by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© August 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction




Twistie is the name of a most interesting rogue technology and weapon. It looks like a series of circular rings. When activated by moving energy through the rings, the twistie has a number of interesting effects.

Twisties come in all sizes, from microscopic to enormous. The negs put small ones inside the body to harm or kill a person. Medium-sized ones include the filter used in a septic tank, which also looks like a twistie.

Large ones are put into the earth. They can disrupt all life in their areacause earthquakes, and disrupt all life on and around the planet.

The twistie is a type of curse.


- Twisties send out harmful energy

- Twisties cause a loss of control

- Twisties cause destruction

- Twisties cause improper flow of energy when ativated

- Twisties can talk to you


Getting rid of twisties is not so easy because they are all locked on using various methods to fasten them. To remove one from the body, one must first remove the interlocks or clips. The types of interlocks are:

- screw

- combination lock

- key lock

- locking pin

- barbs

- weld

- tabs that are stacked one on top of the other, as in chained together. The outer one hides the one underneath it, and so on.

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