by Lawrence Wilson

© March 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




The word anthropomorphic means human-like. 

The anthropomorphic qualities of minerals means the ways in which the physical properties of a mineral affect the personality and other qualities of a person whose body contains a lot of that mineral.

            This is a most interesting psychological concept that can help one understand attitudes, emotions, behavior and some personality traits.




A very important aspect of development science involves the balance of minerals in the body and how to change it.  To read about development, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To the Development Program.


            A car analogy.  Most everyone knows that by exchanging out certain parts, your car will work better or worse.  New tires make the car grip the road better.  New brake pads make the car stop better.  New engine parts make the car run more smoothly, or cause the engine to be more powerful.

            The same is true of our bodies.  We can change out parts and the ‘vehicle’ will perform better.  This is exactly what the development program does. 

Drug medicine and most other healing programs do not work this way.  Most of them add chemicals to the body that alter its functioning.  We don’t like those methods as much because the chemicals used are not natural to the body, even herbs.  As a result, the healing is not nearly as deep or as permanent. 


Practical application.  We find that if one changes the mineral content of the body, one can alter not only physical health conditions, but also one’s attitudes and behavior.




            To help understand the concept of the anthropomorphic qualities of minerals, here are a few examples.


            Copper.  Copper is soft and malleable (can be worked or hammered into various shapes).  It is also an excellent conductor of electricity.

Copper gives these qualities to the personality and body structure of a person.  Too much copper causes a certain fuzziness or softness and fearful quality to the personality.  One term for this is derealization-depersonalization.  An older term for this is spaciness.

Too much copper also causes causes seizures, which are abnormal electrical discharges or “short circuits” in the brain.  For details, read Copper And Copper Imbalance.


Cadmium.  Cadmium is a very hard, brittle metal.  Cadmium in the body causes the personality to become hardened or tough.  Cigarettes contain cadmium and have this effect on people.  Marijuana also contains some cadmium.

Women who work in “the man’s world” often have a lot of cadmium in their bodies to toughen them.  For details, read Cadmium Women.

Police and military personnel also often have higher cadmium in the body in order to toughen them and help them handle their jobs.


 Zinc.  Zinc is a strong and flexible metal that does not oxidize easily.  Zinc is used in industry to coat other metals such as steel to protect the steel against rust.  This is called galvanizing.

Zinc gives the personality a flexible strength.   Zinc also protects the body from oxidant damage due to toxic metals and metal oxides in the body.  These oxides can do a lot of free radical or oxidant damage to the body.

Zinc also gives flexibility to the skin, arteries and veins.  When zinc is deficient, as commonly occurs with aging, the zinc is replaced by cadmium.  Cadmium is very hard and brittle.  This makes the arteries hard and brittle, and causes hardening of the arteries.

Zinc also gives the personality a flexible strength.  This is one reason we call zinc one of the newer or spiritual minerals.  For details read Zinc.


Calcium.  Calcium is an electrical insulator.  Too much calcium in the tissues, as occurs in many slow oxidizers, suppresses emotions and is one cause for depression.

Too little calcium in the tissues causes anxiety, irritability and aggressiveness.  For details, read Calcium and The Calcium Shell.




            Alloys.  The word alloys, as used on this website, means the combination or mixture of minerals in the body.  The same word is used in industry to describe mixtures of minerals used to make materials such as steel, brass and other hybrid materials (those containing more than one element).

One can often identify the alloy or mixture of minerals in a person, to a degree, on a hair mineral chart.  The picture is never complete because some minerals are hidden deep in body tissues.  However, if a person follows a development program, more and more of them show up as they leave the body.  For more, read Alloys.


For more details, read Minerals And The 7 System and Personality-Related Mineral Patterns And Psychological Interpretation Of a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.



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