by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




I. Introduction



Are The Food Laws Important Today?


II. The Basic Biblical Food Laws

What To Eat

How To Eat


III. More Food Laws We Believe Are Needed And May Have Been Included In The Past

Cooked Vegetables

Special Foods




IV. Other Topics

Christian Doctrine And Biblical The Food Laws








The kosher laws are a set of rules for healthy eating found in the Old Testament of the Bible.  They are described mainly in the books of Exodus and Leviticus.  However, some are found in other Hebrew holy texts.  

Meaning.  The word kosher or kashrut in Hebrew means clean.  However, the much older Hebrew dialect called Ebre uses a different word for the food laws. 

The word in Ebre is kasher.  This word roughly means one who is.  It means that the food laws help one to become who one really is.  This means the food laws help one to develop.  For details about development, as the word is used on this website, read Introduction To Development.




I am told that the Biblical food laws were first given to Sarah, the wife of Abraham.  Sarah was a scribe and prophetess.  She was the first prophetess of the Hebrew religion.  Sarah and Abraham were the founders of the Hebrew religion and lived about 3500 years ago.

On a more controversial note, I was also told that the Biblical food laws were changed about 1000 years after they were first written down. This was done by members of the group we call the Rogues.  It was done to slow down development on earth.




The Biblical food laws are still extremely important!  They are not just a relic of the past.  Four reasons are:

- They are based upon excellent science and are scientific rules, not superstition.

- They assist health in many ways and are absolutely needed for excellent health, with no exceptions.

- They promote development, which is the fulfillment of the full genetic potential of a human being.

- They have given to any nation that follows them the cleanest and safest food supply in the world.






Food is sacred.  This basic concept is not taught nearly enough today!  In fact, most physicians, public health officials, school teachers and other authorities downplay the importance of proper diet. 

This was and is glaringly obvious during the Wuhan virus scare.  I did not once hear a health authority voice the common sense idea of improving one’s diet to prevent and mitigate the effect of the Wuhan virus.

Do not make light of eating.  Do not skip meals, do not eat in a hurry or while driving, and do not eat poor quality food or beverages.


Two types of rules.  The two types of food laws inn the Bible explain 1) what to eat and 2) how to eat.  Let us discuss each of these in more detail.




Land animals.  Clean or kosher animals are those with a completely split or cloven hoof AND the animal must chew the cud (regurgitate their food and chew it a second time).  

If an animal only has a split hoof or only chews the cud, then it is not allowed.

Animals that are forbidden include the pig, camel and two older animals that are not found much today.  Others that we believe are not allowed are bison and buffalo because they do not chew the cud.

Those permitted include cows, sheep, goats, lamb, and most wild game such as antelope, caribou, deer and others.

All pig products except porcine pancreatin often contain intact eggs of trichina worms and perhaps other parasitic organisms.  This occurs even when the pork, ham, bacon, lard or other pig products are well-cooked.

For some reason, parasitic infestation is much rarer among the cooked flesh of other animals that are excellent for food such as lamb, chicken, turkey, wild game, goat and/or beef.

Products of the pig, in particular, seem to slow down or even stop development.  We don’t know why this occurs, but it does occur.

Other forbidden animals are snails, insects, and reptiles such as frogs, lizards, rats, mice and crocodiles.


Birds.  The Torah does not give the signs of a clean bird.  Instead, it lists 24 birds that are unclean.  Common ones include the eagle, osprey, hawk, vulture, raven, starling, falcon, seagull, owl, buzzard, chameleon, pelican, stork, heron, bat and hoopoe.

Other Hebrew texts give a few signs of a clean bird such as having feathers, a gizzard and a crop.


Ocean Food.  Clean fish include those that have fins and scales. 

The main group of ocean, lake and river foods that are not kosher are shellfish and other “seafood”.  Shellfish includes shrimp, scallops, oysters, clams, lobster, mussels and crabs.  Others that are prohibited are eel, water snakes, calamari, starfish and a few others.

Most of these creatures are bottom feeders and they are caught in coastal waters that are highly contaminated with toxic metals.  This is a bad combination.  As a result, none of them are safe to eat today.

The only creatures from the sea that Bible allows are fish with fins and scales.  Today, we suggest even more restriction of food from the sea.  Due to mercury toxicity of all fish today, eat only fish with fins and scales that are very small and preferably wild caught.




