by Dr.
Lawrence Wilson
August 2016, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
An advanced
concept in hair analysis interpretation is to quantify the patterns seen on a hair
mineral chart. This can assist with the proper interpretation
of the mineral test. For example,
if a pattern is a quadruple or 4x, it is more important, more extreme or
stronger than if the pattern is a double or 2x, or a single or 1x pattern.
This article
lists the criteria needed to quantify some of the major hair analysis patterns
that we encounter commonly. The concept
can be applied to more patterns, and it will be in the future. For now, the patterns in this article
are among the most important to quantify.
THE CALCIUM SHELL (psychological withdrawal,
repressed emotions, “hiding out”, somewhat out of touch with reality, a type of
depression, fatigue, calcium deposition in the tissues, trauma pattern, hidden
copper and perhaps more)
For women:
Calcium of 165-209 mg% is a single
shell pattern.
Calcium of 210-259 is a 2x or double
shell pattern.
Calcium of 260-299 is a 3x or triple
shell pattern.
Calcium of 300-369 is a 4x or quadruple
shell pattern. This is also called
Petrified Pattern
from here and beyond.
Calcium of 370-459 is a 5x or quintuple
shell pattern.
Calcium of 460-539 is a 6x or sextuple shell
Calcium of 540-639 is a 7x or septuple
shell pattern.
Calcium of 640 + is an 8x shell pattern.
(these are approximate values based on
current research.)
For men:
Calcium of 155-199 mg% is a 1x or single
shell pattern.
Calcium of 200-249 mg% is a 2x or double
shell pattern.
Calcium of 250-309 mg% is a 3x or triple
shell pattern.
Calcium of 310-339 mg% is a 4x or quadruple
shell pattern.
shell pattern is much less common in men.
If it is present in men, it is likely to be lower than in women, in
For more
details about the calcium shell pattern, please read The Calcium Shell on this website.
BURNOUT PATTERNS (adrenal exhaustion, low
thyroid, exhausted sympathetic nervous system)
Adrenal burnout
or exhaustion is another extremely important and common pattern seen on hair
mineral analyses. Each of the
following criteria adds a multiple to the burnout pattern. For example, if two of the following
indicators are present, I call it double burnout. The hair must not be washed at the laboratory for any of
these criteria to be valid.
1. Slow oxidation
2. Very slow oxidation, with a
calcium/potassium ratio greater than about 200 (ideal is about 4).
3. A calcium shell may overlap with
very slow oxidation, but may be a separate burnout indicator.
4. A sodium/potassium ratio less than
about 2.5. If the sodium/potassium ratio is very low, this adds more multiples
(see A Low Sodium/potassium Ratio below for those criteria).
5. A sodium level less than about 11
6. A potassium level less than about 5
7. Three lows, also called three low macrominerals.
8. Four lows, also called four low macrominerals.
This is a double burnout pattern.
9. Phosphorus of 12 mg% is one burnout
indicator. Phosphorus of 11 is
two, phosphorus of 10 is three, and so on.
10. Each three poor eliminator
patterns, (formerly called the Double O Pattern), equals one burnout indicator. (see Poor
Eliminator Pattern below for the exact criteria). The minerals to look for are copper, iron, manganese, lead,
mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and nickel. Boron, vanadium and even calcium and magnesium can also be
in oxide forms.
11. Each two very poor eliminator
patterns equals one burnout pattern.
It is not
uncommon today to observe people with eight or even ten burnout
indicators. For more information
about adrenal exhaustion, read Adrenal Burnout
Syndrome on this website.
sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, pushing oneself hard,
anxious, worrier, depressed, fearful, impaired circulation, digestion,
elimination and immune response, feeling chased by tigers, somewhat compulsive,
often copper-toxic and at times a spiritually-oriented person.)
Recall that
in nutritional balancing science the words sympathetic dominance are used in a
very specific way that is different from the way some other authors use
them. This pattern is defined as
mainly an attitude or mental tendency, rather than primarily a
biochemically-caused tendency.
Sympathetic dominance is not the same as a fast
oxidizer, as others use the words.
We say that fast oxidation is a sympathetic state of body chemistry. In contrast, sympathetic dominance occurs only in slow oxidizers. It is a mental/emotional tendency to
push oneself and often to worry a lot, thus overusing the sympathetic or
fight-or-flight nervous system. It
is a very common tendency today.
