by Dr. Lawrence
Ó March 2020, L.D. Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Table Of Contents
Basic Kidney Care
II. Common
Kidney Disorders
Stones or Calculi
Infections such as nephritis
Renal Failure
Renal Hypertension
Cysts And Malformations
Renal Cancer
Toxic Kidneys
Renal Calcification
III. Other
Systemic Weakness And Effects On The Kidneys
Emotional Aspects Of Kidney Disorders
Kidneys And Subtle Energy Or Chi
Sunshine And The Kidneys
Hair Mineral Analysis Patterns Seen With Kidney Problems
The kidneys are very important organs whose proper activity is
essential for health. The two
kidneys are located nearer the back of the body, in the ‘small’ of the back,
near the bottom of the ribs in the back.
The kidneys are each about the size of your fist.
The kidneys are very toxic in most people today. This is due to eating contaminated and
“junk” food, toxins in the water and air, the use of medical drugs, vaccines,
and other environmental toxins.
Good kidney energy is rare today. It is associated with qualities of courage, fearlessness,
mental sharpness and mental acuity.
Good kidneys also make the mind work faster and make one smarter. Healthy kidneys also help one to have
more energy, stamina and determination.
These are important qualities that are missing in many, if not most
people in modern societies.
Sadly, in welfare states such as Europe, Japan and the United States
to a degree, people have been spoiled and do not want to work. This may be called a kidney yin disease. Eating sugars of any kind, too much
sex, aging and widespread infections, including sexually transmitted
infections, also can damage the kidneys.
The kidneys are closely associated with the activity of the adrenal
glands, which sit atop the kidneys.
Both are very weak in many people today, even young people.
A complete nutritional balancing program is one of the few ways I know
of to help restore the kidneys.
Just taking vitamins and eating better is often not enough.
Many serious problems with the kidneys can be avoided or at least
delayed by doing the following:
1. Drink
about three quarts or three liters of spring water or carbon-only filtered tap
water each day. This is the single most important
procedure to avoid some kidneys stones and reduce stress on the kidneys.
Avoid dehydration by staying away from reverse osmosis water, alkaline
waters, coffee (1 cup is okay), caffeinated teas or other caffeinated beverages
such as diet soda. Also, stay away
from all sugars, including all fruit, and all alcohol.
2. Eat a
proper diet. This is described in
articles such as The Slow Oxidizer Diet. It means do not eat food chemicals such
as additives, preservatives, flavorings, sweeteners, pesticide residues and
others that abound in processed and prepared foods. Also, avoid vegetarian
diets! Also avoid fruit, which is
somewhat toxic for the kidneys due to its content of toxic potassium, today,
and its sugar content. Also, avoid
wheat, white flour products, pig products, and too much meat.
3. Rest
adequately. For most people, this means at least 9
or 10 hours of actual sleep every single day.
4. Avoid
too much sex with orgasms or masturbation with orgasms. This is known in Chinese medicine to weaken and
deplete the kidneys. This is
discussed below in more detail
5. Avoid
toxic exposures. Some chemicals and metals are extremely
hard on the kidneys and bladder. A
few of these include most hair dyes, fluoride, chlorine in water and elsewhere,
iron found in all white breads, and hundreds of other toxic chemicals.
6. Limit
sexual orgasms to once a week, or less if you are ill. This
applies to both sexual intercourse and masturbation. The reason is that loss of sexual fluids weakens the
Breathe pure, clean and highly oxygenated air, if possible, all day and all
night long. Oxygen is helpful to get rid of some
poisons that affect the kidneys. I
recommend an ozonator/ionizer air purifier to assist with this. To read about this excellent machine
and how to use it, click
8. Avoid
constipation. Constipation can allow toxins to build
up in the body quickly. Avoiding
it is often easy if you drink 3 quarts or 3 liters of water daily, eat
correctly, and relax enough. We
also recommend ox bile and pancreatin to promote regular bowel movements. Rarely, extra magnesium is needed to
alleviate constipation.
9. Obey
the call of nature quickly and reliably. This means, do not allow
urine or feces to build up in the body.
