by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




This is a very incomplete article that introduces some of the ways that tissue mineral patterns are associated with emotions, personality and behavior.




            Mineral patterns.  One of the most interesting aspects of tissue mineral testing is the ability to identify mineral levels, ratios and patterns that correspond to health conditions in the body.

            Names.  Other names for these associations are trends, correlations, tendencies or research associations.  In this article and on this website, these words are used interchangeably.




Body chemistry is often closely related to one’s mental attitudes and behavior. This is not taught much, but it is true and it is a large and interesting subject.  This article is an introduction to this subject.




A most interesting way to see the relationship between body chemistry and personality is with a properly performed and properly interpreted hair mineral analysis.

Many hair tissue mineral patterns can be caused by, or relate to mental and emotional imbalances.  Few are solely physical or biochemical patterns.  This has to do with the holistic or integrated nature of human beings.

It is not possible, at a glance, to tell how much of a particular hair mineral pattern is due to mental or emotional factors, as compared to how much is related to a person’s biochemistry or other factors.  The patterns discussed in this article, however, tend to have a significant component related to psychology, personality and/or lifestyle.

NOTE: For most of the patterns below, a separate article exists on this website describing the pattern in much more detail.  We hope soon to have them all linked.




1. The brain is a biochemical organ. This means it has significant nutritional needs that must be met for its optimal functioning.  This is well known to brain researchers, but not to the public or the medical or psychological professions nearly as well.

It means that nutrient imbalances, toxic metals, fluctuations in blood sugar and other biochemical parameters can have profound effects upon various parts of the brain. 

The role of toxic metals as neurotoxins is also well-understood by toxicologists, but not by medical and psychological professionals, in general.  If it were, many of the trends we will discuss would be common knowledge.


2. Glandular balance also has profound effects on behavior, emotional expression and thinking in some cases.  This is also known, but not appreciated nearly enough.  For example, subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with feelings of fatigue and even depression, but most doctors do not check for this imbalance in the body.  Even when they do check, their methods of hormone replacement therapy often do not correct the underlying nutritional imbalances or toxic metal poisoning of the thyroid gland.


3. Lifestyle factors such as fatigue also have important influences on behavior.  This is one reason why even the news on television mentions that getting too little sleep affects judgment, school performance and can have other emotional and behavioral consequences.

A properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral analysis allows the practitioner to do an ‘energy analysis’.  This can help the practitioner evaluate a person’s cellular energy production and efficiency.  This is often far more accurate than judging by how seemingly energetic a person may be.




1. A new method of rapid assessment and screening. Counselors and drugs will always be helpful in selected cases.  However, many if not most, aberrant feelings and behaviors can be understood, at least to some degree, in biochemical and nutritional terms as revealed by hair mineral patterns and imbalances.

For example, ADHD is often related to copper or cadmium toxicity that is never revealed on standard serum or other tests.

Slow oxidation, fast oxidation, imbalanced mineral ratios and other biochemical abnormalities are difficult, if not impossible, to assess other ways that I know of.  A properly performed hair mineral test can identify them with mathematical precision, often at a glance, and at very low cost.


2. A new method of therapy for mental and emotional illness. Correcting sometimes fairly simple nutritional imbalances indicated on a hair mineral analysis often lessens or even eliminate emotional and behavioral symptoms and conditions.  This is a cost-effective, non-toxic and much-needed newer approach to the care of mental and emotional illness.


3. A simple way to assist people with attitude and lifestyle changes. Certain mineral patterns such as spiritual defensiveness, sympathetic dominance, four lows, four highs and perhaps others, when identified and understood correctly, can help people to have insights into how they need to proceed to regain their physical and mental health, and lead a more constructive life.


4. A fabulous research tool.  Insights from nutritional balancing science regarding biochemistry, minerals, emotions and behavior can help many other scientists who wish to understand more about the human brain and human behavior.


5. A new way to help people live life to the fullest.  This involves the development of the subtle human bodies, the crowning achievement of a human being on earth.  This is a more advanced topic discussed in articles on this website such as Introduction To Development and Aids To Development.


6. A new way to improve the human race in the future. Hair analysis reveals that many health problems are due to deficiencies and toxic metals in the mothers-to-be, in particular.  These imbalances are passed directly to their children through the placenta during gestation.  These are called congenital imbalances to differentiate them from genetic problems.

Nutritional balancing science can often easily identify these imbalances in the mothers-to-be, either before they become pregnant or when they become pregnant.  It can also guide the restoration of improved health so that imbalances are not passed on and the children are born healthier and happier.




              For each of these patterns, an article exists on this website that describes it in more detail.  Here I will only give the highlights of each pattern.  More advanced and complex patterns and much more information about the topic are found in the text, Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis, 2010, 2014 and 2016 and the newer version of this book, Development Science and Development Programs, 2019.




1. Calcium patterns. Calcium is defensive, hard, protective and stable.  It tends to give these qualities to a person when present in sufficient amounts.  When in excess, these qualities are exaggerated, and when deficient or biounavailable, they may be lacking to a degree.  Two common hair analysis patterns associated with calcium imbalances are a calcium shell (calcium above 170-200 mg%) and the aggressiveness pattern (calcium less than about 14 mg%). 


THE CALCIUM SHELL PATTERN. A calcium shell looks like a high wall of calcium protecting the entire mineral chart.  It is associated with some degree of psychological withdrawal, defensiveness, some rigidity, and a psychological defense mechanism against overwhelming stress, inability to handle stress correctly or just a very sensitive person who needs protection.

It is seen mainly in slow oxidizers.  The pattern is most common in young people as it is not a healthy pattern if it persists.  It is probably more common in women, overall.

It is a way of hiding out or withdrawing from the world, yet still functioning within it.  It gives the person stability and protection like living in a concrete bunker or behind a wall or shell.  However, it results in lowered awareness and suppression or repression of emotions and emotional expression, and sometimes lack of feeling or numbness.  This can cause reduced sexual desire as well.

Relation to copper.  Often copper is elevated whenever calcium is elevated on a hair analysis, even if the copper level is normal.  It is called a hidden copper pattern.  This goes with the overall personality tendency of the calcium shell, which is a sensitive, usually artistic person with a high copper level.

Most everyone with a calcium shell is depressed to some degree, although most are unaware of the fact.  They are also quite tired and out of balance.

Biounavailable calcium.  Those with a calcium shell always have a degree of biounavailable calcium.  This is associated with a combination of symptoms of calcium excess and calcium deficiency.  This might include some joint pain and some anxiety, for instance.


THE AGGRESSIVENESS PATTERN OR LOW CALCIUM. In these cases,  there is no protective wall of calcium for the hair mineral chart.  This results in a tendency for hyper-irritability, nervousness, anxiety, aggressiveness, muscle tension and other symptoms of low calcium and magnesium in most cases.

