© January 2011,
The Center For Development
article may seem to be outlandish, or anti-Biblical. However, please try to reserve judgment. The concepts are worth
considering. This article presents
a non-dualistic thought system that I believe is not anti-Biblical at all, but
represents a deep way of interpreting some of the truths in the Bible and in
other holy books.
I am
sharing the article because it has been extremely helpful for me and for others. I guarantee it will cure you of
negativity, despair and cynicism if you assimilate it into your consciousness
and really live the principles.
However, they are not always easy to put into practice, at times.
more on this subject, I recommend the CDs and books from the Shanti Christo
Foundation at or (505) 216-7541. Another version of this article is also
found in The
Real Self, a small book I wrote.
It is similar to this article, and just states the ideas a little
differently at times.
WARNING! The principles and concepts in this
article flow together as one whole thought system. I call this the new thought system, to
contrast it to our usual ways of thinking.
they form an integrated whole system, if you try to pick and choose from among
them, deciding you like some of the ideas, but you reject others of them, you
will become confused and you will not be able to understand and live the
is because the ideas depend upon each other. They form what might be called a mystical whole system of
thought that I believe many of the world’s great teachers have taught. In any whole system, the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts.
You cannot add or subtract from it, or change it, and expect the system
to work correctly. This is most
if one of the ideas in this article rubs you the wrong way, do not reject it,
as it will ruin the entire system.
Instead, sit with it a while.
Perhaps it is not explained well, or it needs more explaining, or it
needs to be viewed in context. At
some time, I will expand the sections below to include more explanation.
concept of a whole system is, in a way, similar to nutritional balancing
science. We find that nutritional
balancing science consists of a series of elements such as a particular diet,
particular types and amounts of drinking water, and so on. If one “dissects” the system and
rearranges it, leaving out parts and adding new ones thinking that you know
better, most often you will inevitably ruin it and you will not get good
results. I encounter this almost
on a daily basis. The same is true
of this thought system. If at all
possible, do not dissect it or analyze it too much, or reject parts of it, or
make your own additions and corrections.
This will cause endless confusion and you will be unable to learn it
are the ideas, followed by explanations.
* I Choose to Love Myself
* I Am Sovereign and All-Powerful
* I Remain in the Present
* Every Thought is Powerful
* I Take Full Responsibility For My Life
* All Events Are Neutral
* My Past is Perfect
* No Seriousness Allowed
* All the World is a Stage
* I Choose to Radiate, Not Absorb
* I Give From Fullness
* I Do Not Seek For Love
* I Allow, Rather than Strive
* I Choose for Peace
* I Forgive Seventy Times Seven Times
* My Issues are never just Mine
* I Choose To Let My Light Shine
* Love Alone Heals
* I Stop Seeking. I Have Found
* There is No Guilt
* There Are No Victims
* Failure is Impossible
* Celebrate
is a central principle. It is
based on the idea that I am always one with God, always loved, and never
alone. This is a real feeling, but
it begins with a decision. Only
after one makes the decision to love the self will the feeling begin to be
experienced and felt. The decision
must come first, and the feeling will follow.
yourself as God loves you - totally and unconditionally. No ifs, ands or buts! Love all your creations, even what you
consider mistakes, incompetence, selfishness and all else, because only love
heals. You can only know the
Father by loving his children - including you. Include yourself in the circle of your love, in the
circle of your giving.
people love some parts of the self, but not others. As a result, you may accept people, ideas, and things into
your life that are not really worthy of you, and reject goodness, prosperity,
and love that is yours. So look
carefully for thoughts of unworthiness, undeservedness, and even self-loathing
- and let them go. There is no
conflict here with Christianity, as I see it. We have all made mistakes or sinned. However, Jesus brought grace and the
law of grace. So it is time to stop
loathing the self.
the self does not mean indulging the ego.
The ego is here defined as the confused mix of fears, anxieties and
other baggage learned from the world.
It is a substitute for the real
self, which is all-knowing and one with the Creator. Living the new thought system involves
discerning which voice is speaking to you, the ego or the real self.
Exercise: Say, many times, "I am loved, I am
loving, I am lovable". If any
of these statements are difficult for you, work with them until they feel
totally comfortable.
a feeling of power is central to the new thought system. You are a sovereign master. That is your nature as a spiritual
being. Even if you are in prison,
this does not affect your basic identity.
As a result, no one does anything to you without your permission.
however, you can use your power to give your power away. This is what most people do most of the
time. Then they mistakenly blame
others for circumstances and misfortunes.
a person does not take back his or her own power for fear that he will abuse
it., or that one does not deserve it.
