by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Examples

III. Why Is This Occurring?

IV. What To Do




Filth, in this article, refers to all the materials, behaviors, attitudes, and ideas the alien group called the thugs, Rogues or Satans bring to earth. They apparently do this to weaken, sicken, control, confuse and kill the people and creatures of the earth.

This is the briefest introduction to a large subject.


The intent is to illustrate how the rogues or negs use filth to take over and control a planet.


1 – PHYSICAL FILTH. The rogues have filled out planet with toxic metals and toxic chemicals. These find their way into our food, water, air and elsewhere. They are good at making the planet appear fairly normal, but it is not.

I am told the planet used to be much cleaner and the main reason is not industrialization. It is a deliberate effort to bring poisons to the planet.

The chemical poisons also include hundreds of medical drugs, some of which do not break down quickly. As a result, they now contaminate water supplies around the world.

Physical filth also includes biological poisons such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungal organisms.

It also includes millions of pieces of machinery and other equipment. A little of this is visible, such as cell phone towers and electronics that is not needed or wanted here. Most of it, however, is hidden – either just out of sight or cloaked or disguised as something else.

It also includes witchcraft toxins, which are called spells and curses. These are difficult to see, but they are real and they damage people's health in many ways.

2 – SEXUAL AND EMOTIONAL FILTH. The thugs force women and some men into sexual slavery. They routinely violate all rules of cleanliness, decency and dignity in this area. They also violate rules about adultery, incest, and aberrant sex.

They filth up the bodies horribly and spread disease and humiliation. It weakens the women, weakens their partners and weakens future children.

They also promote negative emotions such as fear, terror, guilt, and others.

3. - BASIC MENTAL. The thugs throw everyone out of control in order to increase their control over the planet.

4. SOCIAL LEVEL. The thugs so far keep a facade of normalcy in the social realm. In fact, however, they impose a phony social order in which they are in charge, and social life is what they want. If you don't go along you are beaten, raped and poisoned more. If that does not work, people are just killed.

5. WORK AND CREATIVITY LEVEL. It looks like people do regular jobs, marry, have families, and do creative work. However, more and more they control all these activities. They have the ability to influence expression and life at this level and are doing so more and more.

6. INTELLECTUAL LEVEL. This is one of the worst types of filth – speaking and promoting lies, teaching lies to children, forcing women to lie to their husbands and family, and lying to everyone if it promotes their agenda. Lies are among the worst filth!

They also now censor the newspapers, radio, television and the internet.

They also are excellent at silencing people through threats and tortures. This kind of silence – out of fear - is pure filth!

7. SPIRITUAL LEVEL. The thugs have infiltrated and altered all the religions of the world and changed them so they are no longer as helpful as they once were. They also do their best to interfere with communication with higher levels of reality – one's relationship with God or Source.


I are not sure. Some say it is a war in the heavens. Others say it is a spiritual crisis that will move the souls of the planet forward by forcing them to live differently.


The healing programs we recommend, called the development program, can help undo some or perhaps most of the damage done by the thugs. One needs to follow the program as much as possible at all levels – physical (nutritional), emotional, simple mental, social, expressive, intellectual and spiritual.

to be continued

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