The classic example is a young children with ADHD who cannot calm down, is hypersensitive and often hyperkinetic, and easily stressed or upset because he lacks the buffering element, calcium.


2. Magnesium patterns.  Magnesium is similar to calcium in many ways. The levels of calcium magnesium generally move up and down together when one is healthy.  Magnesium, however, is a bright, shiny, lightweight, electrically conductive metal, unlike calcium.  So it is not as rigid and hard as calcium and instead is the main enzyme activating mineral in the human body required for thousands of critical enzymes.

High magnesium=fatigue, lethargy and depression. This is for similar reasons as with calcium, as both minerals affect the nervous system somewhat in the same way.

Biounavailability.  Magnesium, as with calcium, becomes biounavailable when it is too high in the hair.  This can give rise to a combination of symptoms of deficiency due to biounavailable magnesium, along with tissue excess of this mineral.

While calcium is more structural material (like cement), magnesium is more about protein material in the body, which is more flexible and softer.  Magnesium is in the bones, too, but not as much as calcium.  We do not talk about a magnesium shell although high magnesium often accompanies a calcium shell.  Dr. Eck identified a pattern associated with low magnesium that he called belligerence pattern when magnesium is less than about 3 mg%.


BELLIGERENCE PATTERN.  This is similar to the aggressiveness pattern above.  However, belligerence is more of a feisty nature and not as fierce or rigid as aggressiveness. 


3. Sodium patterns. Dr. Eck called sodium the volatility element.  It is most associated with levels of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, one of whose important roles in the body is to retain sodium through the kidneys.  Two basic sodium patterns are a high level or adrenal stress and a low level or basic burnout.


ADRENAL STRESS PATTERN.  Those with a level of sodium above about 50 mg% or so are often very active, angry or aggressive.  These emotions are associated with a faster oxidation rate and more adrenal glandular activity.  The higher the sodium level, the more pronounced the pattern, in general.  However, as with all the minerals, at times other factors can temporarily displace the sodium reading upwards.


BASIC BURNOUT PATTERN.  This very common pattern of a sodium level less than 5 or 6 mg% is associated with adrenal insufficiency or “adrenal burnout syndrome”.  Read more about this by clicking the link above.  It tends to cause fatigue, depression, apathy, and when extreme, despair and perhaps suicidal thoughts.  One’s energy level is very low and hormones secreted by the arenals such as cortisol are low, and this causes a type of depression since these hormones provide a feeling of well-being for a person.  Many other physical and emotional symptoms are possible because the adrenal glands regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, mineral levels, kidney activity and much more.  However, these are the main symptoms and conditions associated with a low sodium level.


            4. Potassium.  The hair potassium level usually moves with the hair sodium level and has a somewhat similar meaning.  Dr. Eck called potassium the follow through mineral.  It has to do with adrenal activity as well, more specifically with glucocorticoid activity, which are the hormones cortisol and cortisone, among others.  The primary potassium pattern is a level of 4 mg% or less called sympathetic dominance.


SYMPATHETIC DOMINANCE PATTERN.  This important pattern is present whenever the hair tissue potassium level is between 1 and 4 mg% on an initial hair test or a retest.  It indicates a tendency to push oneself or to try very hard with the will to do something, either physically, mentally, or emotionally.

            It also is an extreme fatigue indicator, both physical and often emotional or mental as well.  In most cases, it is found in slow oxidizers.  The body has slowed down into slow oxidation, but the mind is still pushing hard, as though one is a fast oxidizer.  It is an important fast-to-slow oxidation transition pattern or resistance to change pattern, as the person is often resisting going into full-blown slow oxidation.

It is called sympathetic dominance because it is a mental/emotional tendency, at least in part, to overuse the sympathetic or fight-or-flight nervous system.  This is not the same as a sympathetic state of body chemistry, which is a fight-or-flight state or fast oxidation state.  Instead, this is more of a lifestyle or personality tendency to worry or run around too much.

This tendency is most severe when the potassium is lowest.  That is, a potassium level of 1 mg% is far more severe than a potassium level of 4 mg%.   A secondary indicator for this pattern is a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 5:1.  However, this indicator is not necessary for the pattern to be present. 

While it is considered a lifestyle pattern, the presence of copper, mercury, cadmium or other toxic metals can definitely sustain and contribute to maintaining the pattern.  For more insight into this imbalance, read Sympathetic Dominance and Spiritual Defensiveness Versus Sympathetic Dominance.


5. Phosphorus.  Phosphorus is associated with digestive fire, protein synthesis and overall vitality.  When it is higher on a hair analysis, it generally indicates better digestion, or perhaps better eating habits or a better diet.  When it is low, it suggests weaker digestion, poorer eating habits or some other issue affecting digestion and overall vitality. 


LOW PHOSPHORUS PATTERN (phosphorus less than 12 mg%).  This can indicate weaker overall health and vitality.




1. Zinc. Zinc is closely related to copper and is one of the so-called sedative minerals.  It is also calming, relaxing, balancing, a male mineral and associated with higher thought and higher emotions.  Adequate zinc also confers a flexible or gentle strength and perhaps more wisdom. 

Dr. Eck said zinc helps activate the neocortex or new brain that sits atop the old brain and moderates all raw emotions and feelings.  While everyone today is in need of extra zinc, an important pattern on a hair test is a hair zinc level below about 13 mg%.


LOW ZINC OR EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY.   Low zinc is associated with emotional ups and downs, mood swings, cadmium toxicity, copper toxicity and excessive emotionalism.  In babies and children, it is associated with delayed development syndromes, and delayed growth and possibly other developmental problems.  For more information, read Zinc on this website.


2. Copper.  Dr. Eck called copper the emotional mineral.  An important pattern on hair tests is overt or hidden copper toxicity.


HIGH OR HIDDEN HIGH COPPER.  When the hair copper is above about 2.5 mg% or if indicators of hidden copper are present, a person usually suffers from too much emotions, emotional instability, mood swings, panic attacks, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and many other common emotional and anxiety disorders. 

Other copper toxicity symptoms include spaciness or detachment, mind racing, negative thoughts, intuitive abilities that are often out of one’s control such as seeing visions, hallucinations and others.

Animal emotions and sex.  Copper is needed for female sexual activity and associated with estrogen levels.  It is often more important for women for which reason it is called a female mineral.  Dr. Eck said that copper tends to stimulate the animal brain or diencephalons, also called the emotional brain.

Premenstrual syndrome.  Symptoms of PMS are almost identical to copper toxicity symptoms.  Copper rises before the menstrual period and may cause these symptoms such as anger, depression, agitation, acne, headaches and others.  For much more information, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome.


            3. Iron.  Iron is an older ‘male’ element, while zinc is a more modern and gentle type of male energy.  A very important and newer pattern is overt or hidden iron toxicity.


