by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Modern development science is a synthesis of the work of many medical and nutritional researchers, most of whom lived during the 20th century. Below are many of them. They are listed in order of importance, more or less.

R. Buckminster Fuller. Architect, designer, mathematician and visionary thinker, “Bucky” was and is a great inspiration and mentor. One of his great contributions was his deep understanding and appreciation of systems theory. He also wrote about subjects such as integrity, education, love, the correct use of technology, and many other topics.

Bucky was a prolific inventor, designer and writer. His books are not easy to read, but try to read some of his work.

Max Gerson, MD. Dr. Gerson came to America early in the twentieth century from Germany. He was a pioneer of natural healing and used coffee enemas extensively in his work with tuberculosis and cancer. He is a great mentor. Read his book, A Cancer Therapy – Results Of 50 Cases.

Roy Masters. In his early life, Mr. Masters worked as a hypnotherapist.  However, after a number of years he realized that most people are already somewhat hypnotized, and this is the real reason for many of their problems.

He then began teaching people how to break their hypnotic trance, using a simple meditative exercise he says he did spontaneously as a child.  He also became a radio talk show host

I learned a lot by listening to his broadcasts.  He teaches a spiritual psychology.  His specialty areas are man-woman relationships, energy vampirism, and understanding resentment, among others.

I began doing his meditative exercise in 1979, and found it did wonders for my physical health.  In time, I found I was doing it incorrectly, moving energy downward instead of just being aware of my hand, as he recommends.

This Pulling Down Exercise is actually very ancient and universal.  It was kept secret on earth.  It is now a key component of all development programs, and greatly enhances their effectiveness.

C. Louis Kervran, PhD.  Dr. Kervan was a French research scientist. He learned and wrote about biological transmutation of the elements, a concept that dovetails beautifully with development science. He wrote a book that is fairly easy to read entitled Biological Transmutation.

Abram Hoffer, MD.  Dr. Hoffer is considered the founder of orthomolecular psychiatry, and wrote many books and papers on nutrition and mental health.

Hans Selye, MD. Dr. Selye was from Hungary and lived in Canada most of his adult life. He proposed the stress theory of disease and the general adaptation syndrome. Modern development science uses these concepts. He also coined the term homeostasis, and taught about how bodies respond to stress.  He authored over 1200 articles and a number of books.

Maria Montessori. Another wonderful mentor. Read all about her! You will be inspired!!

One of her key concepts of education - that the lessons a child learns are often not the same as those that adults wish to teach - has direct application to the therapeutic method used in modern development science.

Like her method of education, we do not impose the order and timing of healing upon the body. We let the souls decide and we just support the planning souls.

Dr. Paul C. Eck. Dr. Eck synthesized many concepts of the scientists above into an individualized healing program which he called mineral balancing. It involved a diet, nutritional supplements and a healthy lifestyle. His work is very important. For details, read Paul C. Eck.

Michio Kushi. Mr. Kushi brought Macrobiotics, an ancient Japanese healing system, to the Western world.  I studied with him and learned much from him.  The most important idea was the very ancient and powerful concept of yang and yin qualities of foods, supplements, therapies,  procedures, and more.

I added this amazing knowledge to Dr. Eck’s original mineral balancing science.  We do not use the macrobiotic diet, however, which we find to be too high in grains, and too restrictive in some ways.

Adding the yang and yin concept has greatly increased the effectiveness of development programs.  I find that the macrobiotic understanding of yang and yin are more accurate than the traditional Chinese medical understanding of the same subject. For more on this, read Macrobiotics and Yin Disease.

Nikola Tesla. Tesla was the amazing discoverer who gave us alternating current, plentiful electrical power, radio, radar, television, touch-tone phone dialing and more. He lived about 120 years ago. Reading about him will inspire you. (The electric car of the same name is named after him).

Booker T. Washington (great educator) and George Carver (known as the peanut man for his scientific work on peanut culture). These are among the most inspiring people you will ever read about. Both were born into slavery in the United States around 1860. Both overcame great hardships. Read their attitudes and all about one of them in the small book, Up From Slavery, by Booker T. Washington.

Norbert Weiner.  Dr. Weiner was the founder of cybernetics, also called information science.  It is the basis for computer science, which was just beginning when he lived and worked at MIT.  He studied complex, regenerating systems and wrote about how they work and how to build them.

The human body, he wrote, is one of these complex, self-regenerating systems.  His ideas helped me tremendously to understand how development works, and how to apply it correctly.

