Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© December 2020,
L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Metabolic typing is a way of categorizing
people according to various parameters in order to understand their health
conditions better. It is an
ancient science. It is also a key
to interpreting hair mineral tests.
History. Ancient physicians noticed that people fall into certain
categories and those within such categories often have similar health problems
and often need similar remedies or therapies. This gave birth to the idea of typing people in order to
quickly assess what is wrong with them and what they require for healing.
Among the most famous ancient
metabolic typing systems are:
1. Acupuncture. This very ancient system classifies people as yin or yang,
plus many variants such as yin deficient, blood deficient, yang rising and
more. The reader will find the slow and fast oxidizer concept close to the
ancient oriental concept of yin and yang.
For much more it, read Yin and Yang
on this website.
Acupuncturists also may classify
people in other ways based on the pulses, tongue diagnosis or other methods.
2. Ayurveda. This older system of healing classifies people into three
basic groups - pitta, vatta and kapha.
Combinations are also possible.
We don’t find this system as helpful today as the system we use.
3. Hippocrates. This Greek physician classified
or typed people using a system of four elements – air, earth, water and
fire. He described people who had
excessive amounts of each of these as sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic or
choleric. He related each of these
types to various organs, glands, the complexion and other factors.
4. Other typing systems describe
morphogenic types, meaning typing based on appearance, for example, or other
qualities. Some books speak of
adrenal types, thyroid or pituitary types based on the activity of their
5. Autonomic
types. Dr.
Melvin Page, DDS and others such as William Kelley, DDS, type people by which
branch of the autonomic nervous system is dominant – sympathetic or
parasympathetic types.
6. The stage of
stress. Hans
Selye, MD classified animals by what stage of stress they were in –
either the alarm, resistance of exhaustion stage of stress.
7. Genetic types. These include metabolic types
based upon one’s blood type, race, color, location or other genetic factors.
8. Vegetarians,
the elderly, or even by diseases. One can also
type people by what they eat, such as vegetarians, or by a person’s age, sex or
health complaints.
each case, the goal is to simplify the understanding of why people are ill in
order to help them more easily.
This is the method of metabolic
typing used in development science.
It originated with Dr. George Watson, PhD, a researcher who worked at
the University of California, Los Angeles in the later part of the twentieth
Odor testing. At first, Dr. Watson divided people into fast and slow
oxidizers based on their response to odor testing. He later correlated this with blood pH and CO2 levels. The blood of fast oxidizers tended to
be slightly more acidic.
Sub-oxidation. He also identified another metabolic type he called
sub-oxidizers. This was a group of
people that did not quite fit into the fast or slow oxidizer category.
Dr. Watson theorized that the
types were based on one’s relative ability to handle carbohydrates in the
glycolysis cycle and fats in the Krebs cycle. He found that fast oxidizers need more fat in the diet,
whereas slow oxidizers feel better with less fat and more carbohydrate in the
diet. Dr. Watson also identified
which vitamins and minerals are needed most by each metabolic type in order to
balance the oxidation rate.
George Watson wrote two very
readable books about his work: Nutrition
and Your Mind and Psycho-Chemical
Energy and Personality Strength.
Paul C. Eck, one of my mentors, studied the work of George Watson and that of
others such as Melvin Page, DDS and Hans Selye, MD. Dr. Eck specialized in the use of hair mineral testing to
identify the oxidation types. He
synthesized the ideas of these scientists in a simple and elegant way. He also figured out how to identify the
oxidation types from a hair mineral test.
Here is the basic system Dr. Eck worked out:
1. Fast Oxidation
= an alarm stage of stress = a more yang and more sympathetic state of body
chemistry. For example, he asserted that fast
oxidation is an alarm stage of stress
(the fight-or-flight response) according to Dr. Selye. It is also a sympathetic state of body chemistry according to the
sympathetic-parasympathetic system of metabolic typing.
This metabolic type often has excessive
activity of the thyroid and adrenal glands at the cellular level and a
hyper-alert state of the nervous system.
This metabolic typing system often does not correlate with serum thyroid
or adrenal tests, in part because these measure hormone levels in the blood,
not effects at the cellular level.
So far, we have not been able to
clearly identify the oxidation rate from blood or urine tests. We must use the hair mineral test,
which must be performed and interpreted correctly.
A complication with this system
is that fast oxidation in an adult is usually a temporary stress state of the
body, and not necessarily overactivity of the glands. However, this is not true of babies and young children. Babies are born with a fast oxidation
rate and this is natural for them until around age 3 to 10, at which time the
oxidation rate usually tends to slow down.