1. Potassium of 4 mg% = a single
2. Potassium of 3 mg% = a double
3. Potassium of 2 mg% = a triple
4. Potassium of 1 mg% = a quadruple
5. Potassium less than 1 mg%. This is not currently read on ARL hair tests, but some other laboratories read potassium
levels at lower levels. Lower
potassium indicates more sympathetic dominance patterns, and the exact criteria
are still being worked out.
6. If the potassium is 4 or less, AND
the sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 3 to 4, this adds another
multiple, or up to 5 more sympathetic dominant patterns depending on how high
the sodium/potassium ratio is. (For the number of indicators to add, see Elevated
Sodium/Potassium Ratio below).
7. If the potassium is 4 or less, AND
the sodium/potassium ratio is greater than about 3 to 4, AND the
calcium/magnesium ratio greater than about 9.5, this adds another multiple, or
perhaps more than one if the sodium/potassium ratio and/or the
calcium/magnesium ratio are very high.
8. A four lows pattern adds another multiple.
9. If three highs or four highs pattern
is present, AND the sodium/potassium ratio is about 3 or greater, this adds
another multiple or perhaps more than one, depending on how high the
sodium/potassium ratio is.
10. If three highs or four highs
pattern is present, AND the sodium/potassium ratio is about 3 or greater, AND
the calcium/magnesium ratio is greater than about 9.5, this can add another
multiple or perhaps more than one, depending on how high the sodium/potassium
ratio and/or calcium magnesium ratios are.
11. Every four poor eliminator patterns adds one
sympathetic dominance indicator.
12. Every four very poor eliminator patterns adds one
sympathetic dominance indicator. (This is in addition to indicators due to poor
eliminator pattern.)
In this way,
one can have, for example, five, ten or even fifteen sympathetic dominance
patterns on a single hair mineral chart.
For more information about this fascinating autonomic imbalance pattern,
read Sympathetic Dominance on this
for infections are:
1. A sodium/potassium less than
2.5. As the sodium/potassium ratio
becomes lower, it adds more multiples (see A Low Sodium/potassium Ratio below for the
exact criteria).
2. If the sodium/potassium ratio is
low, AND the calcium/magnesium ratio is less than about 3, this adds another
multiplier. This is called a Double Low Ratio
Pattern. It may add more than
one multiplier if the sodium/potassium and/or the calcium/magnesium ratios are
very low.
4. Possibly a zinc level less than
about 10.
5. Possibly a cadmium level greater
than about 0.02 mg%.
6. Possibly a mercury level greater
than about 0.03 mg%.
In this way,
one can identify double, triple or even quadruple infection patterns on a hair
mineral analysis.
(inflammation, anger and often acute stress)
Criteria are
1. Na/K between 4 and 8 = single or 1x.
2. Na/k between about 8 and 20 = double
or 2x.
3. Na/k between about 20 and 40 =
triple or 3x.
4. Na/K between 40 and 90 = quadruple
or 4 x.
5. Na/K above 90 = quintuple or 5x.
adrenal insufficiency, blood sugar imbalance, kidney stress, liver stress,
cardiovascular stress, and often frustration, resentment and hostility)
with which to evaluate a low sodium/potassium ratio (Na/K) are:
1. Na/K between 1.7 and 2.5 = single
2. Na/K between 1.1 and 1.7 = double
3. Na/K between 0.6 and 1 = triple
4. Na/K less than 0.6 = quadruple
5. Na/K less than about 0.3 = quintuple
or 5x.
11. Na/K less than 0.15 = 11 x
To read more
about the sodium/potassium ratio, read The
Sodium/Potassium Ratio.
is sometimes called the diet
and lifestyle ratio because that is what it has to do with. Here are some notes about it:
ratio greater than about 13.5 may also be related to trauma related to one’s father early
in life. It can also have to do
with the “father” metaphorically.
This can have to do with God, or with masculine energy in one’s life,
for instance.
pretending or pretense can be a dominant emotion when this ratio is too
high. Also, a high CA/Mg is often
part of a bowl pattern (feeling stuck)).
1. Ca/Mg between 9.5 and 13.5 = Too
much carbohydrate in the diet.
2. Ca/Mg between 13.5 and 21 = single
spiritual defensive pattern.
3. Ca/Mg between 21 and 32 = double
spiritual defensive pattern.
4. Ca/Mg between 32 and 55 = triple
(3x) spiritual defensive pattern.
5. Ca/Mg between 55 and 75 = quadruple
(4x) spiritual defensive pattern.
6. Ca/Mg greater than 75 = quintuple
(5x) spiritual defensive pattern and usually severe parental-related traumas.
read more, read Spiritual Defensive Pattern.
trauma with mother. Also, may be part of a hill pattern, a
double low ratio pattern, a step up pattern, or others.)
