(formerly called the aura trance)

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2017, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


This is a simple, powerful and safe method.  Done correctly, it will tell you the truth.

A helper:  To do this procedure, you will need a friend or helper.  You must trust the helper because aura sessions can become quite intense.

Location: It can be done anywhere, but should a place that is warm, comfortable and safe.

Positions: You lie down on your back, fully clothed, on a massage table or therapy table.  You can ask to be covered with a blanket to stay warm, if needed.  The helper stands or sits on one side of you.




1. Be warned: This procedure easily moves you into your past to learn about it.  You may see or hear unusual scenes, possibly from past lives.  You may have been a different age, the opposite sex, spoke a different language, and may have lived in a distant or unusual location. 

2. Set the intention for the session.   You must ask for what you want to learn from the session.  Be as specific as you can.  We don’t have enough experience with it at this time to know which intentions work the best.



- “The goal of the session is to know why I follow orders and won’t speak up.”

- “The goal of the session is to find my twin soul.”

- “The goal of the session is to find my true home.”

-  “The goal of the session is to find _____.”

- “The goal of the session is to find out why I don’t feel well.”




1. When you are lying down on your back,  the helper gently moves his or her hands through your aura field, moving only in one direction – starting at your head and moving toward the feet, and a little beyond the feet.

2. At the same time, you ask for what you want mentally in order to hear the answer.


Hand-moving procedure:  Begin with the hands just above the body, as this is the first layer of the aura.  Skim the hands over the body.  Do not touch it as this will upset you and bring you out of the trance.

After moving hands through this layer for about 1 or 2 minutes, move the hands upward a bit, or away from the body.  Then continue moving hands through the aura at this second level, moving only in one direction – starting at your head and moving toward the feet, and a little beyond the feet.

After 1 or 2 minutes, again move the hands upward a bit – away from the body.  Then continue moving the hands through the aura from head to feet, and a little beyond the feet.

After 1 or 2 minutes, if you are asking for what you want and still do not get any answer, tell the helper to move hands upward again a bit and continue stroking in the aura field over the body, but only stroke starting from the head and moving to the feet, and a little beyond.  

Usually, when you hit the third level, you will begin to get answers.  If not, keep going up a little bit at a time until you get answers.  There are over 7 layers to the aura.


What happens.  After 2-3 units of time of moving the hands through the aura, you will move into a light trance.  You will begin to hear answers to your question.  Answers are given by souls near the body.  The helper can encourage this by gently and softly asking if you hear the answer to what you want.

Ending the session.  Sessions may only take a few minutes.  Some last longer if the answer is complex.  Have the helper write down any complex instructions so you don’t forget them.

When you get enough answers, tell the helper to end the session by stopping movement of the hands.  Soon you will come out of the trance.  Stretch before getting up.  This is needed and helpful.


Safety. The entity soul does not leave the body at any time, so it is very easy to wake up.  So far, there are no problems.  We will report any cautions or problems that arise in updates in this article.



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