead you astray.  Many other exercises lead the mind on a journey, or teach it a nonsense idea or word to calm it down.

Some affirmations cause people to believe in things that are not really true, such as “I am happier and healthier every day.”  This statement might be true, but often it is not and is just an attempt to brainwash yourself.  None of this is part of this exercise.


It only teaches or requires one idea – and that is to move energy downward from the head to the feet.  This is based on the polarization of the human body and it increases the control of the mind over the body.  This concept is either right or wrong, and you will have to decide.  If you don’t like it, then don’t do the exercise.




The following chart helps explain the difference between brainwashing and the pushing exercise:


The Pushing Exercise              Brainwashing


Mind training                                     Mind manipulation

Develops the will                          Destroys the will

Empowers                                            Disempowers

Non-violent                                         Always violent

Not sexy                                                 Often a focus on sex

Ennobling                                              Humiliating

Enlightening                                       Deadening

Causes more etheric                 Causes less etheric flow

Raises the Na/K ratio               Lowers the hair Na/K ratio

Reduces trauma                             Causes trauma

Always healing                                Always damaging

‘Creating’ from within              ‘Making’ from without

Less animalistic responses Animalistic responses

Enhances mental control      Damages mental control

Opens energy centers             Closes energy centers and spins 

& with the correct spin           them backwards

Enhances vitality                           Reduces vitality

Brings up issues and                 Suppresses issues

resolves them in the light

Enhances awareness                 Reduces awareness

Liberating                                            Oppressive                                               

Enhances intelligence              Reduces intelligence

Brings in the Holy Spirit        Brings in discarnate entities

& helps remove entities        




The pushing exercise automatically develops healthier mental attitudes.  Emotionally, one slowly becomes more centered and balanced in one’s attitudes and approaches to life.  One becomes more centered in oneself, which is not the same as becoming self-centered.  The difference between these two states is enormous.  Centered in oneself means that one has a place of balance and peace within.  This allows one to be much less self-centered, which means preoccupied with the ego self or selfishness.
            These physical, mental and emotional effects combine to reshape the entire person, top to bottom, into a more loving, more unselfish, more enlightened being.  This is the beauty of this meditation.




By doing the pushing exercise daily, bad habits will tend to drop you.  This occurs because you will no longer be compatible with them.  Many bad habits simply stem from unawareness.  As your awareness grows, you will see the roots of your habits.  As these are revealed to you, often stopping the habit is very easy.

For example, you may not understand why you want to smoke cigarettes or marijuana.  As you do the pushing exercise, the deeper reasons may be revealed.  Armed with this insight, quitting the habit is often much easier.  The exercise often will allow you to understand yourself without becoming morbid or negatively self-conscious. 

As you take more of your cues from the higher self or real self, you will be less often triggered by people or events.  Common sense and a spiritual sense take over.  Change then becomes much easier.  Life becomes simpler and happier without exerting any special effort, except to keep doing the exercise, even if you think you have “arrived” or become “enlightened”.




The exercise causes a retraining of the mind to watch or observe itself without judgment or condemnation.  This is not, in itself, a way to solve problems, but it is a way to increase awareness.
             By increasing awareness, one understands oneself and others better.  This understanding brings solutions for problems without struggle or effort.  The only effort required is to practice the exercise regularly.

This is a unique way to solve problems.  I first read about the idea years ago in the books written by J. Krishnamurti.  I highly recommend reading one of his books.  However, while he recommends “meditating” as the solution to all problems, he does not offer a specific exercise, so the results did not come.  I believe he practiced a similar exercise, but either did not wish to share the details in his books, or perhaps did not realize the need to share them clearly.  As a result, his books are wonderful to read, but will not produce the same results as doing the pushing exercise.

Doing this exercise is like carefully a studying a friend from an objective perspective.  Often it is easier to solve the friend’s problems, because one is less involved.  The same will occur with one’s own problems as they are seen more objectively.   Common sense will take over in many instances and help you solve your problem.

            Learning to observe objectively.  This exercise is a way to “gather the facts” about oneself and one’s situation in a new way.  The trick is not to judge what you see or observe.  Don’t say, “Oh, but this can’t be.  That person seems so nice”. 

Just keep observing and ask only for the truth to be revealed.  With enough insight, solutions to problems become apparent.  There is no need or benefit to adding any new thoughts or ideas of your own.  It is enough to see what is.  The underlying premise is that you know the answers.  They are just obscured by confusion and misperceptions.  This meditation is, in fact, a removal process.  This differs from many exercises that seek to “affirm away” or cover over negative or undesirable thoughts or emotions.