Obtain regular chiropractic care, or do the Spinal
Twist exercise daily.
11. Rub
the feet daily, including the kidney/bladder, urethra areas.
The most common kidney problems include weakness in this area of the
body for various emotional and physical reasons, followed by kidney
infections. Others that are more
chronic include toxicity, kidney stone formation, cysts and other
malformations, and finally kidney cancers and renal failure. The latter are often very serious
conditions, although nutritional balancing can often help both of them.
The kidneys also cause many other dysfunctions in our bodies. These range from electrolyte imbalances
to many cases of high blood pressure or hypertension to some degree. This is often due to toxicity of the
kidneys or arteriosclerosis of the kidneys.
While disorders of the kidneys overlap to some degree, it is most
helpful to consider them separately and then realize that one person may have
three or four of the following at the same time.
One of the most painful kidneys conditions occurs when the components
of the urine congeal to form renal calculi or kidney stones. Several types are possible such as
calcium or oxalate stones. A
properly designed nutritional balancing program is excellent to stop stone
formation, in our experience.
Drinking enough water and eating correctly, of course, are very
important. For more specifics on a
nutritional balancing program, read the articles on this website about it. We can only recommend the practitioners
that we work with directly who are listed on the web page entitled How To Begin A Nutritional
Balancing Program.
Remedies that can help a kidney stones pass include vitamin B6,
magnesium, foot reflexology, drinking plenty of carbon-only filtered or spring
water, and perhaps also Epsom salt baths.
For permanent correction, embark on a complete nutritional balancing
stones will break down and pass. The only frustrating aspect of a
nutritional balancing program for kidney stones is that any existing stones
lodged in the kidneys will soon begin to break down and become smaller during
the program. As this occurs, some,
if not all of them, will pass out of the kidneys. This can cause temporary kidney stone symptoms. Once all of them have passed, the
kidney stone problem is generally over, however. The solutions to this problem are to:
1. Put up with the passing of the existing kidney stones until all of
them have passed.
2. After a year on a nutritional balancing program, have all of the
existing stones broken up and removed using lithotripsy. This is a simple procedure in which
high-frequency sound waves are beamed to your kidneys and it painlessly breaks
up the kidney stones. The only problem is it does not work on all types of kidney
3. We do not recommend surgery as much to remove kidney stones because
it carries more risks and involves giving drugs that then need to be removed
from the body.
These are often termed glomerulonephritis or just nephritis. The kidneys are such vital organs that
if they become infected, the entire body is often weakened. Symptoms may include pain upon
urination, a need to urinate often, difficulty urinating, and low back pain
that may radiate around to the front of the body. Some infections are silent, however, and present no symptoms
at all, or very few.
Kidney infections are common, especially among women. One reason is
the urethra is very short in women, and infection can easily enter the body
through the urethra and travel up this short tube to the bladder, and from
there to the kidneys. This is the
reason for more kidney infections in women, especially those who are sexually
Among young women who are angry with men, interestingly, the kidneys
and bladder are often the site of chronic infection. Kidney infections also occur in men, but they are not quite
as common.
Infection of the kidneys is always potentially serious and should
never be ignored. Most are easy to
heal. The two methods are:
1. Simple
natural remedies. An excellent one is simply vitamin A,
in doses of 50,000 iu daily. Do
not use beta carotene, however.
Colloidal silver works in a few cases. Another excellent procedure is the genital bath. It is described in the article entitled
Detoxification Procedures.
Another simple remedy is shining a reddish 250-watt heat lamp on the
lower back area over the kidneys for at least 1 hour every day. Hold the lamp as close to the back as
you can comfortably tolerate. This
procedure is described more in the book, Sauna
With these, always drink plenty of spring or distilled water only, and
no other beverages. Also, strictly
avoid all sugars, sweet foods or beverages, fruit, fruit juices, rice milk, soy
milk, Rice Dream, and sweeteners.
Sugars are often very upsetting for the kidneys and damage them a lot.
2. A
complete nutritional balancing program. This is best. The program will slowly improve the
health of the kidneys and allow them to fight off any and all infections, which
may be viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal.