HIGH OR HIDDEN HIGH IRON.  This pattern is present when iron is above about 1.8-2 mg%, or if indicators for hidden iron are present as they often are.  These include an aluminum level above about 0.1-0.2 mg% or a manganese level above 0.04 mg%.

Iron is known to affect the heart and arteries, where it causes the conditions called hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis.  Emotionally, iron is associated with rage and anger, and there is an iron personality type that is strong, rigid, often corrupt, often devious, cynical and not too intelligent but very persuasive, sexual and convincing.  Many politicians are of this type, for example, and many parents, as well.

The amygdala and iron.  The amygdala is a very special area of the emotional or animal brain where some say we have the seat of the emotions.  Iron settles in this area and causes havoc with emotions. 

A study of teenage boys at a reform school showed that every one of them had high iron on a hair analysis.

Weak to women.  Iron is also weak toward women.  Copper is opposed to iron in the mineral system.  Copper can overcome an iron personality easily with sexual favors and other seductive techniques.  Thus the “iron types” of men are easily influenced by women, whereas zinc overcomes copper.

Zinc overcomes copper.  This means that the “zinc men” who are more like Jesus Christ and other wise ones, are not swayed by seduction and sexual attraction nearly as much.  This is important today when boys are exposed to all sorts of seductive material on television and the dress code of the young women, which is more like a prostitute of the old days. 

Coppery boys are less interested in girls.  The seduction, by the way, is somewhat needed because the boys of today are so feminine in many ways they are not as attracted to the girls and the girls compensate with sexier dress styles.  However, the answer is the zinc man, not the copper type of man or the old iron type that falls for the girls head over heels.

For more information, read on this website Chronic Iron Overload and Iron, Manganese and Aluminum.


            5. Manganese.  Dr. Eck called manganese the maternal element because in a few animal studies animals deprived of sufficient manganese did not properly care for their young.  However, manganese has many other functions in human beings and is not associated with maternal behavior problems that I am aware of.  An important pattern is biounavailable manganese toxicity.


HIGH OR HIDDEN HIGH MANGANESE.  Manganese, in a toxic oxide form (MnO6 or another compound) is very toxic to the nervous system.  Mild overload is extremely common, especially on the Eastern coast of the United States and possibly the Midwest states such as Michigan. 

Symptoms include irritability, fatigue, a certain skepticism and seriousness, schizoid and schizophrenic tendencies, and other bizarre symptoms.  In very high amounts it is associated with violence.  Some symptoms bear resemblance to mad cow disease or bovine spongiform encephalitis.




            Today everyone has some of all the following toxic metals, as well as others whose specific behavioral and emotional aspects are much less well-researched.

In some people, however, one or another predominates. Toxic metals are often not revealed on hair mineral and other types of toxic metal tests.  They are sometimes revealed when superficial patterns are resolved and deeper layers of toxic metals are released through the hair and skin.


HIGH OR HIDDEN LEAD.  Lead is associated with violence, behavioral problems, irritability, anxiety, sluggishness and dullness of the mind.  It can replace calcium in some areas of the body such as the bones, and replaces zinc in some key enzyme systems in the nervous system and elsewhere.  Unfortunately, fast oxidizer babies and children are extremely prone to lead absorption because it replaces calcium, which they must have for their growth and development.  Paints, tiles, auto fumes from the past and other sources combine to make lead toxicity one of the worst in the world, even today, 35 or more years after lead was removed from auto and aircraft fuel.


HIGH OR HIDDEN ALUMINUM.  This toxic metal is associated with memory problems, brain fog, at times, perhaps cognitive decline and dementias.  It is found in table salt, drinking water and thousands of prepared foods made with these.  It is also found in anti-acids, anti-perspirants and various kinds of aluminum foils and wrappers.  Its effects are milder than lead, mercury, cadmium and copper.


HIGH OR HIDDEN MERCURY.  The affliction of the mad hatters of the Alice in Wonderland story is true.  Mercury has many effects upon the brain, in particular, causing symptoms such as irritability, shyness, deviousness, timidity, kooky or whacky thinking and behavior, and ultimately violence and other problems.  In children, high mercury is associated with every imaginable learning and behavior disorder from simple ADD to autism. 

A criminal fact is that most vaccines still contain mercury used as a preservative, including flu shots.  The fact that mercury is still used in dental fillings in many nations including America is also shameful.  It is also widely used in industry and is a byproduct of burning coal and petroleum without scrubbers.  While these are used in America, they are not used in other parts of the world and this is contaminating all the planet with tons of mercury each year. 

Mercury has been removed from most consumer products, where it used to cause even more problems.  All fish and other sea food are contaminated with mercury today, a reason to eat them very sparingly and only small fish such as sardines, herring and little salmon and other smaller fish.  Shellfish is contaminated even more with other metals and should be avoided altogether.  For more information, read Mercury on this website.


HIGH OR HIDDEN CADMIUM.  Dr. Eck called cadmium the pseudo-male or macho element.  It gives a kind of false and rigid or macho type of strength.  It may be called a “lower male” element, as it tends to harden and toughen the personality  a little bit.  It replaces zinc and selenium in some enzymes, and also hardens the arteries and other body structures.

Symptoms.  Women. Women with cadmium are “tough cookies”, as they say.  The basic effect of cadmium is to harden a person.  In excess, this leads to many behavioral problems including hatred, violence, cruelty and more.

A positive aspects of cadmium is that gives women a chance in society.  It literally hardens the women, just as it hardens their arteries and kidneys.  This is positive for women although they suffer the physical consequences such as cancer and heart disease.

The hardening due to cadmium is superficial.  Underneath the personality is brittle, somewhat like iron only worse, and unhealthy.  This is very important to recall when working with those who are loaded with cadmium.

Men with the pattern do well in positions such as the military and police.  The cadmium hardens them so they can take chances and do their jobs properly.  If cadmium becomes excessive, they can turn violent, cruel, heartless and criminal in their outlook and behavior.

The weakness factor of cadmium causes post-traumatic disorders and occasionally disasters for the military.  A study of Navy recruits found the most behavior issues with those who had elevated cadmium in their hair tissue.

Children. Most children are born today with some cadmium toxicity that is passed on from their mothers.  The children are sickly, often suffer from ADD or ADHD or autism, and may be fussy, hard to manage, aggressive and not relaxed and happy.  When the cadmium is removed by a nutritional balancing program, the children can suddenly become much sweeter and nicer. For more information, read Cadmium on this website.


            HIGH OR HIDDEN NICKEL. Nickel is another common and highly toxic metal for the nervous system.  It infiltrates through the lungs if breathed, which is common in industry.  It is associated with depression, as are all the metals, and possibly with violence and other problems.  There is less research on the specific effects of nickel as it is not as widespread a problem in modern society.