You may look at politicians or others and see what seems to be the abuse
of power. Let us address this
this new thought system, there is no such thing as abuse of power. Everyone operates from his or her power
all the time as a co-creator of their lives. There may be an agreement with another that one will oppress
the other. But this is done from a
position of sovereignty of BOTH participants.
senses deceive one into thinking some are powerful while others are not. This is never the truth in the new
thought system. Full power is the
reality of spirit. Therefore, let
go of the fear of power. If you
want to feel powerless, say "I use all my sovereign power to become
terrified of my power".
logical extension of this idea is that you have no power over others, as they
are all-powerful, too. Therefore
you cannot hurt another at the deepest level. This is a very difficult idea for most people. It simply means that if someone is
harmed, it is always done, at the deepest level, with the consent of both
parties. I know this will sound
odd, especially if what occurs is seemingly not under a person’s control at
all, such as an earthquake or a tornado.
However, in this system of thinking, which is just the ancient mystical
way of looking at things, each of us is all-powerful and connected to
everything at the highest level.
Therefore, nothing just ‘happens’ totally by accident without our
knowledge and permission.
Exercise: Repeat often, "I and I alone created this
situation. Thus I have the power
to correct it". Repeat often,
"I and I alone am sovereign in my life". The opposite of sovereignty is victimhood or 'subject
to'. Note whenever you feel like a
victim and you will know when you have given your power away. Keep loving yourself and take your
power back.
the present is real. All power is
in the present. Concerns over the
past or future must be handled in the present. All information is available in the present. Living in the present is the best
preparation for the future. In
fact, in the new thought system time is unreal, as it is a function of the
ego. Any issue that you must clear
up from the past must be handled in the present, so staying in the present is
not a way of avoiding problems. It
is merely a perspective.
Exercise: Repeat often, "I am in the right place at the right
time". If you find yourself
in guilt or remorse, you are in the past.
If you find yourself anxious or afraid, you are in the future. Most people live in the past or future
95% of the time. Pull yourself
back to the present, thousands of times if necessary, until the mind learns
better how to stay in the present and not drift into the past or the future.
vigilant with your thoughts. Your
thoughts are like pebbles thrown into a pond. Each creates a ripple that spreads out to all of humanity,
influencing not only your life but that of everyone around you. The saying, "you can't afford a
negative thought" is far truer than one might imagine.
people pray, affirm and strive hard for what they desire. Results are often slow in coming
because in between these prayers and affirmations, they indulge the opposite
thoughts - fear, anxiety, and thoughts of undeserving. This weakens or neutralizes the
positive thoughts. The phrase from
the bible for this principle is "be vigilant for the Kingdom". A
Course In Miracles expresses it as "remember only your loving
thoughts, and teach only love."
Exercise: Learning to observe your thoughts takes some practice. It helps to practice by slowing
down. Walk slower, eat slower,
talk slower and breathe slower and deeper. This will slow down the thought process and make it easier
to listen to your thoughts. You
can always speed up later, once you understand your thinking process better.
full responsibility for your life is taking back your power. If you are not responsible, it means
someone or something else is controlling you, and you are not powerful.
modern welfare society teaches people they are not responsible for their
lives. We are told that parents,
governments, corporations, or genetic 'accidents' like race and sex cause our
problems. This is always a lie. It is the victim mentality and the
opposite of responsibility and personal power.
many people's minds, responsibility is linked to guilt. If one is responsible, it means one is
guilty of something. It is
important to separate these.
Responsibility means the ability to respond. Guilt is a judgment of blame. Let go of any negative associations with the idea of
or the word responsibility.
for one's entire life may feel burdensome. Remind yourself that although responsibility is yours, “of
yourself you do nothing”, as the bible states. The Father or God does it through you.
people feel that being responsible is a heavy burden. This is usually because they have taken on more than their
share. They believe they are good
people for feeling responsible for the problems or situations of others. You are not responsible for others, as
they are sovereign, even if they seem dependent and helpless. Partial exceptions under our laws are
minor children. Parents are
responsible for their children under the law. However, even minor children have chosen their situation at
the highest level. Also, the
government is responsible under the Constitution for the protection of the
nation, for example.
Exercise: Notice whenever you feel like
a victim - of your birth, your genetics, your friends, your job, your spouse,
your children, your dog, illness, poverty, misfortune and so forth and so
on. You will be amazed at
how often this old pattern surfaces.
just are. We judge them and give
them meaning. A rainstorm can be
judged as negative if you are planning a picnic, or very positive if you are a
farmer and depend on the rain for your crops.
an earthquake that kills thousands may cause changes that eventually are
positive for millions of people.
If events were not neutral, one would be a slave to them or a victim of
them. You and only you give
meaning to events through your perception and judgment of them. A key to the new thought system is
shifting the way you perceive events.
ego mind will ask, "How can you say the holocaust was a neutral event!" "What about the destruction of the
planet by pollution?" Well,
perhaps the holocaust was a huge cleansing of the planet, needed to wake up many
sleepy minds. Maybe the
destruction of life on the planet is necessary to allow a more advanced civilization
to develop here. And of course,
these events only affect physical life, not the spiritual side of life, which
cannot be harmed or destroyed.