The use of
drugs such as antibiotics.
These should rarely be needed, in my experience, if one follows a
nutritional balancing program and uses the natural remedies described
above. In fact, most antibiotics
are toxic for the kidneys and do not address viral and parasitic
infections. However, kidney
infections can be quite dangerous and even cause death. So do not ignore them ever, and the
drugs are occasionally helpful. I
would use the natural methods first, however.
This is common, and is a common cause of death from so-called old
age. The kidneys become infected
and toxic, and they stop working correctly. The body becomes more and more toxic as a result, and the
body systems eventually shut down.
Quite amazingly, a complete nutritional balancing program with one of
the Approved
Practitioners only, can sometimes reverse renal failure. I know this sounds like an arrogant
claim, but our experience is that in many cases, especially if the person is
less than about 80 years old, the cause of the renal failure is nutritional
deprivation and the accumulation of toxic metals. If this can be reversed, and it often can, then the
condition clears up without the need for dialysis, kidney transplant surgery,
drug therapy or anything else.
An aspect of the correction is to use Renamide or a kidney glandular
supplement with vitamin C and usually uva ursi in it at a dosage of about 5
tablets three times daily for at least 6 months. This supplies many nutrients the kidneys require, although
it is not nearly enough. One must
follow the entire nutritional balancing program correctly.
A serious kidney hair analysis pattern is a four lows pattern along
with a sodium/potassium ratio of 0.5:1 or less.
means high blood pressure due to congestion, toxicity, arteriosclerosis or
infection, perhaps, in the kidneys.
It is an extremely common condition in people over the age of about 50
or so. However, it is not
diagnosed too often because the medical profession generally does not have
sensitive enough detection methods to identify it. Usually, hypertension or high blood pressure is just called
“essential”, which means they don’t know the cause. A common cause, however, is problems in the kidneys.
Fortunately, renal causes for hypertension respond beautifully to a
properly designed nutritional balancing program in almost all cases. The longer the problem has been there,
the longer it may take to correct.
However, most cases of hypertension, including essential hypertension,
can be corrected by this method.
There is no reason to suffer from high blood pressure, in most cases,
and it is a dangerous condition in all instances.
kidneys are prone to cyst formation and many unusual birth defects or genetic
malformations. Some people only
have one functioning kidney, and others have the kidney twisted around, or
other unusual malformations.
most cases, these conditions do not affect one’s health too much if the rest of
the body is in good condition.
However, as a person ages, pain in the lower back, impaired creatinine
clearance on a blood test, a high blood urea nitrogen or other indicators may
let a person know that the kidneys are weak.
the other healthy kidney can usually hypertrophy and compensate for a weak
second kidney. Also, using
nutritional balancing, a weak kidney may be improved substantially.
is also a common condition today.
It may be handled by a nutritional balancing program, although in most
cases I prefer the Kelley metabolic cancer therapy as offered by Mrs. Pamela
McDougle for later stage cancers of all kinds. To read more about this, read Cancer
And Alternatives on this site.
Toxicity in the kidneys is almost universal today, due to
general toxicity of the food, the water, the air and through contact with toxic
substances. Toxic metals and
chemicals easily accumulate in the kidneys in many cases. Medical drugs such as antibiotics and
many others also contribute to kidney toxicity. Chelation drugs can also cause kidney toxicity.
Toxicity is also due to nutritional depletion. As this occurs, the body replaces
physiological or vital minerals with less preferred toxic ones.
Toxic metals that accumulate in the kidneys, in particular, include
mercury, most commonly. Others include
lead, cadmium, arsenic and nickel.
Aluminum and the “three amigos” can
also accumulate and irritate the kidneys, along with irritating the adrenals.
Slow oxidizers are prone to this condition, as their overall circulation
and vitality are lowest. It is
even worse in most cases of four lows pattern, which is a more advanced
derangement of the body’s energy system.
At times, the toxicity is obvious on a hair mineral analysis. In other cases, the toxic metals are
hidden, usually because the body is unable to mobilize them. This means they are so locked in the
kidneys, liver, brain and elsewhere the body cannot remove them. This is common today, especially in
slow oxidizers. A hair test may
show poor eliminator patterns for mercury,
cadmium and nickel, in particular.
