by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            There is much confusion today over what is deep healing.  Many people confuse symptom removal with healing, for example.  This article will distinguish these two.




Below are qualities of deep healing:

1. It is much more than eliminating symptoms.

2. It is a path or process, rather than a remedy or simple one-time endeavor.  It is a rather special path toward wholeness and oneness.

3. It is a reversal of the process involved in becoming ill.

4. At the same time, it is a re-awakening to one's true nature and the deeper meaning of life.

5. It does not tend to cause “side effects”, “adverse effects” or “unintended consequences”, as do symptomatic approaches.

6. It tends to be permanent, far more so than symptom removal.

7. It requires more work and time than just symptom removal.  The effort may be on different levels such as lifestyle, diet, taking supplements and more.

8. It often involves healing reactions or retracings.

9. It always involves prevention, and not just handling current problems.

10. It always leads to some degree of development, as defined on this website, when it is done properly.


            Let us examine these in more detail.




            To remove a symptom, for example, it can be suppressed, or moved to a different part of the body, such as shifting the weight so that a back pain becomes a knee pain.  This happens all the time, by the way.

            Healing is not just about shifting the symptom picture.  It is about actual removal and reversal of the cause at any of several deeper levels.




Healing is far more about lifestyle, diet, rest, sleep, the company one keeps, even the job one does and how one views the world.  It is definitely a path or way of living that one either embraces or not.

For example, the allopathic and to some degree even the naturopathic approach to diabetes, a serious disease, involves taking remedies and improving the diet.

The healing path approach is to make huge dietary changes in most cases, stop drinking coffee and all caffeine, drink much more water, exercise gently every day, lose 100 pounds or more if needed, and alter behaviors, attitudes and perhaps other aspects of lifestyle that gave rise to the diabetic condition.  It would also involve taking specific nutrient supplements to rebuild the entire sugar metabolism system, but not remedies.




Healing is a reversal process in which the damage to the body is actually revisited and reworked or healed.  This is very different than covering it over, as it were, as is often done with drugs or symptomatic nutrient or herbal therapy.

Emotional traumas are also reversed, and not covered over.  An example of retracing mental or emotional damage may be to revisit an emotional trauma, for example, and re-experience the feelings, perhaps for a day or a little longer, until the brain can properly process the feelings and move on.  This occurs often during development programs.  One may also need to give up false attitudes or beliefs, and learn to forgive others.




This means that much more is possible with deep healing.  By learning discipline, for example, and by resting a lot more, energies can be stirred in the human body and mind that offer far greater benefits in the long run.

The sort of lazy man’s approach to just healing the symptom can never can offer the same incredible possibilities.  This topic is somewhat beyond the scope of this article.  It is discussed more in articles on this site such as Introduction To Development.




This is a major difference between deep healing and symptom removal.  Modern medicine, for example, is well known for the adverse effects of its many invasive treatments such as drugs, surgery, radiation therapy and more.

Deep healing very rarely, if ever, causes these effects.  It is one the primary benefits of a whole system, deep healing approach.  This means, among other things, that deep healing is far less costly in the long run, reduces suffering much more, and has other benefits.




Since deeper causes are addressed and correction is not a mere shifting of symptoms to other parts of the body or different symptoms, results tend to be far more permanent and complete.




This is the case because deep healing must address many levels of functioning such as diet, lifestyle, activity level, attitudes and even more in some cases.  So deep healing using development is a more total approach that develops discipline and touches many areas of life.




These are temporary flare-ups of symptoms, some old and some new, during the healing process.  They can be startling and unpleasant, but are usually over in a day or two, or less.  They can include anything, from an upset stomach and headache to diarrhea or a flu or sore throat.

The cause of purification reactions is a tremendous increase in vitality.  This is the key that must be recalled at all times.  It is not a disease crisis, but an increase in energy that causes the body to throw off poisons or heal in a vigorous way that gives rise to the healing reaction or crisis, as it is sometimes called.

However, these reactions confuse people who do not understand the concept.  So it is important to be forewarned about the possibility of reactions or flare-ups at any level of healing – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.  They are explained in detail in the article on this site entitled Retracing And Healing Reactions.




The current health care system is not preventive at all.  In fact, it causes more disease due to side effects or what medical people call unintended consequences.  Deep healing is the opposite.

For example, deep healing of cancer or any other chronic degenerative illness must improve and detoxify the entire body.  This means the person is far less likely to develop any type of cancer in the future.  Also, they are less likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, infections or hundreds of other conditions thanks to the deep healing of their one condition, cancer.  This idea needs to be understood much better by our governmental health care policy makers.




This is another mark of deeper healing systems such as development.  Mental development has to do with the opening of certain brain centers that requires a fair amount of biochemical adaptive energy to be present and it requires other balances in the body.  It does not happen, as a rule, with any allopathic, homeopathic, naturopathic, herbal or symptomatic nutritional therapies. 

It can occur, however, due to some deep body work methods such as Rolfing, and it occurs with certain spiritual systems including some Christian prayer methods.  However, in our experience, it does not occur to the extent that it occurs with development science when done thoroughly and properly.


Let us now contrast deep healing with Western conventional medicine, and even with most naturopathic and holistic approaches.