Challenge your friends and your ego to prove these possibilities
Exercise: Recall often the phrase, “All
events are neutral. I give meaning
to events by my perceptions of them”.
holy spirit is orchestrating your life to help you wake up. It is only the ego that wants the
"comfortable life". The
spirit wants to wake up, and brings about whatever is best for your particular
ego structure to jolt the soul into awakening. If you don't get the message this time around, another
situation will be presented.
is a very important principle, for example, for those who are ill. It is tempting to become angry that one
cannot participate in life as others can, or one cannot think clearly, or that
one is not as attractive or athletic as others. Holding these thoughts actually can make a person more
excellent way to shift these thoughts is to recall that “I am here to wake
up”. In other words, I am not here
to just run around, be popular, have a lot of things or friends, and so on. I am here to wake up, and although I do
not understand it, I accept that my illness, my weakness or whatever it is that
seems bad or wrong is somehow helping me to wake up and discover who I am at
the highest level.
thinking is fabulous if you can manage it whenever you feel sorry for yourself
because you don’t have enough money, friends, health, fun, etc. A quote from the bible comes to mind
that “the lord chastens those he loves most”. This does mean you are condemned to a life of suffering. Quite the opposite, in fact. It means that some of us, for whatever
reason, are given obstacles or challenges because we are loved so much and the
creator or god or the higher self wishes for us to overcome the obstacle and in
so doing wake up to our real self.
Exercise: Repeat often:
"I can be at peace with this.
I am here to wake up”.
fearful ego loves to dwell on the dramas of childhood, past relationships,
illnesses, abuse, etc. The fact
is, it was all perfect because it brought you to your present place of
open-mindedness and wisdom.
things had been different, you might never have arrived where you are
today. Besides, if things had been
different, you might well be dead of a car accident or something else. Notice how insane it is to say
"what if", or "if only". Let go of any such crazy thoughts as they come up. This way of reviewing or thinking of
the past indeed offers many opportunities to change your perception of events.
does not mean to deny pain you may feel about your past. You can still realize that the past was
perfect, even if you experienced it as painful. By so doing, painful memories will begin to subside. However, you will find yourself free of
your past in a strange way.
Instead of pulling you back, seeing your past as perfect allows you to
slowly come to peace with past events and traumas so that you can let them go
more easily.
principle can help one understand the apparent insanity around us. It states that the world we see is but
the projection of people’s thoughts, somewhat like a motion picture, which is
just a projection. It appears odd
or even insane, at times, because many minds are very mixed up. Some, for example, think violent
thoughts. As a result, they create
violence in their lives and those around them. Others think thoughts of lack, and indeed they outpicture or
co-create situations of famines or great lack. Others think thoughts of illness, and diseases result.
idea is not new. In Buddhism, for
example, the world is called maya or illusion. Physical events in the world are viewed as a kind of stage
play where ego minds act out their dramas. In fact, we are the actors, the directors, the audience, and
the critics who write the reviews.
their role in the dramas of life, some people choose to be an oppressor, or the
oppressed, the cowboy, the villain, the comedian, the murderer, etc. Some choose life as a tragedy, while a
few choose life to be a comedy, or perhaps an action thriller. At the end of the story, they all pack
up and go home together, and all is well.
idea of seeing the world as a stage upon which people play out various dramas
can help you not to take things too seriously. It can also help you to see that if you do not like the role
in the play that you have consciously or unconsciously chosen, you can change
it. It is just an act, so with a
little effort you can decide, for example, that you want to play a happier
role, perhaps. This may seem
impossible, but it is not impossible at all. Many people figure this out and just make a decision to
change their script, so to speak.
Exercise: Imagine playing different parts in a
play. Realize they are all equal
in value. Try on different parts
for yourself and don't be afraid of your 'image'.
the world you see is but a projection of the thoughts of billions of people, it
is definitely unreal, just as a movie is not real life.
the world too seriously invariably leads to problems, just as if you took every
fantasy movie you saw seriously.
Playfulness is a quality of enlightenment. A sense of humor is a mark of wisdom.
ego mind may scream, "How can I laugh when I have no money, or I feel
terrible?" You
can! And often it will break an
much seriousness is pathological.
Try to remember this. It
can be a sign you are trying too hard, for example. This does not mean to avoid commitments and
obligations. Commitment is
necessary, but it needn't be somber and heavy.
Exercise: See the humor in everything. Be silly.
Play. See what events or
subjects cause you to be serious - politics, religion, environmentalism or
others, and don't let it happen!
