by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© September 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
III. Development And The Criste
A physical organ of the body. The criste is an immune and digestive organ that is part of the pancreas. It is also very involved with intelligence and special abilities. It also covers and protects the third energy center.
Location. It is supposed to be on the right side of the body at the level of the pancreas. Together with the pancreas, it is supposed to form a diamond shape. However, today it is missing in practically everyone.
This article may seem very unusual!! Reasons for this article are:
1. Removal of the criste is one of the worst examples of the horror of the negs or rogues.
2. It is possible to regrow at least a little of the criste if one develops sufficiently. Reaching the stage of development in which the criste re-appears is a definite accomplishment. It usually requires following the development program for about 50 years or longer.
3. The word criste bears a close resemblance to the words Christ and Christian. One wonders if this religion is supposed to have something to do with advanced development of human beings.
I am told the criste looks like a mirror image of the pancreas such that the pancreas and the criste viewed together form a wide, shallow diamond shape that extends across the abdomen at the level of the solar plexus.
I am told the negs or Rogues destroy the criste before birth in all human beings. In some animals, they destroy it after birth.
The reason is that the criste helps one defend against the rogues. It does this in a number of ways:
- The criste helps defend one by producing several proteolytic enzymes similar to trypsin produced by the pancreas.
- The criste improves will power and other special abilities.
- The criste makes one smarter.
Without it, one is weaker, more stupid, has less will power, and less ability to defend oneself against diseases and other attacks on the body.
The christe produces enzymes that are similar to chymotrypsin, a pancreatic enzyme. These enzymes destroy cancer in the body. They do this by converting totipotent cells away from being cancer cells.
They also tend to kill off small creatures such as parasites that are put there by the rogues.
The trophoblast concept of cancer. This quality of certain enzymes is part of the trophoblast concept of cancer. Everyone needs to learn about this concept. For details, read The Trophoblast And Cancer.
The criste improves digestion because it produces proteolytic enzymes. Wild animals tend to have more of this organ and they can digest more foods and more raw food.
The criste is very unusual. Although located in the abdomen, it activates areas of the brain having to do with superior intelligence and special abilities.
I am told that if one develops sufficiently, one can regrow at least a little of the criste. Development is a genetic upgrade of the body that toughens the body, extends its life and causes the awakening a special abilities.
Development science is not well known in Western nations because the thugs or rogues, who control the planet at this time, do not want it known. It is taught in some monasteries and convents in the Western world and is well understood by certain Native groups on earth.
These include the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert, some Native Americans and some Australian Aborigines. For details, read Introduction To Development.
Development today requires a special diet, plenty of rest, retention of most sexual fluid and the Pulling Down Procedure. Daily coffee enemas, red heat lamp therapy, keeping the spine aligned by yourself or by a chiropractor, and foot and hand reflexology are also very helpful. For details, read Introduction To The Development Program.
Coffee, when used in enemas, is helpful to regrow the criste. This is just one reason to do coffee enemas, which we strongly recommend.
In Ebre. I am told that the word criste is a word in the ancient universal language called Ebre that is spoken on many planets. We believe this language is being returned to the earth at this time.
In this language, the word criste means complete or whole. It also refers to the criste organ on the right side of the body that is a mirror image of the pancreas.
In Greek. Criste is similar to an old word in the Greek language - kristos. It means anointed or sovereign. It can also mean complete or completed. The word christos in Latin has similar meaning.
Perhaps it is pure coincidence that the word criste is very close to the name of a major religion and the name given to Jesus of Nazareth.
I have not done extensive research regarding the origin of the words Christ and Christian. However, it is likely that Jesus was developed to the criste level. Could this be why the religion was named Christian?
I am told that if one regrows a little criste, one can reach a development stage at which energetically the criste moves upward in the abdomen. It moves from the area of the third energy center (solar plexus) up to the fourth center (heart center). Then it rises to the area of the fifth center (throat center.
If one continues to develop, it keeps on rising upward. For details, read Introduction To The Energy Centers.
When the criste energy reaches about the level of the sixth energy center (at the forehead), one's development level is sometimes called criste. Some call this condition being sealed. Special abilities may appear at this time and it is considered an excellent achievement.
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