by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© August 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction




The life point is an area on the midline of the body roughly four fingers below the navel. It extends through the body from front to back, so it is also in the area of the lumbar spine in the back.

The life point cannot be seen by most people. Those who can see it say it is a radiance. It does not spin, as do the energy centers and the dantiens.


A gathering place. The life point is very important for one's health and vitality. It is a gathering point for subtle energy and it is related to the third, or lower dantien.

A powerful rewind point. The life point is also an important time point or rewind point. When it is active, if one stimulates it properly, an energy leaves the body that has the effect of rewinding certain events in the world.

A development indicator. In most people, the life point is inactive and somewhat dark. As one develops, the life point brightens and seems to come alive. This is associated with improved health and greater vitality.

A healing focus. Another name for this area is the hara in Japanese. It is well known in some martial arts and in some Oriental healing arts. If one heals this area, generally the entire body heals.

In these healing arts and martial arts, teachers recommend that people keep their attention focused on this area of the body. This tends to help the life point to contain more energy and to function better.

A balance point. Some people believe the life point is the true center of the body. If one focuses there, it helps bring balance to the entire body and mind. Unfortunately, in most people the attention is focused much higher on the body. Focusing it on the life point is a training exercise that is well worth the effort.

Related to the uterus. The life point is located in the area of a woman's uterus. This is important to know because it has to do with the health and vitality of a woman's children.

If you want to locate the life point, look at a woman who is in the third trimester of pregnancy. The bulge in her abdomen (her uterus) is in the area of the life point.


Women today have more trouble healing the life point than do most men. This is due to the rapes and beatings by the alien group, the negs, thugs, satans or rogues. For this reason, women, in particular, benefit by moving their focus and attention downward to the life point area.

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