Calcification in the kidneys can begin at a very young age, in some
cases. We see evidence of it in
children today. This is can be due
to congenital weaknesses of the body of a child, along with horrible diets and
too many medical drugs and vaccines.
Kidney calcification usually becomes worse in older people and may be a
cause of death.
Calcium buildup in the kidneys has a terrible effect upon them,
causing the delicate arteries and veins in the kidneys to weaken and
narrow. This is an important cause
of high blood pressure, for example.
It also reduces the efficiency of the kidneys and eventually causes the
buildup of toxins in the blood that can be lethal.
The accumulation of biounavailable calcium in the kidneys is
associated with an elevated hair calcium level, and even more so with a calcium shell pattern. However, if may be occurring even when a person’s hair
calcium level is not too high. In
these cases, for some reason the hair calcium level remains fairly normal or
even stays low.
It is not clear why this occurs, except to say that calcium is not
building up in the hair and other soft tissues for some reason. It may have to do with a pH imbalance,
for example, that keeps calcium more soluble in the soft tissues. On a retest hair analysis when a person
follows a nutritional balancing program, however, eventually the hair calcium
level often begins to rise as calcium begins to be eliminated from the kidneys
and other organs and tissues.
As a person ages or becomes ill, the kidneys often suffer along with
the rest of the body. This condition
is more common in those who are older, and in the conditions of slow oxidation
or a yin body chemistry, and a four lows pattern.
The weakness of the entire body has to do with its enzyme strength,
with the balance of the oxidation rate and/or with other more subtle mental and
emotional factors.
Fear and
the kidneys. If a person is very fearful, this alone
will affect the kidneys. Fear is
the dominant negative emotion related to the kidneys, just as anger is more
related to the liver. Fear is
related to the heart as well.
However, fear in relation to the heart has a more emotional basis,
whereas fear as it relates to the kidneys and adrenals is more of a physical
type of fear. This may be a fear
of being raped, beaten, tortured, starved, burned in a fire, drowned, or some
other physical fear.
aspect of kidney functioning may be critical for some people afflicted by
kidney weakness, infections or other kidney problems.
Removing the causes of fear, or at least reduce them, such as by moving,
changing your relationship or job, or doing something else, may be very helpful
to improve the kidneys.
The kidneys in Chinese medicine are the “seat of the chi”. By this is meant that the chi resides
or is stored in the kidneys and from here it flows to the rest of the
body. This is critical to
understand. It means that if the
chi is depleted in the kidneys, one’s stamina or reserves are down.
This is exactly the case with a sympathetic dominance pattern, for
example, in which a person simply wears himself out. One ends up with very low kidney energy or chi, which is
related to exhausted adrenal glands.
This is always a serious condition, even if it gives few obvious symptoms. For more on this, read Sympathetic Dominance on this website.
The kidney chi has a lot to do with health, but it is a subtle Chinese
medical concept that is not well understood or appreciated in Western medical
care. If it were, many fewer drugs
and much less surgery would be routinely prescribed, because these both weaken
the kidneys and shorten the lifespan for this reason.
In fact, any toxins at all weaken the kidney chi. Unfortunately, today
many Chinese, East Indian, Ayurvedic and other herbs, and even some vitamins
taken in large doses can weaken the kidneys in this way. This is one reason for living as
natural and toxin-free lifestyle as possible.
The causes of weak kidney chi include:
Natural aging. In Chinese medicine, the kidneys and
adrenals are called the “seat of the chi”. This means that a type of energy is stored there. As a person ages, the kidneys, in
particular, become weakened because they no longer receive as much nerve energy
or chi, as it is called in Chinese medicine. As this occurs, they can, in some cases, become more
delicate and easily stressed.
2. Too
much sexual activity. This has
been discussed above. Most women
can handle 10-12 orgasms per week without a problem. Women can often reabsorb their sexual fluids, which is very
helpful. Men should not have an
orgasm more than once a week particularly if the man is not healthy. More is not good for the kidneys and
adrenal glands. This is a serious
problem in some people that keeps them from healing their bodies and their
Sympathetic dominant personality type.
