by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© February 2023, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
I. Introduction
II. Sources Of Ionizing Radiation
III. Removal Of Radiation Poisoning
Ionizing radiation refers to extremely small, high energy particles that are emitted by radioactive minerals, x-ray or other machines, or other sources.
The particles are classified as alpha, beta, and gamma particles. The names have to do with how penetrating the rays are. The worst are gamma rays. These are also called cosmic rays.
Radiation poisoning is an enormous and largely hidden cause of disability, weakness and death. We cannot emphasize this enough.
Filling the planet with radiation is a major weapon system used by the alien group some call the thugs, crap, or the Rogues (on this website). The Bible calls them Satan. They have literally hundreds of methods of irradiating out planet at this time.
Extreme yin effect. Ionizing radiation has a very powerful yin effect on the bodies. Yin is a physics term that means cold, expanded, weak and sick. This is the situation with all the bodies on earth – human, animal and plants – thanks in large part to radiation poisoning of the planet.
A very subtle poison. One cannot feel most of the effects of radiation poisoning. Some people, however, do feel weak. For most people, the the only effects they feel are longer-term effects on the body such as more infections, more cancers and a shorter life.
A very penetrating poison. Beta and gamma rays can pass through any material, except perhaps several feet of concrete or earth or a lead shield, though some manage to get through that, as well. They are present throughout space and inside the earth, as well.
A cumulative poison. Radiation toxicity builds up inside the body. One exposure may not be too bad, but slow chronic exposure causes much greater accumulation. Removing radiation is not easy. Fortunately, the use of coffee, cooked vegetables, kelp and a few other methods are quite good.
Acute and chronic poisoning both occur. Acute means an incident in which one is exposed to radiation. Chronic poisoning also occurs on earth because everyone is exposed to some ionizing radiation their entire lives.
War with the thugs. The main source is explosions of thousands of small, dirty nuclear weapons by the aliens, thugs or crap. Many of their bombs are small and well-concealed so no one sees or hears them.
They spread radiation into our food, water, air, objects such as appliances, clothing, dust particles, and many more ways.
Medical and dental x-rays. In our view, these are used more than is necessary, and at times, with fewer precautions than they should.
CT scans are particularly awful. These are a type of x-ray that takes many x-rays quickly and then combines them into a 3-dimensional picture. They are particularly bad and should be avoided. If a physicians suggests a CT scan, say NO. Use another type of scan. If he or she says they cannot, try to leave and go elsewhere.
Other medical uses of radiation. These include radioactive contrast media, radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism, and more.
Effects of atom bomb tests. These have released radiation into the air and everywhere else for the past 80 years.
Exposure from nuclear power plants. Some nations have many nuclear plants, although the dangers are becoming better known. The plants all give off a low level of radiation.
In addition, mining of uranium and plutonium fuel for the plants, processing the fuel, transporting the fuel and storing the fuel also release some radiation.
Accidents are much worse and there have been several large ones such as the meltdowns at Chernobyl, Ukraine, Three Mile Island, USA and Fukushima, Japan.
Radon gas exposure. This occurs in millions of homes today. This gas is found naturally in the earth and can seep up through the basement of a home, or even through the concrete foundation of a home.
Food irradiation. This is much more common than one might imagine. It need not be on the food label. It can be in the packaging, or a small packet next to the food, or done from outside.
Occupational exposures. This occurs in occupations such as x-ray technicians, physicians, nurses, those in food irradiation plants, workers at nuclear plants and bomb factories, those who handle ammunition made from depleted uranium, uranium miners, workers at uranium enrichment facilities, and perhaps others.
Frequent flying in aircraft of any type.
There are two basic ways:
1. We can take in radioactive minerals. For example, we breathe in most radioactive particles through the lungs. The particles are floating in the air after they are released from nuclear bomb explosions or power plant emissions.
Radioactive minerals are also sometimes ingested in food or in drinking water. At times, water supplies are contaminated with radioactive minerals.
For example, drinking water may pass through radioactive rock formations, and the water picks up a little of the radioactive minerals that are in the rocks. Sewage sludge and other materials sometimes used as fertilizer may also contain some radioactive minerals that can find their way into our food.
2. One can also be exposed to the rays without taking in the radioactive particles. This occurs when one is in an airplane above the earth, or when one receives an x-ray, PET scan or CT scan.
IMPORTANT NOTE: One CT scan gives a person as much radiation as about 400 chest x-rays. AVOID ALL CT scans unless absolutely necessary!
Radioactive rocks and minerals such as uranium-238, plutonium, and others also give off ionizing radiation.
This occurs by many mechanisms. Just a few of them are:
1. Yin effects. Ionizing radiation has extremely yin effects on the body. Yin, an ancient Chinese word, means cold, broken apart, expanded and today it means quite ill. This may lead to cancer, mental illness and many other health problems.
