by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© March 2020, L.D.
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
WARNING: Medical drugs are a major source of
constipation! Many medical drugs cause constipation,
including over-the-counter remedies such as Tylenol. Among the worst are anti-depressants, anti-psychotic drugs,
tranquilizers, opioids, morphine, some cancer
chemotherapy, narcotics, blood pressure drugs, and antibiotics.
Traumas and
mental stress are other very important causes.
II. Basic
Anatomy Of The Small And Large Intestine
III. Normal
Large Bowel Activity
Constipation Defined
V. Causes
For Constipation
VI. Connections
Between Mineral Imbalances And Constipation
Constipation, Diarrhea and The Oxidation Types
Correcting Constipation Safely and Rapidly In Most Cases - Foods To Avoid
IX. Other
Remedies If The Above Is Not Sufficient
X. Travel
And Constipation
XI. Other
Topics Related To Bowel Health – “Death Begins In The Colon”
XII. The
Colon And The Parasympathetic Nervous System
Comments On Various Bowel Laboratory Tests
XIV. Other
Bowel Tests That Are Usually Not Needed With Constipation
XV. Hair
Analysis Patterns Related To Bowel Activity
Bowel problems, especially constipation, are perhaps
the most important health complaint in the modern world. Pathologists
report that the large intestine is usually one of the most diseased organs on
routine autopsies, even among “healthy” people who die in accidents.
Constipation is important not only because it is
unpleasant, but more importantly because it sets the stage for more serious disease
everywhere in the body.
even stubborn constipation is usually easy to correct using only natural
methods. The most important steps
to correcting most instances of constipation are:
1. Eat more properly cooked, not raw
vegetables. Adults need
to eat 6-9 cups of vegetables cooked until they are soft. Crunchy or al dente is not sufficient. We
know this is a lot of cooked vegetables, but it is very important for excellent
health. It provides plenty of
fiber and many phytonutrients in a soothing way.
One might think
that eating raw salads would be superior because they contain more fiber. However, the body does not absorb
nutrients very well from raw food and raw food is quite harsh for the
intestines, which are a very delicate organ.
We suggest
the development diet. For details,
read Food For Daily Use.
2. Drink more water. If you are already drinking 2- 3 quarts
or 3 liters of either a) spring water or b) carbon-only filtered tap water
every day, use a different brand or a different kind of water.
The reason
for this is that some drinking water, such as reverse osmosis water, may not
hydrate your body well enough. It seems
to go right through and does not work well enough. At times, a brand of spring water that was working well
suddenly will not work well and you will need to switch brands to avoid
beverages, even tea, are not as good as drinking water. One cup a day of regular coffee or mild
tea is okay, however.
drink a quart of water before breakfast each day. Do not drink with meals. Drink water up to 15 minutes before meals or at least 1 hour
after meals. For more details,
read Water for Drinking.
Do not drink
reverse osmosis water, distilled water or alkaline water.
3. Avoid the Dehydration Diet. This includes eating any sugars,
including fruit or more than 10 ounces of carrot juice, or using any caffeine
or alcohol. All of these tend to
dehydrate the body.
4. Avoid too much running around or
other stress. The reason is
that stress and too much activity keep the sympathetic nervous system on all
the time, and this impairs bowel activity, which is a parasympathetic activity.
5. Shine a reddish heat lamp on the
abdomen for at least 1 hour daily.
An alternative is to use a heat lamp sauna for about 20-40 minutes
daily. This sauna has three or
four reddish heat lamps. For
details, read Sauna Therapy.
6. In a few cases, there is a need for
certain silicon compounds.
Without them, the intestinal tract, and often the vagina and skin dry
out and this causes constipation.
If the
methods above do not work, add flaxseed soaked overnight and okra to the diet
each day. For details, read Silicon.
These steps
will take care of most constipation.
However, we also recommend:
Take GB-3 (ox bile and pancreatin) with each meal. This is somewhat laxative for many people.
Learn to slow down and relax more, and
develop good eating habits and good bowel habits. This can also be very important to
overcome some cases of constipation.
If you have to strain or push down to
have a bowel movement, exhale first and then push down when you don’t have any
air in your lungs. This can
prevent hurting yourself. Do not
push too hard. If a bowel movement
will not come out, do a plain water enema, or even two of them.
These simple
steps are usually sufficient to end constipation. Later in this article are other procedures
and remedies that may be used safely, if needed.
Human beings
and most animals have two distinct types of intestines. The small intestine has a diameter of about 1 inch,
and is much longer – about 20 to 30 feet in length if it were stretched
out. It basically fills most of
the abdominal cavity. Most
absorption of the nutrients in your food occur in the
small intestine.
The colon, also
called the large
intestine, has a much larger diameter. Its diameter is about the same as that of your forearm near
the wrist. That is why it is
called the large intestine or the large bowel. It is also much shorter than the small intestine. It is only about two to three feet in
functions of the large intestine are:
1. To absorb
enough water from the feces in order to form a semi-solid stool.
2. To absorb
water and some nutrients from the feces.
3. To
manufacture some vitamins and other chemicals using bacteria that live in the
large intestine.
Some physicians say that we need one evacuation per
week, while other say once a day is normal. At the other extreme, a few natural health authorities say
that one should have a bowel movement after every meal. Others say it is not important how
often one has a bowel movement, but rather how much comes out, what it looks
like, and maybe what it smells like.
It can certainly be confusing.
us begin with what should be normal large bowel activity.
Here are
some criteria for normal bowel action:
1. At least half the large bowel (about
1 foot long) must empty every day.
