by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


This article is dedicated to all the wonderful scientists, researchers and clinicians who have set about to solve the riddle of cancer. Together, they have contributed immensely to our knowledge of how to control and heal this health condition.

All of those featured in this article achieved some success using different natural, low-toxicity approaches to healing the body of cancer. Sadly, they are not given nearly the recognition they deserve by the medical profession. In fact, most have been denigrated and persecuted for their pioneering efforts. That is the reason for this article.

Please read Cancer And Alternative Approaches if you are researching cancer.


All of the researchers and clinicians discussed in this article worked mainly outside and beyond the “mainstream” of cancer research.  All were ostracized and, in one case, run out of the country for challenging the “cancer establishment”.

One possible reason for it is simple competition, greed and professional jealousy.  However, it is also possible that cancer is like the “bogeyman” of old, and anyone who conquers it is frowned upon.

This is just a theory, however, to explain the rather violent harassment that all of the men and women below had to put up with, just for helping others with non-toxic methods that worked well and harmed no one.


Now let us discuss the cancer pioneers of the twentieth century.


Dr. John Beard, MD was a brilliant embryologist who lived about 130 years ago.  He researched the cancer problem from the point of view of embryology.  He noticed that the behavior of the trophoblast closely resembled the behavior of cancer. 

The trophoblast is a very unusual cell type.  The word “trophoblast” means “to nourish the baby”.  It is normally only found during the first three months of pregnancy.  It is able to surround the developing fetus and shunts blood from the mother’s body into the tiny developing fetus.

At about three months of pregnancy, the trophoblast begins to die or atrophy.  The placenta replaces it, which nourishes the fetus from then on through the end of pregnancy.

Based on his observations of the amazing similarities between trophoblast and cancer, in 1902 Dr. Beard wrote a famous article entitled The Trophoblast Theory Of Cancer.  He stated that all cancer is trophoblast that arises at the wrong time and the wrong place.

He also figured out that what destroys the trophoblast at about 3 months of pregnancy is the combined power of the pancreatic enzymes from the mother and from the fetus. 

Since 1902, a number of physicians have tested the theory, analyzed various cancer tissues, which are never pure trophoblast, but rather a combination of tissue types, and the theory has held up very well.  I will not cite references here, but they are available on the internet and elsewhere.

The “cancer establishment”, however, routinely dismisses Dr. Beard’s theory.  Most holistic, naturopathic and chiropractic physicians also don’t know about it or they dismiss it.  Instead, they simply guess at what cancer really is.  This is quite disgusting, in my view.

I have never seen a rational rebuttal of the trophoblast theory of cancer in a mainstream cancer journal, ever.  Dr. Beard was truly a great man, an amazing scientist, and a cancer pioneer whose work will be recognized some day as a key to cancer prevention and correction.


Max Gerson, MD began his pioneering work on cancer and tuberculosis in Germany in the early 1920s. However, soon after, Adolf Hitler took power in Germany and began persecuting Hebrew people. Dr. Gerson and his family managed to escape Germany and traveled to the United States. America welcomed these refugees and still does so.

Dr. Gerson settled in New York City, where he combined a number of unorthodox methods to arrive at a therapy which saved about 50% of advanced cancer patients. This is a very impressive achievement that no conventional cancer center can come close to matching.

His therapy also helped other chronic diseases. Among his innovations were the use of coffee enemas, juices, liver injections and a healthful diet.

Coffee enema therapy. We owe Dr. Gerson a particular debt of gratitude for introducing the use of the coffee enema. It is one of the most excellent healing and development procedures!

Dr. Gerson devoted a chapter to the coffee enema in his landmark book, A Cancer Therapy – Results Of 50 Cases (1958, 2002). This book is easy to read, and its pages are filled with x-ray reports, biopsy reports and other data that is designed to completely refute any foolish claims that the patients did not have cancer, or were not cured.

For an extensive article about coffee enemas, read Coffee Enemas.

NOTE: We believe the Gerson Clinics now recommend light roast or gold-roast coffee for enemas. We find this is entirely wrong and reduces the effectiveness of coffee enemas. Dr. Gerson did not use light-roast coffee!

