By Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© December 2016, LD Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
Definition. Intermittent fasting is a method of weight loss in which one skips a meal entirely for two or more days per week or more often, up to every day per week.
The result is that one eats less food. Also, going longer between meals rests the intestinal tract for up to 14 to 16 hours. By skipping meals, one will lose some weight.
The main problem is malnutrition, especially mineral malnutrition. The bodies today are already malnourished, and intermittent fasting makes it much worse. The reasons for malnutrition today are:
- Soil depletion of minerals due to improper agricultural methods. Not enough minerals are replaced onto the soil.
- The use of hybridized crops grown for high crop yields, but not for nutrition.
- The use of toxic sprays that damage the soil.
- The use of superphosphate fertilizers that are basically growth stimulants for plants.
- Eating refined and processed foods.
- Other improper diets such as vegetarian, vegan, raw food, and others that do not supply enough nutrients.
- Most people have weak digestion due to factors such as stress, malnutrition, chemicals in the food and water, intestinal infections, intestinal parasites, and taking medical drugs that damage the stomach and intestines. The result is they extract fewer nutrients from their food.
- Chronic illness, stress, pregnancy, and other factors increase the need for many nutrients.
- Many people also have poor eating habits, such as eating on the run, eating in their car, standing up in front of the refrigerator, and others. These also tend to reduce nutrition by interfering with proper digestion.
As a result, it is difficult to obtain all the nutrients one needs if one eats three meals a day. These three meals must be of the best quality, and mainly cooked vegetables with some animal protein daily and a small amount of whole grain, especially blue corn, and a small amount of high-quality dairy products.
Vitamin and mineral pills cannot make up for the deficiencies, although natural mineral supplements such as kelp are helpful. We also recommend Kelp Wraps for a while to help renourish the body, but these are messy and most people won’t do them.
Therefore, intermittent fasting is a recipe for starvation, even if it has short-term benefits.
Nutritional balancing focuses on development because it is the most powerful method we know of for healing the body at deep levels and extending the lifespan. It is an ancient science that is not well-known, but it works.
A primary requirement for development is a drastic increase in the nutrient intake of a person. Without this, it simply does not occur to any great extent. Intermittent fasting, by reducing nutrient intake, is a sure way to stop or slow development. For details about development, read Introduction To Development.
For much more about fasting, read Fasting.
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