© January 2016, L.D.Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Dr. Wilson, my name is Svetla Bankova and I am the owner of www.Gravesdiseasecure.com, a website providing information about Graves’ disease and hyperthyroidism. Since you have a lot of articles and books regarding the influence of different chemicals on our body and their connection with different diseases, I would like to use this opportunity and ask you a few questions about your research, findings and experience that will be very helpful for my clients battling with Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism.
Question 1. Dr. Wilson, to my best knowledge
hyperthyroidism is a condition in which an overactive thyroid gland is
producing an excessive amount of thyroid hormones that circulate in the blood.
Thyrotoxicosis is a toxic condition that is caused by an excess of thyroid
hormones from any cause.
Thyrotoxicosis can be caused by an excessive intake of thyroid hormone
or by overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.
Disease is caused by a generalized over activity of the thyroid gland, and
is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.
In this condition, the thyroid gland is diffusely enlarged and hyperactive,
producing excessive thyroid hormones. Although Graves'
disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, not all patients suffering from hyperthyroidism have Graves' disease
and not all patients with Graves'
disease suffer from hyperthyroidism. Would
you like to add any more information to this?
A. I agree. Hyperthyroidism can be primary (related just to the thyroid gland and perhaps caused by a tumor), or secondary. This means due to a factor outside of the thyroid such as a pituitary toxin. Let us discuss some of the causes we have found for hyperthyroidism such as toxic metals like copper and mercury, stress as a factor, and some nutritional imbalances as well such as fast and slow oxidation.
2. According to my understanding, we’ll be discussing hyperthyroidism
caused by reasons other than Graves’ Disease?
A. No. The names of the diseases just confuse us. I will focus on the physiological causes of an overactive thyroid, no matter what name is given to the condition.
Qu. 3. Since the reason for hyperthyroidism is generally unknown, what are your presumptions and observations regarding the occurrence of this disease?
A. The answer is that stress, toxic metals such as copper and mercury, and perhaps a pituitary toxin are often involved in this condition.
Qu. 4. As far as I am
aware, the standard tests regarding proper thyroid imbalance only measure the
circulating hormones (T3 and T4) and pituitary stimulation of the thyroid
(TSH). In your article, Grave’s Disease Or Hyperthyroidism, you are recommending other tests as well, in order to determine
the correct diagnose. What are these tests what do you consider a “mandatory”
test, when thyroid imbalance is suspected?
A. I use the hair
tissue mineral analysis on everyone to assess the cause and guide the
correction of the problem. The
hair test must be done at a laboratory that does not wash the hair. I only recommend Analytical Research
Labs in Phoenix, Arizona. Testing
by other labs is much less useful because the levels of the water-soluble
minerals are not as accurate.
There are other tests, of course, but this is what I use and it usually sufficient to set up a program to correct the biochemical imbalances that are causing or at least contributing to the problem. It is usually the only mandatory test for our evaluation, although all the clients have also had the usual blood tests for thyroid evaluation such as T3, T4, TSH, thyroid antibodies and perhaps others.
Qu. 5. Dr. Wilson, what
minerals, vitamins and other substances on a patient should be tested if
hyperthyroidism is suspected?
A. I find the hair
tissue mineral analysis from Analytical Research Labs to be very
sufficient. Testing the blood,
urine or saliva for vitamins and minerals, for example, is not as accurate, in
my view, and largely a waste of money.
The hair test, properly interpreted by the method of Dr. Paul Eck, tests
minerals at the cellular level.
This tells us with how the body is responding to stress, and this is
essential for dealing with Grave’s disease. It appears to be all we need. I understand how to use the hair analysis and am happy to
share this knowledge with any practitioner, even a non-physician, who is
interested in learning how to use this wonderful test.
Note that the hair
analysis does NOT reveal the total body load of a mineral such as calcium, even
if the level is high. This is a
common misconception and cause for great confusion and disrespect for hair tissue
mineral analysis. A high hair
calcium level, for instance, just means there is too much calcium in the hair,
usually due to what is called biounavailability of calcium in the blood. This means that the body is not able to
keep calcium in sufficient quantity in the blood.
The goal of the hair
mineral test is not to find out
how much of a mineral is present, though at times, such as with copper, this
may be true. The goal is to determine how the
person’s body is responding to stress, and what stress patterns are present. That is the real value of the hair
analysis in most cases. It can
also show some toxic metals, which definitely play a role in many cases. So we don’t test for specific vitamins
or minerals.
Qu. 6.
test readings/results we should be looking for in hyperthyroidism patients that
will prove a chemical imbalance or chemical toxicity as a reason for their
A. The answer to this
is also in the article that I wrote, Grave’s
Disease Or Hyperthyroidism. As stated there, I
look for fast oxidation, slow oxidation, copper toxicity, mercury toxicity, the
three amigos (Iron, Manganese and Aluminum),
and perhaps other stress patterns.
