by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© April 2023, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
III. Dietary Implications Of Etheric Energy
IV. Healthy Lifestyle To conserve And Increase Etheric Energy
Etheric energy is a very fine type of energy that is somewhat like electricity, but not exactly the same. It is all around us, and it permeates all physical matter and all of space. Other names for it are chi, qi, vital force, and prana.
It is a wave-and-particle type of energy, in terms of modern physics. It is really a range of frequencies of energy, and not just a single frequency. It cannot be seen by human beings, but some can feel it.
The source of life. Ether is required for the creation and maintenance of all physical matter on all planets. If this etheric “driver” were to disappear, the entire physical universe, including the planets and suns, would cease to exist.
Required for our lives. The same subtle energy activates and gives life to all living beings in the physical world. It must be present or life ceases. If one has enough of it, one is healthy. As we age, it tends to decrease in the body until life is no longer possible.
As a result of the above, for the purposes of healing, it is not correct to focus solely upon physical nutrients and body chemistry. One also needs to focus on preserving and enhancing ether in the body. This is a physics concept, but very important for our health. The rest of this article discusses how to do this.
The original source of ether in the universe is from thought. Whenever a being thinks, he or she generates a little ether. Thought is creative and is a wave phenomenon.
If one develops the power of the mind, one can generate a lot of ether just by thinking. However, the thinking of most people is very weak and creates very little ether. Therefore, most people must obtain ether in other ways. These are:
1. Intrinsic ether. Each person is born with a certain amount of ether. As one ages, this source of ether is used up. In a way, aging is simply the depletion of one’s intrinsic ether supply.
2. Environmental ether. This is ether that one obtains from the environment. One can absorb some ether from food, from drinking water, and from the air one breathes. This topic is discussed in detail below.
3. Empathic ether. This is ether that one obtains from other people. Healing methods such as laying on of hands, massage, Reiki, and religious or spiritual healing work this way. These methods of healing are called empathic. For details, read Empathic Blending on this site.
Energetic vampirism. One can also obtain some ether from other people by stealing it. For details, read Energetic Vampirism on this website.
4. New ether. This is ether from the environment that one can bring into the body using specific methods. The primary method is to use the mind to push or draw ether down into the head area, and from there move it downward to the feet. Done correctly, this moves a lot of ether into the body. For details, read The Pushing Down Exercise.
Practicing this exercise is extremely beneficial for health and longevity. Doing it at least two hours daily can eventually lead to rejuvenation of the body and reversal of the aging process.
It opens tiny energy channels all over the body and this literally refills the ether supply of the body. Other mental or spiritual practices may be calming and have other benefits, but they do not bring in new ether to the same degree, so we do not recommend them.
Cooked vegetables contain a lot of ether because they are rich in the alkaline reserve minerals. These are vital, and deficient in most people’s bodies. We suggest that all adults eat 2-3 cups of cooked vegetables three times a day.
Cooking the vegetables damages some vitamins, but it enhances the ether value of vegetables, grains, some meats and legumes. This occurs because adding heat to these foods balances their energy. Cooking also makes the minerals in vegetables much more available. Otherwise, the minerals remain locked inside tough vegetable fiber and one would have to chew for hours to release them. Pressure-cooking is actually the best way to cook most food to preserve its ether.
Not all foods benefit from cooking. Dairy products, fats and oils are best eaten raw.
Sardines are very rich in ether and other nutrients. Because they contain a little mercury, we suggest that adults eat 3-4 cans per week and no more. We do not recommend any other fish today, due to significant mercury toxicity in most all of them.
Whole grains. These contain a lot of ether, especially blue corn, which cannot be easily ruined by hybridization. A simple way to eat it is in the form of blue corn tortilla chips that are widely available. The light frying in oil seems to lock in the ether.
Wheat was formerly an excellent food. Today it is all hybridized and contains much less ether than the wheat of 50 or 100 years ago. It has become an irritating food for the intestinal tracts of most people. We suggest avoiding it altogether in any form, even organic whole wheat.
Lamb. This superb food contains some toxins, as do all meats. However, it is very high in ether because it comes from an animal. As long as you limit portion size to 4-5 ounces and only eat two servings of red meat per week, it is a very healthful food.
Eggs are another high ether food – but only up to 6 eggs per week for women and up to eight eggs per week for men. Also, eggs must be either soft boiled or poached or lightly fried so that the yolks are runny.