The colon is about two feet long or more, in most people. The ascending colon may be liquid and
its contents are not ready for evacuation, so that is why about half should be
ready for evacuation daily. It
does not matter if this occurs in one, two or more bowel movements during the
2. Bowel transit time (how long it
takes for food to pass out of the body) should be about 8-15 hours. Most people, unfortunately,
have a much longer transit time and this allows the contents of the bowel to
remain too long. This increases
fermentation, putrefaction and the absorption of toxic amines and other
chemicals from the colon.
How to measure
bowel transit time easily.
simple way to measure your bowel transit time is to eat a large amount of raw
or cooked beets. Then check your
stool for the next few days until you see the familiar red color.
If your bowel transit time is above 15
hours or so, DO NOT use purges, laxatives or other methods to speed it up. Your body’s digestion is just sluggish
and the transit time is needed right now.
As your health improves, it will reduce on its own.
3. The large bowel should not have
“pockets” or diverticuli. These are slight bulges in the wall of
the colon. They form because there
is often a slight weakness between the muscles in each section of the colon. This allows small bulges to form in the
colon wall, especially if one strains at the stool.
yeast colonies and food debris accumulate in these pockets, setting up chronic
infection that is not easy to detect, even on x-rays or stool tests. Even children often have some of them, usually
from straining while trying to have a bowel movement.
Many doctors consider colon pockets or diverticuli “normal” because they are so common on x-rays
or colonoscopies. However, I
disagree strongly. Dr. Bernard
Jensen, DC ND and other natural health researchers studied colon pockets
extensively. Dr. Jensen showed
they are definitely not normal. In
fact, they lead to many other diseases, including cancer in some cases.
Rarely, a
pocket will rupture, causing a surgical emergency, so be careful when straining
and, if possible, do not do it ever.
NOTE: Bowel
pockets cannot be seen or felt from the outside, but only seen on some
x-rays. I do not recommend having
x-rays of your colon! I mention
the pockets only because they are not normal, though they are common, and they
will slowly heal as your health improves on a nutritional balancing program.
4. The consistency of the stool should
ideally be soft, but formed, and not overly foul-smelling. Foul-smelling stools all or most of the
time indicate a lot of putrefaction or fermentation is present in your colon
and is not a good sign. Often it
means the flora or bacteria and yeasts in the intestines are not correct.
At times,
during the course of a nutritional balancing program, the stool will smell foul
as toxins are removed from the body. This is fine and will pass, usually within a few days
or weeks.
5. You should not have a lot of gas,
bloating or distention of your abdomen.
Based on the section above,
constipation is present when any of the following occur:
1. At least half (about one foot long)
of the colon does not naturally empty each and every day. In other words, it does not matter if a
person has one large bowel movement daily or several smaller ones. The number is less important than the
fact that the colon is emptied completely of solid material.
2. The bowel transit time is greater
than about 20 hours. This means
that from the time one eats a meal, it passes through the entire intestinal
tract in less than about 20 hours or so.
3. There are many pockets or diverticuli in the colon. Let us discuss pockets a little
more. Most people over age 20 have
some, so this means that most adults are constipated. However, many children have them today, also, thanks to junk
food, white flour, sugar in the diet, straining at the stool and other
digestive abominations. So it is
an important issue.
Adults. The most important reasons for their
constipation, in roughly descending order, include:
Drinking too little water and/or the wrong kinds of water. I recommend
only spring water as one’s long-term drinking water. Distilled is okay but only for several months. Carbon-filtered tap water is next best. Avoid all others.
Stress of many kinds. This ranges from financial or family problems to subtle forms
of stress such as that from using cell phones and computers too much.
Hurried lifestyles and not heeding the call to evacuate.
Most people do not rest and sleep enough at all.
Refined foods and/or yin foods in the diet. These include white sugar, white flour,
white rice and a host of other poor quality, low-fiber, highly processed
foods. Yin foods include fruit,
fruit juices, too much raw food, and more.
Chemicals added to most refined and prepared food items. These
include thousands of food additives.
Among the worst, for some individuals are artificial sweeteners such as
aspartame or Equal, Splenda and the others. They can confuse the body into thinking
the person has eaten a sweet meal when it is not true.
Lack of adequate fiber in some cases. The only good foods for fiber are
vegetables and grains, in my view.
Fruit is less recommended.
It is high in sugars and more yin in Chinese
terminology and these make it a less desirable food for everyone today.
Poor eating habits.
These include eating too fast, eating while standing up, eating on the
run or in the car and not resting at least 30 minutes after all large meals.
may be the worst bad habit. One
would think this would “push everything through”. The opposite happens.
The body must waste energy dealing with the extra food and with many
toxins generated by overeating beyond the digestive capacity. This actually slows bowel transit time
Drug use, especially antibiotics that damage
the normal bowel flora. Others,
however, act as diuretics such as some blood pressure pills. These may remove too much water from the
relax the bowel too much such as propranolol. Others paralyze the bowel a little,
such as anti-depressants and narcotics.
Others affect the nervous innervation to the
bowel. Still others may deplete
magnesium, causing constipation.
Improper bowel flora and chronic viral, fungal or other
infections. These are
common, though most people are unaware of them. The intestinal tract is home to millions of yeasts and
bacteria. The flora must be
correct. Any deviation I am
calling an infection, since that implies an organism foreign to the ideal
environment of the intestines.