This was discussed above.
4. Four
highs delicate type. Delicate kidneys are sometimes found in
those in a four highs
pattern on a properly performed hair mineral analysis in which the hair is not
washed at the laboratory. In these
cases, the four highs pattern
tends to persist on many repeated hair tests. This is related to a personality pattern called delicate souls. This is discussed in another article
entitled Personality Patterns.
of delicate kidneys. These include:
1. Pain in the lower back, usually on one side or the other, and
perhaps alternating. However, this
can be confused with muscle tension and other problems in this area of the
2. A tendency to stoop over, as many older people do. This actually relieves some pressure
and may bring a little more chi or energy to the kidneys when they are
3. Water retention or edema, especially in the legs or ankles. An old test of a person’s vitality is
to check for edema or swelling of the ankles.
4. Dark circles under the eyes, bags under the eyes, and generalized
swelling or edema of the entire body.
5. Problems with urination such as very light-colored urine. This symptom means the kidneys are not concentrating
the urine very well and one is mainly losing water. However, if the urine is very dark, this is not good
either. It means a person is not
drinking enough water, in most cases, and the dark urine means the kidneys are
having to work harder to remove enough toxins from the body.
There is obviously a connection between vitamin D, sunshine and the
kidneys. Sunshine tends to produce
a happy disposition, and it produces vitamin D in the skin. The kidneys convert the vitamin D to
its active form. Today almost
every adult needs about 4000 to 5000 iu daily of supplementary vitamin D.
This need may be due in part to toxicity in the kidneys causing them
to malfunction. It seems to be due
also to liver toxicity, and perhaps to alterations in the dairy products so
they contain imbalanced amounts of fatty acids or other compounds.
While some sunshine is good for the kidneys, do not rely on sunshine
to provide vitamin D. However,
getting a little sunshine daily or as often as possible is helpful for most
people. Do not get burned and
limit sun exposure to about 20-30 minutes daily at the most. Be careful of too much sun between 10
and 3 PM. It is best to sun
earlier or later, or do less if you do it during the hot part of the day.
Hair mineral tests provide a number of clues regarding the condition
of the kidneys. These are:
- A
sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 20. The higher the
ratio above 20, the more serious the problem with the kidneys.
Note: During the elimination of some toxins, the
kidneys are stressed by having to eliminate a metal or chemical. This temporarily causes an elevated
sodium/potassium ratio.
This is not the same as kidney disease. We call this temporary situation kidney stress.
- An
elevated hair level of any of the toxic metals, but particularly mercury,
cadmium, nickel or lead. The more of these minerals that are
elevated, and the higher the reading, the more serious the effectd on the
- A very
low hair level of a toxic metal, or of iron, copper or manganese. This
is called a Poor Eliminator Pattern. The more of these very low toxic metal
levels a person has, and the lower they are, the more likely is kidney toxicity
or disease.
- A
sodium/potassium ratio less than about 2. This is a common sign of
kidney infections and other kidney problems. For example, Dr. Paul Eck found that intravenous chelation
always caused a decrease in the sodium/potassium ratio, probably due to kidney
toxicity of the chelating drugs.
For details, read Low sodium/potassium
- A four
highs pattern. This pattern indicates inflammation and
stress that usually affects the kidneys.
- A four
lows pattern. This is a general toxicity and impaired
health indicator. For details,
read Four Lows.
- A very
slow oxidation rate (Ca/K greater
than about 100). This indicates a
more yin condition of the body, which is often related to kidney weakness. For more details, read Yin Disease and the other articles on yang and
Possibly a hair phosphorus level less than 11 mg%. This
is another low vitality and general toxicity indicator. For details, read Phosphorus.
Possibly a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than about 40:1 or less than 3:1. This
is related to an unbalanced sodium/potassium ratio in some instances. For details, read The Calcium/Magnesium Ratio.
Possibly, a hair zinc level above about 20 mg%.
This is
another general toxicity indicator.
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