Carrot and other juice therapy. Dr. Gerson also popularized the use of carrot juice for natural healing, more than anyone else. He said this was another “fortunate discovery” in which one of his patients got some carrot juice and started drinking it every hour or two, and noticed amazing pain relief from cancer.

The man later died, as he was one of the early cases, but Dr. Gerson once again took notice and started others on the therapy. It worked beautifully.

NOTE: The Gerson therapy is about 100 years old. The bodies and the food have changed. As a result, we recommend only between 10 and 12 ounces of carrot juice daily.

For example, the bodies today are much more yin than when Dr. Gerson lived. Yin bodies do not do well on many glasses of juices. This is likely one reason the Gerson cancer therapy does not work as well today as it did 60-70 years ago.

A diet pioneer.  Dr. Gerson was a keen researcher and carefully noted what he observed concerning diet on his patients.  He found, for example, that:

1. His patients would often die if given eggs or red meat. Later, however, when they were healthier, they tolerated these foods well.

2. Vegetables, but only cooked ones, were amazingly helpful. I am told he gave patients lots of cooked vegetables and very little salad or uncooked vegetables. Raw vegetables contain tough fiber that is difficult for anyone to digest, especially those with a chronic illness.

3. Some whole grains were in his diet, but he was suspicious about wheat, especially as the years went by and the food degenerated badly in America.

4. Dr. Gerson used raw liver juice, either by mouth or it was injected.  This would help regenerate the liver to a degree, a key component in the fight to save the lives of advanced cancer patients. Liver is now somewhat toxic, so we do not use it.

5. Dr. Gerson was also a pioneer in the use of iodine, which he gave in the form of Lugol’s solution.  We prefer kelp to liquid iodine, as kelp also contains about 30 or 40 other important nutrients.  For more on this topic read, Thyroid Disease, Kelp and Iodine on this website.

6. Dr. Gerson found that ALL his patients were malnourished, and he struggled to find ways to force more nutrition into their bodies before death overwhelmed them.  However, he found that except for iodine, his patients did not tend to tolerate high doses of vitamins and minerals well.  Some died when he gave them too many nutrients at once.

We find the same thing, for which reason we prefer a diet very high in cooked vegetables and other whole foods, rather than piles of vitamin and mineral pills.

7. Dr. Gerson devoted an entire chapter in his book to organic agriculture and the decline in the food supply.  He was one of the first to do so in the 1950s.  He noted how his therapy stopped working in the 1940s and 1950s using commercially grown food.  This was a mystery to him, so he changed to organic food, which was very hard to obtain in those days, but which gave much better results.

Toward the end of his life, in the 1950s, he became very concerned with the decline in the food quality in America and around the world.  He foresaw a great epidemic of cancer, which indeed has occurred exactly as he predicted.

Gerson Therapy Update. The Gerson cancer therapy is still offered today in Mexico and Hungary. However, the Gerson therapy, as reported to me by several unbiased observers, is not working as well today as it did 60 or 70 years ago.  We believe the reasons are:

1. Too much juice. As with all the cancer pioneers, Max Gerson lived and worked mainly before the development of the atom bomb and the widespread use of toxic pesticides and thousands of other toxic chemicals that now fill our air, water and food supplies. These have made the bodies much sicker and much more “yin” in macrobiotic terminology.

Juices are all very yin because they are raw, sugary and broken apart. This simply does not work well today.  This was recognized by William Kelley, William Koch, MD and other cancer pioneers who reduced the amounts of juices or skipped them altogether for this reason.

2. No natural chemotherapy agents used.  The Gerson cancer therapy is a completely food and enema-based therapy.  It is simply not powerful enough today for the toxic, depleted bodies of today. We add more healing modalities and a few other supplements.

3. Liver and iodine.  We prefer not to use liver and to use kelp instead of iodine.  Liver today is more toxic, unfortunately.  It may still help in some cases, but I have not used it much.

4. Apple juice has become almost a poison today.  Dr. Gerson suggested apple juice, which is not healthful today due to hybridization, genetic modification, pesticide residues even in organic apples, and perhaps for other reasons.