Prolapsed colon. This happens when the colon muscle
tone and supporting ligaments and tendons are not holding the colon in its
proper place.
other prolapses, it can be corrected with
surgery. However, this often
causes serious adhesions that can be life-threatening due to bowel
obstructions. In some cases,
repeat surgery is required for adhesions.
far better solution is the use of the slant board with colonics and a
nutritional balancing program.
This will take care of it in time, in most instances.
Psychological or emotional factors. These include a rigid and weak sense of
identity, according to some experts on psychosomatic medicine. This causes the person to be very tense
and to “hold on” when they are upset or just tired.
common are traumas due to childbirth or toilet training. Drs. Sigmund Freud and Eric Erikson
believed that lack of trust around the time of toilet training can cause a tendency for bowel problems such as
my experience, natural methods can usually overcome most psychological reasons
for constipation without extensive therapy, although it is excellent in some
Less commonly, not eating enough food. This mainly affects elderly
people who have a poor appetite or trouble chewing, perhaps.
Less commonly, other bowel problems. These include very poor muscle tone in
the colon, cancer, some types of colitis, irritable
bowel syndrome and others.
Fortunately, most of these, including early cancers, can all be
corrected, often rather easily, by cleaning the colon thoroughly and other
simple, natural methods.
Rarely, inherited abnormalities of the colon. These are quite rare, however, in my
Babies, a
special case. Babies
should not be constipated. Today,
however, I encounter the problem commonly. It is usually very easy to correct. Rarely, the cause is an intestinal
malformation that must be corrected with surgery. Most often, however, the cause is:
A need for more pure water. This is often the case. It can even occur in a baby who is breastfeeding. Many mothers are so dehydrated their
milk is concentrated and not supplying enough water.
terrible practice is to feed babies soda or fruit juice in a bottle instead of
water. Neither
of these properly nourish or hydrate the toddler. Ideally, do not give a baby tap water
unless it is filtered with carbon.
Do not use reverse osmosis water, either, as it does not hydrate the body
A need for magnesium. This is often the case with diets of milk, for example,
which is low in magnesium. One can
add a little Epsom salts dissolved in milk or water to correct this and
constipation is usually over.
Eating foods low in fiber and often high in sugar. Sugars of any kind, in fact, easily
cause yeast infections in children that can contribute to constipation. Even feeding children fruit, fruit
juice or worse, soda pop can do this.
not feed most children fruit, and never put juice or soda in a baby bottle and
leave it in the baby’s mouth in the crib. This stupid practice causes tooth
decay and many other problems, including constipation in some cases.
Vaccination. This introduces many toxic germs into
the system, and not just the one being vaccinated against. Please read the article on this site
entitled Vaccination.
Iron in baby formulas. This is horribly constipating for some babies. It is rarely needed, but may be added
to “round out the formula”. Babies
are born with a two or three year supply of iron from their mothers. Breast milk contains little to no iron
and babies do just fine on it.
truth, extra iron is quite toxic for most babies. It can contribute to other problems such as infections and
perhaps even behavior problems, along with constipation.
Giving drugs to babies, especially antibiotics. These
usually damage the normal bowel flora and even cause liver toxicity in
susceptible babies. Liver toxicity
is one cause of constipation in babies and adults.
This occurs in a few babies and in some children, today.
Infections. Babies and
children, especially, often consume spoiled food items, especially in fast food
restaurants, while traveling outside America and elsewhere.
Swimming pools
and hot tubs. Another common source
of infections, sadly, is swimming in pools or worse, hot tubs. Chlorine, bromine, copper
and even ozone are not capable of killing all the germs in pools and hot
tubs. They would need so much it
would be toxic for swimming.
springs, lakes or oceans are far better for children, as well as for
adults. However, if you insist on
allowing your child to swim in pools and hot tubes, at least be sure your pool
is adequately shocked at least weekly or more. This helps, but is not a good enough solution in my way of
infections lodge in the intestines in early childhood, sadly, and may stay
there forever after.
To overcome constipation in a baby,
correct the baby’s diet to eliminate fruit, juices, all sugars and sweets, junk
foods, and food chemicals. Make
sure the baby drinks enough pure water, not just milk and never soda pop. Adding a little magnesium is also very
and yeast infections.
Copper toxicity or low zinc levels almost always lead to yeast
infections in the colon and elsewhere.
This can be a cause of constipation and many other bowel symptoms.
Copper is
found in some foods, particularly grains and beans. It also tends to increase in the body with the use of birth
control pills, copper IUDs and if one becomes very stressed.
Copper also
rises before the menstrual period, causing problems for many young women. To read more about copper, see Copper Toxicity Syndrome on this
Iron is
extremely constipating. Iron
from vitamin pills, white flour products enriched with iron, and even too much
red meat, is constipating in the extreme.
This has to do with its oxidant qualities, perhaps.
deficiency contributes to constipation. Magnesium can act as an osmotic laxative. This means it can hold water in the
Magnesium is
deficient in most people as it is not found in refined
or processed foods in most cases.
Nuts and seeds are the best sources, which people do not eat enough of,
usually, to obtain enough magnesium.
Calcium is
constipating. Calcium tends to
be constipating in most instances, though not all. Calcium should be balanced with magnesium in foods and in supplemental
products as well. One may have to
vary the ratio between calcium and magnesium in order not to upset bowel
people eat too much dairy that is rich in calcium but lacks magnesium to
balance it. Other common sources
include calcium tablets, liquids and some multivitamins that are not balanced
with magnesium.
Aluminum can be
very constipating. Aluminum is
a toxic metal. However, it is
widely used in antacid products such as Maalox, Mylanta, Ryopan,
Gaviscon and perhaps 20 other antacids sold mostly
without a prescription. It is also
found in some health food products such as Bentonite,
Montmorillinite and Azomite.