Witnessing is excellent if you cannot change your situation.  Becoming a witness to your life is superb if you are in a situation that you cannot change.  For example, some people are ill and it will take a few years to change this.  Others are in a bad marriage, or have a very stressful job, or are in a location they do not like, but they cannot change these things quickly.

In these cases, learning how to just witness the situation without reacting greatly reduces stress and can save your life.




Doing the pushing exercise is excellent for sexual health in the following ways.  Some of the benefits below repeat ideas from Chapter 4 as they specifically apply to sexual attitudes and behaviors.  The pushing exercise:


1. Provides a little sexual pleasure that is completely safe and does not deplete the body. 

2. Does not require a partner, so it can be done any time, any place, all by yourself.  You can also do it with a partner, with great benefit, if you so choose.

3. Illuminates and clarifies all relationships and situations.

4. Helps to dissipate and dissolve sexual thoughts and bodily sensations in a healthy way, without suppressing them.

5. Release traumas and scars that affect sexual attitudes and behavior.

6. Reduces an overly sexual ‘look’ that some people have that gets them in trouble.  For example, doing the exercise correctly tends to flatten the chest, a little, if it is protruding too much.  The exercise also corrects the tilt of the hips and other aspects of posture.

7. Helps improve one’s integrity and dignity.

8. Removes Entity Attachment and other subtle energetic imbalances that often cause sexual problems.

9. Can promote a healthy celibacy, if this is desired.

10. Helps heal infections and toxicity in the body, brain and soul that cause or impair healthy sexual activity.

11. Promotes a less sexual, but more enjoyable lifestyle based upon development of the etheric envelope or etheric energy field.

12. Increases the influence of the soul over the brain, and increases the influence of the brain and soul over the feelings of the body.  This helps a person develop self-control and a healthy attitudes about sexuality.

13. Helps one discern what is real love versus what is just sexual attraction or repulsion.

14. Helps men to become “poles”.  This is quite important.  It means to become mentally and emotionally stronger, more self-sufficient, and more centered and grounded.  For more on this topic, please read the article entitled Poles And Climbers on this site.

15. Helps to stop vampirish sexual activity and attitudes. 16. Helps one to discover what one really wants and really needs in the sexual area.

17. Helps discover the causes of sexual fears, and to let them go.

18. May help to correct a person’s sexual identity.




The pushing exercise is similar to:

o     Taming the wild beast of the mind.  At times, the exercise can feel like ‘breaking’ a wild horse or trying to tame another wild beast.

o     Coming home.  It is like deciding to stay home, so to speak, and spend time with your real self instead of just running out all the time with various distractions and activities.  This exercise is a way of being with oneself in a relaxed way, of viewing problems without running from them or having to react in any way.

o     Turning down the volume of a blaring radio, so you can hear the more subtle music within.

o     Going to the movies every day.  However, the subject of the movie is yourself.  This may seem boring, morbid or self-centered but it is really none of these.  You are a child of God and to explore and see yourself in this way is a wonderful exercise that helps you to appreciate yourself and then to appreciate others at deeper levels as well.

o     Magnetizing a piece of iron. The exercise is like stroking a piece of iron with a magnet to magnetize the iron.  One simply strokes the iron over and over again in the exact same direction and way, and in a short time the iron becomes  magnetized properly.  It may take thousands of repetitions, however, to form a strong magnet.  Once done, however, it is quite permanent, and indeed, it builds upon itself.

o     Inducing a current flow in a transformer. A more exact analogy for this exercise is that of a transformer that induces a current.  The exercise actually induces a kind of electrical current in the body.
      In a transformer, one wire that is connected to a battery or energy source is placed next to another one, although they are not directly connected.  The current and voltage from the first wire, when set up properly, is able to induce or cause a voltage in the second wire.  With the pushing exercise, the energized wire is the energy that one moves through the body.  The body itself is the other wire that becomes energized, as a result.

o     Being the bride of Christ and personally receiving God or the angels.  You are working on your personal relationship with God or Christ each time you practice the exercise.




The pushing exercise helps a person to be controlled less by outer or worldly forces and agendas.  This is replaced by more and more self-control by the inner person.  This opens the way, later, for receiving other personal guidance and instruction.