See the world as a stage play only. Watch out for people who are too serious. Something is not quite right with them
or they would be able to step back and laugh at themselves and at everything
else. Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of
my mentors, used to say “Wear the world like a loose coat”.
interesting principle states that one is here to extend love, not to absorb all
the apparent misery that is in the world.
This idea is especially important for those 'sensitive' people, who pick
up others' vibrations. Taking in
the vibes around you, instead of putting out your truth and your love, can
really trip you up.
idea of taking in the vibrations of others and “sharing the misery” or
commiserating, as it is called, it is an integral part of the old thought system. One is accepted and feels one is
a good person because one commiserates with others, that is - joining others in
their misery. However, it is
possible to be empathetic without soaking it up.
must say, it is not an easy task, however, at least not for me and most people
I know. As one’s health improves,
it definitely gets easier, however.
Also, one must be vigilant or it is easy to get trapped and back into
old habits of thought.
is a choice to constantly absorb the energies of others. It is fine to do so if you wish. However, ultimately, you are here to
radiate or extend the love and the peace of God, and it is a choice that each
of us has.
Exercise: The following I have found
helpful. Sit comfortably in a
chair or lie down, if you prefer.
Now imagine you have a light bulb or a giant flame in the middle of your
chest, and you are radiating or extending your light outward in all
directions. Feel deeply what this
is like, how it feels to you, and perhaps how it would feel to others. When you get up, try to walk around and
hold onto this feeling of radiating your light and your warmth, rather than
just absorb the energies that are out there around you.
may want to say, “I am here to radiate and extend love. I am not here to absorb the energy of
others”. It doesn't matter what
others do or say. I radiate my
light. I do not hide my light
under a bushel.
is wonderful. How you give makes a
difference, however, and can mean the difference between health and disease, or
wealth and poverty.
are two ways to give, from fullness or from emptiness. Giving from emptiness is based on
separation or lack of self-love.
One gives out of obligation, guilt, fear of consequences or to compensate
for feelings of low self-worth.
One often feels one has not given enough, which just creates more guilt
and even self-loathing.
other option is giving from fullness. It is quite different, and based on
full self-love. One first allows
oneself to receive and to be filled, and when one feels filled, then one simply
allows this fullness to overflow onto others. There is no obligation, no guilt and no compulsion to
give. It is totally natural, like
water overflowing a cup.
If the
feeling of fullness goes away, one knows one has either given too much for the
moment, or that one has temporarily cut oneself off from the divine supply.
avoid adrenal burnout, it is critical to give from fullness. This is an important principle of
health and wealth.
holding a cup under the faucet.
After it fills up completely, it begins to spill out onto your hand, and
everywhere else. That is how you
want to give. You are so full of
love that it literally overflows and spills out onto others and onto all your
Exercise: Notice the feeling when you
give. Learn to discern the difference
between giving from fullness and giving from emptiness, compulsion, guilt,
fear, even anger. If the latter is
occurring, stop and reflect.
Realize you will burn out if you continue to give for the wrong reasons
and from emptiness. Even if you don’t
burn out or spend all your time or money in this way, it is not as good as
giving from fullness, which has an entirely different feeling. This feeling is related to the
paragraphs above about radiating your light.
are the expression of the creator’s love in physical form. That is another central principle of
the new thought system. Love in
this thought system is not an emotion or feeling. It is an energy, like the
force in Star Wars or the tao in
Taoism. It has nothing to do with
romance, family or friends.
is a most important principle. You
are not someone’s son or daughter, husband or mother. You are the way the creator expresses on this physical
planet. You need a body here
because that is how others can see and interact with you. Also, the body is giving you a unique
opportunity to learn many things and learn who you really are.
again, however, in fact you are the extension of the creator’s love into this
world of form. It is a kind of
playground for souls who are learning who they are and how things really work in a physical dimension.
people seek love outside of themselves.
They may do this by seeking a friend or a mate, or perhaps by seeking
the right job or career. Others
believe if they just have enough or ore money, or a different house or car,
perhaps, that they will feel this love they seek.
If you
seek for love outside yourself, in people, places, things, or pets, you will
become frustrated because you have denied who you are! You have lied to yourself. It is like the person who travels the
world seeking treasure when the treasure is right there in one’s own back yard.
It is
fine to have companions, houses, money and all the rest. However, let go of the idea of seeking
for love. You can seek for
companionship or support, but these are not love. Keep the distinction clear. Love, again, is the primal energy of the creator.
fact, in the new thought system, any use of the body to get anything is a
mistake. Your body is a communication
device, a way to connect with others to spread the love that you are. The only relevant question regarding it
is, “What do I wish to communicate?”
than seeking for love, be the presence of love, using the criteria for
giving from fullness outlined above.