A little
aluminum (not enough to cause constipation) is also found in other products
such as anti-perspirants, cosmetics and many
others. It is also added to most
municipal drinking water supplies and it is often added to common table salt to
prevent caking of the salt. Use
sea salt and drink spring or distilled water only to reduce your aluminum exposure
from these common sources.
Manganese may also be constipating in
some people. Common sources
are gasoline fumes, some well water and occasionally occupational
exposure. Some people take
excessive manganese in mineral supplements.
Most people have too much hidden
aluminum, along with excessive levels of toxic forms of manganese and iron. To read more about this phenomenon,
read the article on this website entitled Manganese,
Iron and Aluminum. For more
information on the problems with iron, read Chronic Iron
Paul Eck found that tendencies for constipation and diarrhea often have to do
with the oxidation rate on a properly performed hair mineral analysis. Basically, fast oxidizers are usually
more prone to diarrhea because the intestinal tract is healthier, and sometimes
overactive in these individuals.
oxidizers are far more prone to constipation because they are far more tired,
stressed and even exhausted. They
also usually have exhausted sympathetic nervous systems, and most have some
yeast in the intestines.
Diarrhea. To read a separate article on diarrhea,
click here.
Step 1. Drink at least 3 quarts or more
of spring water every single day. In many
cases, this solves the problem almost overnight. Be sure to drink at least a quart of water before
I find
spring water is the best overall drinking water for most people. Steam-distilled water is also
excellent, but should not be used for more than 3-6 months. Distilled water is too low in minerals
to be a long-term drinking water.
It will leach some vital minerals from the body. Do not add minerals to distilled water,
as they are usually not the right ones and most of these mineral supplements
contain toxic metals.
Many people
do not like buying and drinking out of plastic bottles. However, I have found this to be
best. The plastic chemicals can be
removed relatively easily and the plastic is recyclable and can be safely
incinerated as well. Otherwise,
have it delivered or go to
Often you can bring your own bottles to a spring and fill them up at no
tap water is next best for drinking.
Other types of drinking water do not work as well, usually. They simply do not hydrate or nourish
the body nearly as well. Read the
article on this website for more about drinking water.
How much
water. One needs at
least three quarts a day. This is
108 ounces a day or about 12 glasses if each glass is 8 ounces or so. This is critical. How to drink this water is important,
When to
drink. I learned that
the best time to drink seems to be in the morning. The best way for many people is to drink 4-10 glasses of
water as soon as you are up and dressed.
Relax and
sit comfortably and do not interrupt the drinking, except to refill your
glass. Warm the water in a pot on
the stove if the water is cold or makes you cold. Warming will also remove plastic residues in bottled water.
Step 2. Take GB-3 with each meal. Increase the number of tablets until
you start having bowel movements.
GB-3 is a digestive aid with ox bile and pancreatin. Read more by clicking on GB-3.
Step 3. Relax more. Here is why
rest and relaxing more is so helpful for constipation:
Fatigue damages the autonomic nervous system severely.
Fatigue interrupts digestion and therefore often affects
elimination as well.
Fatigue ruins one’s ability to relax.
function is affected even by missing one hour of sleep nightly. Everyone, in my opinion and experience,
needs at least 9 hours of sleep.
In fact, most people have a sleep deficit and need even more for a year
or so in most cases to make up for years of not enough rest and sleep.
Step 4. Eat correctly for your
oxidation type, and eat at least 70% cooked vegetables and no sugars, no fruit,
no junk food and no wheat.
Fiber and
low sugars. Most people
eat too little fiber and too much sugar.
To avoid this, make 70-80% of your diet steamed or otherwise cooked
vegetables. Proper cooking does
not destroy all the fiber and has many other benefits discussed in other
articles on this website such as Raw Foods.
excellent foods are whole grains, a little salad, perhaps, though this is not
needed. Fruit has some problems
such as its sugar content and its yin nature, in general. This is why we do not recommend any
fruit juices and very little fruit today.
excellent fibrous foods are dried beans such as lentils, split peas and all the
other legumes. These must also be
cooked properly for several hours in most cases.
cooked meats and oils. Overcooking
any food is not helpful for constipation.
However, in particular, meats and even eggs are best cooked
lightly. Otherwise, their protein
structure is changed, forming more toxic substances that usually putrefy in the
Fats and
oils require a lot of digestion.
They are best eaten raw, such as raw olive oil, certified raw butter and
milk, or nut and seed butters just on occasion. They are all quite yin and contain
some toxic constituents. The best,
by far, is raw or even toasted almond butter, an excellent food. Nuts and seeds require a lot of chewing
and are yin, so they are not as good.
Nuts can
also lodge in the colon pockets and cause diverticulitis,
a painful and occasionally serious condition.
Step 5. If you wish, have a series of
colonic irrigations. The best is
a series of about 5 or more colonic irrigation treatments. However, this will cost you a few
hundred dollars and you must bare your behind for an hour to a stranger.
excellent option is to do at least a few months or more of daily coffee enemas
at home. The procedure is
available on this website under Detoxification Procedures.
Another option,
not quite as good, is to buy or build a home colonic unit. A very simple, ready-made plastic unit
is called a Colema Board, for example. This can be rigged up in most
bathrooms, though you must set it up and take it down each time you use it if you
require the bathroom for other purposes.
procedures are not necessary, however, in many cases. The following is often sufficient to remedy most cases of
constipation quickly and safely.