            Nickel is found in costume and less costly jewelry as plating.  Wearing it as rings or bracelets, or through piercing, one can absorb a lot of nickel in some cases.  Some is found in all hydrogenated oils such as margarines, a product I suggest totally avoiding.




FAST OXIDATION. This is an earlier stage of stress, if it is what we call healthy or true fast oxidation.  This requires that the sodium/potassium ratio be about 2.5 or above.  Usually, the calcium and magnesium levels must be at or below their ideal levels and so one must not be in four lows or four highs pattern.

Healthy fast oxidizers, (those with a normal Na/K ratio) are rare.  Some adults have this pattern, but it is a temporary stress pattern because fast oxidation is not normal among adults.  On a nutritional balancing program, the adults usually change to a slow oxidation pattern within a year or so.

The only people who are true healthy fast oxidizers are some children.  They tend to be positive, forward-looking, very healthy and more physically-oriented and extroverted or outgoing. 

Adults with the pattern tend to be more egotistical, selfish, very social such as sales people, and often quite sexual as well due to higher hormone levels.  More men are fast oxidizers than women.

Unhealthy Patterns.  As the oxidation rate becomes too fast or the sodium/potassium ratio goes below 2.5, symptoms include severe anxiety, anger, aggressiveness and belligerence.  A person may also become nervous, irritable, with muscle tightness and cramps.  When extreme, the person may feel somewhat paranoid.

Fast oxidizers are in an alarm stage of stress.  This is an active fight-or-flight reaction with all the emotions that go with fight or flight.  For example, if the oxidation rate is excessively rapid, one is often hypersensitive, hyperalert and anxious about the future, those around one and everything else.  There is a deficiency of the buffering and sedative minerals on the hair analysis, calcium, magnesium and zinc. 

Everyone is born in fast oxidation.  Babies are generally happy, outgoing, expressive and announce their needs without hesitation.  About age 3 to 10, most of us change to slow oxidizers, and this is happening at earlier and earlier ages today. 

Some children are simply ill and they “run out of steam” by age 3 or 4.  Others have a difficult home life and the stress causes them to “burn out” to some degree at an early age.  Others are becoming much more spiritual and tend to turn inward, a slow oxidizer quality.  Others change due to infections, other illnesses, effects of vaccines, nutrient deficiencies and for other reasons.

Children. If the rate becomes too fast, the children may have many behavioral problems associated with fight or flight tendencies such as ADD and even more so ADHD and at times, autism.  In autism, however, the tendency for anxiety and irritability is turned inward, apparently, until mercury and other toxic metals are cleared so that the brain functions better.

This pattern is also common in many learning disorders and behavior problems of young children, especially those under age 3 or 4.  Later, most become slow oxidizers with copper toxicity and other toxic metal problems.

Extreme fast oxidizers have trouble slowing down and at times are avoiding problems by running away from them.  They can, in fact, be what may be called stress-seekers.

Adults and energy vampirism.  Fast oxidizers in adults often take energy from others.  This is sometimes called psychic vampirism and is quite common among fast oxidizers.  Those who live with or work with fast oxidizers often do not understand what motivates the fast oxidizer to behave so emotionally, not realizing that in so doing the fast oxidizer takes energy from those around him or her.

Self-Involvement.  Fast oxidizers are also a little more involved with themselves, as a rule, than others.  Many are emotionally less mature.  For more information about how to calculate the oxidation type and more, read The Oxidation Types.


SLOW OXIDATION. Slow oxidation is also very much of an emotional and mental pattern, at times.  It can also be of a healthful nature or unhealthful.

Healthy slow oxidizers tend to be quieter people, more introverted and may be less energetic than fast oxidizers.  They become fatigued more easily. They are often more pleasant to be around and can function quite well in society and at home.  They tend to be more spiritually aware than most fast oxidizers, though not always, since they may just be tired and burned out.

They are in a resistance or exhaustion stage of stress, according to the stress theory of disease.  This indicates they are in a more advanced stage of stress in which the fight-or-flight response is not as powerful.  They resist stress but do not fight it as hard and are more fatigued than healthy fast oxidizers.  Most adults are in this stage of stress or the exhaustion stage below.

Unhealthy slow oxidizers are those in whom either the oxidation rate is very slow, other ratios are imbalanced or one has a lot of toxic metals or other nutrient deficiencies.  Symptoms include a lot of fatigue, and often addictions to keep up their energy such as sugar, caffeine or perhaps just fear, worry or working too much.  They are often negative thinkers, apathetic, somewhat depressed, and can become despairing and suicidal as their oxidation rate slows further.

Emotionally, these individuals tend to be more inhibited, suppressed or repressed than fast oxidizers.

Teens and Adults.  Most older children, teens and adults are slow oxidizers. Teenagers are often exhausted from a lack of enough sleep and rest and poor diets, along with pressures to succeed and other types of pressure.  The level of suicide, drug use, sexual experimentation and other problems of teens is directly related in part to their imbalanced body chemistry. 

Good parenting is critical, but just better parenting will not correct the biochemical imbalances seen in these children.

Anxiety for Different Reasons.  Slow oxidizers are often anxious, nervous and even paranoid for entirely different reasons than fast oxidizers.  As stated above, fast oxidizers lack the sedative and buffering elements.  Slow oxidizers are often anxious because they lack the energy to function well or feel inadequate. 

Fast oxidation is like driving your car on the freeway at 150 miles per hour.  Slow oxidation is also anxiety-producing because it is like driving your car on the freeway at 5 miles per hour when everyone else is going the speed limit.

Additionally, slow oxidizers often have biounavailable calcium and magnesium that contributes to irritability, insomnia and anxiety.  They also all have too much copper, and this can also cause these and other emotional and mental symptoms.

Yin Versus Yang.  Emotionally and spiritually, slow oxidizers are more likely to be yin or more feminine in their attitudes and behavior while fast oxidizers are more yang in their attitudes and behavior.  For more information about this fascinating and related topic, read Yin And Yang Healing.

Controlling covertly and more analytical .  While fast oxidizers often control others by threats and intimidation, slow oxidizers may tend to control situations or others covertly or secretly because their energy is lower.  They also may escape into their intellect and over-analyzing things.  They can become ‘spacy’ or detached if copper builds up too much.

Lack of Grounding.  Slow oxidizers tend to be much less well grounded than fast oxidizers.  It is an important aspect of healing slow oxidation in many cases.  The Roy Masters meditation exercise is very good to help with grounding and centering.

           Stuck, at times.  In some cases, both fast and especially very slow oxidizers become stuck in their oxidation rate and build an entire personality around it.  This can slow change and healing for these individuals as the oxidation rate needs to become more balanced for deep healing to occur.

Relation To Copper.  Slow oxidizers often develop copper toxicity.  This causes another set of symptoms that overlays or adds to the symptoms of slow oxidation.  These are discussed earlier in this article. 