True deep healing is, in fact, quite foreign to our medical system and to our culture, in general.  I will therefore use the word “medicine” when the intention and usually the outcome as well is not healing, but symptom removal.  This is to distinguish it from real or deep healing.

Here are characteristics of symptom removal common in Western medical approaches, including most naturopathic medicine as well:


1. Retracing reactions or flare-ups do not occur often, or does so only rarely as a “side effect”, not as the rule.  This can be an advantage, as it avoids fear about these reactions. 

However, we know that it also means that medicine’s approach is far more superficial and does not raise the body’s internal vitality nearly as much as does deep healing.


2. Adverse effects or unintended negative effects often occur.  This is sometimes called iatrogenic illness or doctor-caused problems.  These range from hospital infections to botched surgery to adverse drug reactions that can be lethal.

Many times, these are not obvious, even for years afterwards.  For example, a seemingly safe vaccination may cause a post-vaccine syndrome years later that is difficult if not impossible to directly link to the earlier intervention.  For example, dementia at age 70 might be hard to link to a few micrograms of mercury that were used as a preservative in the flu shots the person received for years with no apparent side effects.


3. The “cure” is sometimes far less permanent.  Because the vitality of the body is not increased, the treatment or cure is much less likely to hold.  This is very common problem in modern conventional medicine and naturopathy, as well as when using symptomatic herbal or homeopathic remedies or energy medicine machines, for example.

While the machines and herbs and remedies can increase vitality a little, it does not last in most cases.  Therefore, the problem can come back in a recurrent fashion or it can become chronic.  Both these situations are impermanent cures that make more business for the doctor or naturopath, but are not in the patient’s best interest at all.

Interestingly, only licensed physicians can use the words cure, diagnose and treat.  This is odd, considering that they often do not cure anything, even if they say they do. 

Perhaps if they really did cure disease at the deepest level, they would not need a legal monopoly on the word cure and treat and even disease.


4. Full restoration of function does not occur as often.  For example, after surgery, scar tissue usually remains.  Similarly, with drug or herbal therapy, often one must continue the remedy forever or symptoms come back.

In the case of antibiotics, they may not kill all the bacteria and a few resistant organisms may remain to cause problems later.  These are but a few of the incomplete correction of the problem that are common in conventional medicine and modern naturopathy.


5. Prevention does not occur.  This goes back to the basic principle that symptom removal methods generally do not increase vitality significantly.  Therefore, they are not preventive of future illness, which is based on low energy, toxic accumulations in the body, nutrient deficiencies and so forth.


6. Development of the person usually does not occur nearly as much.  This is undoubtedly true, as witnessed by the attitude of most patients in doctor’s offices.  They only want a fast “cure” and do not want to be bothered with more.  Only a different attitude on the part of all parties will change this, I am afraid. 

There is so much more to life than treating symptoms.  However, doctors must be able to explain this to their patients in a practical and convincing way.  Only then will patients see that changing their diets, lifestyles, attitudes and even more in some cases is worth all the effort.


7. Instead of integration and true healing, symptom removal often leads to fragmentation and much worse overall health on many levels.

Indeed, Western medical science has pursued a path of fragmentation, separating mind from body, thought from emotion, and organ from organ.  This has produced many marvelous technologies for symptom removal.  However, not only does it not produce healing in most cases.  It fragments the human anatomy and understanding even of the mind.




The challenge is not to give up the quest and fall back into the fragmented way of thinking that characterizes conventional medicine and often even natural health care.

Many times it is tempting to look for medical or holistic short cuts to save time or produce the relief of annoying or scary symptoms.




            Having worked with over 50,000 patients, those who heal tend to be those willing to make whatever changes are needed to facilitate the healing process.  Those who want healing "on their own terms" do not do as well.

Those who heal also tend to be disciplined and not too afraid of change and healing reactions.  Those who are most successful also do not give up easily when things get a little rough.  Instead, they ask for help and relax as much as possible.




              If healing occurs very easily, it is usually not deep healing.  It was a superficial problem, even if it looked scary, and therefore it responded to a simple intervention.  This is important because some claim healing that is really not very profound.

Deep healing, by contrast, must involve all aspects of life and must touch the deepest places inside one.

            Healing also involves a change in attitude that changes every facet of life.  If it does not do this, it is not healing.  At times, distinguishing a superficial “healing” from a real, deep one may be difficult.  However, these guidelines can help a lot.   




            Certain axioms or themes are involved in the healing process:

·           We are each powerful, mysterious, complex, multidimensional beings, no matter how frail and dysfunctional the body may be.

·           There is a oneness of body, mind and spirit. 

·           Some events originate from within.  We co-create our lives.  This power or SOVEREIGNTY is never taken away, though it may be given away temporarily.

·           Deep healing is helped by taking full and complete responsibility for all of one's co-creations.

·           Healers, doctors, and therapists are facilitators only.

·           Desire, intention, allowing and surrender play critical roles in healing.

·           Forgiveness of self and others are important aspects of the healing process.

·           Discipline, derived from same root as 'disciple', is an important aspect of healing.

            Shifting one's perspective to embrace these axioms of deep healing is one of the most important activities one can engage in.



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