by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The DNA Marriage Rules

III. More About Marriage – Reasons For Marriage

IV. Other Suggestions

V. Problems And Cautions

VI. Staying Single



WARNING: We believe that at this time marriage and all male-female relationships are very dangerous for men. We cannot recommend them.

The problem is the women are thoroughly controlled by the alien group some call the thugs, crap, Rogues or satan. They are all beaten up, raped and filthy, no matter how they appear. They are also trained to harm men and will do so if told to do it.

The end of this article has a section called Staying Single. Please read it.


I am told that proper marriage is so important that rules about it are found in the DNA of each cell of our bodies. We know this is unfamiliar, but apparently it is true. The rules are not in the part of the DNA that has been decoded, so most people are not aware of this.

In fact, the DNA rules are in four parts. The first has to do with food. Here the rules are quite similar to the development diet and quite similar to the food rules in the Bible, called the Kosher laws.

The second area of DNA rules are about love and the need for it. For this, read The Real Self.

The third area is about marriage and children. This article discusses the marriage rules.

The fourth area is about ethics and behavior. Much of it sounds like the Ten Commandments given to Moses. It also sounds like the Golden Rule.

The first part of this article are what I am told are rules in the DNA. Then we have some other suggestions.


- Marriage must be voluntary for both people.

- Marriage must be between one man and one woman only.

- Marriage is optional. It is okay if one chooses to remain single. However, in general, marriage is recommended if one can find a safe and loving partner.

- Sex is optional and always voluntary for both people. If done, most should be down sex, not mating.

- No secrets.

- Exclusive sexually and ideally, exclusive mentally and emotionally. This means no “intimate” friends or family outside of the marriage.

- Romance is optional.

- Basic love is essential. This is basic caring, consideration and communication. It is also a willingness to work together.

- Children are optional.

- No cheating, which means no affairs or hidden agendas.

- Ideally, live together.

- Ideally, both people has similar genetics. We believe this means that both are of the same racial type.

- The age of the partners is not important. An older man can be with a younger woman and vice versa.

- Marriage is a spiritual matter, and not for the government to conduct or regulate. Today this means do not get a government marriage license.

The marriage license is called an adhesion contract in legal terms. It means it looks simple an is easy to enter into. However, it has deep implications that are not clear, and it may be difficult to nullify.

The marriage license sounds simple, but it gives the government tremendous power to control the couple and the products of the marriage – the children. In fact, they can take the children away if you do not obey whatever rules they choose.

- Both partners need to follow all the DNA rules. This includes the rules about food, love, and ethics or behavior.

- Safety. Both partners must take precautions for protection against disease, injuries, accidents and encounters with the negs.


- Worship.

- Thy Will.

- Development.

- Religious fulfillment or obligation.

- Work, task, job or occupation.

- Friendship and companionship, relaxation.

- Ego needs.


- Contract. We recommend a marriage contract.

- Soul level. It is possible for the marriage to be mainly at a soul level. This means the couple would not necessarily live together and they need not be having sex or even talking with one another.

- Directors. It is best if the director souls of both people know about the marriage and sign the contract.

- Other physical qualities. The couple need not be the same height, weight or other qualities except ideally the same race.

- Rings. We recommend the couple wear rings on the fourth finger of the left hand when in public. It need not be a metal ring or fancy.

- Announcements. We recommend the couple tell family and friends of the marriage, even if the couple lives apart.

- The negs (or thugs or Satans). Ideally, partners must disavow all contact with the negs. This is important because the negs do not like proper marriage and will do their best to destroy it.

- Tuning in. Both It is best if partners tune in together each day to receive their guidance and orders together. The couple needs to receive the same guidance. If not, one or both is incorrect and will harm the marriage.


- Alien interference. As stated in the warning at the beginning of this article, this is the main problem with marriage at this time.

- Breaking rules.

- Failing to tune in together or at any time.

- Reduced compatibility. This can be due to illness, boredom, growing apart, development/healing, interference, karmic factors or a shift in God's needs or other.


Marriage is optional. Although staying single and doing without sex is difficult, we believe it is much safer than marriage at this time, especially for men.

One can still have female friends, but not for sex.

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