Dr. Kelley, a dentist by training, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 1968.  Given little hope by the medical doctors, he began researching on his own, and stumbled upon the trophoblast theory of cancer.  Figuring he had little to lose, he began taking high doses of pancreatic enzymes.  To his surprise, he recovered his health.

Dr. Kelley was quite a brilliant researcher, and continued to refine his cancer therapy over the next 30 years.  He added coffee enemas and other helpful aspects of the therapy.

Near the end of his life, Dr. Kelley added to his therapy the daily use of a red heat lamp sauna (and only this type of sauna). We currently recommend one and a half to two hours daily of the red heat lamp sauna if one has cancer, and it definitely helps.

Pancreatic enzyme therapy is okay, but it is costly. For more details, read The Kelley Metabolic Cancer Therapy.


Dr. Voisin was a rather amazing French agricultural scientist who worked during the first half of the twentieth century.  His brilliant mind collected information about all of medical science.

However, his focus and specialty was on the soil, the health of plants, and livestock diseases.  He worked at many agricultural schools throughout France and around Europe during his long life.

His contribution to the cancer problem was more theoretical, and helped establish the close links between the balance of the minerals in the soil and the incidence of cancer.  He wrote an excellent and easy-to-read book about this subject, Soil, Grass And Cancer (1959).  He also authored several other more technical books and many scientific papers as well.


Dr. Koch, MD was a brilliant theoretician and clinician who served as the director of the Detroit Women’s Hospital in Detroit, Michigan.

He conducted many experiments on the energy system of the body. He was able to synthesize certain compounds that he found could restore the body’s energy system and, at the same time, cripple the energy system of the cancer cell.

Dr. Koch found that those in charge of the medical profession were not interested in his excellent therapies for many diseases, including cancer. The American Medical Association set out to destroy his reputation and his work. He lost his job at the hospital, and eventually fled the United States for the safety of his life.

Books. One of the best of Dr. Koch's books is The Survival Factor In Neoplastic And Viral Diseases, A study of the phenomena of the free radical, the double bond, and its alpha placed hydrogen atom in the pathogenesis and correction of neoplastic, viral and bacterial diseases (1955, 1958).

This book contains much information about cancer from a biochemical standpoint. His earlier books are Cancer And Its Allied Diseases (1926, 1929), Natural Immunity 1934,1936), The Chemistry Of Natural Immunity (1939) and a small booklet, The Functional Carbonyl Group In Pathogenesis And Its Reversal (1967).

Dr. Koch left us a wealth of knowledge that has still not been incorporated into modern biochemistry and is not used in cancer therapy today.

WARNING. Dr. Koch did not use pancreatic enzymes to correct cancer. He felt these to be too crude a method. Instead, he developed several remedies called glyoxal, methylglyoxal, parabenzoquinone, diphenoqinone, triquinoyl, and benzoquinone.

These molecules directly target the energy system of the body. When Dr. Koch lived, these remedies were quite effective for cancer and many other health conditions. They work by restoring the body's higher level energy systems.

However, today they are less effective because our food is so mineral-depleted and most people's diets are inadequate.

Two of his remedies may still be offered today by the Heel Company, a German homeopathic remedy company. However, they are not the same as the ones Dr. Koch made, and in our experience, they are not too effective for cancer.

WARNING: At this time, we do not recommend homeopathy. For details, read Homeopathy.

Herbs for cancer. Dr. Koch researched herbs that contained small amounts of the substances he used for cancer. He found several of them. These included peau d’arco, also called lapacho or taheebo. We find that this herb from the website, is indeed excellent for cancer when combined with the rest of the development program.

WARNING: Alone, taheebo tea is not enough of a program!

WARNING. Some recommend other Herbs for cancer. These can help. However, most of them are toxic. As a result, the patient never recovers fully, and often dies prematurely due to toxicity from the herbs. This is true of the mushroom remedies, for example. At this time, we do not recommend herbs for cancer other than taheebo tea.


1. Dr. Koch realized, like Drs. Gerson and Kelley, that a vegetarian diet for his cancer patients was fine for a short time, but that it is not an adequate diet today.

2. Dr. Koch never advocated a raw food diet. In fact, he felt that a diet of raw vegetables and fruits, in particular, was very foolish.

