by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© November 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Advantages And Problems With Each Paradigm
Chart Of The Two Paradigms
This article contrasts two approaches or paradigms of health care. A paradigm is an overall or world view. The two paradigms are:
1. The diagnose-and-treat diseases paradigm. This is the prevailing medical and holistic approach to health and disease.
Diagnosing, prescribing, treating and curing is the method used by medical, homeopathic, naturopathic and most holistic healers.
2. The paradigm of development. This is an old method that we have enhanced with some modern methods. It is not at all well known, so we will seek to explain how it works.
The purpose of this article is not to criticize one or the other approach. The goal is understand how very different they are, so that you can make up your mind which method you prefer.
1. A focus on disease entities. According to the diagnose-and-treat model of health care, when one is ill, one has become infected, victimized or attacked by a disease entity. There are several thousand of these.
They are described in medical books. Each one has a name, specific characteristics, signs and symptoms, laboratory values, treatments, prognosis, and complications.
Nutritionists, holistic physicians and naturopaths may diagnose additional conditions that are not in medical textbooks such as adrenal fatigue, mitochondrial dysfunction, chronic fatigue syndrome, brain fog and others.
2. Curing. The task or need is to identify disease entities (diagnosing), remove them (prescribing and treating), and this produces a cure. These words are very important legally to understand the medical paradigm.
For example, in the laws of the United States and other nations, the above italicized words are only allowed to be used by licensed medical personnel. We believe this is unconstitutional, but that is the law at this time.
3. Basically healthy. An important premise is that most people are basically healthy except for their diseases. In other words, in this paradigm, health is basically defined as the absence of diseases.
4. Not much self-healing and the need for remedies. If one is ill, in most cases one cannot heal oneself (or presumably one would have done so already).
The exception to this presumption is what medical personnel call self-limiting diseases. These are health conditions such as the common cold that will go away by themselves.
However, for most health conditions, the assumption is that the body cannot heal the condition by itself and that one needs a remedy in order to heal.
The majority of the remedies are prescription drugs. At times, surgery, radiation therapy, over-the-counter remedies or other therapies are used.
5. Nutrition, herbs and other nutritional supplements. Physicians learn the basics of nutrition. However, a premise of the medical paradigm is that nutrition is not a major healing modality for most diseases.
Also, nutritional supplements and most herbs are not major modalities of healing. Medical personnel learn that these are sometimes important, but usually not as powerful or effective as drugs.
Exceptions are that holistic physicians, nutritionists and some naturopaths place more emphasis on the use of diets and supplements as remedies for diseases.
6. Living at one’s full potential. Another important premise of the diagnose-and-treat model is that most people are living at or near their full potential. There is no need for most people to adopt a new lifestyle or a radically different diet, for example. The main need is to ‘diagnose, treat and cure’ their ailments.
1. Everyone is nutritionally depleted, toxic and out of balance. Most people are born this way due to depletion and toxicity in their mothers. The problem becomes worse with age. This leads to premature aging, disease and often an early death of the body. For details, read Everyone Toxic And Depleted.
2. Very few people live anywhere near their full potential. The reason is that they are so depleted and toxic. The premise is that human beings can have amazing abilities such as unusual intelligence, wonderful skills, and abilities such as mental telepathy and much more.
Books that describe some of these abilities include the Bible, stories of the masters of the Far East, stories of the Catholic saints, and others.
3. Development. In order to live at one’s full potential, one must embark upon a process called development on this website. Others use different names for the same thing.
This idea is not well known, although it is very ancient. It is taught in some monasteries, but this website is among very few that teach it to the public. For details, read Introduction To Development.
4. Diseases are just expressions of a body out of balance. Signs and symptoms are really due to nutritional depletion, toxicity with metals, chemicals or other toxins, imbalanced mineral levels and ratios, and other imbalances in the total body system.
As a result, the development paradigm focuses on correcting the whole system, and not on diseases. There is no desire or attempt to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure diseases. This is important legally.
An exception is that in a few cases, knowing the name of a person’s disease can be helpful. The reason is that the development program can be modified in this instance for better results.