2. Slow Oxidation = a resistance or
exhaustion stage of stress = a more yin and more parasympathetic state of body
chemistry. As stress
continues, the thyroid and adrenal glands begin to “burn out”, meaning they
become depleted of vital nutrients and their hormone output decreases. One then goes into the resistance and exhaustion stages of stress.
The oxidation rate begins to slow and the body begins to move from a
sympathetic to an unhealthy
parasympathetic state. The latter occurs not because one
chooses it, but because the sympathetic system becomes depleted of nutrients
and can no longer function correctly.
As a result, the body flips into a parasympathetic state, in part to
prevent further catabolism and breakdown of the body.
Eck was not clear about the correlation between the resistance and exhaustion
stages of stress and hair analysis patterns. They may correspond as follows:
a) Using the Na/K ratio. A high ratio is an alarm stage. A ratio between about 2 and 5 is a
resistance stage and a ratio below 2 is an exhaustion stage of stress.
b) Mild slow oxidation or a fast oxidizer with
a low sodium/potassium ratio may be a resistance stage of stress, whereas a
very slow oxidation rate, especially with a low sodium/potassium ratio is
definitely an exhaustion stage of stress and a parasympathetic state of body chemistry.
To read more on this topic, read The Oxidation Types on this site.
3. Mixed Oxidation. This is a mixture of fast and slow
oxidation, and is discussed below.
4. Four Lows
Pattern. This is a special metabolic type that can
only be identified from a properly performed hair mineral analysis or from the
acupuncture pulses. There are many similarities between Dr. Eck’s typing system
and acupuncture, although this is not apparent due to the way acupuncture is
taught today. Four lows pattern may
correspond to Dr. Watson’s sub-oxidation state.
Identifying this state of body
chemistry was a great breakthrough for Dr. Paul Eck because these individuals
need a very different corrective program.
For more details, read Four Lows Pattern.
Others may use questionnaires, blood tests or other methods to assess the
oxidation rate. We have found
these to be inaccurate.
Determining the
oxidation type and rate. After much experimentation, Dr. Eck
found that certain mineral ratios are the most reliable way to
indicate the oxidation type and stage of stress. Here are the basic criteria using a hair mineral analysis, provided
the hair is not washed at the laboratory.
To assess oxidation rate, Dr.
Eck made use of the ratios of calcium-to-potassium (Ca/K) and sodium-to-magnesium (Na/Mg). For accurate mineral readings, the
hair must not be washed at the laboratory. Only two commercial laboratories in the United States do not
wash the hair, Analytical Research Labs and Trace Elements, Inc. At this time,
(December 2020), we do not recommend using Trace Elements, Inc. for hair
testing. They are not as careful,
they do not list the ideal hair values, their graphs are more difficult to
read, and their supplement and dietary recommendations are not very good, in
our experience.
Let us examine exactly how these
ratios are used to assess the oxidation type, and why.
Calcium/Potassium Ratio. This ratio has more to do with thyroid
glandular activity. Dr. Eck found
that a high calcium level in relation to potassium is associated with a slower
oxidation rate. Thyroid activity
lowers calcium. Potassium also sensitizes
the tissues to thyroid hormone.
Also, calcium stabilizes cell membranes and decreases cell permeability.
A high calcium is associated with
sluggish thyroid activity and reduced cell permeability which also decreases
oxidation and cellular respiration.
Note that diagnoses of hyperthyroidism are possible in this instance and
occur quite commonly. They occur
because the body may respond to reduced cell permeability and low cellular
thyroid activity by secreting more thyroid hormones.
Thus blood tests and some
symptoms will indicate hyperthyroidism.
However, it is not the same as a primary hyperthyroidism, which may have
different causes. Mercury or
copper toxicity in the pituitary can also cause a secondary hyperthyroidism in
slow oxidizers.
Dr. Eck settled on
a ratio of 4:1 as the ideal calcium/potassium ratio. This ideal Ca/K ratio, in practice, works exceedingly well.
Sodium/Magnesium Ratio. The sodium/magnesium ratio is more
indicative of adrenal glandular activity.
The adrenal hormone aldosterone causes sodium retention in the
kidneys. Magnesium, it turns out,
also has much to do with adrenal activity. Magnesium loss, which turns out to cause a high reading in
the hair, is often associated with sluggish adrenal glandular activity.
An elevated hair sodium in
relation to magnesium is associated with excessive adrenal activity. Dr.
Eck settled on an ideal ratio of 4.17:1 for the sodium/magnesium ratio. This ideal ratio also works
exceedingly well in almost all cases.
