by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© April 2016, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this
article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any
disease or health condition.
Potassium is a
major electrolyte in our bodies.
This means it is present in large quantities in the body, and is
required in large quantities in the diet.
Potassium has a single electrical charge, also called a monovalent
element. This makes it a good electrical conductor, a solvent, and
tends to make it very water-soluble.
Deficiency very widespread. Only 2-10% of the American population
obtains the recommended daily amount of potassium each day. This
means that at least 90% of the population are
deficient in this very essential mineral.
RDA for potassium.
1-3 = 400 mg daily
4-8 = 3800 mg daily
9-13 = 4500 mg daily
13 = 4700 mg daily
women = 5100 mg daily
average American eats about half of the required potassium needed for
health. This is a major reason to eat loads of cooked vegetables.
Potassium performs many essential functions ranging from regulating the
heart to balancing the electrical potential of the body by polarizing the cells.
In fact, one could call potassium the polarizer mineral.
This has to do with the sodium pump, which pumps
sodium out of the cells, leaving the potassium inside the cells and the sodium
outside. This causes an electrical
potential or polarization of the cells that is absolutely
necessary for life to exist.
On a hair mineral analysis, this electrical charge is
represented as the sodium/potassium ratio and it influences other
aspects of the mineral chart, as well.
Eck called potassium the follow through element. This may have to do with its role in
the autonomic nervous system, as it is a primary indicator of an autonomic
pattern called sympathetic dominance,
described below.
old word for potassium is kali, which
is why the symbol of this element on the periodic table is K. Kali was also the name of the Hindu
goddess of time, change, power and destruction. We consider potassium exactly like this
– a female element associated with death and destruction.
Potassium is the death element because it dissolves things. It does not kill things, but the monovalent elements tend to disintegrate hard materials
such as bone by acting as solvents in the body. This is an essential function, not a problem.
Dr. Joseph Scogna, in his
book, The Promethian, likens potassium to a
powerful army general and calls potassium the “aggressive power” element.
The concept of pairs of minerals is extremely
important in nutritional balancing science. Potassium commonly pairs with sodium and with calcium, and
sometimes with zinc and vitamin A.
Potassium is closely allied with sodium in the
body. Both are used as solvents,
both are regulated in the blood by the kidneys, both are monovalent
elements, and they share other qualities as well. However, potassium is found mainly
inside the cells, while sodium concentrates more in the blood and interstitial
fluid outside of the cells. The
sodium-to-potassium transmutation is extremely important in our bodies. For more on this, please read Biological Transmutation on this website.
Potassium and calcium form another pair or opposites, mainly. Calcium is slow and sturdy. We call it the structural element or
the builder. Potassium is the opposite. It is the solvent
that breaks down structure in our bodies.
Potassium has many critical functions in our
bodies, among which are:
- A potent solvent. The monovalent elements
are the body’s solvents. Though less important than sodium, potassium also functions
to dissolve many chemical compounds in the blood.
- Associated with cortisol levels. Sodium is more associated
with adrenalin and aldosterone, which
are faster acting hormones.
Potassium is more associated with cortisol and
cortisone. These are slower-acting stress hormones. The correlation on hair
mineral tests is only a general one, however, as many factors can influence the
hair levels.
- Thyroid gland regulation.
Potassium sensitizes the cells to thyroid hormone, according
to Dr. Eck’s research. In
addition, when sodium and potassium rise, tissue calcium tends to
decrease. This causes the cells to
become more permeable to thyroid hormone, in particular, and to other hormones
such as insulin, as well.
- Cancer fighter. Max Gerson, MD pioneered a high potassium diet for cancer and other
degenerative diseases. His
rationale was that potassium leaking out of the cells causes depolarization of
the cells and disease. His answer
was to replenish potassium in the diet.
Today, however, that diet, usually composed of many
glasses of carrot and apple juice, appears to be less effective because today
the cancer problem is not so much about potassium as it is about toxic metals
and toxic chemicals in the body that must be removed to restore health. Also,
potassium in our food has been influenced by the presence of N-P-K
fertilizers. This important topic is discussed later in this article.
- Fluid balance and osmotic
regulation. Potassium does this along with sodium, calcium,
magnesium and phosphorus.
- Nerve conduction, especially in
the heart. Those who eat improperly with not
enough vegetables, in particular, may feel weak or even experience
palpitations, skipped beats, arrhythmias and rarely heart attacks from
potassium depletion. This can be
much worse, for example, if they do not replenish their
minerals and they use saunas or hot tubs that induce intense sweating. This is why I recommend kelp and sea
salt if one uses a sauna.
- Regulation of blood viscosity,
serum and cellular acidity, and CO2 transport in the red blood cells.
