by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Problems With Sports

III. What To Do




Sports in this article means any organized athletic activity, particularly those organized by schools or communities.

Sports have benefits. They can teach teamwork, good values, muscle coordination, improve one's strength and be enjoyable activities. However, today there are so many problems with sports and sports teams that we cannot recommend them.

Instead, we recommend family activities and family vacations.


- Injuries. The bodies today are not as strong and resilient thanks to poor diets, vaccines and other reasons. Therefore, sports injuries are more common.

- Infections. Children and adults pick up many infections from sports. This occurred with the author and may be worse today. The equipment is unclean, locker rooms are unclean, bathrooms and showers are often unclean, and travel that occurs with sports is often unclean.

- Too much exercise. Most people today are tired and many are in a state of adrenal burnout. This means they mostly need rest. Vigorous exercise is not good and makes them worse, although it can feel good. The genetic upgrade process we recommend called development also requires rest, not vigorous exercise. For details, read Exercise.

An exception may be a sport such as golf, which does not involve intense exercise. The problem with golf is that the golf courses are sprayed with pesticides, making the sport of golf worse in some ways that other sports.

- Waste of time. Sports may be enjoyable, but they are not an important focus of life.

- Interference with family meals and other family activities. Sports practices can interfere with meals, sleep and rest, and other much more important activities.

- Physical danger from other team members. Sadly, this is a problem on sports teams. Bullying can occur, sexual predation and rape can occur, taunting and hazing can occur. Sports teams often take showers together and use common bathrooms, which makes these problems more likely.

- Danger from coaches. Sadly, many coaches today are homosexuals and there can be problems from these people.

- Dangers from rogue infiltrators. A new danger today is that thugs or rogues infiltrate sports teams and commit beatings, rapes and more. These can be very difficult to identify.

- Danger from spectators and at sports parties and other social events. For example, sports teams often play in public and sadly, you never know who is attending the event.

- Danger from travel. Many sports teams travel together for competitions with people from other towns or other schools. Not only are the buses unclean, but one is then exposed to more people and more locker rooms and showers that are often unclean and may be unsafe in other ways. Overnight travel, which occurs in some instances, and staying in hotels with the team is even worse.

- Sexual dangers. This is more of a problem today than in the past because Judeo-Christian values have declined, homosexuality has increased, so-called gender identity has increased and experimentation is encouraged in schools, and the rogues may be the cause.

- Learning wrong values. In the past, most sports teams taught good moral values such as fairness and “being a good sport”. Today, those values have, to a degree, been supplanted by less ethical values such as it is not necessary to be fully honest if you “mean well”.

- Exercise addiction. Today the bodies are quite burned out and this is the cause of much fatigue, depression, anxiety, constipation and possibly other health problems. Vigorous exercise is a powerful stimulant that can make one feel better temporarily. Because of this, vigorous exercise can easily become addictive.

One may believe one is better, but addictions bring other problems and are not the same as improving one's health using the development program – which requires a lot of rest, not vigorous exercise.


Gentle physical activity is very important and ideally needed every day. We suggest that physical activities with one's family or with close friends are much better than joining sports teams of any kind.

Excellent physical activities are gentle walking, gardening, building things, yard cleanup, swimming in a lake or ocean (not pools, which are unclean) and what might be called backyard sports. These include throwing baseballs, frisbees, badminton, croquet or other physical activities that can be done at home.

Bicycling is good, but requires being on the roads, usually with cars going by, so it is not as safe. Skiing is very unsafe. Skating is okay but any activity in which one can fall easily is not as good.

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