To summarize the way the
oxidation metabolic types are calculated:
Slow Oxidation is defined as a
calcium/potassium ratio greater than 4 AND a sodium/magnesium ratio less than
Fast Oxidation is defined as a
calcium/potassium ratio less than 4 AND a sodium/magnesium ratio greater than
Oxidation. If one ratio
indicates fast and the other slow, the pattern is called mixed oxidation. This
is an unstable and temporary state that will resolve to either fast or slow in
a number of months.
oxidizers he would call fast-mixed if the ratio that was fast was relatively
further away from the ideal than the ratio that was slow. In other words, let us imagine that the
calcium/potassium ratio indicates fast oxidation because the ratio is 1:1. This is about 1/4 of the ideal.
Now let us say the other ratio,
the sodium/magnesium ratio, is 2:1.
This is only about 1/2 of the ideal value. In other words, it is closer to the ideal. Therefore, this person would be labeled
a fast mixed oxidizer because the ratio that is fast is more extreme. Said differently, the balance of the
two ratios is tending more to the fast than it is to the slow oxidation rate.
Four Lows or sub-oxidation. Dr. Watson identified another metabolic type he called a
sub-oxidizer. Dr. Eck correlated
this to another hair analysis pattern that is called four low electrolytes.
Discussion of this pattern is beyond the scope of this article but is
found in a separate article, Four Lows.
A fast oxidation rate is more
yang while a slow oxidation rate is more yin. Reasons for this are that fast oxidizers are warmer and
sweatier and often have a ruddier complexion. These are more yang qualities. They are also more prone to bacterial and viral infections
that affect people who are yang more than those who are yin.
Slow oxidizers are colder, more
sluggish, generally more ill and more toxic, and more prone to fungal
infections, among others.
and emotionally, fast oxidizers exhibit more yang qualities such as
aggressiveness, anger and rage.
Slow oxidizers exhibit more yin qualities and attitudes such as
depression, fearfulness and psychological withdrawal.
Many practitioners don’t want to
bother with metabolic typing and just correct body chemistry based on their
symptoms, blood tests, x-rays, diagnostic label or other methods.
However, without question, we
have found that metabolic typing by Dr. Eck’s method only, is useful
for the following reasons:
1. It is helpful
for doctors and patients to realize that one does not have 10 or 20 problems or
symptoms, in many cases. One
simply is in a metabolic type that is characterized by all of these symptoms
together. For example, slow oxidizers are often
tired, depressed, anxious, cold, with a low thyroid and weak adrenals, spacy,
with sleep problems and so on.
Otherwise one seeks to correct each symptom separately, when
in fact all will improve as the oxidation rate is balanced.
2. Balancing the
metabolic type and oxidation rate greatly improves a person’s energy
efficiency. This is an enormous benefit because it
can help resolve 10 or 20 different symptoms, including even problems the
client is unaware of such as a latent cancer or a sub-clinical heart problem.
Energy is the common denominator
of health, as anyone will find out if he or she tries this system of
development. Correcting the energy
level by correcting the oxidation rate can have a dramatic effect on a person’s
health even if nothing else is done for the person.
3. Thyroid and adrenal
insights. These glands are so important and so
out of balance today in most people that the information gained about their
functioning that can come from the oxidation rate determination is fantastic
all by itself. Correlated with
other factors on the hair analysis, they often give an accurate and fast
glimpse of the person’s overall state of health and the causes for many
4. Psychological insights. The metabolic type often helps a practitioner and patient
understand a dozen or more mental or emotional symptoms, with ease. Also, improving a person’s energy level
often has dramatic effects upon conditions such as depression, mood swings,
anxiety and others. Glandular balance
also has much to do with mental and emotional disorders. This is all revealed using this type of
analysis of the hair mineral patterns.
5. Recommending a diet. Dr. Watson’s concepts and those of other researchers can be
used successfully to help balance the oxidation rate with food and dietary
principles. For example, fast
oxidizers, who are often babies, need fats and oil in their diet in greater
amounts. This is quite
important. Feeding young children
more starches and sugars, for example, is causing obesity, diabetes,
hyperactivity and other children’s problems today.
6. Recommending nutritional
supplements. This is another fantastic benefit of
metabolic typing. Drs. Watson and
Eck figured out which nutrients speed up the oxidation rate and which slow it
down. By properly combining the
nutrients, formulas have been designed that are powerful to balance and correct
the oxidation rate.
Otherwise, nutritional
supplement recommendations are too often hit or miss guesswork. They can easily unbalance the body in
subtle ways. I see this daily in
my practice. It does not matter
how good the quality or value of the products. If they are not given in a way that balances the body
chemistry, they are much less effective and can cause many problems.
7. Reducing stress. Balancing the oxidation rate
greatly reduces stress on the body.