Beware, however, any time the mind is made receptive to guidance.  Change in this direction, however, takes time and occurs slowly and gently in most cases.  If an opening occurs quickly, all the better.  However, one must be on guard, at all times, against the intrusion of other beings into the mind who are not benign, or who are less benign.  These are sometimes called negative souls or negative guides. 

One must always use common sense in regard to following any possible guidance.  It is imperative that one stay well rested, well-hydrated and well-nourished so the mind never is allowed to become unbalanced or too tired.


This exercise allows one to unfold from within, like a flower in the springtime.  In our physical development, we grow from the inside out, but mentally most people grow from without to within. That is, one’s education, friends, events and traumas shape the mind from the outside in.  The pushing exercise permits a different kind of mental and emotional development from within.  It occurs according to one’s personal plan, not by accident, or by the influence of others, or by random circumstances of ones life.

This is a fascinating concept of the unfolding of the true nature of an individual.  Few methods or exercises promote this type of unfolding.  One might not even recognize parts of the self as you unfold from within.  Not to worry, however, because your positive qualities will be maintained.  The only ones that drop away are those that are not truly yours, but instead have been “added on” by your parents, friends, or others.  These need to be removed.  Some of your friends may not like the “new you”.  These are not your real friends. Your real friends will love that you are coming into your own power and selfhood.




This exercise is the ultimate lifestyle modification because it will slowly shift every area in your lifestyle, often in interesting and unusual ways as you keep meditating.  For example, it is:


o     A Habit That Allows You to End Your Attachment To Mindless Habits.

o     A Discipline That Helps Remove The Need For So Much Discipline.

o     A Use Of Your Lower Will That Helps End The Reign Of Your Lower Will.         







The pushing exercise cultivates a relationship between the inner self and the outer self.  In other words, it is a powerful way of cultivate a sincere, loving relationship with yourself, one that is not a relationship with the ego self.  To cultivate a relationship with the ego self is easy, as the ego is always demanding things and one simply follows the impulses to eat some ice cream, perhaps, or buy some new clothes or put on some makeup to look better, perhaps.

This is a different kind of loving relationship that is not about the ego self or even about the mind.  The mind is actually part of the ego.  The mind might make demands, too, such as it wants to be entertained by going to a movie or perhaps it wants to be stimulated by reading a fascinating article or book, even this one.  This is still of the ego self, though perhaps at a different level.

The relationship that is cultivated through this exercise is actually still at an ego level, but so subtle that it is far more health-producing and healing.  It is actually a relationship with the most subtle aspects of the body and spirit. 

Because it is at this high level, however, it tends to straighten out and improve all of one’s other relationships with people, things, and events.  By working on this relationship, all other relationships improve because one is in better touch with one’s deepest essence or higher self or God.  For example, marriages often begin to work better, or perhaps one may realize that this marriage is not going to change much and another course of action is needed. 




Polishing the mirror is an ancient expression that means that as one improves and heals one’s own perception, others around you will be forced to change or end their relationship with you.  This can and often does occur with the pushing exercise.

For example, if you do the exercise faithfully, your children may start behaving differently, and hopefully better. In fact, all of your relationships, both personal and professional, may change, to some degree, often for the better.

This does not mean that all your relationships will continue, since some are unhealthy and one will become more acutely aware of this fact.  However, whatever happens, one becomes much more authentic, genuine, present, and not as easily fooled or manipulated by others.

While it is not discussed enough in psychology books, a key to relating to others is to not allow them to manipulate conversations and other activities.  This may make others angry, but in the end it is best for them, as well, of course, as it is for oneself.  Allowing others to control and manipulate oneself is just an ego game that is “par for the course” in most human relationships. 

When that comes to an end, some relationships will disintegrate or end, but that is as it should be.  They will be replaced, in most cases, by better ones based upon deeper  spiritual connections and real friendship rather than seeing if one can get one’s way with others, as is the more common style on earth.




As one learns to see oneself more clearly by doing the exercise, one tends to see others with more clarity and discernment. 

Of course, not all your friends and family will like this.  They may have been using your anger against you, manipulating you with praise or blame, flattering you to get what they want or intimidating you with idle threats.  You will see all this more clearly and the relationship will change.

One becomes less influenced by images and illusions outside as you dissolve the images and illusions inside your head.  One becomes less gullible and less vulnerable to other's attempts to deceive and control you. 