1. Ca/Mg between 3.5 and 2 = a low
Ca/Mg ratio.
2. Ca/Mg between 2 and 1 = double (2x)
low Ca/Mg ratio.
3. Ca/Mg less than 1 = triple (3x) low
Ca/Mg ratio.
I usually
only identify the oxidation rate as mild, moderate and extreme. This is like saying single, double and
triple pattern of fast or slow oxidation.
To read more about oxidation rates, read Fast, Slow and Mixed Oxidation on this
eliminator pattern is definitely one of the most important newer hair analysis
indicators. An initial hair
analysis, and usually a retest, as well, with extremely low toxic metal levels,
or very low levels of physiological minerals such as copper, iron or manganese
does not indicate that the metals are absent from the body. Instead, it indicates that a person has
plenty of the toxic metals or a toxic form of the physiological minerals. The person simply cannot eliminate
these very well, so they are not revealed in the hair.
It also
means they are accumulating inside the body, where they cause many symptoms and
health conditions. This is, in
fact, an excellent way to identify the presence of many hidden toxic metals
inside the body. The metals are
sequestered deep within the organs and tissues of the body. This pattern was formerly called the double 0 pattern.
indicator for difficulty eliminating toxic metals or toxic and unavailable
forms of physiological minerals may be expressed as a double, triple, quadruple
or more when more than one indicator is present. The criteria at this time are found in the article entitled Poor Eliminator Pattern.
One can have
as many as 8 or 9 of these patterns at once. For much more on this interesting and very important
pattern, read the Poor Eliminator Pattern article.
is just an extension of the pattern above. When the toxic metal levels or some physiological minerals are
extremely low, the poor eliminator tendency is even stronger. This means the body is having even more
difficulty eliminating the toxic metal.
It generally means that even more of the toxic metal or biounavailable form of the nutrient mineral are present
inside the body.
current criteria for very poor eliminator patterns are found in the same
article on Poor Eliminator Pattern.
are the current criteria for trauma.
Adding up the indicators will give a total trauma reading. As with the other patterns, this method
of calculating the intensity of trauma only applies to the initial hair mineral
test. The reason for this is that
the appearance of trauma or other patterns on a retest is often just a retracing
or healing process. The only use
of the criteria below on retests is that calculating the number of trauma
patterns might help the doctor and patient calculate the severity of the
healing reaction, in terms of retracing old traumas.
1. Very poor eliminator patterns. About 3 very poor eliminator patterns
indicates one trauma pattern. Four
or more very poor eliminator patterns indicates two trauma patterns.
2. Low sodium/potassium ratio. Na/K between 1 and 0.68 indicates one
trauma pattern. Na/K less than
0.68 indicates two trauma patterns.
3. Calcium shell. A 2x shell (calcium above 200 mg% is one trauma
pattern. A 3x shell (calcium above
about 280 mg%, is two trauma patterns.
A 4x shell (calcium above about 340 mg%) indicates three trauma
patterns, and so on in this manner.
4. Elevated Calcium/magnesium ratio (spiritual
defensive pattern). A ratio
above 13.5 is one trauma pattern.
A ratio above about 28 is two trauma patterns. This is often related to the L
pattern, which indicates a problem with a person’s lifestyle and not living
one’s truth. Often the person is
stuck with an attitude or lifestyle factor that is not working well for him or
5. Elevated copper (Copper Toxicity Syndrome). A copper level of 25-50 mg% is one
trauma pattern. A copper level of
about 50-100 mg% is two trauma patterns.
A copper level above 100 mg% indicates three trauma patterns.
6. Double low ratio on the second four numbers
(iron, copper, manganese and zinc).
The ratios must be iron/copper less than 0.7 AND manganese/zinc less
than 0.0015. This is still being
nickel (Ni > 0.19 mg%).
While not always a trauma pattern, this is often associated with rape
and being told to drink rooibos tea or red tea to
prevent another rape.
8. Extreme slow
oxidation (Ca/K > 150).
9. Potassium level
less than 1 mg%. This seems to
be true. However, it cannot be
read on a current ARL hair chart because they only
read the potassium down to 1 mg%.
As a result, this criteria is not that important right now.
These last
three patterns are still being researched. However, knowing that trauma is present and its degree can
be most helpful.
the future, I will quantify the levels of the toxic metals. For now, they can be either in:
1. The normal range
2. Poor eliminators
3. Elevated.
The levels
for each of these are listed in the Toxic Metals
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