by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© April 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The Terror Methods



To some people, this article will seem very unusual and distorted. However, women, in particular, and some men know it is the truth.

We have recently become aware that planet earth is deeply infiltrated and controlled by the alien group called the negs, crud, thugs, or Satans. On this website, we call them the Rogues.

The basis of their control is terror! It is the basic method for controlling others. This is why this article is called the terror planet. Writing this article was not pleasant, but I hope it will help explain some events on earth.


The main terror methods used by the thugs or rogues are:


They kill millions of human beings and animals whom they don't like. They cover it up well to avoid detection and have many subtle ways to kill.


The negs remove key minerals from the earth so that the food is not as nutritious. They also damage the digestion of all women with their rapes so that the women cannot absorb their food well enough to satisfy their nutritional needs.

They also tell women what they can and cannot eat. They also teach false nutritional doctrines such as raw food, vegetarian and others to intentionally cause malnutrition. They also allow junk food to be sold that does not nourish the body.

They are also in charge of medical school curricula. These schools do not teach the truth about nutrition and the doctors and other leaders are shockingly ignorant about it.


The negs poison souls, creatures, human beings, and the planet itself. They use thousands of poisons including toxic metals, toxic chemicals, snake and spider venoms, and more.

All the commercial food on earth at this time is somewhat poisoned. That is their rule!


Beatings are a very important part of the rogue program of control. They beat babies, children and adults. They use beatings as a standard method to cause nutritional depletion, humiliation, to force obedience, and more.


They use rape for about 50 different purposes. We now believe that most women on earth go through a conditioning process that starts early in life so they become basically slaves of the rogues. A series of carefully executed rapes is an important part of the conditioning.

As with murder, the rogues are excellent at hiding rapes so that even many women's husbands are unaware of what is going on. They can beam women to special rape centers so that few are aware. Torture rooms are underground so no one hears the screams.

Goals of rapes include depleting nutrients, wrecking the spine, removing advanced souls, causing disease, weakening all the future children of the women, infecting women's husbands with diseases, damaging marriages and friendships, putting toxic metals into the bodies, throwing women out of control of their lives, and instilling deep fear and anger in all women. For details, read Rape and The Rape Planet.

They also falsely promote homosexuality, bestiality and other aberrant sexual behavior.


They do this with all of their methods including starvation, starting wars, rape and much more. It is operant conditioning that begins soon after birth, and perhaps even before that.


They attempt to wreck the social fabric of society with their rapes, beatings and more. It is an attempt to impose a new social order. In the new order, they are the rulers, and rape and beatings are permitted.

They teach women to hate men and men to hate women. They also teach children to disobey and lie to their parents. This has a terrible effect upon families and households.


One purpose and effect of the beatings and rapes is to force people, especially women, to keep quiet instead of expressing themselves. If they speak out, they are beaten and raped more.

They also take over businesses illegally and use them for their own purposes. They may destroy them altogether or they change them in harmful ways to serve their needs.


Women are all taught to lie and forced to do so. They lie to each other, to their families and to everyone. They practice lying until they are comfortable with it.

The rogues are also responsible for spreading many false doctrines. These include climate change hysteria, gender identity, systemic racism, and Marxist ideology.


Threats are used to control everyone from the souls and creatures to the human beings.

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