If a couple both do the exercise regularly, it adds a neutral third party or mediator to the relationship.  This reduces ego fighting and the battle of the wills that often occurs between mates.  This is an extremely powerful way of doing marriage counseling, by the way, without having to pay counselors. However, both parties must really do the exercise correctly, and that, unfortunately, is rare today.  Usually one will do it thoroughly, while the other is still stuck in what he or she believes is correct and cannot truly let go completely into the exercise for fear that perhaps one will see that the perspective was not correct, after all.  This is the only problem with recommending that a couple meditate together, so beware of this possibility.




By loving oneself through taking the time and trouble to do this exercise, one becomes less dependent on the love of others, yet able to enjoy the love of others more.  In a sense, the exercise allows you to practice true love.  Many people want to be loving, but they don't seem to know how. By connecting to your higher self or real self, one is filled the love of the Creator.  This can then be shared with others in endless numbers of ways.  It can truly allow a person to do as the bible suggests, to “bless and forgive this world” in each moment. 

This kind of love is detached, asks nothing in return, and is therefore more pure and unconditional.  One can see what others really need, not what they think they need or what they say they need.  It is the quality of compassion and not a bargaining session, as too much of “love” is on this planet, such as “if you love me I will love you.  But if you do this or that, then I don’t love you any more”.  This is purely an ego type of love, and not very spiritual at all.

By experiencing the “real thing”, one becomes aware of selfish motives and feelings that one thought were love.  These include attachment, identification, projection, lust, ambition, sentimentality, enabling and pride.  One will be able to let these go as one sees they are not very deep forms of love.  This can help relationships of all kinds in fabulous ways if a person can remember that love is always blind in that it just loves, and does not look for anything in return.




This exercise is about getting to "know thyself" at a much deeper level.  It is an impartial way to study the self and the mind.  As one understands the self more deeply, power and control over the self increases.  As you gain control over yourself, your emotions come naturally more under your control and begin to even out.  They just have less power and effect. 

In a sense, the real Armageddon is fought inside your head.  When you have conquered yourself, meaning your own thoughts and emotions, dealing with the world is much easier.  The world situation, you will see,  is often no more than a reflection of the struggle that goes on inside each of us.  By changing yourself, the spiritual struggle is won and the world tends to shift in amazing ways around you.




After doing the exercise for a few years, you will find yourself more confident.  You may also discover that you will have more control or authority with others.  Some people will not like this, by the way, especially “old friends” and family who may have known you as you were before.

These people are often ones that are used to having you somewhat out of control so they can manipulate you in certain ways.  This may sound negative, but is often true, and is just one truth that you will learn as you continue to meditate.

You will see how people feign the truth, change their voice to manipulate and control others, and use a hundred other sly methods, often without realizing they are doing it, to control others.  As you see and feel these, you will be less influenced by them.

This will place you in a superior position of authority, and they will be unhappy that their little tricks don’t work any more.  You must be ready for this, as it will cause some anger on their part in most cases.  But it is best, of course, as their manipulative actions and words harm others and are not really helpful for the perpetrators, either.




Many times, we wish to help others but it doesn’t seem to work out.  By allowing yourself to be loved unconditionally using this particular exercise, you will have a greater understanding of how to love others.  Without any conscious effort on your part, for example, you will cease to spread around your stress and your negative thoughts and emotions you didn't even know you had.  This alone can have an amazingly calming and uplifting effect on everyone around you.  They may not understand it, but will just realize that somehow Mom, Dad, Joe or Nancy is just nicer to be around these days.

You will have a greater sense of perspective and therefore become more knowing and compassionate.  Compassion is a special kind of love in which you understand more.  You will understand better what people need, when to intervene and when to leave people alone.  Without even realizing it, you will start to manipulate people less and just allow them to be more.  This also has a subtle calming effect on some people, though not all.




The pushing exercise can provide a new focus for one’s life.  One’s life goal becomes to calm down the brain, to develop mentally and spiritually, to learn broadcasting, and to heal at the deepest levels.

This alone can result in new directions, new pursuits, new occupations and new relationships that are more healthful and satisfying.




Positivity and happiness can be of two basic types.  The first is a common, somewhat false, forced, or put-on happiness and joy.  The second is the type that tends to result from doing the pushing exercise for a while.  One develops an honest positivity because one lets go of false negative ideas, delusions, traumas, and useless emotions such as thinking that one is just ugly, stupid, stubborn and worthless. 

