by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© JuLy 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Shower Healing Procedures

III. Procedures After A Shower



Showers can be excellent for healing. This article discusses a number of ways to use showers for healing and development.

For best use of a shower, it helps to have 1) good water pressure 2) a shower massager in the shower with a strong pulse position, and 3) a plastic chair to sit on that you can put in the shower.

A shower massager is a replacement for the shower head. It consists of a holder and a tube connected to usually a large shower head that can be adjusted for different kinds of flows. Instead of a shower massager, one can buy a special shower head that has multiple positions for different kinds of flows.

Advantages of shower healing. Most people take showers anyway. This is just another and superior way to use your time in the shower. You may find you enjoy some of the procedures below so much you will stay in the shower for an hour.

Disadvantages of shower healing. It uses some water and you can pick up chemicals from the water. However, this is less of a problem than if you take baths. We only allow a maximum of two baths per week because it is a very yin or cold procedure. Also, one easily picks up toxic chemicals from baths.


Alternating hot and cold water. This can be done on the entire body or on a body part that needs more blood circulation. It is quite powerful.

Bidet. The bidet procedure is to spray water on the anal area and pelvic floor. It is an excellent healing procedure, as explained in the Bidet article.

Most bidets attach to a toilet. However, a shower massager could be used instead. For details, read The Bidet Healing Procedure.

Ears. Put one ear right up close to the shower head. Run the water on the ear. Do one ear and then the other. This is ear reflexology and a brain therapy – very powerful.

Twist the body with the ear shower. Twisting the body strengthens the procedure above.

Eyes. Sit down, close the eyes and then allow a strong spray to fall on the eyes. The eyes are a powerful reflex system, so this is a form of reflexology.

Fingertips. Sit or stand and hold the fingertips of both hands in the water spray. This is a brain reflex therapy.

Genital bath. Sit on a chair and run water on the genital area. Preferably use cool or cold water. Very powerful. For details, read The Genital Bath. While doing the genital bath and other shower procedures, one can do the Pulling Down Procedure to cause even more healing and development.

Hanging the head down. Spray the neck with water while hanging the head downward. This imitates one of the Rogue tortures.

Liver. Allow the shower spray to hit the liver area. This is a form of liver massage and will help with liver detoxification.

Macrocosmic orbit. Stand in the shower and run water down the front of the body.

Nose. Sit and allow the water spray to hit your nose. The tip of the nose is a reflex to the heart.

Retracing rogue deaths. The rogues do several deaths in the shower. These include flushing a person down a toilet, putting water in the mouth and nose until you can't breathe, burning the body with hot water and freezing the body with cold water. Retracing these (doing them gently) can be helpful for some people.

Rewind. Those who are developed can rewind some events by spraying the middle of the arches of the feet with a strong spray. Rewind technology is an advanced time science that will undo some rogue activity. For details, read Rewind Science.

Scalding an area. This is applying very hot water to an area of the body. A man once told me he is exposed to tick bites where he lives. If he gets a bite, he gets in the shower and runs very hot water over the area and this prevents lyme disease.

Sexual retracing. The rogues can make showers very sexy. Retracing this using soap and water on the breasts and groin area can help some people.

Shower massage. You can do this alone or with another.

Skin brushing. This invigorates and cleanses the skin. For details, read Skin Brushing.

Witches. This is a strange one. I don't know why this works, but spraying cold water on the back of the testicles of a man can light up witches in space.


Towel rub. Toweling somewhat vigorously not only dries the body. It is also stimulating for the skin.

Salt glow. Rub salt or a salt bar all over the body. For details, read The Salt Glow.

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