by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© February 2021,
LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
The Heart Needs A Lot Of Blood
Symptoms Of A Heart Attack
Double Medical Failure
Personal Experience
Slow Oxidizer – or Thrombotic
Fast Oxidizer – or The Vicious
Copper and Zinc
Calcium and Magnesium
Oxide Compounds Of Minerals
Other Nutrients
The Development Program
Medical Prevention
Hair Mineral Test Indicators For A
Potential Heart Attack
Other Articles About Cardiovascular
Health Conditions
heart attack is an interruption of the blood supply to the heart. It is also called a myocardial event
or myocardial
infarction. Another word for it is a coronary event.
attacks and strokes are the leading cause of death for adults in most
nations. However, current medical
and even natural methods of prevention are poor, in our view. As a result, each year thousands of
people die needlessly! Tissue
mineral testing and The Development Program
offer answers.
heart requires a lot of blood because the heart is a special muscle that
operates all of the time, 24 hours per day. It is the only such muscle. All other muscles work at times, and then rest at
times. Only the heart works all of
the time, resting only in between beats.
the heart’s blood supply is interrupted for even a few seconds, the heart
muscle, which needs a lot of blood, starts to die. If the blood supply stops for more than a minute or two,
irreversible damage tends to occur to the heart muscle. If the blood supply stops, even
partially, for more than about 10 minutes, usually the heart is damaged beyond
depends a lot on the severity of the heart attack. If mild, there may be no symptoms at all, or just a little
pain or fatigue.
If the heart
attack is more severe, usually but not always there will be more symptoms. They may include sharp pain in the
chest area, that may radiate to the left arm and down
the arm, as well. At times,
however, there is little pain or it radiates elsewhere.
Usually, one
will feel weak, sweaty, nauseous and may collapse from
impaired blood flow to the brain and other areas of the body. Sometimes one will feel a crushing
pressure in the chest, as if someone is sitting on your chest or has a heavy
weight on the chest.
rhythm of the heart may be affected, as can blood pressure and pulse rate. Women tend to have fewer symptoms than
medical approach to cardiovascular health is lacking in at least two areas:
Doctors do not inform patients of the intimate connection between specific
nutrients and cardiovascular health.
We discuss this topic in more depth in the Nutrition
Section below.
Doctors of all kinds routinely miss the warning signs of the most fatal kind of
heart attacks. This causes
thousands of preventable deaths each year in men and women of all ages. Here are some examples:
my 20s, I worked for a wonderful social worker. One day he mentioned that he was having heart
palpitations. He consulted at
least two doctors about it. Not
long afterwards, he had a fatal heart attack. He was about 48 years old. I only heard about his death a few months later from a
friend, but it was a terrible shock and great loss that affected many people.
age 33, I lived in an apartment complex.
A neighbor, age 28, came over one day and told me he was having some
fluttering and heart palpitations.
I suggested a development program, but he did not follow through. A few weeks later I came home one day
and he had died in his apartment of a heart attack.
I was about 40, I knew a gentle Indian man, about age 52, who had a lovely
family. He was a natural
healer. He had no heart symptoms
that I knew of. However, he an
upsetting experience one day, had a heart attack and
husbands of two friends died quickly of heart attacks with no warning or
symptoms at all. Both were men
about 55 years old.
excellent doctors who researched natural cancer therapies, Nicholas Gonzalez,
MD and Harold Manner, Phd, died suddenly of heart
attacks, a great loss.
neighbor of mine, age 65, was in good health, according to his doctor. His arteries were not clogged and his
blood pressure was normal.
neighbor had no cardiovascular symptoms at all. However, one day he suffered a heart attack that nearly
killed him. A possible trigger was
that he had recently put new carpeting in his home. It was somewhat toxic and this could have aggravated other
biochemical imbalances in his body.
The role of triggers for fatal heart attacks is explained below.
neighbor was taken to the hospital, where doctors checked him. His arteries were clean, his blood
pressure was normal and his blood tests were normal. So they sent him home two days after his first heart
attack. The next day he suffered
another heart attack that killed him.
wonders how the doctors could mistreat such a serious health condition?
the several thousand who follow a development program, the only heart attack
ever reported was someone who had a previous heart attack and had a stint that
clogged up, and it was mild.
Why were these
all men? Because the type of heart attack they had has to do with a
copper deficiency. Women tend to
have higher copper levels than men, and this may protect them somewhat from
this type of heart attack.
fact, there are two types of heart attacks.
This is the
type with which doctors are familiar.
They occur when a small piece of arterial plaque breaks free from an
artery and moves to the heart area.
There it
lodges and blocks a coronary artery, which are the arteries that supply blood
to the heart muscle. The area
served by this artery is then deprived of blood, and therefore of oxygen and nutrients,
and the muscle dies, or is damaged to some degree.
Slow oxidation. Our research indicates that
this type of heart attack usually occurs in slow oxidizers. This is a metabolic type, a concept not used in mainstream or natural health
care but one we find is very important.