One’s understanding and perspective begin to derive more and more from the high self or real self, which is happy, free, relaxed and okay all the time because it is unaffected by the world.  This kind of happiness develops slowly as layer after layer of unreality or unhappy ideas and emotions are removed from your mind.

This is very different from the “happiness” and “positive thinking” that many people experience, especially adults.  Theirs is dependent upon temporarily blocking out the negative ideas and emotions, usually by turning their focus to something else such as their new house, their children, their job or friends or family, sex, food or something else, perhaps. 

While there is nothing wrong with any of these things, if they are used to ignore or block out negativity, this is called a co-dependent relationship and it is not healthy.  But is the common way in most people’s lives.  It is very different, for example, than the joy felt by a newborn baby.  They don’t need a new house or car or friend to feel good.  When they are fed and dry, can just be happy without all these things, and they can often play by themselves for hours, as every mother and father knows, in harmony and peace, it seems, and without needing to run away from anything.

Increased awareness, or just knowing more, as a result of meditation, can be a great source of happiness.  We all want to understand ourselves and others better.  Awareness can bring that understanding and this is a source of joy for most people.  Of course, awareness occasionally brings pain as one sees that the world is not as one thought it was.  But that usually passes if one realizes that knowing the truth is best, even if it hurts, at times. 

As you become happier inside, you will stop looking for happiness outside yourself, and this relieves a great amount of anxiety and stress, bringing even more happiness.  This is another secret of meditation of this type.

Another way this meditation brings happiness is that, as the body heals, the cells begin to send messages of happiness and joy to the brain.  This is a subtle type of happiness that may not be appreciated by some people, but it is the truth that a healthy body is easier to be happy within.  Life flows more easily, one can sleep, digest and eliminate better, and the hormones that make us feel good are available in abundance.  All this contributes to a happy outlook on life.




Many people are not in touch with their own source of subtle energy.  As a result, they essentially steal energy from other people.  This is called energy vampirism.  It is common, and it always hurts relationships, families and the general society. 

If a person will do the pushing exercise, one becomes in better contact with one’s own source of energy and energy vampirism always decreases.  This is a great benefit for all personal relationships.  To read more on this topic, please read Energy Vampirism on this site.




            A principle used in the science of biofeedback is “Anything you can monitor, you can change”.  This exercise is a form of biofeedback in that one monitors one’s thoughts and other mental activities.  As one does this, thinking and feeling habits will change.  Confucius said “If you understand a problem deeply enough, you will have the answer”.  Meditation is a way to study yourself ever more deeply.  This will bring answers to many problems.





Ways this exercise reduce stress include:


1. Making you aware of tension in the body sooner. For example, the body becomes more sensitive so you will feel tensions in the body each moment, and can change your posture, habits or other causes for stress, rather than let the tensions build up.


2. Making you aware of danger sooner. You will becomes more like the wild animals who sense danger quickly, and react quickly, saving their lives in many cases.


3. Reducing negative and illusory thoughts and feelings that waste energy and time.


4. Calming the nervous system, both physically and in other ways.


5. Reduce internal stress.




Emptying the self of the old and bringing in a new source of energy functions as a positive stressor.  This means it stresses one, but in a positive or beneficial way.  It brings in more truth, along with the subtle energy, so one can say it is the stress of truth and awareness.  This places a spiritual stress on one that can result in character development. 

The stress of needing to change.  This meditation exercise will show one the truth about many things.  One is not forced to act on the information, but If one does not act, the truth will be brought up over and over again.  This is an interesting effect of increasing one’s awareness.  Sadly, it causes some people to stop meditating, as they do not want to be reminded of certain truths.




Moving energy downward from head to feet balances and opens all of the physical chakras or energy centers on the physical body.  Slowly, this not only has a physical healing effect, but also it brings more etheric or vital energy into the body.  As this occurs, the body goes through specific set of changes called on this website mental or spiritual development.  The process and effects are explained in a number of articles such as Introduction To Mental Development.




An unusual effect of the pushing exercise is that, at times, you may feel like you are descending into a kind of hell or muck that is inside.  The great thing is you are in control, so you dip into it, let the light shine on it, and when you have had enough for one day, you come back out of it and back into your normal state of consciousness.

By doing this daily, a number of things happen:

1. You become more comfortable with your subconscious mind, its dark thoughts or feelings. You learn to tolerate the muck better and better, able to move in and out of it, through it, and so on comfortably without getting slimed.