The Jeshua material from the Shanti Christo Foundation. These were channelings done between 1994 and around 2001 that seemed to come from a high level source. At first, I was very skeptical about them. However, I found they contained excellent insights about the Bible, about love, power, relationships, and other topics.

They helped me overcome a lot of negative thinking and present a new perspective on many subjects.  They form a unified “thought system” that I now know as One Science and the science of love. The compact discs and book, The Way Of Mastery, contains some errors so be careful. However, they also contain many gems.

George Watson, PhD. Dr. Watson was a scientist who worked at the University of California Los Angeles. He coined the terms fast and slow oxidizers based on odor research and the pH of a blood sample. He also researched foods and vitamins that would balance the oxidation types. We use his work in the design of some of the nutritional supplements.

Florence Nightingale. Florence or Flor lived about 160 years ago in England. She is known as the founder of the nursing profession. However, she did much more than this. She redesigned hospitals and wrote extensively about nutrition and natural healing. She had a very positive influence on the medical profession.

Melvin Page, DDS.  Dr. Page taught doctors about the importance of balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.  He wrote about this and other topics in a small book entitled Degeneration, Regeneration.

John Beard, MD. Dr. Beard was an embryologist. He wrote a book, The Trophoblastic Theory Of Cancer in 1902. This is a very important book because it explains cancer in a very simple way and offers a way to heal it using pancreatic enzymes. His work is still not taught to physicians today.

William Kelley, DDS.  Dr. Kelley built on the work of John Beard, MD, Max Gerson, MD, Paul Eck and others and came up with a very effective metabolic cancer therapy. Dr. Kelley wrote a small booklet, One Answer To Cancer.  For more on this subject, read The Cancer Pioneers and The Kelley Metabolic Cancer Therapy.

William Albrecht, PhD.  Dr. Albrecht was a brilliant agricultural scientist who realized that minerals affect each other in very special ways, and the balance of the minerals is a key to health.  He designed the Mineral Wheel that is still used today on the cover of many hair mineral laboratory tests.

Henry A. Schroeder, MD.  Dr. Schroeder was a pioneer and world authority in the field of mineral nutrition.  He understood that minerals that “look” similar at an atomic level can replace each other in some enzymes.  This is a key concept in development science  and part of the concept of preferred minerals.

Dr. Schroeder inspired Dr. Eck, and wrote several books that are very clear and insightful about minerals.  The most important one is The Trace Elements and Man (1973).  Dr. Schroeder wrote five other books and authored over 100 medical journal articles as well.

He held many important positions in government and the private sector and conducted important research on health and disease, as it relates to mineral nutrition.

The Trace Elements and Man will help you understand how minerals work in the body, how they interact with each other, and the dangers of the toxic metals to our health.

The main incorrect information has to do with mercury, which Dr. Schroeder felt was not that much of a problem because it has been with mankind for thousands of years.  If he were alive today, I know he would correct this, as we are now seeing so many problems with mercury from dental amalgams, and from eating fish and seafood.

Thomas Sowell. He is an economist who may still work at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, California, USA. His books are excellent!, as are others by those of what is called the Austrian school of economics, also called free market economics.

Ideas On Liberty. This was the superb magazine of the Foundation Of Economic Education or FEE. It is or was an educational organization based in irving-On-Hudson, New York.

I say possibly “was” because the magazines have been removed from the internet, as far as I know. It is a great loss. Someone does not want you to know about how economics really works. But you might look for old copies of this excellent publication.

Ray Leroy, DSci.  Dr. Leroy was the laboratory director at Analytical Research Labs for many years.  He perfected the measurement of some of the hair minerals, and wrote several papers on hair mineral analysis and the problems with washing the hair at the laboratory.

Alexis Carrel, MD.  Dr. Carrel was a brilliant doctor who lived about 100 years ago.  He is famous for having kept a chicken heart alive and beating for 32 years by simply keeping the nutrient solution it was sitting in clean and nutritious.  Chickens usually live only a few years.  This can help us realize the importance and potential of proper nutrition.

Dr. Carrel made other contributions to natural healing science, and inspired Dr. Paul Eck and myself. He also wrote a book about prayer.

Adele Davis, PhD.  Dr. Davis was one of several prominent 20th century nutrition experts who influenced Dr. Eck as he sought to understand nutrition and its relation to health.

Leslie Klevay, PhD.  Dr. Klevay was a very brilliant copper researcher who wrote many papers about the role of copper in human and animal bodies.

