by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© January 2019, L.D. Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
All information in
this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes
only. It is not for the diagnosis,
treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Definition. In
mathematics, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Vectors are often written or
represented as arrows that have a specific length (magnitude) and they point in
a specific direction. At times,
they are shown in different thicknesses to indicate their force or magnitude.
A unusual aspect of hair mineral testing is that if one connects the
tops of the bar graphs of the minerals on a hair chart produced by Analytical
Research Labs (ARL), the result is a series of lines. Strung together, these lines form shapes. We often use the shape of the figure
formed by the lines as the name of the pattern.
The lines formed by connecting the tops of the bar graphs on an ARL hair
mineral chart are also vectors because each line has a length (magnitude) and a
The idea that the shape of a set of connected vectors or lines could
give an indication of the meaning of a mineral pattern is quite unusual. However, in practice, it often works
Shape science is the study of the way various shapes alter subtle
energy patterns. An example from
chemistry is that the geometric form of some chemical compounds influences
their chemical properties. The
shape of the molecule might make the chemical compound a better solvent, or
perhaps helps it bond better with other molecules.
Another example is that the shape of atoms helps determine how they
will be used by our bodies or in nature.
For example, cadmium is found directly underneath zinc in the periodic
table of the elements and it “looks” very similar to zinc except that it has
another layer of electrons.
As a result, cadmium is able to replace zinc in many enzymes in our
bodies. This property is sometimes
beneficial, but also causes plenty of problems for the body. This has to do with the concept of Preferred Minerals, a critical concept in
development science.
When a number of the lines or vectors connecting
the tops of an ARL graph are strung together they form shapes such as
triangles, squares and many others.
While it may seem unusual, the shape of the vector pattern is often
related the effect of the pattern on our bodies. Here are a few examples:
The calcium shell or wall. The
pattern looks like a shell or a wall – a very tall bar graph. It is associated with feeling like one
is living behind a shell or wall.
One’s emotions and expression is somewhat suppressed, and one tends to
be somewhat out of touch with reality.
The bowl pattern. The
vectors or lines between the tops of the graphs of the first
four macrominerals forms the shape of a
bowl. When this pattern is
present, one tends to feel stuck and unable to get free. This is like being inside a bowl or
pit, unable to climb out.
The hill pattern. Connecting
the tops of the bar graphs of the first four mineral levels forms the shape of
a hill or mountain. This pattern
indicates joy, celebration, or “reaching the top of the mountain”.
Right angle patterns. A few
hair analysis patterns have the appearance of a right angle. These include the L pattern, the
reverse L pattern, cliff patterns, and a very steep bowl or hill. Right angles tend to indicate conflict
The rest of this article gives examples of how the lines connecting
the tops of a hair analysis graph indicate the meaning of the pattern of the
mineral levels. We believe that
all hair analysis patterns can be interpreted using vector science. Each pattern below can be more or less
vector analysis, a long line means a lot of magnitude or force. These patterns have a lot of force
behind them. For this reason, we
call them “efforting” patterns. The possibilities are:
- Step
down pattern or stepping into life. Connecting the tops of the first four mineral graphs forms a
straight line that tilts downward to the right. This is a particular variant of step down or stepping into life pattern.
The pattern indicates one is making a strong, concentrated effort to
enter the world. It is considered
a positive or healthful pattern.
In the airplane wing analogy, the wing in a “dive” position, and one
is picking up a lot of speed. A
dive pattern might sound very dangerous in an airplane, and it is if one does
not have much altitude. However,
if one has some altitude it is a positive pattern because by gaining needed
speed one also improves control over the aircraft.
- Step up or
stepping out of life. Connecting the tops of the first four
mineral graphs forms a straight line that tilts upward to the right. This is a
variant or type of step up or stepping out of life pattern. The meaning is making a determined effort to leave the
In the airplane analogy, the wing is in a “stall” position, and one is
losing speed. Ask any airplane
pilot and he will you this is the most dangerous situation to be in.
Similarly, it is the most dangerous of all the hair analysis
patterns. We nickname it “quick
death”. If you ever see it on
someone’s hair analysis chart, please rush to tell them to take some calcium
and magnesium, at least, along with Limcomin or at
least copper to quickly correct the pattern or they are likely to suffer a
fatal heart attack or stroke.
Conflict or in-trouble patterns. The tops of the first four mineral
graphs form a line moving horizontally from left to right. It is often a conflict or in-trouble
this pattern appears with all four numbers high, it is called passive aggressive
pattern. In the airplane analogy,
you are flying too high. At very
high altitude, the air gets thin and it is more difficult to control the plane. These people go out of control easily.