For details, read Metabolic Typing.
individuals tend to develop clogged arteries with a buildup of calcium, toxic
metals or fatty plaques in the arteries.
They also tend to have more sluggish circulation, which can also lead to
plaque buildup.
tissue mineral analyses on these individuals usually reveal high tissue levels
of calcium and magnesium, and lower levels of sodium and potassium. Blood tests will not reveal this.
Toxic metals. The tissue levels of toxic metals such
as cadmium are always excessive.
However, this may or may not be revealed on early tests because the
toxic metals are hidden deep within body tissues, including the artery walls.
individuals also do not have enough adaptive energy to remove the toxic
metals. Only later, when the
adaptive energy level increases due to a development program, the metals are
often revealed on repeat hair mineral tests. The test measures minerals that are being eliminated from
the body through the skin and hair. For more details, read Slow Oxidation.
heart attacks are often non-fatal because only one coronary artery is
involved. Even if a portion of the
heart muscle dies, the rest of the heart muscle can often sustain life.
If one
survives the heart attack, and if one rests, eats properly and takes the
correct nutritional supplements, the body grows new blood vessels to restore
blood circulation to the heart. On
a development program, one may even clear and rebuild the clogged artery. For details about this program, read Introduction To The Development Program.
In this
manner, after this type of heart attack one can live for years, especially if one
cares for the body correctly.
We don’t
endorse or recommend the standard medical treatment for this type of heart
attack - bypass surgery. This
topic is discussed later in this article.
A development program will usually clear the arteries by reversing the
process that caused the clogging and inflammation of the arteries in the first
place – nutritional deficiencies and toxic metal poisoning. No drugs or surgery are usually
This type of
heart attack is not well understood by medical personnel, but it accounts for
most of the deaths!
and preventable. In fact, this
type of heart attack can be predicted and prevented using hair tissue mineral
analysis. However, this
inexpensive screening test is rarely, if ever done in doctor’s offices and
clinics. Once detected, the
mineral imbalance that causes these heart attacks can be corrected with the
development program, preventing these fatal heart attacks.
The sequence
of events. The arteries
have muscles in their walls. In
this type of heart attack, the arterial muscles contract or spasm to such a
degree that they can stop the flow of blood to the heart.
The heart
attack is actually a vicious cycle that occurs within seconds. The shock of a coronary artery spasm
causes an alarm reaction in the body.
This further stresses the body, causing even more spasms of the coronary
arteries until all the coronary arteries constrict. If the vicious cycle is not broken, death usually results.
This type of
heart attack is often fatal because it affects most or all of the coronary
arteries at the same time. Thus
there is less chance for the heart to continue receiving enough oxygen and
nourishment to continue beating and more heart tissue dies.
Underlying body
chemistry. According to
mineral testing research, this situation occurs mainly in people with a
particular biochemical imbalance in their bodies called a fast oxidation rate.
In these
individuals, the hair tissue levels of calcium and magnesium tend to be quite low,
usually less than 30 mg% or 300 ppm of calcium and
usually less than 3 mg% or 30 ppm of magnesium. The hair sodium and potassium levels
are often quite elevated due to stress.
For more details, read Fast Oxidation.
There are
other underlying mineral imbalances that are also very important. They are
discussed in the section on hair analysis below.
Other risk
factors. Emotions such
as anger, resentment and other strong feelings may play a role in the causation
of this type of heart attack. Age
is a risk factor because older people are usually more fragile and more
malnourished. Exposure to toxins
of any kind is another risk factor, as occurred in the case history at the
beginning of this article.
Triggers. This type of heart attack can occur at any time, not just during exercise. There may be a trigger that upsets the nervous system and further depletes calcium and magnesium, worsening the biochemical imbalance of fast oxidation. This could be exercise, but it could be some other stressor, such as a dietary indiscretion or even just fatigue. It could even occur due to getting angry or upset with a friend or a situation.
Some people
have both clogged
arteries and a fast oxidation rate with a low sodium/potassium ratio. They are at even greater risk of a
fatal heart attack.
AND COPPER. Both of these
minerals are required for connective tissue health. The arteries and veins and connective
tissue. Everyone today is
low in zinc because the soil is deficient in zinc. For this reason, our food is all low
in zinc. All babies are born low
in zinc because of zinc deficiency in the mothers. For details, read Zinc.
Copper imbalance is also very common due to adrenal
gland weakness and other factors.
Low copper is associated with athersclerosis. Elevated copper destroys vitamin C,
which is required for connective tissue health. For details, read Copper
Toxicity Syndrome.
minerals are extremely important for the heart rhythm, and for maintaining the
oxidation rate. Low calcium and
magnesium are almost universal today due to food refining, pasteurization of
milk, and low levels of these minerals in the soils of the earth. For details, read Calcium and Magnesium.