2. You see more truth about yourself.

3. You will and must come to actually love and, in a way, admire this “underbelly”, substructure, or whatever you want to call it.  This makes you a more loving person, in fact.  You are learning to love an important part of yourself that most people don’t even realize exists.  However, it is a very important part of yourself and your development and structure as a person.  You also stop projecting that which you do not want to “own” or recognize.  This is wonderful health benefits.

4. Eventually, you come to embrace more and more parts of your mind and your self.  This is powerful and important for many reasons.  Not only will you know much more about who you really are, for example, with all the benefits of this knowledge.  But also, for example, you will no longer feel the common and often strange need to run away from certain people, ideas, feelings or activities.

Most people dodge parts of their life, totally unconsciously, of course, but this is what they do.  They “don’t want to go there”, as the phrase is called.  Instead, they run to the parts of themselves and the activities they know and like more, not realizing that the motive is often to avoid other parts or thoughts or activities that remind them of unhealed parts of their mind.

5. The real self, or the new energy spoken of above that flows in using this exercise, slowly heals all the unhealed parts of your mind.  It slowly eliminates the dark thoughts, unsightly emotions and more.

This tends to happen quite automatically, by the way, as long as you don’t stop it and as long as you continue to meditate this particular way.  Amazingly, you will not need to visit counselors for years, for example, when you find something you don’t like, or something that is just no longer appropriate or no longer what you want or need.  You may visit a counselor, of course, but you will find that many of your ‘hang-ups’, fears, anxieties, hostilities, grudges, prejudices and much more just seem to evaporate one day on their own, without needing to talk about them for hours, or even understand them.  This is quite remarkable.

The insights and change will usually not come while you are meditating.  They tend to come afterwards, while you are just about your daily work or play.  This may be because what occurs during meditation sets up new patterns in the mind, and when you return to everyday life the new pattern interacts and actually conflicts with your ‘old’ behaviors and thoughts, and suddenly you realize that you don’t like your old ways, which were usually unconscious, and you see that you can change quite easily. 

This is a simple, easy and inexpensive way to change any ‘bad’ habit, attitude, or behavior.

 6. Eventually, you will become very proficient dealing with your unconscious or sub-conscious mind.  It is like getting good at karate or ju jyutsu fighting methods.  And it is fun.  It gives you an amazing power over yourself that others will find enviable.  It can also help you through many tight situations.

7. Eventually, you will conquer the mind.  This means you will be more in control of your thoughts and feelings.  Conquering the mind is rare on earth.  It means you are more in charge, not your subconscious programming, old emotional wounds and traumas, and old thinking patterns.






            Sensual pleasure is not the goal of the exercise, but it is a byproduct when it is done correctly.  It causes a slight tingling sensation in the body that is pleasurable.  The more and the harder one moves the energy down from the top of the head toward the feet, the more pleasurable the tingling sensation.  It is often felt at the first energy center, located slightly inside the body and between the anal opening and the scrotum in men or the vagina in women.

            In Christian terms, this aspect may be called becoming the bride of Christ, becoming activated in Christ, feeling the love of God or the universe, being slain in the spirit or filled with the spirit.  You can visualize yourself “impregnated” or “penetrated” by the holy spirit or God or the universe.  You can also see yourself as the recipient of a kind of golden fluid that sparkles with life as it moves downward through the body.  I could speak more graphically, but I will leave that to your imagination.

There is nothing wrong with thinking of the exercise this way.  The exercise should bring a smile to your face, and can be a source of pleasure that is not dependent upon others, available at all times and places.  Most important, it is the physical evidence that you are loved and lovable always, regardless of your age, physical appearance, health, mental status, or anything else.




            Yes.  Many young children enjoy the exercise.  Teach it to them in a simple way, such as imagining that they are standing under a waterfall and the water is beautiful and is falling all around them and through them.  Have them draw the energy down and push it all the way to their feet and beyond.

It is much better if a parent or older sibling does the exercise at the same time with a young child.  This is an empathic method that works the best.  In fact, just the presence of a parent who does the exercise is very helpful for any child.

            The same is true of a couple.  If one partner does the exercise daily it will help the other, even if the other does not do the exercise.  This can be difficult for a relationship, however, if the other does not wish to see the truth.