Pituitary toxins are not specifically revealed on the hair mineral
test. However, by correcting the
body chemistry, these are slowly eliminated and the hyperthyroid condition goes
Qu. 7. Are
thyroid-inhibiting drugs needed with your method of correction?
A. Yes, at times the thyroid-inhibiting drugs such as methimazole and others may need to be used to stabilize the person until the nutritional balancing corrective program can remove the toxic metals or other biochemical causes of hyperthyroidism.
Radioactive iodine therapy (RAI) or surgery have, so far, never been needed in about 150 cases that I have worked with. I would strictly avoid them and refuse them, as they can cause permanent damage to the thyroid gland.
Qu. 8. How do you correct hyperthyroidism?
A. I recommend a method of nutritional correction we call nutritional balancing science. It is a particular use of foods, nutrients, lifestyle, detoxification, rest and a particular mental exercise that reduces stress greatly and corrects body chemistry at very deep levels. This corrective process is offered by a number of practitioners who are listed on my website at https://www.drlwilson.com/do hair analysis.htm. I have been offering this method of correction for hyperthyroidism for about 32 years. (I think your website says 18 years, but that is not up to date).
Qu. 9. In your articles
you say that hyperthyroid symptoms are due to copper or mercury toxicity of the
thyroid gland. Is there any particular diet you would recommend or specific
steps to be taken in order to correct that mercury and copper toxicity in a
natural way or any other way for that matter?
A. I believe the article says that some hyperthyroid symptoms may
be due to mercury or copper toxicity, but certainly not all of them. Some symptoms, of course, are due to
the thyroid hormones themselves, and others to underlying imbalances such as
toxic metal excess or nutrient deficiencies such as selenium and, at times,
are many steps that are helpful for correction. The basic diets are on my website and are called either the
Fast Oxidizer Diet or the Slow Oxidizer Diet. Major parts of the diet are to eat cooked vegetables three
times daily, in large quantities, with some animal protein daily. Avoid all wheat, all sweets, all fruit
and fruit juices, and all dried fruit.
These upset body chemistry.
To read more about this, read Fruit-Eating on this
website. Also, food should be of
the highest quality without additives, pesticides and preservatives, if at all
possible, and as fresh as possible.
In addition, fast oxidizers in
general need more fats and oils.
Slow oxidizers may need more proteins and especially many cooked, not
raw vegetables.
Qu. 10. Since a lot of my clients have
hyperthyroidism, most of them don’t know if it is primary or secondary
hyperthyroidism. Would you explain the difference? And what tests would show if
the patient had primary or secondary
hyperthyroidism? What would be your recommendations for metabolic balancing in
both cases?
A. By primary hyperthyroidism I mean it occurs in a fast oxidizer. I have rarely seen this. I use the term secondary hyperthyroidism when it
occurs as a secondary stress reaction in a slow oxidizer, which is most often
the case. In both cases, the
actual cause may lie outside of the thyroid gland itself. For this reason, some other doctors may
use the term secondary hyperthyroidism in both these instances.
Grave’s disease often seems to
be a kind of ineffective stress response in which the adrenal glands do not
participate much and the thyroid overcompensates and becomes hyperactive. Copper and mercury toxicity may also
play a role, as these appear to always be present. Also, a pituitary toxin may be present. Usually, the person is always tired
underneath. It is also possible to
have an active hormone-producing thyroid tumor, but this is much less common among
our clients.
Case: A 48-year-old friend had this
condition and it responded completely within about 5 months. She needed anti-thyroid drugs at first,
as she was extremely anxious and had a very fast pulse. The condition began after an extremely
stressful situation occurred.
She followed a very healthful
diet with mainly cooked vegetables and some animal protein daily and used a
near infrared lamp sauna every day for at least 30 minutes. She also took about 8 nutritional
supplements based on a hair mineral analysis, relaxed a lot, and had lots of
support and love from myself and others. Within 5 months all symptoms had disappeared, she was off all
medication, blood tests returned to normal, and the condition has not returned
in 7 years.
Qu. 11. I see that you describe
different types of personality, based on the copper presence in the body. I
also believe that our disease and health imbalances have a lot to do with our
character and personalities. What kind of personality a hyperthyroid patient
would be? How would you describe this personality?
A. In our experience, some but not
all people with hyperthyroidism are anxious, fearful, and push themselves
hard. We call this pattern Sympathetic Dominance, and one can read
more about this important personality type.
An acute lifestyle stress can
precipitate the Grave’s disease. This could be anything that causes stress,
from a family problem to too much exercise, or something else.
The person with hyperthyroidism
may also have issues about expression of creativity. The thyroid is located in the area of the body associated
with expression of creativity – the throat area. So when there is difficulty and blocks
in this area, it can manifest itself as thyroid difficulties. Perhaps the person believes that he or
she has little or nothing to contribute, when in reality they have much to
There may be other patterns, but
the above are common ones.
Qu. 12. What are the most typical
physical and mental symptoms for people with copper imbalance, especially if
they are diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism?
