by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© November 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Jing is an ancient word to describe a set of frequencies of energy that can be obtained from the ether field around a person. The frequencies are usually brought in using sexual activity because this is the easiest way to obtain it.
Some of the frequencies are beneficial. Many are harmful and should not be extracted from the ether at all. Some of the harmful frequencies are called negative energy or yin energy. The rogues or thugs use these frequencies as illegal weapons.
One method is standard sexual intercourse. There has to be movement of the penis. Just putting it inside is not adequate.
Another method is massage or vibration of a man's penis or a woman's vaginal area. This does not produce as much jing as sexual intercourse. The thugs or rogues can use small devices called sticks and cups to extract ether without sexual intercourse.
This is a name given to a particular fine matter creature that is found inside everyone. The name is given because these creatures use jing frequencies more than most other creatures.
They use jing in special weapons and they use it for many other beneficial purposes, including to separate sats.
The jing creatures help clean up and heal the body. They are also fighting creatures similar to munes or immune system creatures. They are able to shoot very accurately.
Some people have many more jing creatures than do others. This mainly has to do with the person's job or activities. Those whose occupations are more dangerous often have more jing creatures than average.
One of the mechanisms by which coffee destroys diseases and helps rebuild the body is that it has jingi creatures and uses jing energy. This is just one of many methods used by coffee to do healing.
This is a spot along a man's penis and inside a woman' vagina. When stimulated properly, it brings in a lot of Jing energy.
These are many. It powers bodies and is also most helpful for healing of many kinds.
The alien invading group called the thugs, rogues or satans use bad jing and jing weapons extensively. Here's how they do it:
1. They bring in large beings that produce a lot of ether. However, the being is poisoned, beaten, raped and terrorized. As a result, she or he produces more bad ether that spreads all around space.
2. They develop the women on earth and terrorize, anger and scare them. Then they produce more bad ether.
3. They steal jing from earth women. It is done during rapes and is one of the reasons the thugs use rape commonly. They also use machines to extract the jing.
4. They have many rape centers. Here women have sex, sometimes for hours. They give off a lot of bad jing, which the thugs package up and use in weapons against our energy centers and elsewhere.
We say they 'steal' the jing because the sex is forced. In addition, special methods are used to extract as much jing as possible from the women, leaving them very tired and ill. It is a form of cannibalism.
Extracting the jing with a woman depletes her and moving the harmful jing through her depletes her even more.
The thugs use the jing they steal in weapons that are thoroughly illegal. They also use it to attack the energy centers and more.
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