Chicken, turkey, most wild game and a little beef are also high-ether foods that are healthful when eaten in small amounts (4-5 ounce portions). We recommend eating animal proteins only once or twice daily.
Fats and oils contain some ether, and are a type of food that is not enhanced by cooking, so they are best eaten in the raw state. However, eating pasteurized butter and cream are okay if that is all you can find.
Coconut oil and avocado oil are from fruits. They contain less ether. They are also more cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology. For these reasons, we do not recommend them.
Fruit contains very little ether. Fruit is also extremely yin in macrobiotic terminology, and the bodies today are already too yin due to toxicity with chemicals, heavy metals, and ionizing radiation. For these reasons, we do not suggest eating any fruit. We know this is controversial, but we have a lot of experience with diet.
Other foods such as nuts, seeds, beans, refined grains, and foods that contain a lot of chemicals contain very little ether. They should be avoided or eaten sparingly.
Exceptions are toasted almond butter and roasted sesame tahini, which are helpful and needed in small quantity.
Unrefined or natural sea salt is another food item that is high in ether and therefore very beneficial.
Drinking water. High-ether waters are spring waters and most tap water. However, tap water should be filtered with carbon or a sand filter to remove chemicals and other impurities. Spring waters are usually filtered at the spring, if needed. For more details, read Foods For Daily Use and many other articles about food and diet on this website.
By improving one’s lifestyle and state of health, the body can absorb or extract much more ether from air, water and food. A healthful lifestyle means the following:
- Get plenty of rest. Most people need 9 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Naps are also excellent. For details, read Rest and Sleep.
- Go to bed by 9 PM or earlier. The hours before midnight are the best for sleeping. Staying up late harms the body in all cases.
- Stay warm. This is often overlooked, but is quite important. Wear a hat in cold weather, wear socks to keep your feet warm, and cover up the legs to stay warm as well. When you go out, always bring along an extra sweater or jacket.
- Practice deep breathing. You can do this lying down, sitting or walking. Vigorous exercise forces one to breathe deeply. However, we don’t recommend vigorous exercise because it uses up too much energy and depletes the body.
Deep breathing is wonderful, however. A way to increase the oxygen content of your home and office easily is to buy an ozonator/ionizer air purifier. Set it up high on a shelf or on a bracket, and just leave it running. It will increase the oxygen content of the air by converting some oxygen to ozone, and then more oxygen will come into the home or office if there is some ventilation to the outside. To read more about this, read Ozonator/Ionizer Air Purifiers.
- Reduce stress in every area of your life.
- Avoid contact with toxins as much as possible. This includes toxins from food, water, air, and through direct contact such as handling toxic products or putting them on your skin. Also avoid or minimize the use of medical drugs, vaccines, and most over-the-counter remedies.
- Retain your sexual fluid as much as possible. Sexual fluid contains a lot of etheric energy. It is necessary to make a baby. Retaining this fluid is an old trick if you want to live a long and healthy life.
We don’t agree with doctors who tell men and women that the more ordinary sex they have, the better. Instead of ordinary sex, try Down Sex, which has many healing benefits in addition to retaining sexual fluid.
- Open more of the energy channels of the body and keep the channels open and clear. Certain therapies, notably The Pulling Down Procedure, foot and hand Reflexology, the Spinal Twists, Chiropractic and Deep Breathing help keep these channels open and can help open more of them.
- Balance the yang and yin forces in the body. Development requires this. Balancing yin and yang is why we do not recommend fruit, sugars, any alcohol at all, no chocolate and very little nuts, seeds, raw food or juices. These are all too yin.
This is also why we recommend mainly cooked food, and to eat a lot of cooked vegetables with each meal. Also avoid vegetarian and semi-vegetarian diets, which are all very yin.
It is also the reason to not eat the yin vegetables such as the nightshades – tomatoes, white or red potatoes, eggplant and all peppers. It is also the reason to avoid overeating, and avoid all smoothies and shakes, and avoid all sweetened foods and beverages at all times.
Maintaining the yin and yang balance of the body accomplishes so much it could fill a book. For more details, read Understanding Yang And Yin and Yin And Yang Healing.
- Balance the oxidation rate and sodium/potassium ratio in the tissues (not in the blood). This requires the development program, and is another powerful way to enhance ether in the body.
For more about this and related subjects, read Etheric Resetting, Telomeres And How To Lengthen Them, and The Ether Theory.
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