A. Common symptoms of copper
imbalance are many, depending on the person. These are described more fully in the article entitled Copper
Toxicity Syndrome that is also on this website. They may include fearfulness, agitation, headaches, fatigue,
spaciness, skin problems such as acne or eczema, anxiety, depression,
premenstrual tension, scoliosis, and others.
Qu. 13. Are there any particular
behaviors or activities that may correct such imbalance, in order this person
to heal naturally and avoid these patterns in the future?
A. To correct copper imbalance
usually requires a combination of dietary change, lifestyle correction, and
nutritional supplements. Also one
can avoid eating a high copper diet.
This means limiting foods such as chocolate, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, and
some grains such as wheat. One
must avoid vegetarian diets, which tend to make copper imbalance much worse.
Qu. 14. What foods are those with hyperthyroidism
most likely to be attracted to? What will be a corrective diet for them?
A. I am not aware of particular
food cravings for all people with hyperthyroidism. It depends upon one’s body chemistry in most cases.
Qu. 15. I see that you, Dr. Wilson,
also suffered from copper imbalance.
How did you correct that and what methods did you use?
A. I used the methods described
above and in the Copper Toxicity
Syndrome article. The Meditation For Healing exercise taught by Mr. Roy
Masters was very influential for me as well, and I continue to do it to this
day, some 32 years later.
Qu. 16. Meditation and breathing
exercises are included in your “tools list”. I am also recommending these
methods to my clients, even though I come from another “psychological” point of
view to bring balance into their lives. Are there any other natural methods
that you want to recommend for them?
A. Nutritional balancing includes
sauna therapy and coffee enemas, foot and hand reflexology, twisting the spine
daily or quality chiropractic, meditation as described above, and drinking
about 10-12 ounces of fresh carrot juice daily.
In particular, I
highly recommend near infrared sauna therapy for all hyperthyroid clients. This is very relaxing for them and very
healing, it appears. I also
recommend foot reflexology every day, and regular chiropractic adjustments at
least once a month or more to keep stress off the spine. Healing is more a journey than just a
“treatment system”. So one needs
to have faith, and follow the healing path as best one can. I once wrote an article about this,
entitled The Healing
Qu. 17. What minerals and vitamins
would you recommend that may help and balance the thyroid hormone
A. This really depends on what is
revealed on the person’s hair mineral analysis. It will depend upon a person’s oxidation rate, the major
mineral levels and ratio, and perhaps upon the toxic metal situation. There is no specific nutrient or food
that will reduce the thyroid hormones in everyone.
Qu. 18. What symptoms would one
individual experience while reducing excess copper?
A. Some people do not notice many
symptoms. In others, one may
experience skin eruptions, headaches, upset stomach, diarrhea, or at times some
anxiety or fear. This is covered
in more detail in another article entitled Copper
Qu. 19. What are the correct attitudes
to balance copper?
A. One needs to check on one’s fear
level and reduce fear in whatever way works best. Another attitude is to be more positive about the world
situation. This is a spiritual
decision, in my opinion, that God or whomever you wish to call the Creator, is
in charge and all is well. This is
most important for those with the copper personality type, who are very
sensitive individuals and prone to fears and negativity. Many people with hyperthyroidism are
fearful, so anything that helps reduce this is excellent.
attitudes that are always helpful for healing are an attitude of gratitude for all that one has,
regardless of how one feels. Also,
forgiveness is most important for
high-copper types as these people are often angry and full of rage inside,
although they may seem very calm on the outside.
change is to give up all victim thinking. Believing that you OR ANYONE ELSE is a
victim of anything will keep your adrenals in a fear state and will not help
them recover at all. This is a
tough sell to many people, but it is the truth. We are all responsible for our own lives. This even applies to children. This is a philosophical, metaphysical
or religious concept. I am aware
that this is a stumbling block for millions around the world, but strive to
take control of your life and stop giving power to the government, or to friends,
the family and many, many others.
Qu. 20. Dr. Wilson, I see that you also
have very ‘spiritual approach” to the diseases and you don’t consider the
patients as “lab values” only. Do
you have any special advices, recommendations or suggestions for my clients,
suffering from hyperthyroidism regarding their lifestyle in general?
A. Lots of rest and relaxation is
probably the single most important lifestyle factor. Some people emphasize exercise, but I think this is a huge
mistake. Most people with
hyperthyroidism are very toxic and tired.
So exercise is not going to make them better, though it has symptomatic
Strive to be happy and joyful,
no matter what is going on. Other
lifestyle factors that matter a lot can be going to bed at an early hour, by 8
to 9 PM most evenings at the latest.
Another is to reduce stress in all ways possible, so life is smooth and
easy with as few upsets as possible.
This can be done more than one may imagine. The key is to take on less, reduce your needs and wants and
rest more. Meditation of the type recommended
above is also wonderful for keeping track of what is causing stress at all
times. I only recommend one type
described in the article entitled Meditation For
Healing on this website.
Thank you very much!
Svetla Bankova
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