Love will return to you, because everything is an aspect of
yourself. Also, as you give, you
will receive. By the same
reasoning, teach only love, because as you teach, you will learn more about
love, and about how this world really works at the highest level.
Repeat "I am loved, I am
loving, I am lovable".
Especially note if you have difficulty with any of these phrases. Also repeat often, “I am the presence
of love in physical form.
Therefore, I have no need to seek for love.”
is a subtle principle. The ego strives to get what it wants. Striving involves effort, such as
working hard, running around, worrying, reading a lot of scripture, perhaps,
affirming or studying hard. Striving
assumes one is powerless and separate from God, and that must somehow “make”
one’s life happen. This is, in
fact, a step that we all must take.
However, many become fixed on some future goal, and as a result become
oblivious to opportunities and events in the present.
Allowing is different. It assumes one is all-powerful and
totally loved, and it assumes that the things one desires are already
there. One just needs to receive them. Allowing is not the same type of struggle, although it
requires some effort for most people.
It is
about becoming open, relaxed, aware, empty or somewhat hollow inside,
receptive, available, staying in the present, knowing that the things one wants
just need to be received. One can
be grateful for them, even if they have not manifested yet.
difference between striving and allowing is similar to the difference between
judging and discerning. The
fearful ego strives and judges.
The spiritual self or high self as some call it, discerns and allows.
two modes of operating feel very different. Striving, pushing or willfulness can be very hard on the
body. Allowing is more yin, more
receptive, and tends to heal the body and mind. Making a balance between the two and noting how they feel is
most helpful.
Exercise: Be aware of the differences between striving and allowing in
your daily life. If you want
something in your life, as we all do, can you work on opening yourself up to
receive it or allow it to come to you, rather than strive or force it to ‘make
it happen’? This is a very subtle
example, to heal you may need to eat better and sleep more, and remember to
take supplements and saunas. You
can either do this with a lot of forcing and striving, or you can relax into
it, set up routines and focus on allowing and making the space for the new
routines in your life.
found the Roy Masters meditation is needed or at least very helpful for this,
in my view. It is a subtle way to
use your will and your striving to release the lower will and allow more to
come into one’s life.
of the new thought system is about choices - often about choices you don't
believe you have. Abraham Lincoln
once said that people are about as happy as they choose to be. Yet how often do we believe that our
happiness depends on something or someone outside ourselves?
is very important to understand that choosing
for peace does not mean to be a doormat, to walk on eggshells, bend over
backwards or give in to anyone or anything. It is about being at peace within, no matter what the
outside circumstances are. One may
have to grab a gun and shoot, but it can be done from a place of peace within,
not out of rage or fear.
for love is also about a place within.
It does not matter if others are loving toward you. You can choose to respond with love no
matter what. One can decide for
love and peace, and then say or do whatever the holy spirit guides you to
do. If you do this, your behavior
may shock others. You may yell,
scream, or hit someone. However,
it will not be from anger or fear.
It will simply be the most appropriate response in the moment.
choice for peace, and the choice to love, can be made at any time, no matter
what the circumstances. This is a
function of your sovereignty and your power.
Exercise: Repeat often, "I choose to teach
only love". "I can be at
peace with this".
is a key to transforming the mind.
It is an expression of one’s love and power. It also goes against the world's system of judgment and
blame. Therefore it helps one let
go of the old thought system.
Forgive, forgive and forgive some more.
others does not mean to condone another's words or behavior, nor does it mean
one needs to hang around others or even be friendly with them. One might even send another to jail,
because actions have consequences.
However, it can be done with a forgiving attitude, not anger or
fear. Forgiving means one holds no
grudges, and that one chooses to see the Christ in everyone, with no
the highest level, all forgiveness is really forgiveness of oneself for one’s
misperceptions. Because no one can
hurt you, no one has ever wronged you.
You have just misperceived events.
Forgiveness is not really necessary if one is living the new thought
system. After all, why would you
need to forgive anyone if they never really did anything to you without your
consent? However, forgiveness is
necessary until one is fully committed to the new thought system.
Exercise: Try forgiving everyone, over
and over. Try it with other
drivers on the road, your friends, family, police, politicians, and the
IRS. It is actually a very interesting
exercise. Note how you feel. You will generally feel quite
empowered, because it actually requires power to forgive others. In fact, it is a secret of power.
idea states that one’s problems or concerns are not necessarily personal,
although they may appear that way.
In fact, one never knows if the issue even originated with oneself, or
if one tuned into it from others.