4. The path concept. An important premise is that most everyone is on a life path that leads to sickness and death.
Development requires getting on a different life path. It includes a different lifestyle, a special diet, taking a number of nutritional supplements, and using several healing procedures.
The path also requires avoiding most toxic substances including most herbs, vitamins, homeopathy and many medical and natural therapies.
The task or need is to move oneself onto the path of development and follow the path correctly. When one does this, symptoms and “disease entities” go away on their own and one’s health remains excellent.
5. Genetics. The special path of development includes activation of certain genes that normally are not activated today. This is a critical aspect of the development method and required for optimum health.
6. Tissue mineral testing. The development paradigm requires the use of a tissue mineral test that must be performed and interpreted correctly. This test is not routinely performed within the diagnose-and-treat paradigm of health care and its use is not taught to physicians.
In medical care, to make a diagnosis requires specific procedures or tests. This is very important to know. If one does not do the correct test, technically speaking one has not made a diagnosis, even if the words are spoken.
For example, to diagnose hypoglycemia requires a glucose tolerance test. If one does a hair mineral analysis, one cannot diagnose hypoglycemia, even though one may find indicators on the mineral analysis of the same problem.
This term also has specific meaning in the medical/holistic/naturopathic world.
Definition of disease: A definite morbid process having a characteristic train of symptoms; it may affect the whole body or any of its parts, and its etiology, pathology and prognosis may be known or unknown. (from Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 25th edition).
This means that one may not call just anything a disease. Medical books contain the list of recognized diseases. For example, mercury toxicity is not technically a disease.
To cure means to remove or excise. A related word is curettage, which means to scrape away bad tissue with a spoon-like instrument called a curetThis word also has a specific meaning in medical care. Its definition, in some cases, is simply that one’s symptoms disappear. However, in other cases, one is only “cured” only if certain blood tests return to normal, for example.
Within the development paradigm of way of thinking, diseases, diagnoses, treatments and cures are not of much interest. Evidence of this includes:
1. The program one is given to follow is often exactly the same whether one has a serious illness, or if one has no health complaints whatsoever!
2. All development programs are fairly similar, regardless of a person’s health complaints, age, gender or any other factors.
3. The testing method – hair mineral analysis – is not a standard medical test. If a physician researches it superficially, he will find there is much controversy about its accuracy and reliability.
NOTE: This test is widely used in environmental testing and has been for at least 80 years.
4. Furthermore, the method used to interpret the hair mineral test is non-standard and difficult to learn. One does not simply look for deficiencies and excesses of minerals.
The interpretation is not at all built around reference ranges, as are most medical tests. Instead, one must calculate mineral ratios and one must identify patterns with non-medical names such as a bowl, a shell, or a hill. These words have no meaning within the diagnose-and-treat or medical paradigm. (However, the science of advanced acupuncture uses similar terms).
The test interpretation is also unusual in many other ways. For example, a very low toxic mineral reading is considered a bad sign, and an increase in a toxic metal level on a retest is usually viewed as a positive change.
For those with a medical background, this way of doing things is very unusual! This stops many people from looking into development further, or trying it themselves.
NOTE: This author, who has medical training, felt this way, as well. For several years while he studied it, he felt very confused. He only pursued it because he tried the method on a number of his nutrition clients and they benefitted greatly.
The medical paradigm is excellent for some problems such as breaking a leg and dealing with serious accidents. It also has a low up-front cost because one can eat and live as one pleases. It also less effort or discipline compared to the development paradigm.
Improper diagnosis. This is a common problem in the diagnose-and-treat paradigm. It is a serious one because if the diagnosis is incorrect, the treatment is often also incorrect and the outcome is not good.
This occurs 50% of the time or more with some medical conditions. Certain conditions, such as cancer, can mimic other conditions, or are simply difficult to identify.
Not building health. The diagnose-and-treat paradigm is much more concerned with removing diseases rather than building health.
However, people need to build up their health today. This is perhaps the worst problem with the diagnose-and-treat paradigm of healing.
Symptom suppression, rather than deep healing. The diagnose-and-treat paradigm often simply suppresses or compensates for symptoms, rather than removing their cause.