2. Oxidant damage.
3. Damage to the DNA. This causes gene mutations and impaired protein synthesis. The mutated cells may die, or the mutated cells may be able to reproduce, but cannot carry out their proper functions.
- If it is on the skin, immediately remove your clothing and take a thorough shower using plenty of soap and water.
- If you ate or drank radioactive material, try to cause vomiting by placing a finger in the back of the mouth and tickling the back of the mouth. Syrup of ipecac is an old herbal remedy to cause vomiting, but it is not as available today.
- One can also empty the intestinal contents by drinking at least two tablespoons of Epsom salts dissolved in a glass of water.
Another method is to go to a poison control center or emergency room at once. They can pump out the stomach to remove poisons.
- Do at least one strong coffee enema with at least two tablespoons of coffee. Do this as soon as possible. Even better are two back-to-back coffee enemas with at least two tablespoons of regular, non-instant and caffeinated coffee in each one. For details, read Coffee Enemas. One can do up to 4 or even 5 enemas daily safely and most people can tolerate up to eight tablespoons of coffee daily in enemas.
- Other excellent procedures are the oral coffee hold, and foot reflexology, especially rotating the toes in a circle – counterclockwise on the left foot and clockwise on the right foot - with emphasis on the part of the rotation that move the toes downward from the front of the foot toward the heel.
The oral coffee hold can be done every hour, if needed. Foot reflexology should be done every hour, as well, in acute poisoning. This combination can easily save a life in a case of acute poisoning.
Also excellent are methods that move energy downward from the head to the feet. These include the Pulling Down Procedure and the Hand Trance, in addition to the coffee enemas and foot reflexology done correctly.
1. Stop and avoid exposure to radioactive particles or other sources of ionizing radiation. This could involve installing equipment in a home to limit radon gas exposure, or changing one’s occupation to avoid x-ray exposure.
It could also mean moving so that one does not live downwind of a nuclear power plant. Also avoid mammograms and other non-essential x-rays.
2. Remove radioactive minerals from the body. A development program is excellent for this, and is explained below.
3. Remove cells that have become mutated due to radiation exposure and that can reproduce, worsening DNA damage to the body. A development program is helpful for this, as well, as explained below.
4. Repair oxidant and other types of damage due to radiation. A development program is helpful for this, as well.
This is the comprehensive program we recommend to correct chronic radiation toxicity. Features of this program that are particularly beneficial for radiation removal include:
A. Red heat Lamp sauna therapy. This therapy does the following:
1) The increased body temperature caused by the sauna’s heat disables or may kill cells mutated by radiation exposure so they cannot reproduce.
2) The increase in circulation can dislodge some radioactive mineral particles stuck in the body.
3) The higher temperature enhances the metabolic rate, which can speed up cell turnover, also getting rid of some mutated cells.
4) Other mechanisms may also enhance cellular activity to counteract the effects of radiation toxicity, such as the removal of toxic metals and toxic chemicals that may be laden with radioactive particles.
For more on this remarkable and simple therapy, read Sauna Therapy on this site.
B. Proper diet and supplementation. This provides healthful minerals and other nutrients that replace toxic ones that are contaminated with radiation. Diet and supplements also strengthen every aspect of metabolism, speed up the metabolic rate, which is slow in most people exposed to radiation, and therefore promote healing of the body and brain. Specific supplements are discussed below.
C. Coffee enemas. These powerfully detoxify the liver and colon, assisting the removal of radioactive particles from the body. Coffee may have other positive effects as well, such as enhancing the oxidation rate, removing other toxins, inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system and others. For more on this procedure, read Coffee Enemas on this website.
D. Proper drinking water and other aspects of the program. The right amount and type of drinking water promotes hydration and therefore proper detoxification of the body, helping it remove all types of toxins, including radioactive ones.
E. Kelp. This supplement seems able to help remove radiation by several means. It supplies a wide variety of easily utilized trace minerals that can replace radioactive ones in the body.
It also supplies iodine to replace radioactive I-131. The alginates it contains also seem particularly able to capture and remove toxic radioactive material in the body. It also provides some anti-oxidants that may help offset oxidant damage from radiation poisoning.
Other sea vegetables such as nori, hijiki, wakame and dulse may also be helpful for similar reasons, although these have more mercury in many cases and most have less alginates than kelp. This is why we prefer kelp.
F. Sardines. This food is highly recommended on all development programs. Not only does it provide omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which everyone needs in abundance, but it also provides RNA-DNA or nucleic acids that help rebuild the cells. It also is quite yang, but does not have the excessive mercury found in almost all fish and seafood products today.
G. Development. The program causes an unusual change in the body called development. This is a genetic upgrade. Its effects include strengthening the body, assisting removal of all toxins, and faster biosynthesis or faster manufacturing of all the chemicals the body requires. All of this is excellent to reduce radiation poisoning.
A full development program is needed and ideally remain on the program. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction to The Development Program.
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