He realized that cancer patients do not have the digestive strength to digest much of anything, let alone tough, raw vegetable fibers. These need to be cooked.

3. Dr. Koch did not use vegetable juices, although he knew about them.  He felt they contained too much sugar, which he said is one of the main enemies of good health.


As a teenager, Jim Sheridan had a dream in which he was given a long formula for what he was told was a method to reverse cancer.  He carefully wrote down the formula and put it away, as he was not even interested in chemistry at the time, and didn’t know anything about cancer.

However, he later studied the subject and became a fairly well-known biochemist and physicist in the Detroit, Michigan area of the United States of America.

When he grew up, he met and worked with William Koch, MD. He told Dr. Koch he wanted to mix up and test the formula he had been given as a teenager in the dream. It requires a special preparation.

Dr. Koch was skeptical, but upon trying the formula on rats in a laboratory, it worked beautifully. It appears to work in unusual ways, and therefore just a chemical analysis of the formula does not yield its secret.

After some 20 years of research, Jim Sheridan released his formula under the name of Entelev, at first, which is a abbreviation of several of its chemical constituents.  Later it was refined and called Cancell. Still later, he changed the name to Protocel or Cantron, which is available today.

These are fairly inexpensive remedies that can help with cancer, in some cases. We don't use them much any more because we don't feel we need them. For more details, read Cantron Or Protocel.


Dr. Revicci was a very intelligent cancer specialist who focused his work on the concepts of anabolism and catabolism.  He read with wonder the work of Melvin Page, DDS about the autonomic nervous system.  He was aware of George Watson, Paul Eck, William Kelley, and the metabolic typing system of fast and slow oxidizers.

Over the years, Dr. Revicci developed a number of rather unique remedies that he used with cancer patients in New York City, mainly.  These contained either selenium or zinc.  Zinc was used to “slow down” an overheated metabolism.  Selenium was what he used to heat up a “burned out” metabolism, as he called it.

A combination was often used because he realized that people were, at the same time, overheated and burned out.  This is what I call a sympathetic dominant pattern on a hair analysis.  This is a common pattern seen in those with active cancer.

Dr. Revicci had good success with many cancer patients.  Unfortunately, he kept his therapy largely a secret, and did not train successors.  As a result, we don’t have much information about his remedies.  He wrote a book, however.


In the early 1920s, a Canadian nurse, Ms. Renee Caisse, was bathing an 80-year old woman and noticed that one of her breasts showed scarring.  She asked about it and learned that some 30 years before the woman had been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, with metastases. 

Her Canadian physician wanted to remove the breast immediately.  However, she and her husband lived far North in a mining town where a very old native American Indian had told her she had cancer and that he could probably cure it with common plants that grew nearby.  The woman decided to try it, and recovered her health.

Upon hearing this story, Renee Caisse asked for the formula.  It consisted of a special combination of four common plants, Burdock RootSlippery Elm Inner BarkSheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root.  This is also called turkey rhubarb root.

Soon after, Renee’s sister was diagnosed with stomach and liver cancer, and given little hope of recovery.  Renee remembered the herbal formula.  With the blessing of her sister’s doctor, they decided to try the herbal remedy.  They procured the correct herbs and mixed them properly, and her sister made a complete recovery.  The sister, in her mid-40s, lived another 21 years without ever suffering a relapse of her cancer.

Word spread and others began to ask Renee for treatment.  While she aroused the intense wrath of the Canadian medical establishment, she persisted and was even given space in a hotel in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada to set up a free clinic.  She ran this clinic for 9 years without charging a penny for her services.  She called the herbal remedy Essiac (which is her name, Caisse, spelled backwards)   Renee Caisse died in 1978 in her 80s, after helping many people regain their health.

Essiac Update. This simple herbal tea is still available in health food stores and via the internet, and continues to help some people with cancer.  It has been copied by many companies, and some have tried to improve upon it as well, so it is hard to know which brand of Essiac tea is best.

If you wish to try it, I am told to observe the following cautions:

1. Buy only the original formula of four herbs only.  Check carefully for this.

2. Exercise care about combining it with other therapies, as they can ruin its effectiveness.  Coffee enemas and near infrared lamp sauna therapy should be okay, however.