For example, money is an issue for many people. Is it really just an individual issue,
or is it possible one could tune into this issue out of compassion to help heal
it, since it affects millions around the world?
may sound strange that one would take on other's issues. But think for a minute. You probably have many more resources,
support, access to books, etc. than for instance a person living in total
poverty in Bangladesh. Why is it
so strange that you might volunteer to help the less fortunate this way? Perhaps you are just helping with God's
'case load' by taking on the issue of money, or health, or relationship
assumes a part of the burden out of compassion and love for humanity. One will never be given more than one
can handle, hopefully.
this way, there are only collective
issues, because there is only one Mind in the new thought system. It is often written with a capital M to
distinguish it from the little ego mind.
Each one of us is part of that Mind, so each is affected by collective
issues. NO issue is just yours. We come to earth to take on certain
issues and heal them - not just for ourselves, but for all of humanity.
key is not to take anything personally!!! Instead, celebrate your greatness, your compassion and
your power to take on certain issues.
Do not waste a moment trying to figure out whose issue this is, or why
you have to deal with it. Instead,
just heal it!
I know
this goes against most psychological teaching, which encourages one to dig into
one’s past to find the cause of the problem and analyze it to death. The new thought system is only
concerned with healing. You need
not analyze too much. The healing
is usually about forgiving yourself and others, using your common sense,
reading and learning about the problem and proceeding.
common trap people fall into is self-judgment and guilt about the nature or
magnitude of one's problems or situation.
This trap can produce paralysis that stops the healing process. Time to let that one go! Realize that no problem is too large,
and it is never just your problem.
people are afraid of being different, afraid of not being accepted by friends
or family, afraid of standing out in the crowd, afraid of being persecuted for
their views, and definitely afraid of their greatness.
is a very important paradox here.
At the highest level, one will connect best or most deeply with others
when one is most thoroughly in one’s own power and center. This is because at those moments, one
is operating from one’s essence.
This allows a person to connect best with the essence of others.
will not connect well with others when seeking to please others or win their
approval. That is just repression
or manipulation, which blocks the love and light that one is, blocking the true
connection with others. The
masters Jesus, Buddha and countless others only accomplished what they did by
breaking free of conventions, being a little outrageous, and letting their
light shine forth to the world.
principle is not a license to become crazy or rebellious for its own sake, or
to run away from problems. It is
about being authentic, honest and genuine. As the teenagers say, ‘get real’ and ‘stay real’. Always come from a loving place. However, if others refuse to take
responsibility for their lives and insist that you share their misery, the most
loving solution may be to let them go their way and you go yours.
Exercise: Check to make sure you are
living from your real, authentic self, and not acting in ways that are not to
your liking, but you think you must do so to please others.
conform to an insane world? Drop
the phoniness and stay real, even if it costs you a few friends or family
members. You will gain new friends
and new family, as there really is no such thing as loss in the new thought
system. Being yourself all the
time may mean being a little outrageous.
That is perfectly acceptable as long as it is not just an act or a
rebelliousness for its own sake.
do not hide your light under a bushel.
Let it shine forth.
your love to EVERYTHING that comes your way. This means to love your hurts, your fears, your anger and
all else! All of it. Hold
nothing back from your love.
When you hold back your love from some part of yourself or some emotion
or situation, you are really saying that this aspect, this problem, this relationship
is too awful for God (who is Love) to handle. Examine that thought, see how insane it is and let it go.
yourself for judging yourself.
Love yourself for being able to use your infinite power to be so fearful
or petty. Love yourself when you
are angry or really stupid in some way.
Do not
deny love to any part of yourself.
You must embrace a thing in order
to transcend it. To embrace it
means to wrap it in your love.
Exercise: Repeat many times:
"Love allows all things.
Love embraces all things.
Love trusts all things. And
by so doing, Love transcends and overcomes all things."
people pride themselves on being a seeker. They are proud of this. While it sounds good, however, seeking often sets up an odd
psychology in the mind. The
psychological effect of seeking all the time is that you are telling yourself
that you have not found – over and over again.
fact, priding yourself because you seek is like priding yourself because you
are trying. What matters is not
trying, but doing. Similarly, what
matters is finding, not seeking.
Many waste years and years seeking for truth.
people become professional seekers.
It becomes the purpose of their lives. At a subtle level, they do not want to find the truth, as it
would be the end of their quest.
The ego often likes seeking, because it gives it something to do. True ‘finding’ means the end of the
reign of the ego mind, as it would be much less necessary.
altogether different strategy is to begin with the realization that one has
found. This may seem odd. But it is not. It sets up a different dynamic in the
mind that allows it to move forward, rather than keep assuming that it has not
same principle is used in many visualizations. Basketball players, for example, are taught to visualize
getting the ball in the hoop, not seeking the hoop.
as spirit, already know the answers.
Realize the ego loves to seek, but
not to find. For if it found,
the game would be over - and with it, the ego's purpose. So searching becomes the important
thing, and the real goal - to find the truth - is forgotten.
deciding one has found, a new mental pattern arises. First, the ego is relieved of its duty to seek, and the mind
can rest. Second, saying one has
found affirms that this is the truth.