Do not eat algae.  The Bible does not allow such popular products as spirulina, chlorella and blue-green algae.  In our experience, these are toxic for the liver.  It is best to avoid these products, no matter how nutritious they are, and no matter what other benefits they may offer.

Kelp, by the way, is not in the same class of one-celled plants as those mentioned above.  It is fine to eat and we recommend it for everyone.




The Torah states “do not cook a lamb in its own milk”.  Some Hebrew people interpret this to mean do not mix meat and dairy products at the same meal.  We are not sure this is a correct interpretation of the Bible.

The orthodox Hebrew rule to have two sets of dishes – one for meat meals and one for dairy meals – we consider unnecessary.


Drain the blood from an animal before eating it. This rule is applied today almost universally, so it is rarely a problem.  It was well known, however, even thousands of years ago.

It is best not to gorge oneself on the blood of an animal, as is done by some tribes in Africa, for example.  Blood not only contains infections in some cases, but it contains an essence that is not that healthful.


Inspect and bless all food.  Inspecting all food before it is sent to markets is a very excellent idea.  We do not think it requires a rabbi, but it does require a specially trained food inspector.

This rule does not mean that meats and other foods need to be inspected by the government.  Private inspection is fine, provided it is honest.


Wash your hands thoroughly before cooking and before eating. This is a very important rule that is not done enough, in our view.  It helps prevent many serious and even fatal diseases that take the lives of thousands of people around the world every day.


Do not refreeze meats.  This is a more modern rule, since freezing food was not done thousands of years ago.  It is important because many people have freezers in their homes.

Each time one freezes meat, it bursts the cell walls more.  This causes more bacterial contamination and tends to make the meat a little less safe.

Most “fresh” meats are flash frozen at the slaughterhouse, and transported to the supermarkets in a frozen state.  At the supermarket, meat can be stored frozen until it is ready to sell.  It is then placed in display refrigerators, where it slowly thaws.  The expiration date is added at the supermarket based on when the meat begins to thaw.

This method of transporting and selling meats protects the consumer from a lot of illness.  The kasher principle is do not take that thawed meat and refreeze it.  We think this is a very good rule.






Eating a lot of certain vegetables is vital for rapid development.  Most important are all the onions (including leeks, shallots, scallions, boiler onions, cipollini onions and pearl onions), carrots, daikon or white radish, rutabaga, Brussels sprouts, broccolini, red cabbage, green beans and a little ginger, celery, garlic, horse radish root and an occasional slice of golden beets.

Other vegetables can be eaten once or twice a week if you wish, but not more. We call these occasional foods.

Avoid vegetables that are really fruits.  These all have seeds in them, such as squashes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, okra, and potatoes (the “eyes” of the potato are the seeds).


Cooking.  Also important is that the vegetables need to be cooked until they are soft, but not overcooked.  The only food to eat raw is healthful dairy products.  Also, meats should not be cooked much – just enough to kill most of the bacteria that tend to grow on them.




There needs to be a special category of foods that are special and needed. They include:


1. Sardines or similar very small fish.  These are needed for their content of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.  These fish also contain many other vital nutrients.

2. Lamb.  This is an important meat.  If you don’t like the taste, add natural salt to it and you won’t taste it as much.

3. Blue or purple corn.  The souls tell us corn did not originate in South America, as we are taught.  It existed in the Middle East, as well, until the rogues got rid of it there.

It was re-introduced in South America and spread from there around the world.  It is an ancient food and one very needed for development.  The souls say the method of preparing it was also originally given in the Hebrew holy texts and is similar to the blue corn tortilla chips we have today.

4. Cooked vegetables. 

5. A paste made by grinding almonds and a seed similar to our sesame seeds.

6. A green plant that was grown inside a special machine.  The Zohar, one of the older Hebrew holy texts, describe this machine in some detail.  The Zohar even provides diagrams of its design and how it worked.

The machine contained a bacteria that converted a mixture of grains and other food into a highly nutritious food somewhat similar to today’s kelp.

The History Channel on television has a program about this machine, which they called “the manna machine”.  It has nothing to do with manna, but the machine was real and was given to Abraham and the early Hebrew people.  Later, it was taken away by the rogues.




Fruit is a nutritious food, but it slows development.  The only exception is dried Botija olives or a few black, kalamata olives, and eat only 2 or 3 per week if you wish. 

Eating fruit makes the body more cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology, which slows development.  Fruit also picks up a lot of toxic potassium from the superphosphate growth stimulants falsely called fertilizers, and this harms health.