Sweets. Minimize or eliminate all sugar
products, including honey, maple syrup, rice bran syrup, fructose, glucose,
dextrose and the others. These all
foster yeast growth in the intestines and are never healthful products for your
colon. Other sweets include all
fruits, and all fruit juices.
Minimize these for best colon health.
White flour. All white flour products are very
harmful for the bowel. They
contain too much iron in most cases.
They also contain almost no fiber and the gluten is sticky like glue in
the intestines. In addition, they
contain chlorine or bromine used to bleach the flour. Most have added sugar and other chemicals, especially breads
hard eggs and all spoiled food.
Allergic foods. I suggest
everyone today avoid all wheat and spelt as most
people are allergic to them. They
are hybrids and simply not quite as healthful as they once were.
Many people
should also avoid all gluten. This
is found in all products made with rye, oats and barley, in addition to wheat
products. Many processed and
prepared foods have some hidden in them.
Corn is sometimes another allergic food. As the colon heals, often one can reintroduce corn and
gluten foods, especially blue corn products, which are excellent foods.
avoid any other food that cause allergic
reactions. This might be any food
at all.
Commercial dairy products may cause
food sensitivites. However, raw or perhaps organic dairy products may be okay
in moderation. I do not suggest
more than 8 ounces of raw or organic milk daily, however, because it contains
too much sugar to have more.
Food chemicals.
Some of these may indeed constipate. Avoid all you can for this reason, as well as for hundreds
of other health reasons.
These should
rarely be needed, but occasional use is okay.
Food-related products:
Bile acids, bile salts or the product
called GB-3. This is a
superb remedy. There are other
reasons besides constipation and this is why I recommend most people take this
product. Click to read more about GB-3 from Endomet Labs.
Bile acids
and salts are a little irritating and that is why they may be laxative. However, they have so many vital
properties as well, such as killing infections in the intestines that they are excellent
They can
even reduce cancer cells in the body, if taken at the right times and enough of
them. This product is far superior
to herbal laxatives that do provide few other benefits.
They are
also parasympathetic because they are an animal-based product, unlike many
digestive aids and herbs. This is
another advantage in many ways.
Finally they kill parasites of some kinds in the intestines, a common
problem in most people to some degree.
Probiotics or beneficial flora for the
intestines. These help a few cases and are excellent when they
help. We rarely find them needed
if the diet is correct. The most
common one is lactobacillus acidophilus.
However, there are many sold in health food stores that are
flora products must be refrigerated and are sold in the refrigerator section of
the store. Be wary of any product
that is not sold refrigerated as many probiotics are not as potent as advertised if they are not
absolutely fresh.
Fiber. Anyone who eats correctly with plenty
of steamed and some raw vegetables and whole grains should get plenty of
fiber. If you do not eat well,
fiber supplements may help.
Older people
most often benefit from fiber supplements. They often do not eat enough of anything. Also, their chewing is poor so they do
not use their food well enough.
Many also live on poor quality food, especially at retirement homes and
other such institutions.
The best
fiber supplements may include psylllium seed, bran,
citrus or apple pectin and plant fibers such as cellulose. Try to avoid drug or health food
store products that contain sugar, colorings, flavorings and other chemicals.
Magnesium. This is a very safe and old remedy for constipation. It is excellent for babies as well as
An added benefit is you will increase
your intake of this precious mineral that has been refined out of all processed
flour, sugars and other common foods.
Magnesium is hard to overdo since most people could use it anyway. Take too much and you will
usually just get diarrhea from it.
use magnesium tablets, powders, liquids or even a bit
of Epsom salts, though it tastes terrible. Oddly, the less expensive forms of magnesium such as magnesium
oxide may work a lot better than a costly form of magnesium such as the glycinate, chelate or citrate
forms. This has to do with the
action of magnesium.
Mechanism of
action. Magnesium works by keeping more
water in the intestines. It is
called an osmotic laxative substance.
An inexpensive magnesium works better in many
instances because it is poorly absorbed from the intestine, so more of it
remains to hold water in the stool.
One can use
the patent drugstore product, Milk of Magnesia. This old product has artificial colors and flavors and more
chemicals in it, but it works well.
Most people
can take at least three magnesium tablets daily. Liquids and powders vary in potency so I cannot give an
amount. However, you can safely
take basically as much as you want for most people. Increase the dose slowly and reduce it it
if it causes diarrhea or cramping.
One cup of
coffee. This
old-fashioned remedy helps millions to avoid constipation. In fact, it is one of the main reasons
people choose coffee in the morning.
irritates the intestines a little and can stimulate bile flow from the
liver. While effective in most
cases, in my view it is not a health food, no matter what others say. One cup daily is okay, however, for
most people if needed.
Avoid the
fashionable cappuccinos and lattes.
They are too strong, contain less water, which is bad, and they contain
more caffeine, which is also worse and more irritating. If you use coffee, if possible limit it
to one cup of regular coffee daily.
Prunes. This old remedy is high in fiber. Raisins should work this way,
also. While prunes and raisins are
nutritious, they contain too much sugar for my liking. Therefore, they are somewhat less
recommended than the remedies above.
One or two daily,
however, is not bad if needed.
They are best used soaked overnight or warmed for a while in water so
they fluff up a little and contain less concentrated sugar.
and drug methods
Squatting. Some people have a much easier time with
bowel movements if they squat at the toilet, instead of sitting in the usual
way. This is especially true of
the newer, wheel-chair friendly toilets.
They are higher off the ground and less comfortable for most people.