- Regulation of cell membrane potential, cell
permeability, sodium pump action, muscle contraction and relaxation, and nerve
impulse conduction. These are all in conjunction with
sodium and other macrominerals in most cases.
Vegetables. Obtaining enough potassium
every day is of critical importance.
Many people do not get enough from their diets, although it is not
difficult to find in certain foods.
Most nutrition books and doctors will tell you the best sources are
fruits and vegetables. However, I
will qualify this.
The best and most biologically available source of
high-quality potassium is cooked vegetables, NOT FRUIT and NOT RAW FOODS. This is important to explain.
problem with fruit. Although many fruits are rich in
potassium, the form of potassium is not biologically available to our
bodies. The reason is that fruits
take up a lot of superphosphate fertilizers, which
contain a less usable and toxic form of potassium. This includes bananas, coconut, peaches, pears, apples and
most other fruits, as well.
Many health authorities will disagree with me on
this, but this is our experience with fruit. Not only is the potassium not biologically available, but it
is toxic as well. This is a very
important concept, and one of the major reasons we do not recommend eating any
fruit at all!
The problem of toxic potassium also extends to some
so-called vegetables that are really fruits. These include tomatoes, white and red potatoes, all peppers,
all squash, okra, cucumbers, eggplant and perhaps one or two others. This important problem is explained in
more detail below in the section below called Toxic Forms Of Potassium.
problem with raw vegetables. While vegetables are good sources of
potassium, in some cases, when eaten raw our bodies
cannot extract enough of the minerals.
The reason is that we cannot break down enough of the tough fibers in
In order to obtain the most minerals, one must cook
the vegetables to break down the fiber.
I know that upsets some people, but it is my experience.
Vegetables juices are a good source
of potassium. The only other option to obtain plenty
of potassium from vegetables is to drink some vegetable juice each day. I recommend about 10-12 ounces only of
carrot juice, perhaps with a little of the greens in it if you wish such as one
Swiss chard leaf or a few small spinach leaves.
not drink more juice than this, as it is very yin in Chinese medical terms. Wheat
grass juice, one or two ounces at a time, is also excellent and contains some
potassium. Another way to get more
potassium is to blend your food or puree it. However, I would limit blended and pureed food if it is raw, as all raw food is extremely yin in Chinese
Raw dairy
products. These can also be good sources of
potassium, particularly raw, unpasteurized and unhomogenized
milk and yogurts.
water. Some, but not all
tap and spring water contains some potassium. Reverse osmosis water
and distilled water contain no potassium at all. This is one reason I do not recommend reverse osmosis water
ever, and I only recommend distilled water for a day or perhaps for a week or
so during some difficult detoxification or purification reaction to remove
toxins faster.
is a very important topic. It is
so critical for our health, and for understanding some hair mineral patterns,
that I have assembled a separate article about it. Please do not skip over it. Please read the article entitled Toxic Forms Of Potassium
on this website.
value. Dr. Paul Eck found that an ideal hair potassium level is about 10 mg% or
100 parts per million, providing the hair is not washed at all in any way, at
the laboratory.
A healthy
range. This is a much less useful
measurement. However, I find that
a good range is between 6 and 12 mg%. This is the same as 60-120 parts per million or 60-120 micrograms per 100 grams.
potassium in hair. Note
that hair potassium and sodium levels can be accurately
measured in a hair sample only if the laboratory does not wash the
hair at all. Potassium and
sodium levels are extremely erratic and inaccurate if the hair has been washed at the laboratory because washing the hair
washes out some or even most of the potassium.
toxic potassium. On an initial hair mineral analysis, a very elevated potassium level may
be due to:
1. A metabolic imbalance with regards to potassium
such as a very fast oxidation rate.
2. The use of a water softener that contains
potassium. In this case, the
elevated potassium is an artifact due to water contamination with potassium.
3. Rarely, it is due to an elimination or just
the presence of toxic potassium.
A fairly reliable
indicator for the two latter items is an Na/K ratio less than about 0.4. The reason for this is that life is
very difficult to maintain with an Na/K less than
about 0.4. So it is a good
assumption that if the Na/K ratio is lower than this, the reading is usually
due either to an artifact – bathing in water very high in potassium, or
the body is throwing off some toxic potassium.
On a retest hair mineral analysis, an elimination of toxic potassium also occurs
quite commonly during development programs. This particular form of potassium cannot
be changed into a more healthful form by our bodies, so it excreted during
the program.
In most of these cases, the hair potassium level
doubles, or increases even more than this. Another indicator that elimination of toxic potassium is the
cause of the elevated potassium is if the Na/K ratio decreases to less than
about 0.4.