Francis C. Ellis.  Dr. Ellis designed and sold a machine called the Microdynameter from the 1930s until the US Food and Drug Administration destroyed them in the 1960s.  Dr. Eck worked for Dr. Ellis early in his career, and learned a lot from working with this interesting machine.

Bernard Jensen, ND, DC.  Dr. Jensen wrote about nutrition, retracing, and the importance of cleansing the colon, among many other topics.

Love Without End - Jesus Speaks by Glenda Green.  This book influenced our thinking, and has provided certain ideas that are now part of development science.

Roger Williams, PhD.  Dr. Williams was a prominent nutrition researcher who wrote about biochemical individuality, a key concept in development science.

Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD.  Dr. Pfeiffer operated the Brain Bio Center in New Jersey, USA, where he offered orthomolecular nutrition for schizophrenia and other ailments.

 He wrote an excellent book, Mental And Elemental Nutrients that is no longer in print, but used copies can be obtained from various book sellers.

J. Krishnamurti. He was a spiritual teacher who lived about 100 years ago. He was one of the first influences upon me. He wrote using very simple language about many topics such as love, safety, meditation and much more.

Marlo Morgan. She is the author of The Mutant Message From Down Under. It is a wonderful story of her experience with the Australian Aborigines. Some doubt its veracity, but the story remains. It helped wake me up to certain realities and I still enjoy looking at this small, easy-to-read book.

Sir Robert McCarrison. He was a British physician who worked with the people of Hunza, a mountain community in Asia. They were extremely healthy and said it was due to their diet and lifestyle.

He wrote about them in a small book, The Wheel Of Health. This book changed my life because it reoriented me toward nutrition and away from medical thinking and medical drugs as the answer to health problems.

Doris Rapp, MD. Doris worked with children's allergies and was a pioneer in describing how toxic homes, schools, offices and other locations are today. She wrote a number of books about this subject.

I spent a few days with her on a lecture tour to Mexico about 25 years ago. It helped change my thinking about muscle testing and eventually I used this method to become aware of the planning souls and others. Note: Muscle testing, also called kinesiology, has definite limitations. For example, we find we cannot use it to design development programs. Hair tissue mineral testing or HTMA is much better for this purpose.

David Hawkins, MD. He lived in the twentieth century and also used kinesiology. I studied his work and it helped me to learn this method. Once again, note that kinesiology has definite limitations.

The Planning Souls. These are my teachers in the field of health. They are among the most advanced souls in any body. For the past 22 years, I have been honored to be able to contact them. They assist me with the health issues of our clients. For details, read The Planning Souls.

The Guide Creatures. I am most honored to be able to contact these fine matter creatures. They are teachers for me. They have very developed souls that gather around all humans at this time and help guide them safely and wisely. Some are described in Ezekiel 1 in the Old Testament Of The Bible. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures and Ezekiel's Vision.

Nikolaos of Myra (Also known as Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus). Santa really lived and I believe still lives, although the information on the internet and other sources may not be accurate. I am told he was a rabbi, not a Catholic bishop. However, he was made one of the first saints of the Catholic church for his good works of charity.

He is also of interest because he attended the Council Of Nicea in 325 AD. This was the meeting at which the Roman Emperor Constantine announced and fully described the Roman Catholic religion. If you don't believe this, look up the Council Of Nicea.

Alice Bailey, John Leadbetter, Mrs. Blavatsky and other Theosophists. These were very interesting people who lived mainly in England about 100 years ago. They wrote many books about souls, masters, the spiritual hierarchy on earth, esoteric anatomy such as the aura and the subtle bodies, and other interesting topics.

I stumbled across their books when I was about 20 years old. They are at the Lucis Trust Library at the United Nations building in New York City. These books are still available at some metaphysical book stores and online. They opened my eyes to a greater reality, the concept of development, and much more.

Sharula Dux. Sharula is a spiritual teacher. I spent 10 days with her on a healing trip to Hawaii about 30 years ago. I now know it was an important event. I learned a lot from her about the history of the earth and many other topics.

Others. Other authors who influenced me are C.S. Lewis, particularly his small book called The Great Divorce. Definitely read this very simple book!

I also read some of the older classic Oriental writers such as Krishna, Pantajali, Sai Baba, Ramacharaka, Swami Vivekinanda, Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda and the five-book series, The Life And Teachings Of The Masters Of The Far East by Baird Spaulding. These are all most interesting books and authors.

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