Prayer, for some people, is not too different from the mental exercise described in this article.  Both can involve asking and emptying the self, for example.  However, many times prayer is a more rote exercise for people involving just the repeating of various words and phrases.  This is not the same.  This pushing exercise does not require or involve any words or phrases or mantras at all.  In fact, it is purely energetic and if you add any words, prayers or mantras to it, you will either negate it altogether or at least weaken its effect.

However, to say a prayer at the beginning, and even for a while at the end to help with closure, is fine.  But realize the exercise is very specific to bring in a new energy by emptying the self of the old.

Prayers also often specific rituals and doctrines.  This pushing exercise requires no doctrine whatsoever.  The only ritual is to empty the self and allow and even force the energy down from the head into the hand and eventually the feet.  That is all.  One’s religion, nationality or belief systems do not matter in the least. 

In fact, this is a danger with this pushing exercise, in that anyone can use it for his or her benefit, even if the person is not the most honest or high integrity person.  This is a danger with this method.  I am not too concerned, however, because the exercise takes a fair amount of work and dedication to receive the benefits.


Is it a religion? This exercise is certainly not a religion, and can be done by anyone, as stated above.  However, I see it as the basis for a new religion, perhaps.  The reason is that it is a way to get in touch with oneself, which is the real meaning and desire of religions.  The danger, of course, is that someone will design a religion around the exercise and fill it with other rituals and doctrines until the basic exercise is forgotten.  This has happened before in history.


Is it relaxation, visualization, self-hypnosis and concentration?  The exercise does involve some visualization and some concentration.  However, these are not the goal or the central focus of the exercise.  That is how it differs from most of these other exercises.  This pushing exercise is certainly not self-hypnosis, a concept that is the very opposite of wanting to remove or eliminate all hypnotic tendencies of the mind.

Repetition of words, phrases or mantras tends to produce a somewhat hypnotic state, and this is one reason this is not employed with this exercise.


What about breathing with the exercise?  This is not required.  Adding special breathing, such as counting to 10, or holding the mouth or tongue a special way, can definitely distract one and slow progress with this exercise.

If one wishes, a very simple breathing method called circle breathing may be used an might enhance progress.  One simply moves energy up the back during the inhale and down the front of the body on the exhale.  That is all there is to it.  However, recall that one is supposed to be moving energy down the body at all times, so this should be done as well.  In fact, energy will circulate this way – up the back and down the front – to some degree.  However, pushing the energy or drawing the energy down the front is by far the most critical and important.





This exercise concerns some basic qualities of life on a metaphysical level:


o     Self-awareness. This is a purely human trait, one not shared much by animals or other life forms.  This pushing exercise directly assists anyone to increase self-awareness.

o     Healing.  While diet, lifestyle, nutritional supplements and detoxification are all critical and never to be overlooked, the mind is also very important for healing.  It is either your friend and ally or, in many people, it just gets in the way.  Worry, fears, desires, racing around all the time and other things use up most people’s energy.  This pushing exercise can do a lot to bring the mind under your control and learn to use it to assist healing on many levels.

o     Spiritual development.  The development of the chakras or energy centers of the body is everyone’s birthright as a human being.  Very few, however, make much progress with it.  This pushing exercise allows it and assists it easily.  This can extend life and allow achievements that most people cannot even imagine.  We have all read about the possible unfoldment of super-human abilities in ordinary human beings.  This pushing exercise may allow this to occur for you as well.


Most people live the ego lifestyle, going from goal to goal, often trampling others to achieve their goals.  The pushing exercise allows you to grow from the inside. You will find, if you do the exercise regularly, that your outer life, work, relationships, family matters and more will change for the better, often in unusual ways.  As you meditate, you let go of the blocks that are in the way of your happiness and success.


For more about how to succeed with this exercise, please read Qualities Of A Broadcaster on this site.

To listen to the exercise online free of charge, click here.




            I learned about Mr. Masters by reading one of his books in 1979, How Your Mind Can Keep You Well.  I started doing his meditation-observation exercise and immediately noticed results.  Soon after that, I had an experience that caused me to change the exercise so that the focus was pushing energy downward, and not just being aware of my hand one finger at a time, as he recommends.  I must give him much credit for some of the ideas in this article that I took from his books and radio programs.

            Good features of his exercise are that he says do not roll your eyes upwards, and the awareness of the hand tends to be grounding, and can move energy downward, to some degree.  Also, the focus on the right hand means that energy moves from left to right, and this is correct.

            Problems with his exercise are two: it is not forceful enough, and it does not move energy downward enough.  That is why I no longer recommend it.


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