CADMIUM. Cadmium replaces zinc in the arteries
and causes hardening and inflammation of the arteries. For this reason, it is highly
associated with heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions such as high
blood pressure and strokes.
toxicity is extremely widespread in the population. Habits such as smoking cigarettes and the use of marijuana
make this problem much worse. This
is why smoking is associated with more heart attacks. Cadmium is found in cigarette papers and in tobacco and
marijuana. For details, read Cadmium.
of certain minerals build up in the body and cause intense irritation of the
tissues. For example, the
connection between iron toxicity and heart disease is well known. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum. Also read Iron
Toxicity and Hemochromatosis.
heart and the arteries also requires other minerals
such as selenium and chromium.
They also require many vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E and
others. The first medical failure
regarding cardiovascular health is not informing people about the close
connection between nutrition and cardiovascular health.
involves following the development diet and taking about eight targeted
nutritional supplements. It also requires
a healthful lifestyle with plenty of rest and sleep, and only gentle
exercise. We also recommend
several healing and detoxification procedures to remove toxic metals and
improve overall health.
mineral testing. We use repeat hair mineral testing to
detect and correct a number of mineral imbalances associated with the risk of
heart attacks. These are discussed
at the end of this article under Other Topics. We find we cannot use blood, urine or
other testing methods to find these indicators.
principles. The development program uses a number
of other principles that few other programs use together. They include avoiding all toxic
substances and procedures, focusing on detoxification, moving energy in a
downward direction, lots of rest and gentle exercise only, and restoring
minerals to the body through the diet, kelp supplements, sea salt, beef bone
broth, and a little carrot juice.
For more details, read Introduction To
The Development Program.
cleanup period. We know that most people have some
clogging of the arteries, even at those 30 years old. During World War II, almost 80 years ago, this was found in
20-year-old American soldiers. We
also know that everyone has some toxic metals poisoning that can contribute to
high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.
first several years of a development program we call cleanup. At this time, the body goes through a healing and
detoxification process that clears some of the tendency for heart attacks
discussed above.
is mainly the use of scans to check for clogging of the arteries and checking
blood pressure, other signs of impaired circulation, serum markers for
inflammation such as C-reactive protein, and correction of risk factors such as
smoking and lack of exercise.
measures are all good, but they are not enough to detect the biochemical
imbalances associated with fast oxidizer heart attacks. Also, if doctors find clogged arteries,
which are common, they often want to rush the person into bypass surgery. In our view, this surgery is terrible
and not needed. It is discussed
development program. This is a very precise program that
goes far beyond simply good nutrition and supplementation. It will clean out clogged arteries,
lower blood pressure by reducing kidney toxicity and increasing the flexibility
of arteries, and it can often rebuild the heart muscle to some degree. Using this method, many people can live
a normal life after a heart attack.
Chelation therapy. We do
not use or ever recommend chelating drugs, which we find unnecessary and
dangerous. For details, read Chelation.
treatment - bypass surgery. Those
who have had a heart attack are often pressured into having emergency surgery
to replace clogged pieces of their coronary arteries with plastic tubes or
veins that the doctor obtains from other parts of the body.
This surgery is
very dangerous, very costly, and statistics indicate it does not extend life. It
has many other side effects, such as brain fog from the toxic effects of the
anesthetics and other drugs used during and after the long surgery. One cannot have
long surgery without becoming filled with toxic anesthesia drugs. The brain is not the same
no other options are offered to the patient, and the patient is told he or she
must have the surgery immediately.
Drugs. Heart
patients are often put on several drugs for the rest of their lives that add
toxicity to the body and do nothing to rebuild and restore health.
rehabilitation. Physical therapy is helpful for some
people after a heart attack.
imbalanced oxidation rate.
imbalanced oxidation rate, either fast or slow, is a risk factor for heart
attacks. Screening for clogged
arteries can be helpful except if they are found, we don’t recommend surgery,
but rather a healing and devlopment program to
reverse the clogging, also called arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis.
Low sodium/potassium ratio. This mineral ratio in the hair, not the
blood, plays a vital role in heart attacks. It indicates the electrical balance of the cells.
If it is low
– less than 2.5 – this increases the risk of a heart attack. The lower it is, the greater the
risk. For more details, read The Hair Sodium/Potassium Ratio.
The step up
pattern. An even
stronger indicator for a heart attack or stroke is if all the following are
- The
oxidation rate is fast
- The
sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5
- The calcium/magnesium
ratio is less than 5.
- The
mineral levels have a special look on a calibrated chart. They look like steps moving upward to
the right.
combination is called the step up pattern or stepping out of life in advanced
acupuncture. It is an important
indicator for a future heart attack or other health catastrophe such as a
this indicator alone would save many lives.
following are less reliable indicators:
1. High level of
cadmium, in particular, especially with a low zinc level. This
is associated with arteriosclerosis, in many cases.
2. A calcium
shell. This is associated with calcification of the soft tissues,
which may include the arteries, particularly if a person is older than 50.
3. Inflammation
patterns. Inflammation can affect the arteries
and lead to plaque formation and arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis.
These include an elevated
sodium/potassium ratio, a four highs pattern, or a double high ratio pattern.
website contains several other articles about cardiovascular health
conditions. For details, click here.
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