If the line is very low, it is a four lows pattern. In the airplane analogy, you are flying
too low. This is quite dangerous
and you are running out of fuel.
If the line is around the ideal levels, we call it the flat line
pattern. It is sometimes seen in
cases of advanced cancers. Flat line is
a term used in the medical world.
It refers to the appearance of an electrocardiogram. Instead of little blips indicating heart beats, there is just a flat horizontal line –
meaning no heart beat. The
expression “he flat-lined” is the same as “he died”. This is usually a compensatory pattern, and that is why it
is dangerous.
An analogy is that your airplane is very damaged and the only way you
can control it is to keep the plane at its ideal altitude and keep it perfectly
level, neither climbing nor descending.
One might think that a pattern of the first four numbers all in a good
range is ideal. However, it is
often not so because during a development program one is continuously
retracing, and therefore the body chemistry continuously shifts.
In the flight analogy, during a development program the aircraft
continuously visits different cities to clean up its past problems. As a result, it is usually climbing or
descending. If the airplane is not
doing this – and instead is just flying straight and level – most
likely the plane is very damaged, in trouble, and it cannot climb and descend
well. This is like a person who is
NOT retracing because they don’t have the nutrition and health to do so.
- The mineral
ratios. For example, if one
connects the tops of the sodium graph and the top of the potassium graph, a
line forms that represents the sodium/potassium ratio. The line can slant upward, downward, or
be horizontal.
- Chaos pattern. This
occurs when one connects the tops of the graphs of the all the mineral levels
to the one next to it, and it forms extremely jagged lines that randomly slant
upward or downward. This is seen
when there are high levels of some toxic metals, but not others. It often means there is a lot of stress
on the body. However, it
could occur if a person is eliminating a lot of toxins rapidly.
vectors indicate a wall or blockage pattern. Examples are:
- Calcium
shell or calcium wall. The calcium level is extremely high
compared to the other three macrominerals. This is called a calcium shell or calcium wall. It indicates suppression of emotion, very slow oxidation,
and blockage of thyroid and adrenal activity with fatigue and depression.
Magnesium shell or magnesium wall. The magnesium level is extremely high
compared to the other three macrominerals. This is a magnesium shell or magnesium wall. It usually occurs temporarily on a
retest when there is a special intervention and one gets a controller
creature. When this occurs, the
controller brings in better magnesium compounds and the body eliminates
poorer-quality magnesium. This is
a very positive sign.
It could also be a death pattern, indicating serious magnesium
loss. However, this is very rare.
- A
sodium wall. The sodium level is very high compared
to the other three macrominerals. This is an acute stress pattern and
possibly a kidney disease pattern.
These are unhealthy.
possibility is called kidney stress. It is
temporary and occurs when the body eliminates a lot of toxins through the
kidneys, temporarily causing some minor damage there. This pattern is not important and will pass. Supporting the kidneys by eating more
cooked vegetables and taking a supplement of kidney glandular substance can
pattern may also occur temporarily during a special intervention in which a
creature returns to the energy field and brings in a healthier sodium
compounds. There is an elimination
of less preferred sodium compounds, which causes the high reading. This is a very positive pattern.
This pattern can also occur as a pattern called four lows under stress. The sodium is usually not too high in
these cases, while the other three macrominerals are
all low. Dogs and some cats show
this pattern a lot due to eating prepared food containing grain (not their
correct food), and due to stress.
Potassium wall. The potassium level is extremely high
compared to the other three macrominerals. This is a feature of the step-up
pattern, a quick death pattern.
Potassium is the death or ‘ending’ mineral.
Two horizontal parallel
- Caring
or giving pattern. Connecting the tops of
the first two and the second two macrominerals forms
two parallel horizontal lines with slow oxidation. There is an upper line on the left and a lower line on the
right. This is called caring or giving
pattern. It indicates a caring or
giving person.
- Energy
vampire. Connecting the tops of the first two and the second
two macrominerals forms two parallel horizontal lines
AND fast oxidation is present.
There is a lower horizontal line on the left, and an upper horizontal
line on the right. This is the energy vampire
or taking from
others pattern.
Two tilted parallel lines:
- Double
high ratio. Slow oxidation and the parallel lines tilt downward
to the right. This is called a double high ratio
pattern. It indicates double anger,
double inflammation, or double acute stress. It is also a type of step down pattern if slow oxidation is
- Double
low ratio. Slow oxidation and the parallel lines tilt upward
to the right. This is called double inversion,
double low ratio, or double give up.