3. Some recommend an excellent diet with it, and this should not interfere at all.  I would suggest only whole foods, many cooked vegetables, not raw ones, and not fruit (except for a few black and botija olives, almond butter and blue corn chips (corn is actually a fruit). Be sure to have some animal protein daily, but not a lot, and do not eat red meat or eggs until the cancer is in remission. For details, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.

4. The herbs must be prepared correctly, which is time-consuming and unusual.  The herbs should come with the directions.


This was a father/son research team that discovered that cancer cells lack an enzyme, betaglucuronidase.  As a result, certain compounds called nitrilosides, can be lethal to cancer cells while not harming other body cells.

They developed a very low toxicity compound that they called laetrile (L-nitriloside) that helps with some cancers, particularly colon cancer.  (I understand there is a drug with the same name, so do not be fooled and confuse the two.)

This compound was tested at The National Cancer Institute and found to be as effective or more effective than standard chemotherapy for colon cancer.  However, it is not made by a large pharmaceutical company and is very inexpensive.

The National Cancer Institute in Washington, DC suppressed the results of their trials of laetrile, and the substance was actually banned in the United States.  This sort of disgrace is sadly common in the medical cancer establishment.  For much more about this story, please read World Without Cancer – The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin.


Royal Rife, MD was a researcher and physician who is best known for developing a very unusual and sensitive microscope that is still not used today.  It is described in the next section of this article.

The microscope allows one to observe living tissue at extremely high levels of magnification.  Using this device, in the 1930s, Dr. Rife discovered tiny cells within all plant and animal cells that appeared to change form.  They are known today as somatids

He studied them extensively and wrote that in a healthy person, the somatids appear to be symbiotic organisms within cells and have a simple three stage life cycle (a simple viroid form, spores, and double spores).  This he named the microcycle

However, when the body becomes unhealthy, as in all cases of cancer, the somatids shift into a more complicated, sixteen-stage macrocycle.  In this cycle, the somatids literally transform in about 15 or 16 steps or stages into more and more aggressive bacteria-like and fungus-like structures that are parasitic.  This means they slowly begin to destroy the body’s cellular structures.

This is associated with the development of all diseases, including of course cancer.  Cancer is associated with the last stage of decay of the somatids.  The ability of the somatids to alter their form depending upon the terrain of the body is called pleomorphism.

The pleomorphism theory. The concept of tiny creatures living inside our cells that change form was not new in 1930.  Antoine Beauchamp, MD, wrote about them 50 years before, and had observed them with a similar microscope.  He and called them "microzymes".

Dr. Gunther Enderlein, MD, in Germany, also observed them with a dark field microscope in the first half of the twentieth century, calling them "protits".  I am told that thousands of years ago, Tibetan doctors viewed them telepathically and called them “the little ones”.  For a much deeper look at this interesting subject, read the articles on this website entitled Somatids and Pleomorphism.

The terrain is all important. Dr. Rife found that the proper terrain or cellular environment (which is what we alter with nutritional balancing science ) in the cells contains inhibitors that keep the somatids in the healthy symbiotic microcycle.  As health declines, these inhibitors are lost and the somatids turn into opportunistic parasites.

The somatid pattern can function as an indicator of serious disease. The somatid pattern associated with cancer, for instance, is usually observed in the blood up to two years before the manifestation of the disease.

This could allow one to have an early warning system to detect when one is headed for trouble.  It could be helpful in tracking one’s progress in healing.  By monitoring the somatid phenomenon, one can theoretically observe a patient's response to both orthodox and alternative treatments, lifestyle changes and any other approach to healing.  This is a wonderful benefit that is similar to what can be observed using hair mineral analysis.

Frequency generators and other methods. Dr. Rife used various methods to change the cellular terrain, which he said would cure cancer.  His methods involved a more healthful diet of natural foods, and he sent special frequencies to the patient with frequency generators.  However, his methods were rather esoteric and hard to duplicate.

Update on Dr. Rife.  Today many companies offer for sale what are called “Rife machines”.  These are frequency generators that transmit frequencies into a person. 