Squatting is
used around the world. It squeezes
the intestines a little bit and it relaxes the abdominal muscles more than the
sitting position. When a person
sits down on the toilet one must keep some tension in the abdomen and back to
hold oneself erect. This is less
the case when squatting, so the muscles tend to relax more. Also, in the squatting position, one is
generally more relaxed overall.
So try this if you wish. If it helps, use a step in front of the
toilet on which to place your feet.
You can also buy a special step-like device that fits around the
Rubbing the Right Calf. Firmly rubbing the entire length of the
back, sides and even the front of the right calf for five minutes or less daily
is an ancient acupressure technique.
It works surprisingly well in some people to help relax the abdominal
Knees to chest exercise. Before getting out of bed in the
morning, bring your knees up to your chest and hold them there tightly for
several deep breaths. This old yoga posture may help relax the abdominal muscles
and stimulate the abdominal area to help produce a bowel movement.
Exercise. This helps some people who are
sedentary. Gentle, relaxing
walking, for example, can help to relax the body enough to cause a bowel
movement. Becoming exhausted with
exercise is not helpful.
Water enemas. These can be used occasionally if one
cannot have a bowel movement. They
work well and are safe if done correctly.
However, if possible do not use them daily.
Coffee enemas. This is not
a remedy for constipation.
However, repeated use of the coffee enema, especially with a nutritional
balancing program, will often end constipation for good. The coffee enema will clean the colon,
and it is fine not to have other bowel movements if you are using coffee enemas
enemas work by removing toxins from the liver faster than any other method of
detoxification I know of. The
coffee also has a gentle astringent effect on the large bowel. The coffee enemas also have many other
beneficial effects. Since most
people’s livers are very toxic, this is great for many people and temporarily
solves the constipation problem as well.
enemas can be a little messy at first.
They become much easier with practice. Most of our clients who use them find they enjoy them
greatly and feel much better, overall.
Coffee enemas have many amazing benefits and are highly recommended for
almost everyone.
Note, never force yourself to
retain any enema and always begin with very little coffee as it can be
stimulating, especially at first.
To read more, click on Coffee
irrigation or colon hydrotherapy. This is not strictly a treatment for constipation. However, it will clear the colon of
fecal material faster and more completely than anything else. A series of colonic treatments, as they
are called, can help to revitalize the colon, but are best used as just a small
part of a total healing program.
procedure is that a professional colon therapist gently places a plastic tube
into the rectum. Water is then
gently pumped into the colon until there are some contractions of the
colon. The water is then removed
through the same tube by turning a valve that removes the water and fecal
When the
colon is empty of all the water, the process is repeated. Usually the colon will hold more and
more water as it becomes cleaned out.
The process continues for about an hour in most cases.
therapist should also gently massage the abdomen, feeling for impacted or
hardened fecal material and releasing it gently with the water and
therapist can also observe the fecal matter that is removed through a clear
window or section of the tube. He
or she can tell quite a bit about parasites, yeasts, digestion and other
aspects of colon health by noting the color, consistency and type of matter
that is removed.
procedure is quite clean and painless in almost all cases. One may actually lose several pounds of
impacted fecal material if one has had constipation or other bowel problems in
the past.
Herbs and drugs.
Glycerin suppositories. These are small suppositories that
irritate the intestine just enough to cause a nice bowel movement in some
people. I do not recommend them except
for occasional use. For traveling,
for example, they may be perfect.
They are sold at most drug stores.
Herbal products. These usually contain either senna or cascara sagrada. Both are effective and can be used
occasionally, such as when traveling.
herbal laxatives are a little toxic.
They work by stimulating the bowel to eliminate them. Therefore, I do not like them too much. Use them only if needed and when other
methods have not worked.
Castor oil
or any purgative. These can be dangerous
as they force an evacuation that could damage or even rupture the
intestines. Please do not use this
at all, preferably.
Stool Softeners. Colase and
related products are drugs used often in hospitals for constipation. They are mild irritants designed for
intermittent or occasional use only.
They are not designed for daily use, so please don’t become dependent on
them if you try them.
Travel is
always a stressful event, in my experience. As a result, many people become constipated when they
travel. Here are suggestions for
Watch your diet and eating habits. Eat on a regular meal schedule if at
all possible. Don’t just snack or
eat at malls, if possible. Also,
eat some food you are used to, not just “native” foods that are more likely to
cause problems in many people.
Always carry
water with you, so you are not without it. Many people become enamored of the trip and forget these
simple good habits. Do not
substitute wine or beer for water.
It does not have the same effect.
excellent eating habits. Always
sit when you can. Many people will
stand at counters, food lines, stand-up restaurants and so forth. They do not realize that it takes a
toll on your energy and is far less relaxing than even an uncomfortable wooden
or even metal bench in a park, for example.
In Mexico
and other third world nations, I would only eat cooked food, fruit you peel or
wash thoroughly yourself and only drink bottled water. Otherwise you are asking for trouble.
Relax more. Switching
automobile drivers once every hour is a simple way to help avoid undue fatigue,
for example. Go to bed early and
get more sleep. Allow an extra day
upon arrival to adapt to changes in the time zones.
Also, do not
carry heavy luggage around if you can help it. In other words, conserve your energy in every way possible
when you travel. Plan your trips
well, and try not to be late for buses, trains or planes, as that just adds
stress. Take an afternoon nap.
Air travel. This is the hardest type of travel for
your body, bar none. Airplanes are
very dry, so be sure to drink extra water when flying. Preferably, ask for spring water, as
the tap water is not nearly as good in most cases.
stresses with air travel are long waiting lines, x-ray exposure, even just
walking past the machines, and breathing other people’s germs for hours in a
closed space. Often, food choices
are limited and meal schedules become disrupted.
