by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
October 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
Most people feel the world is a chaotic mess. The premise of
this article is that there are other ways to understand and view the
world. It is a matter of changing one's view of what the world is, and
what it is for. Here is a step-by-step approach to help a person change
his perceptions.
The first step
in shifting your perspective is to give up the idea that you know the right way
to view the world. One needs to be willing to be taught anew. This
requires emptiness or not judging ahead of time. One needs to be open to learning more.
The attitude may be expressed as: "I am not sure what the
world is or is for.” This clears the slate. It is necessary to keep
coming back to this basic attitude because old ideas will often try to get in
your way.
A second step,
which further helps to release past attitudes about events, is to say:
"All events are neutral. I don't take sides. I give meaning to
events by the way I interpret them".
This is a difficult belief because it seems to ignore realities
such as murder, rape, stealing, disease, or starvation. However, it goes back to the first
step: I really am not sure what the world
is about. Therefore I will not
judge events, even though they seem awful by worldly standards.
The idea that events, by themselves, do not have meaning is
helpful if we want to assign a new meaning to events.
A related idea is that "the world is innocent".
This statement is important because we are often quick to pass judgment,
deciding who is at fault, who is responsible, and who did what. This is
exemplified in our legal system, which is a system for placing guilt and blame
mostly outside of oneself.
This system is not quite correct. If all events are in themselves neutral, then placing blame
or responsibility outside oneself may be incorrect. Placing blame outside oneself may be a way to be more
comfortable, or a way to feel superior, or a way to deny responsibility or
involvement in a situation.
However, identifying and punishing crimes is necessary. In fact, many crimes are not punished
harshly enough, such as rape. The
punishment for rape needs to be death, as it is in parts of the Bible.
The purpose of the world. What if
the purpose of the world is not to make us happy, comfortable and secure. What if the world is designed to wake
us up, to help us to learn lessons, or help us to be more aware of ourselves
and the truth about life?
If life were totally smooth and unruffled, most likely people
would learn less and not think about life too much. However, by
experiencing challenges, health problems, and other personal crises, we become
more aware. This helps us dig deep
in order to understand, overcome and live happily in the world.
It is possible to view all events as precisely and exactly that
which is needed to wake up a particular person, community or nation. Each
event and situation represents the perfect Grace Of The Creator brought to us
for our good.
Of course, some people will interpret this to mean that their
illness or other misfortune means they are guilty of some terrible sin.
But this is incorrect thinking! It
is the old mindset at work.
Some religions have controlled people with this kind of thinking
for years. They teach that “you
are ill or poor or beaten up because it is your punishment. You must suffer”.
The reason this is not true is because you might choose illness to
help another wake up, for example, or to teach yourself or someone else a
wonderful lesson. There is really
no way to know this.
This means that, in truth, no situation is necessarily better than
another. It is simply a different variety of experience.
For example, if a person had been healthy instead of having to
stay home and rest, that person might have been run over by a car and killed.
If a person had been in a healthy relationship instead of getting
raped, maybe she would have walked down the street and be run over by a
Another example is that some people lament that they are not
wealthy. However, in truth, if
such a person had been born very rich, perhaps he or she would have attracted a
very selfish mate who would have ruined his or her life.
So in fact, perhaps one’s illness or other situation or incident
may have been good, or even kept the person alive.
I hope this kind of thinking does not seem false or silly. It is very real. It is just another way to look at
things that can help one to be grateful for what one has and stop complaining, hating,
resenting, regretting, worrying and fretting so much.
Some say the world is very unfair because some people are wealthy,
while others are poor. Some are
smart and beautiful, while others are dull and homely looking. Some people enjoy good health, while
others are racked by illness.
However, there are lessons one can learn by being in poverty, and
others that one can learn by having a lot of money. There are lessons one can learn by having one’s health, and
other lessons to learn if one is ill.
Let us take just one example of this unfairness and a possible
solution. Karl Marx and later, his
student, Vladimir Lenin, believed that if they just got rid of capitalism
everything would be fair and just.