It is also called the slow death pattern.
It can also be a step up pattern if fast oxidation is also present.
- Double
vampire. Fast oxidation and the parallel lines tilt downward to the
right. This is a double vampire
or double
taking pattern. If the
oxidation rate is very fast, we call it a triple or 3X vampire.
could also involve the second four minerals in these patterns. Then one can have three or four
parallel lines tilting up or tilting down, which reinforces the above patterns.
- We think the caring or giving pattern is a spin right pattern. (see description above)
- We think the energy vampire or taking pattern is a spin left pattern. (see
description above)
- The pivot
patterns are spin or twist vectors that involve rotation of all four macrominerals.
They are also time vectors (time vectors are explained below) because
they involve two successive mineral tests. These are extremely interesting and indicate a turnaround and
better brain processing of information, or healing of the sulci
of the brain.
One can have left pivots and right pivots. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
are formed when one connects the tops of the four macromineral graphs and a straight line passes
through three of the tops of the graphs.
Connected together, this forms a triangle.
- Triangle With
The Point up = honest. Also seen with some hill patterns.
- Triangle with
the point down = criminal in the
case of the keyhole pattern. Also
seen with some bowl patterns.
are vector-related ideas taken from the world of aircraft. This section originally appeared in the
book, Nutritional
Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis, 2010, 2014 and 2016 editions, page
Here are some possible situations:
The oxidation rate.
Fast oxidation is similar to flying high and fast, while slow oxidation
is flying much slower and lower.
Problems with flying too fast and too high are that this exceeds the
design specifications of the aircraft.
A very fast oxidation rate is extremely hard on one’s airplane at any
age, even as a small infant. The
airplane is never the same due to the extreme stress this puts on it.
Unlike a real airplane, in the body a very fast oxidation rate actually
uses up or “burns out” many vital minerals or parts of the body. When the correct nutrient materials are
not present to repair the plane, repairs are made instead with inferior toxic
metal material such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and aluminum. These replace the better materials such
as magnesium, zinc, selenium and others that make for an intact aircraft.
Mineral deficiencies and toxicity develop. This forces the plane to
begin to slow down. Either it just
can’t fly as fast, or the damage to it makes it very unstable, like a person
with ADHD, or panic attacks.
Fast oxidation with a low sodium/potassium ratio. The plane begins
to ‘stall’. The shape of the low sodium/potassium
ratio on an Analytical Research Labs graph even resembles an aircraft wing in a
stall position.
Slow oxidation. This
is when the plane is flying too low and slower than the way it was designed to
fly. It makes a person feel
sluggish and often somewhat depressed.
The plane is much less maneuverable, meaning
that coping with stress is more difficult.
Hair calcium level rises.
A crude analogy is smearing cement on cracks and damaged areas of the
aircraft. This protects the
aircraft, but weighs it down, causing it to fly lower.
Some develop a calcium shell. This is
like smearing cement all over the plane, either to protect it from damage or to
try to blend in better, or disappear and withdraw from society. These are people who are often seeking
to “fly under the radar” or become somewhat invisible.
Sympathetic dominance. This is like revving the engines in a futile
attempt to get back to flying high.
However, the plane is too damaged physically or psychologically, so it
does not work, no matter how hard one revs the engines.
Four highs is akin to speeding up the
plane to some degree. However, it
is purely temporary and often very unstable and unsafe for health. The plane in this situation is really in
bad shape. Fortunately, people in
four highs pattern usually slow down easily with our help.
Four lows. This occurs
when the rudder or a stabilizer is broken. The plane just repeats endless end-over-end rolls that
are difficult to stop. The plane
goes nowhere fast and becomes more and more damaged.
A hill pattern occasionally occurs. It is a feeling that one is
soaring on top of the world.
The three amigos, along with copper, cadmium and a few other toxic
metals. These are special because they appear to support the plane, like
little rocket thrusters to help keep a damaged plane flying. However, they are not part of the
original design, so they further damage the plane in the process of keeping it
Double low ratio and double high ratio patterns. These are like
having a biplane with two wings that are either in stall position (double low
ratio) or dive position (double high ratio). In other words, these patterns reinforce the
sodium/potassium ratio imbalances.
A step down pattern or a high sodium/potassium
ratio are ‘dive’ positions. They can be successful attempts to pick
up some speed. These people often
have dug in their heels and can continue this way for some time.
A step up pattern is a dive upward, an
extremely dangerous maneuver that always fails and must be turned around fast. It includes a low sodium/potassium ratio, which is the
stalled wing pattern.
