by Lawrence Wilson
© January 2019, L.D. Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
All information in
this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes
only. It is not for the diagnosis,
treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Definition. Psychosomatic symptoms are physical or
somatic symptoms that are the result of psychological distress. They are often caused by suppressed
emotions or thoughts.
process of expressing emotions through the body is sometimes called somatization
in psychology. This just means
that one feels things in the soma or body.
Psychosomatic symptoms are also sometimes called conversion disorders because an
emotional trauma is converted into a physical symptom.
of psychosomatic symptoms.
These include:
- a tendency to amplify the symptom. This
means that often with psychosomatic symptoms, one panics
when the symptoms arise, making the symptoms far worse.
- potential benefits to playing the sick role. The
reason for this is that one does not want to feel the psychological pain, and
one prefers the physical pain, although this may sound strange. This tends to
perpetuate the symptoms.
- denial. Some people cannot imagine that their
feelings are causing what are sometimes severe physical symptoms.
psychosomatic symptoms include asthma, chest pain and tightness, shortness of
breath, fatigue, dizziness, headache, edema, back pain, insomnia, abdominal
pain, numbness impotence, weight loss, cough and constipation.
many other symptoms can have an emotional component or cause. Some say that all symptoms have an
emotional basis. We do not agree
with this, however.
thoughts, feelings and physical body form one system. This means they are closely linked to each other. If one hides or suppresses one’s
feelings or thoughts, this causes stress on the entire body system. This can result in nutritional
depletion, for example, or it can tense up certain muscles and throw one’s back
out of alignment. It might also
tense up the arteries and raise the blood pressure. It might tense up the muscles in the neck and cause a
headache. It might even cause the prodution of toxins in the intestines that results in
cancer formation.
In all these cases, the “cause” of the symptoms is physical at one
level, but may be emotional at another level.
This is one reason that development programs always seek to address health
and disease on many levels all at once.
We just find this is the best way to have success against all sorts of
symptoms whose cause may be difficult to assess.
Correspondence is a principle of all fractal and holographic designs, which
includes our bodies. It means that
one part corresponds to another, often in unusual ways.
Here is an example. A
symptom such as chest tightness corresponds to the fourth energy center because
that center is located in the middle of the chest, near the heart. The fourth energy center is concerned
with friendships, business relationships, and other social matters. If a trauma or emotion has to do with
this area of life, one may feel the trauma in this area of the body. To understand the energy centers, read The Centers.
is not often easy. One way is to
go to a doctor and rule out physical causes for symptoms. If no physical cause can be found, it is
more likely that the symptoms are psychosomatic in nature. Unfortunately, doctors miss many
nutritional, structural and other causes for symptoms, so this method is not
always helpful.
way to identify the emotional cause for physical symptoms is if one can link
the appearance of the symptoms with an emotional event or trauma. For example, if one began having
headaches just after one’s mother died, it is more likely that the event of the
death is contributing or causing one’s headaches.
way to identify psychosomatic symptoms is if they come and go unexpectedly in
ways that purely physically-caused symptoms would not tend
to do.
For example, the author formerly had many stomach problems. He once attended a wedding where food
was served that would usually cause problems for him. However, the atmosphere was very relaxed and funny because a
flock of ducks next door made a lot of noise the entire time. The author laughed a lot, ate foods
that he considered ‘harmful’, yet had no digestive
problems that day. It made it
clear to him that his mental attitude affected his digestion a lot.
Combinations. A complicating factor in
identifying the cause of any symptoms is that the cause can be a combination
of physical and emotional causes.
This is important because a purely mental solution such as affirmations
or prayer will usually not be enough to undo nutritional causes, for example,
or mechanical causes for symptoms.
is why all development programs include therapies that can help the body on many
the concept is important. This helps
avoid panic that just amplifies the problem. Relaxing can go a long way to minimizing psychosomatic
such as Down Walking, Deep Breathing,
The Spinal Twists, The
Pulling Down Exercise and Reflexology are
very helpful to move stuck energy through the body.
Affirmations such as saying the 23rd psalm and many others, can help shift one’s thinking and be very helpful.
Expressing emotions in healthy ways such as laughing, crying or even
screaming (yes) can sometimes help.
To cry you may have to put on a very sad movie or television program and
pretend you are extremely sad and make a sad face, in order to cry. This can release a lot of tension and
pent up feelings.
If one stays with a development program, psychosomatic symptoms will
eventually go away as the underlying issues that cause them resolve.
We don’t recommend symptomatic methods such as energy medicine and
machines. These can help in a
pinch. However, they make the body
yin, which is definitely harmful. If
you use them, use a minimum. Do
not believe those who say these methods are harmless. In our experience the toxicity is very subtle, but it is
real or we would recommend them.
Any books by Louise Hay, such as You Can Heal Your
Life. These books are a simple way to
understand psychosomatic symptoms and contain affirmations that can help one
overcome them.
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