by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© September 2018, L.D.
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
brain syndrome is any brain disorder in which the cause is a physical or
physiological problem with the brain, rather than a psychological cause. Organic brain syndrome, in varying degrees,
is extremely common today. Medical
treatment is not too effective with organic brain syndromes.
names. Organic brain syndrome may be called:
- Organic
brain disease or disorder.
- Organic
mental disease or disorder.
- Organic
mental syndrome.
These can
range from mild brain fog, memory impairment and other cognitive difficulties
to very serious cognitive problems and other physical symptoms.
Autism is a
type of organic brain syndrome, in our view.
Children and
adults may also have a short attention span, ADD, or ADHD. They may also experience constipation,
yeast problems, infections, and/or dehydration.
We have a
lot of experience with this condition.
In our experience, almost all cases are caused by
nutritional deficiencies, toxic metal poisoning and other biochemical
imbalances. Even
dehydration can help produce this syndrome.
blood and urine tests are often normal.
The appearance of the brain on an MRI may or may not be normal. Brain activity, as measured by an
electroencephalogram (EEG), is usually underactive. Genetic testing is often normal.
If the syndrome involves a
child, he or she may or may not speak and walk normally. Markers for growth and weight may be
Hair mineral
testing is excellent to identify causes of organic brain syndrome. Common findings are:
- Elevated levels of copper, iron,
manganese, aluminum, lead or other toxic metals.
- Poor eliminator patterns. These are very low readings of one or
more toxic metals and certain physiological minerals.
- Four lows pattern and often a slow oxidation rate in a young child. This is unusual.
- Low sodium/potassium ratio is possible.
- Normal zinc and phosphorus levels.
- Low thyroid and adrenal indicators are often
present. This is also unusual in a
young child.
cause of organic brain syndrome is much overlooked. In our experience, it is always part of the problem. However, just “eating well” usually
will not correct the condition. A
special program is required to balance body chemistry, replenish nutrients in
the proper way, and also detoxify the body at the same time.
If one reviews the medical literature about organic brain syndrome, many causes are listed such as infections, reduced oxygen to the brain, head trauma, arteriosclerosis or other circulatory conditions and more. However, what is often missing is the effect of toxic metals.
We recently
reviewed a case of a seven-year-old girl with an organic brain syndrome. A hair test revealed toxicity with
aluminum, as well as manganese, copper, and iron.
The presence
of toxic metals and chemicals cannot be assessed with an MRI or other
scan. Blood tests are also useless
for this purpose. A hair mineral
test, however, most often will indicate either an elevated level of one or more
toxic metals, or it will reveal one or more Poor
Eliminator patterns. In fact,
toxic metals are usually involved in organic brain sydromes.
The main
mechanisms include:
1. Oxidant damage. Many
people have excessive levels of oxides of aluminum, iron, manganese, copper,
boron, selenium, chromium, lithium, molybdenum, vanadium and other metals. These can accumulate in the brain, and
they cause serious oxidant damage.
For more on this important topic, read The Amigos – Aluminum,
Iron and Manganese.
2. Short-circuiting the brain. Many
metals such as mercury, iron, manganese, aluminum and copper, are excellent
electrical conductors. They can
upset neuronal function by essentially causing short circuits. This is not critical if it only affects
a few neurons. However, if the
amount of the metals is high enough, and if it affects critical areas such as
the frontal lobe or cortex of the brain, then significant damage can occur.
3. Other mechanisms. The
metals can form many compounds, can replace vital
minerals in various enzyme systems in the brain. Many chemicals irritate the nervous system by many
Also, they weaken the tissues and may increase the
person’s susceptibility to various types of infections. For example, copper toxicity increases
the risk of yeast and fungal infections.
Iron increases the risk of bacterial infections. Copper and mercury actually inhibit
certain micro-organisms, but may open the body to
invasion by others.
Toxic metals can also weaken the vasculature of the
brain and even lead to hardening and/or sclerosis of the brain. Cadmium, for example, is notorious for
this effect. Copper also has
weakening effect upon connective tissue, which includes the arteries and veins
of the body.
mechanisms become very complex. Fortunately, removing the toxic metals and renourishing and balancing the body reduces
these damaging influences.
development program is the most powerful method I am aware of to eliminate
toxic metals and toxic forms of vital minerals from the brain. It is much better than chelation, for example.
Full correction
is possible, and the degree of correct depends on the age of the person, the
vitality level, and how well the person follows a complete program - the diet, lifestyle,
nutritional supplements and detoxification protocols.
Steps to possible alleviation of
symptoms or even correction of the defect.
consists of several elements:
1. Removal
of the toxic metals as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible.
2. Replacing
dozens of minerals and vitamins in the body, replacing the toxic metals with
the correct nutrient minerals for the brain and nervous system.
3. Balancing
the major mineral levels and ratios in the hair to increase vitality. Without this step, the other two are
always much less effective, no matter what methods are used to accomplish them.
4. Making
the body more yang in macrobiotic terms. This has many beneficial effects such
as improving detoxification of the metals, increasing vitality and others. Toxic metals make the body yin, as do
some nutrient deficiencies.
Correction of yin excess is done with diet, more rest and other methods.
Sauna therapy and coffee
enemas. These are
helpful in these cases, and should always be part of a complete program. Children who are five years old and
older can use a sauna for about 10 minutes daily or even more. A parent needs to be present with the
child and the child must drink plenty of water and should sweat well. If the child stops sweating, end the
sauna session at once.
Chelation therapy. We do not need or recommend chelation
therapy, although it may help some children.
Balancing the body and renourishing the body will cause the removal of toxic
metals more safely and more deeply than chelation, in
our experience. The dangers of chelation are:
1) Removing
some vital minerals along with the toxic ones. This cannot be avoided, even by using only natural chelators such as cilantro extract, chlorella, bugleweed,
yellow dock, zeolite and other common products. One can supplement minerals, but this
is a shotgun approach that is not reliable.
2) Toxicity
of the chelating agent itself. In
some cases, this is a major problem such as the use of Deferoxamine
for iron and aluminum.
3) Removal
of the metals too fast or in an improper order. With a development program, the metals and perhaps toxic
chemicals as well are removed from the brain in the body’s own order. This is much safer and usually more
effective as well.
5) Most chelators do not penetrate well into brain tissue. Since this is the location of the
problem, this reduces their effectiveness. For more details, read Chelation Therapy.
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