If possible,
plan your trip carefully so you rest as much as possible. Bring your own food, if possible. Traveling first class, if possible, is
a little better.
A famous surgeon
remarked that he rarely found a healthy colon during all of his years of
surgery practice. Indeed, my
experience with patients would indicate that healthy bowel activity is rare,
today. Few people, for example,
are not constipated by the definition in this article.
Digestion Versus Putrefaction, Rotting and Fermentation
Most food, except for fiber, should be
digested in the small and large intestines. If it is not well-digested, it
rots, putrefies or ferments. Let
us briefly consider these.
Digestion is a
process whereby food is acted upon mechanically by chewing and then by acidic
and alkaline enzymes and environments.
These should break it down into its basic components.
For example, protein is broken into its
amino acids. Fats are broken into
fatty acids and starches and sugars are broken down to simple sugars. These simpler molecules should then be
absorbed in the small intestine, mainly.
Putrefaction occurs in
the human intestinal tract a little, normally. It is the breakdown of mainly protein substances by certain
bacteria in the intestines. This
gives rise to extremely toxic substances with names such as cadaverine,
indol and skatol.
Rotting is similar
to putrefaction. However, it
occurs in the absence of putrefying bacteria. This is what happens if you leave an egg or a piece of meat
in the open air for a few days.
distinction between rotting and putrefying is not great and the words are often
used interchangeably. However, it
is not technically the same.
Fermentation is the
breakdown of sugars and starches by yeast organisms. This also produces very harmful chemicals including alcohol,
acetaldehyde and many others in the human intestinal tract.
One way to
tell if fermentation or putrefaction is occurring in your body is the smell of
intestinal gas. Fermentation
smells mild, often like horse manure, for example. Putrefaction, however, smells quite rancid or very foul.
Autointoxication. A word used to describe the processes
above is autointoxication. Autointoxication used to be a widely
accepted idea. Now, it is
considered a joke among many medical personnel. However, it is no joke.
For example,
many readers know they can develop a headache or low back pain, perhaps, that goes away when you have a bowel movement. This is often a case of
generated by fermenting and rotting food travel through the portal vein and
even some through the walls of the colon.
They can directly affect the liver and many other organs and
When the
process goes on for years, it takes a toll on general health. The result is often chronic fatigue,
skin problems often and many others.
Pockets of
infection in the colon irritate the colon wall and can contribute to many
serious diseases, the primary one being colon cancer. This is a very common cancer today in America, in
I believe
that colon cancer is totally preventable with a proper diet, a series of
colonic irrigations or even with enough coffee enemas done on a regular basis
to keep the colon functioning properly.
small and large intestines derive their nerve energy in part through the action
of the parasympathetic
nervous system. This is a critical
fact about digestion that is often overlooked.
parasympathetic is a one of two branches of the autonomic or automatic nervous
system. It must be kept in balance
with the other branch, the sympathetic nervous system. This system directly inhibits digestion
and elimination.
Most people
today overuse their sympathetic or fight-or-flight nervous system. This inhibits the parasympathetic
system greatly. The two systems
antagonize each other. However,
the sympathetic system always takes precedence, as it is concerned with
emergencies and survival.
key to balancing and strengthening the parasympathetic system is relaxation and
rest. Stress and fatigue, in
contrast, activates the sympathetic nervous system.
If you want
better bowel action, reduce all stress as much as possible. Rest, relax more and do your best to
stay very happy. This can be
easier than you think. Focus on
happy thoughts, listen to happy news and music and avoid negative people and
places as much as possible. Stay
out of the fighting or fleeing mentality as much as you can and be at peace.
nourish your autonomic and parasympathetic nervous system with healthy food and
the proper nutritional supplements.
Balancing the autonomic nervous system is a critical part of the
nutritional balancing programs I offer through a number of practitioners who
are listed on this website. For
more information about the autonomic nervous system, read Autonomic Nerovus
System Health .
The complete bowel contents analysis. I had this
test when I returned from living in Mexico and was very ill. It is the proper way to test bowel
contents, but it is an unpleasant, time-consuming and more costly test.
For the
test, one goes to a laboratory and is drinks a glass of Epsom salts dissolved
in water or some other strong laxative.
Then one sits in the lab for several hours and submits all of the bowel
contents for analysis. One must
usually stay in the lab for at least several hours until the bowel empties
completely from top to bottom.
The lab
examines the contents and cultures it as well. They report adult parasites, larva, ova or immature forms of
parasites, bacteria, yeasts, and perhaps evidence of viral and other
They also
report the color, consistency, odor, amount, pH and possibly other qualities of
the stool. This can yield
information quickly for the doctor that is invaluable in some bowel diseases
and helpful in every case, in my view.
However, its cost and inconvenience, as well as lack of competence by
many labs, makes this test rare, if you can find it anywhere at all today.
The stool analysis. This is the usual way to test the
bowel contents. The person simply
collects one or more stools in a plastic bag and sends it for analysis to a
laboratory. Problems abound with
this test. Here are the main ones
I have found.
1. Most labs today only insist on one
sample. This is not enough for accurate
results. It saves time, trouble
and money, but it misses too many parasites, especially, that live in the colon
2. Even multiple stool samples usually
miss some bacteria, parasites, ova and other organisms. This is because they are hidden or
sequestered in pockets in the colon.
No test is perfect.
