by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Contacting Miri



The subject of this article is the person who was the mother of Jesus. She is of great interest because:

- She is still alive and is a very highly developed and very loving being.

- I am told that she is very active at this time helping the people of the earth.

For example, there are numerous accounts of appearances by her, especially to children and often in Eastern Europe or in the Middle East. Most of the time she does not appear, but she is available for excellent guidance, support and love.


I am told her original Hebrew name is Miriam. I am told it means love in the ancient Ebre language. A shortened name is Miri. I am told she likes being called by this name, though this is not necessary.

Her name is related to our words mirror and mirth. These describe her personality and activities - which are to cheer up and mirror back to people to assist them.


Miri assists everyone who sincerely asks for her help in prayer. You need not be a religious person. One can call her Miri, Blessed Mother or Mother Mary.

If you ask for help, you may hear her speak to you. However, she is helping even if you cannot hear her speaking.


Beware! – Miri's guidance may seem unusual or strange. She may tell you to get in a car and drive somewhere, or even to get on a train or airplane and go somewhere.

This is because she attempts to help people escape the grip of the thugs, negs, satans or rogues. This is not easy and can require extreme measures.

You have to keep tuning in to her to get ongoing guidance. In this way, she has helped a number of people get free of the thugs.

Other guidance often has to do with family and relationships. This is one of her favorite areas of guidance.

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