Sex.  Slow oxidizers are often less interested in sex due to lower energy levels, lower hormone levels and sometimes due to depression and sexual difficulties related to slow oxidation such as impotence, vaginal dryness and others.

Calcium Shell.  Extreme slow oxidation is associated with a calcium shell.  This pattern is discussed above.

Cloudy thinking.  Most slow oxidizers cannot think clearly and often experience a degree of brain fog, impaired memory and slow processing speed.  This is made worse by liberal attitudes that do not teach rigorous, critical thinking.

            Political and Societal Ramifications. Slow oxidizers are less able or inclined to take care of themselves.  They often feel like victims and express this view politically as a leaning toward socialism and the government as substitute parent.  This is the direction Europe has taken and it is spreading to America as more people burn out and go into slow oxidation.  It is the opposite of the vision of the founders of America, who were in relatively healthy states of mind.  Other articles on this website discuss this aspect of political leanings as related to body chemistry.

Spirituality.  Slow oxidation, while it does not feel good in the least, often causes those with the pattern to dig deeper and take an interest in spiritual matters.  Some turn to God, spirituality and religion to help them with their physical and emotional difficulties.  This is an important reason why adrenal burnout and slow oxidation are very positive, in fact,  for many people.

Addiction In Slow Oxidizers.  Very low energy and copper imbalance, among other imbalances, often leads to addiction in slow oxidizers, although addiction occurs in both metabolic types.  Fast oxidizers are more prone to alcohol addiction. 

Slow oxidizers are more tempted by certain drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines and designer drugs such as Ecstacy.  They are also more likely to be addicted to loud music, drugs, sex and more in an effort to obtain a certain level of physical stimulation. For much more information about addiction and its relation to biochemistry, read Addiction on this website.


MIXED OXIDATION. This is a temporary state of body chemistry between fast and slow oxidation.  Symptoms are usually thus a mixture of fast and slow oxidizer symptoms, but quite temporary.

Fast and slow mixed oxidation. Depending on the macromineral ratios, a person in mixed oxidation is classified as closer to fast or closer to slow oxidation.  Often, but not always, the symptoms will match this.


FOUR LOWS.  This is an unusual pattern that Dr. Eck discovered.  It may be related to what Dr. George Watson called sub-oxidation.  A good analogy for the pattern is an auto stuck in a ditch with its wheels spinning, getting nowhere and wearing out the car motor.  A second analogy is that the person has collapsed and gone into a negative and often end-of-life pattern.  The latter is more correct at some levels, although the former is also accurate in many ways in terms of symptoms such as feeling stuck, being somewhat cynical and negative, driving oneself hard and relentlessly, at times, and often feelings of anxiety, irritability, insomnia, allergies and fatigue.

This is also a fast-to-slow oxidation transition pattern.  The person is usually a fast oxidizer type in some ways who may fail to move into a standard slow oxidation pattern.  In other cases, the person has been in slow oxidation and then collapses into this pattern.  Its meaning may vary depending upon how the person entered the pattern.  While often temporary, this can be an end-of-life pattern.  When this occurs, it is harder to turn around.

With four lows, there may be a kind of disconnect or communication problem in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.  This means that feedback from the adrenals and signals from the brain may not translate into accurate regulation of the glands, resulting in the pattern.

Lifestyle and psychology can play a role in the causation and continuation of the pattern. The person may be a former fast oxidizer personality type who refuses to slow down, even though the body is exhausted.  In other cases, the person is older and perhaps very discouraged because he or she does not feel well.  Most people with this pattern have been to many doctors and tried many programs.  Dr. Eck brilliantly figured out an unusual way to help these people.  For more information, view the article Four Lows.


FOUR HIGHS/THREE HIGHS.  This is not strictly an oxidation type pattern.  However, it is a severe stress pattern that can have an important emotional, mental or lifestyle component.  Three highs appears to be like four highs, although three highs was not recognized as part of this pattern by Dr. Eck, and it needs more research.

A secondary alarm reaction or second wind.  The person with this pattern is basically a very slow oxidizer.  This is indicated by the elevated calcium and/or magnesium.  However, for some reason, either emotional, physical, or a combination, an alarm reaction is superimposed on the slow oxidation. This is indicated by the elevated sodium and potassium levels on the hair test.  Because the alarm reaction is secondary to slow oxidation, it is called a secondary alarm reaction.

This pattern may be due to physical imbalances such as toxic metals, in which case the pattern will resolve quickly.  If the alarm reaction is due to underlying emotional stress or old trauma, as it often is, then correction will be slower.

A combination of symptoms.  People in a four highs state will often experience symptoms of slow oxidation mixed with some anxiety, irritability or even mania due to the secondary alarm reaction.

Bipolar.  This pattern is associated with mood swings, ups and downs emotionally and perhaps bipolar or manic-depressive tendencies in a few cases.  The person may go between fast and slow oxidation causing the changes in mood.

Delicate souls. Some with a four highs pattern are what may be called “delicate souls”.  They manage to keep their oxidation rate “balanced” in various ways, either mentally or perhaps by eating certain foods or using the right amount of caffeine or sugar.  They do this because they do not want to “crash land” back in slow oxidation for some reason. 

Most of the delicate souls are middle-aged women who may be quite spiritually oriented.  To avoid a steep fall into slow oxidation, they may need to stay with the program long enough to remove many toxic metals or other problems.  This way they can move gently into slow oxidation without a crash landing.

Walking on stilts.  Four highs pattern can feel very unsteady, somewhat like walking with stilts.  Indeed, four highs pattern can be “stilted”, meaning guarded and not totally forthcoming.  This, again, can be an emotional defense pattern to compensate for an unbalanced body chemistry.  They will protect themselves so they don’t get too fast or too slow, as either state can be very anxiety-producing on the one hand or depressing on the other.  The four high electrolytes appears visually like stilts as well.

Ungrounded. Such individuals are often not well grounded and may be quite fearful of “grounding” into slow oxidation due to fear or for some other reason.

A failed transition pattern.  Four highs, in most cases, is also a failed fast-to-slow oxidation transition pattern or resistance to change pattern.  It is often easy to come out of using nutritional balancing science.  Some remain in the pattern for years, however.  For more information, read Four Highs. 


Combinations: Passive-Aggressive pattern is said to be present when four highs pattern combines with a calcium level above about 170-200 mg% or a calcium shell.  It is often more pronounced when the sodium/potassium ratio is less than about 2:1.

Passive-aggressive is an interesting combination of a very stable pattern – a calcium shell – with a very unstable pattern of four highs or even three highs.  This can cause “breakthroughs” at times in which a person who normally is not emotional may have outbursts, especially if the oxidation rate speeds up for some reason.  The low sodium/potassium ratio adds some repressed anger, resentment, frustration or hostility and makes the pattern more intense.  Nutritional balancing science is often helpful for this pattern, although sometimes it is quite chronic.