Frequency generators are a yin healing method in macrobiotic terminology and Chinese medicine terminology.  At the time Dr. Rife lived, the bodies were much more yang or warmer in macrobiotic terminology so these machines were helpful.

Today the bodies are very yin due to radiation poisoning, toxic metal poisoning, toxic chemical poisoning and electromagnetic stress.  As a result, yin method such as frequency generators are much less effective today than 80 years ago.

WARNING. Today, we find that the Rife frequency generators do not work well at all and can make things worse.


Dr. Naessans was a student of Royal Rife, MD.  He had one of Dr. Rife’s microscopes, which he called the "somatoscope".

The somatoscope. This unusual instrument weaves two light sources (one visible, one ultraviolet) together to produce a third, functionally higher frequency.  With this, it is possible to obtain a resolution and magnification thirty times greater then with conventional light microscopy.

The side view microscope, as it is called, can view live material with a resolution of 150 Angstroms.  In a conventional microscope, the resolution, and therefore magnification, is limited by the wavelength of visible light - approximately 4000 Angstroms.

An electron microscope has an even higher resolution.   However, the electrons must be beamed through a vacuum, so it cannot be used to look at living material. 

The world that Dr. Rife and Dr. Naessens saw in a cell revealed the somatids and the pleomorphic states described in the section above.

714X.  Drs. Rife and Naessens developed a nitrogenized camphor derivative (trimethylbicyclo-nitraminoheptane) to alleviate cancer that they called 714X.  The rationale for it is that cancerous tumors are nitrogen traps.  This means they steal protein-bound nitrogen from the body and this inhibits the immune system.

By supplying nitrogen in a special form to the tumor and the body, the immune system becomes more active, and the body begins to heal itself.  Camphor has a natural affinity for tumors and is not toxic at pharmacological doses.  Therefore, it was used as the carrier for the protein substance.

A homeopathic serum of this compound is injected "paranodularly", meaning next to the lymph nodes, so it is absorbed into the lymphatic system where it can act most directly.

This approach is similar to an aspect of the Kelley metabolic cancer therapy, which is to give an amino acid supplement to boost up the serum protein levels of very ill cancer patients.  The supplement of pure amino acids apparently can be lifesaving in some cases in which the patient’s serum albumin level is very low.  Pamela McDougle, Dr. Kelley’s student, has noted that unless the albumin level goes up, progress against cancer is very slow or stops altogether.

Update on Gaston Naessans.  Dr. Naessans, who lived in Canada, died several years ago. 714X may be available, I believe, in a few clinics in Canada.  We do not use it and we do not recommend it.  It does not work well enough.

12. JOHANNA BUDWIG (1908-2003)

Johanna Budwig was a German biochemist and pharmacist who also held doctoral degrees in physics and chemistry.

While working as a researcher at the German Federal Health Office, she noted that many cancer drugs contained sulfhydryl groups.  She theorized that sulfhydryl groups were needed to avoid a low oxygen environment that promotes the growth of cancer.

She conducted research on fats and fatty acids, and their effects upon human health.  Eventually, she designed a protocol that has helped some many people with cancer.  We sometimes recommend her protocol of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. We do not recommend her overall diet.


Ann Wigmore was a biochemist. In the late 1960s, she discovered in her laboratory that a substance found in organically grown wheat grass juice had a strong inhibitory effect on cancer cells.  The wheat grass juice had to be fresh, and could be taken by mouth, or better yet, implanted in the rectum in an enema.

She bought a restored building in Boston and for some 15 years assisted many people to recover from cancer.  A second Ann Wigmore center was established in San Diego, California.

She also recommended eating sprouts, drinking an extract of wheat sprouts called Rejuvelac, and she liked a raw food diet of mainly vegetables, but not fruits.

WARNING: Later in her life, I am told, she said that the diet was too raw and that the vegetables should be cooked more.  However, her centers still recommend a mostly raw food regimen with no animal protein.  I don’t think she would approve of it today.

Ann Wigmore was hounded by the authorities because she did not have a medical degree.  However, she persisted, and insisted she was not treating cancer, but just nourishing the body.

We may have omitted other researchers from this article.  However, we have included the ones we know about. Please also read the companion article to this one on this website, entitled Cancer And Alternative Approaches.

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