Spiritual defensiveness pattern. This is a very high
calcium/magnesium ratio. The
imbalance seriously weighs down the plane, keeping one from soaring. In this pattern, the person defends a
situation, behavior or attitude when it is time to move on.
The phosphorus level, along with the sodium/potassium ratio, are a
little like fuel indicators.
When low, the plane is losing altitude due to lowered energy or
Elevated toxic metals. This is like an airplane that is overloaded
with heavy weights. It is never a
helpful situation and every effort should be made to “lighten up”. This can help the plane gain more
altitude. Those flying high (fast
oxidizers) who are loaded with toxic metals are often just throwing them off,
which is like the pilot jettisoning extra weight to fly faster.
· Any change can be traumatic. In time, each of us becomes used to his own speed of flight. Anything that changes the rate of climb or fall, or the speed or altitude may feel odd and can cause some anxiety or fear. This often slows one’s progress on this healing journey.
The goal
is to have a safe and happy flight.
A safe flight means to fly at an altitude that is comfortable and safe for the
condition of your aircraft, neither too high and fast,
or too low and slow.
Ideally, your craft should be able to speed up when needed to avoid
thunderstorms and other obstacles, or slow way down, at times, to relax the
crew. This condition of health and
vitality is termed balanced and flexible oxidation.
patterns involve comparing the level of one or more minerals on one test with
the levels on the next retest.
Comparing mineral levels forms a point or a line.
A point is
formed if the level stays exactly the same. A line forms if the mineral level increases or decreases. The line will be longer if the change
in the mineral level is greater.
are some examples:
Line going upward:
- Up elevator (all four macromineral
levels go up about the same percentage).
This indicates the person did not do the pulling down exercise.
- Out of four
lows. Here at least one of the macromineral
levels increased sufficiently to move the person out of a four lows pattern.
- Climbing out
of four lows. Here one or more of the macromineral levels increased, but not quite enough to move
the person out of a four lows pattern.
- Coming alive. This
occurs when one or more of the macrominerals rises
and the others all remain the same or increase. It is a joy pattern.
- Explosion. This
occurs when the level of one or more of the macrominerals
increases a lot – usually more than 100 to 200%.
- Down sex
pattern. This occurs when all or almost all the levels on the entire
chart increase or decrease.
Line moving
- Down elevator (all four macromineral
levels decrease by about the same percentage). This also indicates a person did not do the pulling down
- Settling down
and deep settling. This occurs when one or more of the macrominerals decreases while the others remain the same or
also decrease.
- A Crash. This
occurs when one or more of the macrominerals
decreases by at least 100%.
- Moving into
four lows. This occurs when the levels of one or
more macrominerals decrease such that now all of the macrominerals are below their ideal value.
Point patterns (the mineral level remained the same or changed
very little):
- Anchors (one or more macrominerals
and/or trace minerals remain the same or change very little). This is a brain healing pattern and
very exciting pattern because healing the brain is not easy.
- No change
pattern. This looks just like an anchor pattern, but there is no
brain healing. It usually only
occurs if a person is not following their program.
Curve patterns
in time.
- Bowl pattern.
Connecting the tops of the graphs of the first or second four macrominerals forms a curve that is open at the top and
looks like a bowl. It indicates a
person feels stuck.
- Bouble bowl. This is a bowl pattern on the first and on the second four minerals.
- 8 bowl or large bowl. This occurs when connecting the tops of
the first eight mineral levels forms the shape of a large, stretched out
bowl. It is a large stuck pattern
that we see, once in a while.
- Hill pattern.
Connecting the tops of the graphs of the first or second four macrominerals forms a curve that is open at the bottom and
looks like a hill or mountain. It
indicates a person is excited. It
is a joy and celebration pattern – one has climbed to the top of the
- A double hill (hill on the first and second four minerals),
combined with fast oxidation pattern
is called the ecstatic pattern.
- An eight
hill is possible, but we don’t recall seeing it.
Vectors also relate to hair mineral analysis because of the concept of
movement. A person’s movement means the dominant theme or
direction in his or her life at a particular time.
For example, you may be:
- in a more restful phase of life
- deeply involved in work or family
- just beginning a new job or relationship
- feeling trapped or “stopped”
- celebrating a recent accomplishment
- down in the dumps.
This is more than one’s mood or psychological condition. It is the activity of the souls, who
are learning various lessons.
Movement, by definition, has a magnitude and a direction. Therefore, it is a kind of vector. For many more details, read Movement.
To be
continued …
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