            Workaholic pattern.  This is a combination of four highs/three highs with a high sodium/potassium ratio and perhaps a hidden or overt sympathetic dominance pattern.  It indicates underlying exhaustion, but in this case the person keeps working to balance the oxidation rate and basically escape the feeling of exhaustion that might come with sinking into slow oxidation.

Work, which may mean working a lot at home with them family or some other activity, is keeping the person in a four highs pattern.  The high sodium/potassium ratio has to do with efforting, a prominent aspect of the pattern.  These individuals are hard to change, but it is helpful to see the pattern and perhaps discuss it with the client.




HIGH SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO.  A sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 5:1 is associated with acute stress, anger and inflammation.  This can mean physical inflammation such as a headache or joint pain.  It can also mean a more inflammatory personality type or situation one is in.  Those with a mildly high sodium/potassium ratio are also often more forward looking and positive in their outlook or one who is responding to acute stress with a pro-active approach.  As with all the pattern, the more extreme the pattern, the more likely and more extreme the psychological tendencies often are.


LOW SODIUM/POTASSIUM RATIO.  A sodium/potassium ratio less than 2:1 is associated with feelings of frustration, resentment, hostility and perhaps other “negative” emotions.  This is also a reversal pattern.  This means the person is slowing down, moving into slower oxidation, and becoming more stressed and often more negative and giving up, to some degree.

When the ratio is less than 1:1 and a person claims to feel well, often there is a buried emotional trauma that is quite severe that one is unaware of.  This is even more likely if the ratio remains this low or near it on repeated hair tests in spite of faithfully following a nutritional balancing program.  As the sodium/potassium ratio rises toward about 1, the person may become more aware of negative feelings or of a trauma, and this can be upsetting.

Dr. Eck also felt this pattern was like beating one’s head against the wall when the door was nearby.  In other words, there is a lowering of awareness and a stuck feeling about this pattern.  This makes good sense to me.

A low Na/K ratio is also an indicator for adrenal weakness or exhaustion, blood sugar imbalance and tissue breakdown.  So the emotional component of this ratio is just one aspect of a complex of symptoms and tendencies.


HIGH CALCIUM/MAGNESIUM RATIO. The calcium/magnesium ratio is called the blood sugar ratio or the lifestyle ratio.  It might also be called the emphasis or supportive ratio to the sodium/potassium ratio.  This will be explained below.

A normal ratio, assuming the hair is not washed at the laboratory, is between about 3.5 and 9.5.  A ratio above about 9.5 or10 is associated with overeating on carbohydrate foods, according to Dr. Eck. 

Emotionally, it is associated with some defensiveness and perhaps pretense, according to Dr Eck.  Metaphorically, calcium is a “hardening” mineral while magnesium is softer, and keeps calcium in solution.  High calcium, in relation to magnesium, may cause a hardening of the person that manifests as defensiveness and rigidity.  It can also harden the body as well, over time.

            Combinations. A high calcium/magnesium ratio combined with a high Na/K ratio is part of a pattern called a double high ratio pattern.  Basically, it reinforces or emphasizes the symptoms associated with a high sodium/potassium ratio.

            A high calcium/magnesium ratio combined with a low sodium/potassium ratio is another newer pattern called a bowl pattern.  It is discussed below and emphasizes the rigid, frightened and ‘emotionally stuck’ aspect of a low sodium/potassium ratio.


SPIRITUAL DEFENSIVENESS.  A calcium/magnesium ratio greater than about 13.5 on an initial hair analysis only, appears to indicate that a person is defending either an attitude or a lifestyle factor that is no longer serving the person.  The attitude might be negativity, anger, or something else.  The lifestyle factor could be an occupation, a recreational activity that perhaps takes up a lot of time, a relationship, or perhaps something else.

This pattern, as with many of them, is much less reliable on retests because it is often just a retracing on a retest and of less importance.  However, if this or most patterns persist on a second or third hair analysis when a person is following a nutritional balancing program it might indicate a more important tendency or situation.

This pattern is less reliable on retest also because the elimination of so-called metastatic or excess calcium on a retest can and often does skew the calcium/magnesium ratio and can mimic this pattern.

This is a newer trend that is not discussed in older articles by myself or Dr. Eck, and was not part of Dr. Eck’s work.  For more information, read Spiritual Defensiveness and  Spiritual Defensiveness or Sympathetic Dominance.


LOW CALCIUM/MAGNESIUM RATIO. If this ratio is less than about 3.5 to 4:1, Dr. Eck felt it indicated a blood sugar imbalance.  I have not confirmed this too well but it is possible.

            A calcium/magnesium ratio less than about 2 is often a more serious physical imbalance involving magnesium loss, and may not be related to emotional or psychological aspects.

Combinations. A low calcium/magnesium ratio in conjunction with a high sodium/potassium ratio is a healthful newer pattern called the hill pattern.  It is discussed below and indicates the reverse of defensiveness and being stuck.  Instead, it indicates an openness to change, or overcoming some kind of block to moving on in one’s life.  It may emphasize these aspects of a high sodium/potassium ratio.

            A low calcium/magnesium ratio combined with a low sodium/potassium ratio is part of another pattern called a double low ratio pattern or double inversion.  In this case, the low calcium/magnesium ratio appears to reinforce the symptoms associated with a low sodium/potassium ratio.




THE BOWL PATTERN.  This pattern is a combination of a high calcium/magnesium ratio with a low sodium/potassium ratio.  Visually, the first four macrominerals look like the shape of a bowl when viewed on a calibrated hair analysis chart from ARL or TEI laboratories.  It is most important on a first hair analysis and less reliable on retests.

Frustrated and defensive.  The bowl pattern is one of feeling emotionally stuck with few options or alternatives.  It might also indicate a person is temporarily closed to his options. 

One can understand this pattern by considering the combination of two ratios discussed above. A low sodium/potassium ratio is associated with frustration, resentment and hostility.  An elevated calcium/magnesium ratio is associated with defensiveness.  Combining these two, if a person defends his or her frustration or resentment, he is less able to move ahead in life. 

Although it is an emotional pattern or tendency, it responds well to nutritional balancing programs.  This would lead one to believe that biochemical factors are at least partially causative of the pattern.

When the ratios are more unbalanced, one can develop a deep bowl, which is more severe.  Also, the bowl can be combined with fast or slow, or possibly mixed oxidation.  Each of these situations may alter the meaning of the pattern slightly.


THE HILL PATTERN. This is the opposite of the bowl pattern above.  It consists of a low calcium/magnesium ratio combined with an elevated sodium/potassium ratio.  It is another newer pattern that is still being researched and was not part of Dr. Eck’s work.  It appears to be more important on retests during a nutritional balancing program.  It appears to indicate “turning a corner”, overcoming an obstacle, celebration and openness to change and to the future.  It might also indicate many options for a person and some awareness of this fact. 