Capitalism allows and even encourages people to work hard to become
However, the nation, the Soviet Union, was a miserable
failure. The idea of making all
people equal doesn’t work because people have varying abilities and varying
desires to work hard.
No government or economic system is going to even out all these
inequalities between people.
Instead, the communist and socialist nations create a new type of
unfairness or tyranny in which a small elite group that runs the government
dictates what is fair and just.
In reality, they are no more qualified to do this than anyone
else, and they always favor their friends and political allies. If you disagree with their ideas, they
punish you, and may imprison or kill you.
Most people do not know that the Russian and Communist Chinese
have murdered many millions more people than Hitler ever did. Josef Stalin murdered about 20-25
million Russians and other ethnic groups.
Mao Tse Tung murdered about 60 million of his fellow Chinese. It was all in the name of socialism and
The American solution to the problem of economic inequality was to
offer everyone similar opportunities and then let people do what they wish with
their time and abilities. This is
called equality of opportunity, and not equality of outcome.
This is much more practical and has worked well. However, America has changed toward
socialism in the past 100 years, and the result is much more social unrest.
The best that a government can do in most instances is to protect
people’s basic rights and then stay out of the people’s way so that the people
make their own decisions as to how to help themselves and others to learn what
they need to learn. This offers
the greatest opportunity for people to learn lessons, to grow spiritually and to
overcome many difficulties and handicaps.
A helpful affirmation. One way to affirm that the world is perfect is to say often,
"I abide in a perfectly loving universe. I can be at peace with
whatever is occurring around me".
This may sound fake, but it is not necessarily so. It is simply a reminder that perhaps
there is another way to look at things.
Conspiracies are usually considered bad. However, the word conspire simply means 'to breathe
It is possible to perceive this world as a gigantic and extremely complex
‘breathing together process’. It
is a coming together of events, perfectly orchestrated at the deepest level, to
heal our minds, to wake us up, to demonstrate to us our total power and
responsibility for our lives, and to teach us how best to live.
means that all things are working for good, and that you are always in the right place at the right
time. It means that love is real, and being expressed through every event
and situation, no matter how brutal or negative they may seem.
What about people and events that upset you? As a general
principle, anything or any behavior that upsets you is worth examining.
Often it is bringing you to the edge of your fear and insecurity.
excellent, though often difficult response, is to thank the person or event for
bringing this to your attention. Once you have unearthed the fear, and
exposed it as the real cause of the upset, often a similar situation or
behavior will not provoke the same reaction.
If you suppress or judge a person or situation, it may occur again
until you can get past your defensive response. If you find yourself
seeking accomplices, people who agree with your point of view, you are probably
just defending your illusions.
someone upsets you, try to see it as gift, part of the perfection of the
world. You are being shown your edge of fear or limitation. You are being
given a chance to let go of fear and judgment.
One may say, this is all fine in certain situations, but how about
when it involves the very survival of the body? This can be difficult.
The answer is to realize that the body is just a form or shell.
This may be what Jesus wanted to demonstrate on the cross. The Roman
soldiers could not stop his message of love just by destroying his physical
In the same way, you cannot be stopped from sharing your treasure
by illness or even death of the body. The content is what matters.
Why not be peaceful and relaxed about your mortality, instead of
fearful all the time? The author lived in Mexico with a group of Native
people who had little fear of death. It was a delightful experience.
We assert that you will deal with your mortality and how to handle
it better if you are relaxed about it.
The answer is development. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
Dare to try a grand experiment. Allow yourself to see the
world as perfect the way it is.
Imagine that it may be an orchestration of the Grace Of The Creator in
order to help us wake up and learn important lessons and have certain
When you find yourself in fear or
distress, see it as a temptation to
be discouraged, and realize you can choose again. You may not win any
popularity contests with this perspective, but you will attract wonderful new
friends who also see the world this way. And many times a few good
friends and a positive attitude are worth it all.
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