However, the complete bowel contents test has a far greater chance of
dislodging some of these so they can be seen under a microscope.
3. The sample is always “old”, perhaps
a week old, by the time it gets to the laboratory. This means that some organisms are dead
or dying and will not grow on the culture plate. It might help if the patient were instructed to freeze the
sample. However, I don’t know of
any lab that suggests it.
4. The test is rarely done well and
here is why.
a) Technicians who actually view the sample often have only
limited knowledge of bacteriology, toxicology and parasitology. They are usually not doctors of even
highly trained laboratory personnel.
Often they are low-level workers hired to stare at microscopes only.
b) They sit with a chart in front of them and
compare the sample with pictures on a chart. This is simply not adequate in many cases. They should be doing a completely
holistic analysis of the stool including its pH, food contents and what organisms
should be growing and are not, versus what is growing in the sample.
c) They are often in a hurry. They are usually given five or ten
minutes to analyze the sample.
This test can take hours if one is persistent in looking for certain
For this
reason, always use a Iaboratory
that specializes in this type of testing.
It is likely better than a large, commercial lab, which the hospitals
often use. Expect to pay a lot for
this test if it is done right. If
it is under $100.00 or so, it is not as good. Be sure to send three stool samples, at least.
Radionics and other electrical and
computerized machines. These are
growing in popularity among the holistic community of practitioners. They only measure energies in the body,
not actual bacteria or parasite counts.
They are interesting and have potential. However, at this time I do not trust them enough for two
a) Most
practitioners are not skilled enough in the use of the machines. This is sad to have to say. However, many are not feeling well
themselves, which can influence the test.
Some are in a hurry, and many are just “experimenting” with a new
modality without realizing it.
b) Even if
the test is very accurate, which is certainly possible, it is usually not done
holistically, as explained above.
One needs a “picture” of the condition of the bowel, not just the fact
that one has yeast or the pH is too high (true in many cases).
1. Colonoscopy. This involves sedating the patient and
then inserting a flexible or rigid tube into the rectum that can view the
length of the rectum through a lens or even a camera at the end of the probe.
Advantages: This test actually visualizes the
colon and can identify polyps, some tumors if large enough, and other
Disadvantages: The test is costly, unpleasant and
will not analyze bowel contents.
2. GI (gastrointestinal) series of
x-rays. This is also called a barium
enema. For this test, one swallows
a glass of a barium or other concoction, or perhaps
receives it in an enema. It is a
material that is opaque to x-radiation.
This will allow the radiologist to visualize the colon as it passes
The person
then lays down on an x-ray table and a series of
x-rays are taken of various parts of the small and large intestines.
Advantages: The test has great value for locating large tumors and for a
few other purposes such as for obstructions, prolapsed colon and to prepare for
bowel surgery.
Disadvantages. 1) One is exposed to a lot of x-rays
in a delicate part of the body, 2) cost and 3) it does not analyze bowel
contents, 4) the barium or other contrast medium is somewhat toxic and must be
expelled by the body. Barium is
very toxic in fact, but is very radio-opaque, so it is still often used.
Prolapsed colon. Commonly, the colon dips down toward
the floor at its midpoint. This
can cause pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Doctors overlook it because it is common, but it is not
It can often be corrected with the use
of a slant board, colonic irrigations and other simple procedures. Surgery is not indicated for this
problem unless it is extremely severe so that it obstructs the bowel completely. Surgery often results in terrible
adhesions that can be life-threatening in a few cases.
Certain hair
analysis patterns are associated with bowel problems. Here are the main ones:
less than 12 mg%. This indicates
problems with protein synthesis in the body. It can indicate low protein in the diet, improper types of
dietary protein, impaired digestion of proteins or other digestive
It may also
be caused by an intestinal yeast or other infection, a
low zinc level, elevated copper and rarely other toxic metals in the body.
ratio less than about 2.5:1.
This often indicates fatigue, adrenal weakness, low
vitality in general and chronic digestive stress. It may also reflect a low level of digestive enzymes. Dr. Eck believed it was associated with
low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Four lows pattern. This is indicated by a
hair calcium less than 40 mg%, magnesium less than 6 mg%, sodium less
than 25 mg% and potassium less than 10 mg%.
This pattern
is also often associated with digestive weakness, often due to overuse of the
sympathetic nervous system and chronic and often severe fatigue.
Slow oxidation. This is indicated by a Ca/K
ratio greater than 4:1 and Na/Mg ratio less than 4.17:1. This pattern is often associated with
digestive system weakness, especially if the ratios are very far away from
It is also
associated with constipation, as a sluggish oxidation rate indicates sluggish
elimination in most instances.
dominance pattern.
This is indicated by a hair potassium level between 1
and 4 mg%. A reinforcing
indicator, but not a primary one, is a ratio of Na/K greater than about 6:1.
This pattern
is also associated with digestive weakness, often quite severe, and
constipation as well. Symptoms are
due to overuse of the sympathetic nervous system.
This reduces
the energy going to the digestive tract because this part of the body is
stimulated by the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibited by the
sympathetic system.
Also, those
with this metabolic pattern are found to have poor eating habits in many cases
because they are too active and do not relax well.
Elevated lead, cadmium, mercury,
aluminum, arsenic or other serious toxic metals. This often impair
digestion and elimination.
Note that
normal or ideal values for toxic metals vary from lab to lab. To learn more about the normals I accept, see the article on this website entitled Toxic Metals.
of the patterns above and double patterns. These usually indicate even worse bowel
problems. Read Double Patterns on this website for more on
this topic.
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