Saying one is a seeker, one perpetuates seeking, not finding.
A Course In Miracles is very clear there
are two phases to spirituality.
The first is called the journey to
the kingdom. This is the
'spiritual path'. This has an end,
and one is to get there as fast as possible. One spends the rest of one’s life, and hopefully a lot of
time, in the second phase. This is
called the journey within the kingdom. One looks the same, and life might look
outwardly similar, but one is transformed.
old Zen parable expresses it well: “Before I was enlightened, I chopped wood
and carried water. After I was
enlightened, I chopped wood and carried water.” In other words, once you have found the truth, your life may
look the same on the outside.
However, you are really transformed and all is different inside.
will say the idea of assuming you have found the truth is phony. They say it is just a way out of having
to process your issues. Saying
that ‘I have found’, rather than believe that ‘I am seeking’, may sound
arrogant, and seems to deny the 'process' of your journey. This is not so. One is always to stay in the present,
and therefore experience and embrace everything that comes up. And the only arrogance is to deny the
reality of spirit, the one who knows.
although one has found, it does not mean one is not learning and growing. It just means that one is knowing,
underneath, not a poor lost soul, as many believe they are.
related topic is to realize that the spiritual search begins from the point of
view of the ego mind.
As old tactics fail to bring happiness, the ego looks for new ones and
comes across the spiritual seeking mentality. It is just another subtle ego trip. Saying “I have found” derails this ego
ploy and sets one on a fast course toward mastery.
is a confusing idea. However, it
follows logically from some of the earlier ideas in this article. How can one be guilty of anything if
the others involved chose the event from their own place of power and
sovereignty? The mind will reel at
this, and says, But I harmed a small child, for example, or I wasted so much
money or time. Or perhaps, it was
an innocent bystander that I hit with my car.
answer is that at the highest level nothing happens without full agreement of
all parties, even if it involves a young baby. A young child is still a mature soul who simply has a very
undeveloped body and brain.
reason this concept is so important is that guilt can waste an entire lifetime
in some cases. Many
environmentalists are extremely guilty, for example, as are many others such as
some parents and others. Guild can
even dominate one's life. Yet it
serves no real purpose. If one has
committed a crime or improper action, one should take stock, repent, make
reparations if necessary, forgive oneself, and let it go.
mission on earth is not to wallow in guilt, but to acknowledge it, rethink it, and
realize why guilt is always unreal in the new thought system. This takes some practice, as do living
all these principles. However, it
gets easier each time one corrects oneself and live by the new thought
Exercise: I acknowledge the sovereignty
of others and I give everyone permission to experience whatever they wish. Love allows ALL things, no matter how
horrible they may seem to the ego mind!
For the environmentalists, for example, love allows the planet to be
destroyed, if people and other forces so desire. It is not that important, as life will go on elsewhere.
I know
this sounds awful to some people, and it is not intended as a license to
despoil the earth. However, the
point is that we do not know the whole picture! There may be a greater plan for ourselves or for the earth,
for that matter. Meanwhile,
wallowing in guild and fear saves no one, and often can do a lot of harm to
oneself and to others. Spirit, our
true self, is untouchable and perfect forever.
beings are co-creators of everything in their lives, according to the new
thought system. So how can there
be victims? There cannot. This is an important idea because the
mass thinking is so focused these days on victimhood:
The news announces daily who are the
latest victims.
The legal system spends billions
deciding who is the victim of whom.
The politicians continuously create more victims so they can
feel good saving them with more welfare programs - that just create more
America has recently begun to embrace the idea of victimhood in a big way. This is a deep shift for a nation
founded on the idea of the sovereignty of the people, not the victimhood of the
ego much prefers victimhood, because it is relieved of responsibility for its
condition. That is the key. Anytime one feels like a victim of
anything, it is because one would prefer not to take responsibility for the
situation. Victimhood is harmful because denies one’s power and the truth of one’s
those who do not buy into victimhood are accused of being cold, uncaring,
prejudiced, racist or sexist. The
ego screams: How dare you not feel sorry for ......? (you fill in the blank). How can you be so cold as to say that
innocent children create their abuse?
This block keeps many people believing in victims.
us answer by clarifying a few points.
Not believing in victims does not mean one has no compassion. It is not a reason to sit around and do
nothing about suffering. In fact,
the person who accords each person his or here sovereignty and responsibility
for their lives is often more effective at correcting injustices in the
world. This is because they are
not blinded by victim emotionality.