For example, a standard treatment for elevated blood pressure is to give a remedy that removes some fluid from the blood. This lowers the blood pressure. However, it does not remove the cause of the problem, which is usually the presence of excessive toxic metals in the kidneys.
Lowering the blood pressure in this manner also often causes ‘side effects’ or adverse effects, which can be serious. For example, if the blood pressure goes too low, one can faint, fall down and break a hip. Other side effects are erectile dysfunction, memory problems and more.
The use of toxic remedies and toxic and dangerous procedures. The diagnose-and-treat paradigm requires toxic and at times, dangerous remedies and procedures. These interfere with building up one’s health.
The result is that although one’s symptoms may disappear with the diagnose-and-treat methods, one is often left with a lower level of overall health due to the use of toxic remedies and/or procedures such as x-rays and surgery.
No genetic activation. The diagnose-and-treat paradigm does not activate certain genes that lead to a long life and excellent health. As a result, one who uses this paradigm of healing is essentially robbed of his or her full human potential.
This model of health care:
- is much more preventive, which reduces cost and disability.
- does not suppress symptoms.
- does not involve the use of toxic remedies.
- heals at a much deeper level, removing deeper causes of ill health.
- is more effective for many health conditions especially chronic illnesses.
- does not produce adverse effects, so it is much safer.
- does not have the problem of mis-diagnosing or missing the proper health condition.
- offers the possibility of a much higher levels of health and wellness than the diagnose-and-treat paradigm.
- The development approach requires much more self-discipline and effort, especially at first.
- The development approach is unusual at this time. Therefore, one cannot just read about it on thousands of websites or just call a physician and ask about it.
- By itself, the development approach it is not sufficient for a few health conditions such as when one breaks a bone or has a serious accident. In these instances, one needs to employ some of the methods of the diagnose-and-treat paradigm.
- For certain health conditions such as diabetes and cancer, one must modify the program somewhat.
- One experiences an unusual phenomenon called retracing with development programs. This is the appearance of temporary symptoms that can be annoying and at times, scary. Supervision is most helpful for reassurance and to handle some of these symptoms.
- The start up cost is greater. One must buy quality food and purchase some equipment for the healing procedures.
- For best results, the program needs regular adjusting. This adds some cost and effort. There is a “free” or basic program that does not require repeat mineral tests, but it is not nearly as powerful as the full program.
Topic |
Medical/Holistic Diagnose-and-Treat Paradigm |
The Development Paradigm |
Symptom Removal |
A central focus |
Symptom removal occurs in the body’s own time and order |
Retracing |
Rarely occurs |
Often occurs - related to deep healing |
Commitment And Participation |
Not much required, in most cases |
More required – lifestyle, diet, supplements, etc. |
Toxicity |
Often uses some toxic remedies and procedures |
Very low |
Detoxification Of Toxic Metals And Chemicals |
Usually not important |
A central focus |
Specific Remedies |
Very important |
Not used much – the program is mainly similar for everyone |
Balancing The body |
Not usually important |
A central focus |
Degree Of Integration Of Body And Mind |
A fragmented, ‘specialist’ approach |
Much more integrated |
A Preventive System |
Not the central focus |
Extremely preventive |
A Whole System Approach |
No |
Yes |
Building Health |
A Little |
A central focus |
Diagnosis |
Very important |
Not important, in almost all cases |
A Long-Term Life Path |
No |
Yes |
Self-Discipline |
Relatively little required |
More required |
Control Over The Healing Process |
More physician control and physician-directed |
Less physician control – one ‘follows’ the body |
Importance Of Lifestyle |
Often, not too important. The focus is on remedies and treatments |
A central focus |
Delayed Gratification |
Little |
More |
Develops The Subtle Energy Fields Of The Body |
Little or none |
A central focus |
A ‘Wellness’ Approach |
No |
Yes |
Causes Life Extension |
Possibly some |
Yes |
Develops The Will |
Not Much |
A central focus |
Cost |
Less to begin, but overall this method is extremely costly because it is not preventive. Also, adverse effects, drugs and required surgical interventions are costly |
Some cost to begin and follow the program. However, overall, long-term cost is much less because the method is preventive, requires few drugs or surgical interventions, and there are many fewer adverse effects |
| Hair Analysis
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