By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


When it comes to your health, prevention is critical.  Many people know this, and want preventive care.  The problem is that the medical system does not really offer it.  This article discusses another kind of prevention that I believe is much better.  Let us begin with a look at standard preventive care and its problems.




Within the standard ‘disease model’ of care, preventive measures fall into three categories:


1. Primary prevention.  This consists of reducing risk factors in order to completely avoid disease.  Examples are:

1. Vaccinations (very toxic and can be deadly).

2. Cholesterol-lowering drugs (very toxic and harmful).

3. A baby aspirin daily to thin the blood and prevent strokes. (toxic and not very effective).

4. Fluoride in the drinking water (horrible – causes diseae!).


Some measures that are better are quitting smoking, getting more sleep, and eating better.  But this is not enough.


2. Secondary prevention.  This is early detection of disease.  It consists of various tests and checkups to find illness earlier so that treatment can be applied sooner.  However, it is not designed to prevent disease, so the name is somewhat false.  Common examples are:

1. Pap smears to find cervical cancers.

2. Mammograms to find breast cancers (exposes women to x-rays that are harmful).

3. Annual physical exams (not effective and very costly, according to most research).

4. Blood or urine tests to look for abnormalities of the thyroid, prostate, liver, kidneys or other organs.  (Unfortunately, these miss many problems.  Many of our clients have had blood tests that were normal, but they felt awful.)


3. Tertiary prevention.  These are medical procedures to A) reduce complications of diseases that are already present, B) prevent recurrences of a disease, and C) improve a person’s quality of life with a disease. However, this type of “prevention” does not prevent disease, so using the word prevention is misleading and false.




The problems with medical prevention are:


1. Two of the three kinds of medical prevention above don’t prevent disease!  This is critical to understand.  Secondary prevention is just early detection, and tertiary prevention is about disease management, but not prevention.

2. Some of the preventive measures are dangerous.  These include vaccines, mammograms, x-rays, fluoride in the water, and perhaps others.

3. Some medical prevention is quite costly, such as annual physical exams and some tests.

4. Most important, this system of prevention is not working well.  The rate of autism, ADD, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and dozens of other health problems are increasing, not decreasing around the world.

The question is whether there are other measures that would work better.  We believe there are, and we will call it “real prevention”.




Real prevention differs from medical prevention in that:

1. It is all about preventing diseases, not about detecting them early or managing them.

2. It works by optimizing health.  This is a concept that is not part of regular medicine, and in fact, it is not part of naturopathy, herbology or most nutrition as it is taught today.

3. It works.  The medical and even natural and holistic prevention don’t work as well because for the most part they don’t use the hair mineral test to measure the body and they don’t know our deep healing method.

The development method not only renourishes the body at deep levels.  It also causes development.  This is a set of genetic and other changes that occur in a human body when one follows the development program.

Development does not occur nearly as much, or at all, with other nutritional, herbal or medical programs.  Development results in a much stronger immune system, improved brain functioning, and other positive changes in the body.  For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.






This is often the most important part of the program.  If you do not follow the diet, the rest of the program will not work as well.  You might even feel sick on the program if you don’t do the diet.  For the details, read Food For Daily Use.  This article also references two other articles on the subject – Occasional Foods and Forbidden Foods.




1. Reduce stress on yourself.  Try to live simply, within or below your means.  Also, do your best to live and work in a safe location with clean air, peace and quiet.

2. Get more rest.  This is critical for many people.  Get 9 or more hours of sleep every night.  Also, go to sleep early, between 8 and 9 PM, because the hours before midnight are the best for resting.  Naps are excellent during the day, and may be needed as healing occurs.

3. Only do gentle exercise.  This is all you need with this preventive program.  The idea is to conserve most of your energy for healing.  Most people are 1) exhausted, and 2) very unhealthy.  Vigorous exercise may feel good, but just stresses the body severely, and is not needed.