We all know the insanities perpetrated by well-meaning do-gooders who
are just trying to “help the victims”.
does denying the reality of victims imply that another deserves his suffering
or punishment. That is
insane. All people deserve the
best. Not believing in victims
means that one does not know the intent of every soul, and one does not know
what is best for another. The soul
may choose pain for many possible reasons - to get attention, to teach others,
to learn about fear and powerlessness, to wake up another, or for other reasons. All that is asked is to stop judging by
appearances when in reality one does not know the whole truth.
when you come upon a situation of apparent victimhood, go within and ask the
Holy Spirit, or your guidance: What shall I do in this situation? Then listen.
you come across a homeless person, on one occasion the guidance may be to give
him some money. On another
occasion it might be that this person can work and is not taking responsibility
for his life. Help would just
spoil him further. Or the guidance
might be to use your money to build a soup kitchen and shelter for these
people. Let the answers come,
rather than jumping to the victim conclusion. Victimhood, and the belief in victims, is deadly for the
spirit. I wish more of our leaders
understood this and were not afraid to say it.
is not a win-lose game, though one is free to perceive it that way. It is an expression of the Creator's
love. Events may not turn out the
way one expected, but that is because the desired outcome may not have served
the greater purpose - to wake up.
things do not work out, celebrate just as much as if they worked as one hoped. Realize one really does not know what
things are, or what they are for.
Life is ever a mystery, and failure in the game of life is not
possible. Failure, along with the
word loss, are judgment words best left out of one’s vocabulary.
is a difficult concept because schools routinely “fail” people, or threaten
to. So people grow believing in
failure and often believing they are failures if they don’t live up to some
standard. You are here, reading these words, so you are a success.
If the
body dies, your soul or spirit will just let it go and move on. That is not failure. If a business fails, you will recover
and try another business or job.
It just means that the world was not ready for your business, or perhaps
it was set up incorrectly in some way.
Try to think of it as an experience, rather than judge it harshly as a
of this has to do with semantics or the words we use. However, in part it is about changing one’s thinking style
and learning to reserve judgments, instead accepting things and moving on.
one understands the principles above, one realizes one is already the presence
of love in physical form. There is
nothing to be gained from this world.
This does not mean one cannot hone one’s skills, learn more about one’s
job or spouse, and so on.
at the highest level, one needs to know that all is well, you are loved and you
need not become anyone other than who you really are.
you do this, you will begin to celebrate at all times. For example, you will still need to
shop for your food, perhaps.
However, you will use the occasion to celebrate the oneness or atonement
(at-one-ment) and radiate the creator’s love into this world. You will bless the people in the
supermarket, bless the food and just celebrate the truth of who you are and
what this world really is all about.
same is true of going to a movie, or even going to see a doctor. Everything
you do and everywhere you go becomes just a context in which to celebrate and
be the presence of love for others.
becomes a never-ending joy as one allows the holy spirit to direct one to
people and places that need one’s love.
Life also becomes so much simpler as one does not have to figure
everything out, and indeed realizes that all is working for good, in ways that
the limited mind cannot understand.
The mind rests and life takes on a new meaning. One can truly live the happy dream of
being the presence of love in a world that needs it.
one's perspective from the old to the new thought system is considered the
wisest use of one’s time, and the true purpose of time.
It may
sound simple, but anyone who has undertaken this task knows how tricky and
subtle the old system of thinking can be.
So it can be very important to employ any methods, gimmicks, reminders,
etc. to help shift one’s perspective into the new thought system outlined
is a very unusual idea – that the best use of your time is to change your
perspective and your thinking. So
do not despair if it seems difficult, at times. Below are some of the problems that occur when you make up
your mind to shift your perspective in this way.
common problem is the new system is so positive that many people have
difficulty allowing it. It just
sounds too lovey-dovey. I had this
problem. I just couldn’t swallow
all the positive implications of these ideas. It took at least seven years of reading and working with the
principles in this article before the ideas and the new feelings began to sink
people want to hold onto their perceptions because it keeps them from making
real changes in their lives. These
changes appear scary and uncertain.
Others are steeped in another thought system or religion that makes it
hard for them to entertain a different perspective. Others can accept the ideas, but are so caught up with
daily rituals and activities they cannot allow the essence of these ideas to
really take hold in their lives.
To change, make room in your life for
change. Start questioning
everything you believe. Allow the
new to take root. Refrain from
judgment. Avoid discussing the new
thought system with skeptical friends, and instead seek out sympathetic
friends. Perhaps seek out a study
group that discusses these ideas, rather than other spiritual concepts.
yourself with that which you wish to learn and practice, and let go of all
else. Holding on to the false only
slows or stops progress. Slowly,
the new ideas and the feelings behind them will take hold and one will be
changed forever.
will occur as the mind is freed from bondage. The world becomes one’s playground. It is the second coming of Christ
spoken of, only it comes through you.
Through you, a new consciousness steals gently across the mind of
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