While the combination of a rise in hair potassium
and a sharp decrease in the Na/K may be due to other causes, a release of toxic
potassium is one of the most common and most important reasons for it. For more, read Toxic Forms Of Potassium.
The hair potassium level is
important for a number of basic and critical initial and retest hair
analysis patterns and progressions (patterns that involve 3 or more tests):
1. Sympathetic dominance (potassium
of 4 mg% or less.) A hair potassium level of 4 mg%
or less is the main indicator of sympathetic dominance pattern. A secondary indicator is a high Na/K
ratio. A newer indicator is a
three highs pattern, or a four highs pattern combined with any elevated Na/K
This pattern indicates a person who “pushes”
himself, either physically with excessive activities, or mentally with worry or
fear. As a result, the person
remains in a fight-or-flight mode of living too much, even when the body is
very tired. One therapist phrased
it as “acting as though you are being chased by tigers all of the time”.
Sympathetic dominance is often mainly a lifestyle
pattern. This means it is often
more of a habit pattern, rather than a strictly physical illness or
condition. However, the presence
of excess copper, and excesses of toxic metals, along with possible zinc
deficiency, can reinforce and hold one in the pattern. For much more on this important pattern, read sympathetic dominance.
2. Potassium trauma pattern
(potassium less than 1 mg%).
This is not a common pattern, fortunately, and it cannot
be currently read on a hair mineral test from most laboratories. It requires reading the potassium level
below 1 mg% or 10 parts per million, which is not
offered by most laboratories.
However, the hair potassium level can be as low as
0.5 mg% or 5 ppm. A reading less than 1 mg% or 10 ppm always indicates the
presence of trauma. Its specific
meaning is related to sympathetic dominance, explained
above. It might
be called a super-sympathetic dominance indicator. That is it indicates an imbalance in
the autonomic nervous system in all cases.
Interestingly, it does not affect the design of the
nutritional balancing program, although it might lead us to suggest a trauma
program. This is a heavier
supplement program discussed in the articles entitled Trauma Release and Trauma Retracing.
3. Four Lows,
and perhaps Three Lows. A low potassium level is always part of
a four Lows pattern. This is one
of the most important hair analysis patterns. For more details, please read Four
Lows Pattern on this site.
A low potassium level may be part of a Three Lows
pattern. This is also a very
important pattern associated with fatigue and exhaustion. For more, read Three
Lows Pattern.
4. Trying
Hard To Stay Float. This is a potassium
less than 5 mg%, plus a double high ratio pattern (high Ca/Mg ratio and an
elevated Na/K ratio.
5. Trying
Too Hard. This is a potassium level less than 5 mg% and a calcium level greater than 165 mg% in a woman or
greater than 155 mg% in a man.
Wasting One’s Time. This is similar to the pattern above,
but with another pattern present.
It is a potassium level less than 5 mg% and a calcium level greater than
165 mg% in a woman or greater than 155 mg% in a man, but also the Ca/Mg ratio is
greater than 13.5.
7. Fast and
slow oxidation. An elevated hair potassium level, in
relation to calcium (a low Ca/K ratio < 4), is associated with a fast
oxidation rate. A
low potassium in relation to calcium (a high Ca/K ratio > 4), is
associated with a slower oxidation rate.
8. High
Na/K. This is any Na/K ratio greater that
about 5.
It is associated with inflammation, anger and/or acute stress. At times it is
associated also with edema, and weight gain due to some water retention. It is also associated with kidney
imbalances and renal disease, in some cases.
9. Low
Na/K. This is any Na/K ratio less than 2.5. It is associated with fatigue, blood
sugar imbalance, infections, cardiovascular stress, kidney stress, malignancy,
and with the emotions of frustration, resentment and hostility. It is also associated with electrical
discharge in the cells, and low vitality.
For much more about this critical ratio, please
read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio.
The electrical balance of the cells,
the sodium pump, and kidney activity. The sodium/potassium ratio on a hair
mineral analysis in which the hair has not been washed
at the laboratory is the most important single ratio on a hair mineral
10. A
high or low calcium/potassium ratio. Dr. Paul Eck
called the calcium/potassium ratio on a hair mineral test the thyroid
ratio. The hair must not be washed at the laboratory for this to apply. He found that a ratio greater than 4:1
is associated with sluggish thyroid hormonal effect at a cellular level
only. Whereas, a
ratio less than 4:1 may be associated with an increased thyroid hormonal effect
at a cellular level.
This can be very confusing, however,
because the hair mineral ratios will not necessarily correlate with serum
thyroid hormone levels, or with the TSH level. This
is because the latter two are measured in the blood,
not the cells. Much more on this
topic is explored in three articles entitled Thyroid
Imbalances, Grave’s Disease Or
Hyperthyroidism and Interview With Dr.