Almonds and sesame seeds contain chemicals needed for development.  They need to be ground up because nuts and seeds in their whole form are difficult to digest.  We do not suggest eating whole nuts or whole seeds.




Grains such as wheat, rye, oats and barley are allowed in the Biblical kosher laws.  However, today most are hybrids and not as healthful.  Therefore, they are not needed for development and we classify them as foods for occasional use only.

The exception is blue or purple corn, which is very old and difficult to hybridize.  It contains a number of nutrients needed for development.

In our experience, the best way to eat blue or purple corn is in the form of blue corn tortilla chips and not as a cereal, popcorn or as fresh corn on the cob. We know the chips are often salty and greasy, but the vegetable oil seems to preserve the nutrients the best.




Sit when you eat.  The Bible is not specific about this.  However, we find it to be a good rule and we discourage people from eating while standing up, while standing in front of the refrigerator, while driving a car and while working at a desk even if you are sitting.  It is best to have a special place to eat such as a dining table or counter.

Eat alone or with just a few people most of the time.  Do not eat with large groups of people most of the time.  This is to keep the noise level down and allow one to relax.

We know that at some work locations one can only eat in the cafeteria or dining room, but if this is the situation, try to find a quiet time or quiet place to sit.

When eating, keep your thoughts happy and positive.  This rule is not in the Bible, but we consider it very important.  For example, it is not best to scold children during meals or even to correct their eating habits too much during meals. Discipline children away from meals so they will relax during meals.

It is also best to keep conversation light and happy during meals.  It is not the time to discuss deaths, disease, financial hardship and other problems, ideally.  Businessmen violate this rule all the time, some would say unavoidably.  However, it is a good rule.

Do not text or talk on the phone while eating.  This is a very recent rule that we like.  Unfortunately, some parents allow children to bring their cell phones to the table and the children text under the table or even take calls at the table, as do some adults. 

Have family meals.  This is another rule needed today.  In Biblical times we think it was known and practiced routinely.  Today, we hear of many people who do not eat with their families or even with friends.  We think this is not as good, especially for children.

This applies particularly to what are called latchkey children and is definitely a bad nutritional habit.  Parents are not at home and they tell children to just go into the refrigerator and “find something to eat”.  Usually, it is junk food, old food, reheated food, and not very nutritious.

Children’s meals need to be made fresh and carefully supervised.  If no parent can be present at meals, then it is best to have a babysitter come in to cook and supervise children’s meals.

Eat only when relaxed.  Do not eat when very anxious or upset.  This is another excellent rule.

Chew each bite at least 10 times so that you eat slowly.  This is another important rule today.  Many people bolt their food and are in a hurry at mealtime.  This causes choking, as does talking too much during meals.  It is also bad for digestion.

Few leftovers.  Ideally, cook food fresh each time you eat or at least once daily.  If you must have leftovers, do not keep food for more than two days.

No touching food while cooking it.  Keep hands out of the food.

Do not drink with meals.  This practice tends to dilute the stomach acid and damages digestion.

Stop before feeling full.

Rest a few minutes before the meal and at least 10 minutes after a meal.

If possible, always eat in a quiet, peaceful environment.






We believe this teaching is not that of Jesus and was changed by Emperor Constantine in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea.  We say this in part because it conflicts with Matthew 5:17-20.  In this passage, Jesus says:


“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.  For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”


This passage certainly seems to indicate that the Biblical food laws still apply.




We believe the use of toxic agricultural chemicals is not Biblically acceptable or clean.  The reason is the chemicals damage the food, in all cases, and they worsen human and animal health.  They also damage the environment and literally kill entire species of wildlife and plants.

The use of a toxic chemical might be needed once in a while in an emergency, but their widespread routine use is a horror.


WHAT ABOUT RAISING ANIMALS IN HUGE FEEDLOTS (these are called CAFOS or concentrated animal feeding operations)?


We do not think this practice is acceptable according to the Bible.  The animals are not fed their natural food and they are all quite unhealthy.

We realize that these mega-farm practices help keep the price of food low so more people can afford meat.  However, they are not healthy farming and ranching practices.




Some people say that the Bible suggests a vegetarian diet because in Genesis the Bible states that God gave mankind “every herb bearing fruit” as food.

We do not think this means that one must be a vegetarian.  Indeed, in later books animals are listed as clean foods and highly recommended.  We agree with this perspective.



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