            Visually, the first four macrominerals may look like a hill or mountain. 

In terms of its meaning, an elevated sodium/potassium ratio may indicate a forward-looking, more open and positive attitude.  This combines with a low calcium/magnesium ratio, associated with openness or a lack of defensiveness.  The combination gives us this interesting.  For more information about this pattern see the article entitled The Biological Basis of Positive Thinking.


STEP DOWN PATTERN.  This pattern is a combination of slow oxidation, an elevated calcium/magnesium ratio (above about 9.5) and an elevated sodium/potassium ratio (above 5 or 6).  In other words, it involves a double high ratio pattern and slow oxidation.

The first four macrominerals look like four steps going downward from left to right.  It appears to indicate a certain determination and positive moving forward with some defensiveness.  It is associated with fatigue, but combined with determination to succeed.  It looks like one has one’s “back to the wall” and one is moving forward slowly.  If all four macrominerals are high or perhaps low, the pattern may not apply.


STEP UP PATTERN.  This is somewhat the opposite of the step down pattern.  It is a combination of fast oxidation with a double inversion or double low ratio pattern.  This means that the calcium/magnesium ratio must be less than about 3 or 4, and the sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5. 

On a calibrated hair analysis chart, the pattern looks like four steps going upward from left to right.  It is a very unhealthy pattern associated with digging in one’s heels in a resentful, frustrated, hostile or angry way.  It may be viewed as double beating one’s head against a wall and the wall is in front of the person.  It is associated with heart disease and other serious illnesses, and it must be turned around for life to continue.  If all four of the macrominerals are high or low, the pattern may not apply.






Hair must not be washed at the laboratory for accurate electrolyte readings.  Only two major laboratories in the United States offer this service that we are aware of - Analytical Research Laboratories and Trace Elements, Inc.

At this time,(2019), unfortunately we cannot recommend using Trace Elements, Inc. for hair testing.  The main reason is their testing is not as accurate.  Also, they do not list the ideal hair values on the graph and their graphs are more difficult to read.

The preparation of the hair samples is an important topic discussed in a separate article, Introduction To Hair Mineral Analysis.




To interpret the patterns above, it is most helpful to display the hair mineral readings on a calibrated graph with vertical bar graphs, with the minerals in the correct order.

Otherwise, identifying the patterns requires mathematical calculations that are difficult for most people to do without pen and calculator. 

We highly recommend the graph style used by Analytical Research Labs.  It easily reveals most of the patterns in this article.




1. Trends, not diagnoses.  The patterns discussed in this article are not intended as psychological disease or diagnoses. There are at least three reasons for this:

a) The patterns can be caused entirely, or almost so, by nutritional imbalances rather than emotional ones.  Therefore, it is always incorrect to assume that a pattern is caused by a mental or emotional imbalance alone.

b) Patterns on hair mineral analyses are trends, meaning that the longer the pattern has been in place, the more likely are symptoms to develop.  Thus, when one sees a pattern, it is important to recall that it may have been present for years, but it might also be relatively new and not nearly as important or deep-seated.  Unfortunately, in most cases we cannot know exactly how long a trend has been in place. 

c) Early hair mineral analyses, especially in adults, may reflect many superimposed layers of adaptations and compensations.  This can skew certain patterns and obscure them or make them look worse than they really are.  For this reason, also exercise caution when drawing any conclusions about a pattern on a hair mineral test.  The pattern is much more likely if it is extreme, or if it persists on several tests.


2. For the reason above, always use caution when discussing these patterns with clients and realize that the importance of the patterns varies with each case.  This means in some instances they are critical, while in others they are less important.

Placing too much emphasis upon them, or even discussing them with some clients, may cause them to become upset unnecessarily, so use your better judgment.  The goal of this aspect of interpretation is not to diagnose people, but to give people more information and tools with which to help correct their health and move on to a happier and healthier life.  Pointing out the personality or mental trends or tendencies that a hair chart reveals should always be done in this spirit and none other.

Also, be sure to remind clients that any trends that are present can change, often rapidly when one follows a properly designed nutritional balancing program.  This is very different from what is taught in medical schools, for example, that people are essentially stuck with their illnesses.

Also, point out to clients that in our experience, the severity of a physical or emotional disorder or conditions is only one factor in its healing, and never dictates how rapidly or how completely it will respond to nutritional balancing.  We are often surprised that very severe conditions respond well, while occasionally a mild condition is actually more deep-seated and takes much longer to resolve or does not respond as well.




Here is a summary of some of the major personality-related patterns, beginning with the simpler ones:


A. Individual macromineral patterns


·           High calcium or calcium shell– psychological withdrawal, sensitive person, emotionally suppressed or repressed, often spiritually-oriented to some degree, at least.

·           Low calcium or aggressiveness pattern– irritable, nervous, distracted, lack of buffers, aggressive, angry, paranoid if extreme.

·           Low magnesium or belligerence pattern -  anxious, nervous and somewhat similar to a low calcium.

·           High sodium or adrenal stress pattern – volatile, high stress, excited, moving ahead.

·           Low sodium or basic burnout – fatigue, exhaustion, and often depression.

·           Low potassium or sympathetic dominant – pushing or worrying too much, and exhausted.


B. Trace mineral patterns:


·           High or hidden high iron or the angry mineral – rage, anger, deviousness, possibly violent.

·           High or hidden high copper or the emotional mineral - too emotional, many possible symptoms, especially in women.

·           Low zinc -  the stabilizer and balancer – when low, symptoms tend to be the same as high copper above, such as mood swings, ADD, ADHD, violence, and emotional instability.

·           High or hidden high manganese or the schizoid mineral – none if mild, mood swings, irritable,  skeptical, non-emotional, schizophrenic, violent or aggressive if quite high.  Very high levels of some forms of manganese are associated with psychopathic behavior, killers, and committing “silly” crimes.  More about manganese madness is found in the book, Toxic Metal Syndrome by H.R. Casdorph and M. Walker (1995)

·           Low phosphorus,  a vitality indicator – may indicate reduced overall vitality, though not in every case.

·           Chromium and selenium toxicity.  These are both oxides or amigos, in any cases.  High levels may be associated with compulsive behavior.


C. Toxic metal patterns:


·           High or hidden high lead or the dullness and horror mineral -  violence, retardation, ADD, ADHD, and many others.

·           High or hidden high mercury or the mad hatters mineral – crazy, whacky, kooky, emotional, scared, timid, other mental problems.

·           High or hidden high cadmium or the pseudo-male mineral – macho, brittle, ‘hardened’, superficial toughness, weak underneath, sometimes violent.

·           High or hidden high arsenic or the slow death mineral – dullness, insidious, bit by bit serious problems.