Limit your exercise to gentle walking, gentle hiking, gentle bicycling, gentle weights, or perhaps gentle swimming in lakes, oceans or rivers.  Even Kenneth Cooper, the founder of aerobics, changed his mind and opposed vigorous exercise after a number of people dropped dead of heart attacks during vigorous exercise. 

4. Deep breathing.  Do this every day for at least 15 minutes.

5. Limit ordinary sex.  It is best no more than once a month to limit fluid loss.  Down sex and down hugging is fine, however, and these are powerful healing methods.

6. Sunshine.  Twenty to thirty minutes a day is excellent.  More tends to be toxic for most people, unless your skin is very dark.  Most suncreens are toxic, so please do not use them.  Wear a hat and long sleeves if you have to be in the sun all day.

7. Reduce toxic exposures.  Stop using chemicals on your skin such as most perfumes, cologne, creams and lotions – even natural ones.  Also beware of lawn chemicals, pesticides, solvents, nail polish remover (very bad), eyeliner (quite toxic), and other toxins.

Also avoid metal orthodontic braces on your teeth, which contain nickel, a deadly metal.  Use only natural products with as few chemicals in them as possible. 

Stay out of swimming pools and hot tubs, due to the toxic chemicals used to sanitize them and due to infections present in all of them.

8. Remove all root canal-filled teeth and silver amalgam dental fillings.  Root canal-filled teeth almost always harbor serious infection, even if you cannot feel it.  Most of the time, it is best to remove the tooth.  This can be extremely important in order to regain and maintain your health.  Silver amalgam dental fillings contain mercury that is extremely toxic.  Also, do not get fluoride treatments on your teeth.  Fluoride is a potent nerve toxin.

9. Minimize electromagnetic pollution.  Limit computer time and use a remote keyboard so you are not right in front of the screen.

Ideally, use a wired land telephone, rather than a cell phone.  If you must use a cell or portable phone, hold it away from your head or use a headset or speakerphone.  Turn off all electrical devices when you sleep, and keep them as far away as possible from you at all times.

10. Minimize and preferably avoid all medical drugs and over-the-counter drugs.  They are all somewhat toxic.




Food alone cannot supply all the nutrients we need.  Anyone who claims it can we believe is either ignorant or malicious.

A general supplement program is found in the article The Healing Lifestyle.  We call this the basic or “free” program.  It is a starter program.  A much better way to decide upon supplements is to embark on a complete development program.




1. Reflexology.  Rub your own feet, or get someone else to rub them, for at least 10 minutes every single day.  For details, read Reflexology.

2. Red lamp therapy with a single red lamp or better, with a red lamp sauna.  These are also powerful healing methdods.

At the very least, buy a 250-watt incandescent red heat lamp  (about $10-15.00 USD at Home Depot or other hardware stores.)  Shine it on your abdomen for at least 1 hour daily. 

Better yet, build or buy a red lamp sauna.  It helps warm your abdomen, helps get rid of parasites that most people have, improves digestion, and the rays are very beneficial.  For details, read Sauna Therapy.

3. Spinal twists.  Do all the twists, pulls, pops and kicks found in the Spinal Twist article every day.  This is a powerful development method.

4. The pulling down exercise. This is another very powerful and essential development procedure.  It will help your healing and your mental state in dozens of ways.  No other meditations, prayers or mental exercises do the same thing.  For details, read The Pulling Down Exercise.

5. Coffee enemas.  These also speed up development and have many benefits.  For details, read Coffee Enemas.

6. Other procedures.  These are found in the Accelerators article.  


The more you do of this simple program, the more your health will improve.  Also, don’t add anything to this program such as a lot of herbs, homeopathy, chelation, or hormone therapy, as it will ruin it.

This program will move you further away from most any type of disease or disability, so begin it today.  It does not replace all medical care because you might still break your arm or leg and need their help.  However, it can improve health so much that most of medical care becomes unnecessary.



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