Wilson On Grave’s Disease.
Adrenal hormone levels may be reflected in the hair potassium level. Low
hair potassium tends to correspond to reduced adrenal and thyroid glandular
activity. Elevated hair potassium
tends to correspond to increased adrenal glandular activity and, at times, high
cortical hormones, in particular.
However, the presence of toxic metals and other factors such as toxic
metals in the kidneys, for example, can also either elevate or depress the hair
potassium level.
Kidney stress and hair
tissue potassium. If the kidneys become toxic or
congested, it can affect the hair potassium level – usually raising
it. This we call kidney
stress. It is a common finding on
hair analysis retests, but also on initial hair mineral analyses.
The most common cause of kidney stress and kidney
congestion and toxicity is the presence in the body of the ‘amigos’ –
aluminum and toxic forms of copper, iron, manganese, cobalt, chromium, selenium
and vanadium. For more on this
interesting subject, read The Amigos on
this website. When any of these
elements are removed from the body during a nutritional
balancing program, which occurs very often, the hair potassium level can rise
for a few months due to a little extra effort required of the kidneys. This is the meaning of kidney stress.
Kidney stress may also be due to the release of
certain medical drugs, cadmium, mercury or other toxic substances. In many, but not all cases, this will
temporarily affect the hair potassium level and perhaps the ratios involving
potassium, as well.
Other hair patterns involving
potassium include:
high ratio.
low ratio.
The Bowl.
The Hill.
Step up pattern.
Step down pattern.
Beam Me Up, Scottie pattern, also
called Reaching for The Tunnel, and False
Yang. This pattern is not too
common. It is associated with
eating a lot of fruit, in most cases. This fills the body with a toxic form
of potassium, and an initial hair test shows a high potassium level, often with
a low sodium/potassium ratio. It
is hard to identify this pattern just from a hair mineral analysis. A history of eating a
lot of fruit is also needed, in most cases.
This is a type of death pattern, as it cannot go on
too long without compromising one’s health.
Potassium works closely with sodium, calcium and magnesium to regulate metabolism. Other synergists include most vitamins. These assist kidney activity and may
therefore help regulate the potassium level in the blood and the tissues. Most
of the important trace minerals are also synergists because they all regulate
potassium levels to a degree. Dr.
Paul Eck emphasized that zinc
appears to raise potassium in the mineral system of the body. Phosphorus,
along with zinc, are
synergists in protein synthesis.
Calcium and magnesium tend to rise in the hair as potassium falls. Sodium
is pumped out of the cells and potassium must be
pumped in to maintain the electrical balance of the cells. This antagonism with sodium is
particularly important.
Copper, in the mineral balancing system, lowers potassium
to some degree. In fact, a low
hair potassium level is an indicator for hidden copper toxicity. Vitamin
D can raise the calcium level, which tends to lower potassium, as can too
much vitamin A, in some people. All
the toxic metals, once again, are antagonistic to all of the vital minerals
in the body.
1. Barney, P. Doctor’s Guide To Natural Medicine,
Woodland Publishing, Inc., Utah, 2014.
2. Casdorph, HR and Walker,
M., Toxic Metal Syndrome, Avery
Publishing Group, NY, 1995.
3. Diem, K. and Lentner, C,
Scientific Tables, seventh edition,
Ciba-Geigy, New York, 1973.
4. Droesti, I.E. and Smith, R.M.,
editors, Neurobiology Of The Trace
Elements, Humana Press, New Jersey, 1983.
5. Dunne, L.J., Nutrition
Almanac, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002.
6. Guyton, A.,
Textbook Of
Medical Physiology, sixth edition, W.B. Saunders
Company, Philadelphia, 1981.
7. Kasper, D.
and Fauci, A., Harrison’s
Principles Of Internal Medicine, Elsevier Medical,
8. Jensen, B.,
The Chemistry Of Man, Bernard Jensen
Publishing, California, 1983.
9. Kutsky, R., Handbook
Of Vitamins, Minerals & Hormones, 2nd edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981.
10. Pfeiffer, C. C., Mental And Elemental Nutrients, Keats Publishing, Connecticut,
11. Schroeder,
H., The Trace Elements And Man, The Devin-Adair
Company, 1973.
12. Segala, M., editor, Disease
Prevention And Treatment, expanded fourth edition,
Life Extension Media, Florida 2003.
13. Stryer, L., Biochemistry,
second edition,
W.H.Freeman And Company, New York, 1981.
14. Wilson, L., Nutritional
Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis, 2010, 2014, 2016.
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