·           High or hidden high aluminum or the soft in the head mineralspacy, forgetful, memory problems, dementias.

·           High or hidden high nickel or a cancer mineral – extremely toxic, depression and more.


D. Oxidation related patterns:


·           Fast oxidation or on the run – more yang, anxious, irritable, nervous, aggressive, angry, paranoid, speedy, and if mild, forward-looking or living more in the future.

·           Slow oxidation or slower and/or more burned out – more yin, sluggish, tired, depressed, apathetic, emotionally suppressed or repressed, despairing, suicidal, phobic, fearful, and if extreme, psychologically withdrawn or hiding out.

·           Mixed oxidation – a temporary mix of fast and slow oxidation.  Symptoms vary depending on the mineral levels and ratios.

·           Four lows or collapsed  – perhaps was the sub-oxidation pattern described by Dr. Watson, stuck in a ditch spinning one’s wheels, sometimes an end-of-life pattern, exhausted, cynical, hard-driving, negative in most cases to some degree.

·           Four highs/three highs or floating - guarded, holding back, manic-depressive and sometimes a ‘delicate soul’.

·           Combinations: Passive-aggressive pattern.

·           Combinations: Workaholic pattern.


E. Ratio-related patterns:


·           Low Na/K or slowing down, reversing and negative emotions – frustration, resentment, hostility, lowered awareness to some degree, and often hidden traumas if less than 1:1.  When very low, it is sometimes called the I’d rather die than change pattern.

·           High Na/K or speeding up and moving ahead faster – forward-looking if mild, but if extreme it is associated with anger, acute stress, and an ‘inflamed’ personality.

·           High Ca/Mg (between about 9.5 and 13.5) or overeating on carbohydrate foods – this is primarily a diet-related pattern.  However, if the Na/K ratio is high as well, then a high Ca/Mg ratio also reinforces this pattern (anger, acute stress and inflammation) and the situation is called a double high ratio pattern.

·           Very high Ca/Mg (greater than 13.5) or spiritual defensiveness pattern – a need for a change in either an attitude or a lifestyle factor such as a job, relationship or other factor that is no longer working well for the person and that the person is defending.

·           Combinations: double high ratio pattern.

·           Combinations: double low ratio pattern.


F. More complex emotionally-related patterns:


·           Bowl pattern or feeling very stuck with no options – one feels emotionally or mentally stuck and perhaps is closed to new options.  This pattern is often helped by nutrition, however, indicating that biochemical factors are also critical to resolve it.

·           Hill pattern or openness or celebration– a type of release indicator in which one is open to options and change, and often moving forward easily in life, perhaps a celebration pattern.

·           Step down or pulling through slowly, determination or digging in one’s heels for the long run pattern – a very determined and deliberate tendency in a slow oxidizer, moving forward slowly and deliberately, often with a very tired body, and usually somewhat defensive but positive underneath.

·           Step up or impending doom pattern – often the person is caught in ego rebellion with hostility and frustration, feeling very stuck, a very difficult transition from fast to slow oxidation, and often a serious illness and death pattern.

·           Deep bowl and four highs – perhaps related to schizophrenia.  It is a combination of feeling stuck (bowl pattern) and weak yang or yang rising (four highs), which is a floating pattern, and a type of anger and acute stress pattern.




ADD and ADHD – fast oxidation, slow oxidation with copper imbalance, all toxic metals, low Na/K ratio,

Alcoholic -  low zinc, high copper, (alcohol depletes zinc and magnesium and B-complex vitamins), fast oxidizers may crave acetates in alcohol.  Slow oxidizers may crave sugars in alcoholic beverages and use alcohol to maintain blood sugar levels.

Anger – fast or slow oxidation, a low Na/K ratio, often with a calcium shell, copper, iron or manganese toxicity.

Anxious – fast or slow oxidation, especially a calcium imbalance, mercury, copper, cadmium or lead toxicity.

Apathetic – low energy, usually a very slow oxidizer, possibly other toxic metals that go with slow oxidation or perhaps a very low Na/K ratio.

Anorexia – high copper, low zinc (low appetite), low Na/K, hidden copper toxicity indicators or hidden low zinc indicators.

Awareness, reduced -  calcium shell, very slow oxidation, elevated copper, low zinc, low Na/K ratio, four lows.

Brain fog – copper imbalance, usually a slow oxidizer, aluminum and often other toxic metals such as mercury, lead or cadmium.

Bipolar disorder – mixed oxidation, four highs, four lows, very slow oxidation rate.

Compulsive - four lows, fast oxidizers at times, low K at times.

Defensiveness – Ca/Mg ratio greater than 9 or so, spiritual defensiveness pattern, high Na/K ratio, very low Na/K ratio, fast oxidation, calcium shell.

Depression – very slow oxidation and low Na/K ratio, also toxic metals such as nickel, cadmium and others

Developmental delay (PDD and many other labels) – zinc deficiency, or toxic metal excess.

Effeminate tendency – excess copper in men, especially, or low zinc possibly.

Emotional repression – calcium shell, perhaps a low Na/k ratio.

Heart-centered – perhaps slow oxidation, higher copper, and a good zinc level.

Hidden severe emotional trauma – Na/K ratio less than 1:1, very slow oxidation with a calcium shell (often a very sensitive person).

Irritable, nervous – fast oxidation, high copper, toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium and others.

Learning disorders – many imbalances, low energy, all toxic metals, copper in gifted children.

Low libido or low sex drive – slow oxidation, calcium shell (numbed or suppressed), low Na/K and other low energy patterns.

Macho (toughness) – cadmium excess.

Manic – fast oxidation, high copper, mercury or perhaps other toxic metals.

Mood swings – see bipolar disorder.

Not as heart-centered – perhaps fast oxidation, especially with a low Na/K ratio.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder – fast or slow oxidation with high copper, low Na/K, perhaps other toxic metals such as mercury.

Paranoid – fast oxidation, especially if extreme, low Na/K ratio, very slow oxidation, or a calcium shell.

Passive-Aggressive – four highs plus a calcium shell, and perhaps with a low Na/K ratio.

Phobias – fast or slow oxidation, low zinc, high copper, low Na/K ratio.

Psychosis – high copper or most toxic metals.

Schizophrenia – high copper or manganese, possibly mercury or other metal toxicity.

Self-esteem, low – bowl pattern (high Ca/Mg with low Na/K), low energy patterns such as a very slow oxidation rate.

Sexual dysfunctions  - high copper, very low copper in a fast oxidizer, toxic metals, very slow oxidation, for men only: low zinc, high cadmium, high copper associated with impotence and erectile dysfunction.
or detached – high copper or high manganese, mainly in slow oxidizers.

Vitality, low – four lows, low Na/K or phosphorus less than 12 mg%.  

Workaholic pattern – four highs/three highs with a high sodium/potassium ratio.


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