This is often apparent in the correction of stress-related symptoms such
as fears, anxiety and others.
8. Assisting toxic
metal elimination. This is another powerful benefit of
metabolic typing and correction by development science. Many times patients work with us who
have used all the other methods of eliminating toxic metals. These include chelation, oral chelating
agents, clay baths, foot baths and other methods.
Their hair test often reveal
toxic metals. When their oxidation
rate is balanced, the rate of elimination of the metals dramatically increases
without a need for chelators and other methods. This is the main reason I do not need IV or oral chelation,
which are less safe and overall, much less effective, I have found.
9. Eliminating toxic
vhemicals. Modern medicine offers very
little in the way of methods of eliminate the hundreds of perhaps thousands of
toxic chemicals that surround us everywhere today, especially in developed
Balancing the oxidation rate
facilitates the elimination of hundreds of toxic chemicals quite easily and
cheaply. It occurs because the
adaptive energy improves, eliminative organ function improves and the stress level
10. Prediction and
prevention. If one knows the oxidation type and
rate, one can predict and then prevent many physical and emotional health
This is only logical because
each metabolic type or imbalance is associated with specific diseases. In this manner, one can guess which
symptoms are likely to arise, often years before they actually manifest. One can also head off the symptoms easily
by balancing the metabolic type before a full-blown disease develops and makes
correction more difficult.
11. Guiding other
recommendations. I routinely use the oxidation type and
oxidation rate to make lifestyle and therapy recommendations such as for sauna
therapy, massage, tai chi, yoga, and even medical therapies.
12. Reducing or
eliminating altogether latent ailments.
illnesses are ones that show no indicators at this time, even on the hair
mineral analysis. However, they
are growing inside and someday will cause a heart attack, cancer, diabetes or
any of a hundred other conditions.
Sadly, most people have several
of these, even as young as in their childhood. The incidence is growing as more children are born toxic and
depleted due to their mother’s levels of toxins and nutritional deficiency.
The key here is the improvement
in the energy-producing mechanism of the body. When the oxidation rate is balanced properly, the body
automatically begins to correct even genetically-programmed imbalances to the
best of its ability. I know of no
other way to do this so easily and routinely. One cannot just look for latent conditions, because they are
too subtle to detect at their early stage. However, one can, by balancing the oxidation rate, improve
the body’s own ability to scout out these problems and address them.
This is one reason why progress
in healing is sometimes slow with development science. What is often occurring is that latent
conditions are being corrected.
This will then avoid a far more serious ailment later in life, even 20
to 50 years later. It is a very important,
hidden reason for determining the oxidation rate and type and correcting it
This is also the reason I do the
hair analysis first, not correct the hormones first or do some other tests
13. Safety. While this is a clinical observation, mainly, the concept of
balancing the body and metabolic type is a very safe approach to healing. It is far safer than any symptomatic
approach, in my experience, though no method is perfect. Safety means that as we suggest foods,
nutrients and other procedures that balance the body, the likelihood of doing
damage or otherwise harming the person is minimized.
contrast, giving symptomatic remedies, for example, or other methods of healing
that do not involve balancing the oxidation rate often do not improve the
patient’s overall vitality, even if all symptoms clear up. Therefore, the patient is left weaker
in some way and is more open to problems in the future.
Antibiotics or just taking a lot
of vitamin C, for example, will kill off many infections. However, antibiotics are all somewhat
toxic. The drugs have subtle side
effects in many cases that weaken the patient. Vitamin C is not toxic, exactly, but it will lower copper
and chelate or remove other minerals.
If used indiscriminately, it will unbalance the chemistry to some
degree. Development uses some
vitamin C, but only in low doses and in a very precise way so as not to
unbalance the metaboli type or balance.
Development. Development is the growth of the energy
field around a human body. It is
actually a genetic science and is the path to fulfilling the full genetic
potential of a human being. It is
an ancient science that is hardly taught on earth today. We are honored to teach it through this
website. It causes vastly improved
health and extends the lifespan.
For more details, read Introduction
To Development.
Recall that other doctors and
practitioners use different methods to assess the oxidation type, and recommend
different diets for each type.
These may be very dangerous and we would avoid them.
1) Eck, P., Interview in the Health View Newsletter, #27-29, 1979.
2) Page, M., Degeneration
- Regeneration, 1949, 1980.
3) Selye, H., The
Stress of Life, 1956.
4) Watson, G., Nutrition
and your Mind, 1972 and Personality
Strength and Psychochemical Energy, 1979.
5) Wilson, L., Development
Science And Development Programs, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2019. To purchase this book, go to Browse And Order Books. To read this book, go to Read Books.
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