by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure for any health conditions.














This is one of the core article on this website. Please read it a number of times and ideally, hand it out to all those whose health you care about.


This is a very unique concept of the development program. Some foods, but not others, contain specific chemicals that activate special genes in our cells that accelerate healing and toughen the body. This leads to a healthier and longer life.

Most of these special genes are found in the so-called “non-coding” or “junk” DNA. This is over 97% of our DNA, which today’s scientists do not understand and have not decoded.

So they call it “junk”. It is not junk. It is the genes for development. We are hoping to spread this information with this website. For details, read Genetics.

Eating to activate genes is one of the most important parts of the development diet and development program. Please do not skip the recommended foods for daily use if you can obtain them. For details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Food.


This is another important aspect of the development diet needed for rapid development. The sections of this article below are arranged from warming foods (more yang in macrobiotic terminology) to cooling foods (more yin in macrobiotic terminology).

Note: we do not use the traditional Chinese medical system of classifying foods as more yang or more yin. We believe this system is unfortunately not as accurate today.

Notice that cooked vegetables are at the top of the list of warming foods.

Cooked vegetables are really the most warming foods! This is why we eat a lot of them for rapid development. They contain the most minerals, which are the most warming matter in the universe.

Meat and other animal proteins. These seem to be the most warming foods, but they are not. In most ancient systems of classifications of foods, they are the most warming foods. However, they are slightly more toxic, called toxic yang in acupuncture.

Grains and legumes. These are next in the order of warming foods. In most ancient systems of food classification, they are considered more warming than cooked vegetables. However, today we are so deficient in minerals that the grains are not as warming as in the past.

Fats and oils. Once again, these would seem to be very warming. People who live in cold climates, for example, tend to eat more of them. However, due to the low amount of minerals in the soil, the vegetables must be thought of as more warming right now. Some day we hope this will change, but not for now.

Natural Sea Salt. This is a mineral source, so it is quite warming. However, salt also contains a lot of sodium, which is not warming, so salt cannot be thought of by itself as too warming. It is a balancer, but not as warming as vegetables today. Avoid table salt because most of its trace minerals have been removed, making it a refined junk food. Most also contains added aluminum, a toxic metal.

The rest of the diet is to be limited because it is cooling. These are the dairy products, fruits, sweets, drinks and what people call refined or junk foods.

WHAT ABOUT WATER AND OTHER DRINKS? This is somewhat warming if it contains minerals. Please avoid all water that has no or few minerals in it if you want to develop. It is not best. Later on in development, it is good, to a degree, but not at first. The minerals are needed!

So this means avoid distilled and reverse osmosis water and avoid certain spring waters, usually glacial, that are very low in minerals such as Ice Age Premium Glacial Water from Canada and Iceland Springs water from Iceland.

Tap water contains some minerals, so we allow it, although it is often processed with chlorine and possibly other toxins such as aluminum and fluoride that render it less healthful. It is also less costly and this is good for many people.

PURITY. Food today is often not pure. Processed foods can contain up to 70 questionable chemicals.

LABELING. Food labeling is somewhat helpful, but far from perfect and sometimes completely misleading.

DEVELOPMENT. This article is all about development. It will not make sense to people who are just interested in nutrition, for example, but that is okay. They are on a different path, we would say, and not necessarily a bad one. Development is a special path and we are honored to present it on this website.

Be wary of anyone other than this website that is using the word development in their promotions. We have observed others are now offering “development programs”. They say they have studied our work and know it well. This is always a lie! If they really understood it and liked it, they would recommend our website and us. However, they want to confuse and derail development, so they do things differently and claim to know better.


Foods to eat: fresh, preferred vegetables (see Food For Daily Use for the list of preferred vegetables). If you cannot obtain fresh vegetables, canned vegetables are second best, not frozen ones.

Organically grown is generally better than standard commercially-raised vegetables. Vegetables from a farmers market are usually the best, although not all are organically grown. You have to ask about this because small farmers often cannot afford organic certification, but their food is often as good or much better than USDA organic or other organic food.

Foods to avoid: frozen vegetables. These are usually sprayed with chemicals such as EDTA and it is not on the label. We do not recommend eating nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, egg plant and peppers. We also do not recommend eating vegetables that are really fruits (they have seeds) such as summer squash, zuccini, okra, cucumbers and a few others.

We do not recommend eating salad, meaning raw vegetables. The body cannot absorb enough nutrients from raw vegetables. For details, read Raw Food.


Foods to eat:

Beef: Fresh or frozen 100% grass fed or organic beef is an excellent food. Beef that says “pasture-raised” is often not much better than regular commercial beef, which is not a good food today.

Lamb. Lamb is a special food for development. Most lamb is at least somewhat grass fed. Often the Australian or New Zealand lamb is a little better than that raised in the USA. Fresh or frozen are both okay.

Chicken. Chicken is required for rapid development. Local farm chicken is usually better than any from the supermarket. The free-range label is not very accurate so that chicken may not be better than other chicken.

Eggs. Eggs are a good food for early development, but only up to 6 eggs per week for women and up to 8 eggs per week for men. More than this causes some liver toxicity that slows development.

All commercial eggs are cleaned with chlorine, often to compensate for filthy conditions. If possible, we would avoid these. The free-range label can also be deceptive but is likely better that standard eggs.

Meats, poultry and eggs that come directly from farms, such as those at farmer’s markets, are usually best. They usually have the fewest added chemicals, even if they are not certified organic.

Sardines are a special food for development. The best are the brisling sardines and buying them in a can is fine. They are often cooked and packed quickly after they are caught. The brislings are smaller. Excellent brands are King Oscar and Tiny Tots. Crown Prince brisling sardines are okay, but not quite as good.

Foods to avoid: Avoid standard supermarket beef, chicken and fish except for sardines. We would even avoid wild-caught fish because most fish today are farmed, no matter how they are labeled.

Pig products. Avoid all products of the pig such as pork, ham, bacon, chorizo and others. These can contain parasites, even when well-cooked, and all tend to cause inflammation in the body.

Processed meats. Avoid these, such as bologna, salami and hot dogs, all of which usually contain a lot of chemicals. We would avoid sausage because one cannot know what it contains, no matter how it is labeled.

Also avoid chicken nuggets and processed eggs such as Egg Beaters, which contains 31 ingredients!


Foods to eat:

Blue corn tortilla chips are a special food for development. Organically grown is not necessary, but is usually helpful. The chips are greasy and some are very salty. However, they contain mineral compounds needed for development that are found in very few other foods. Rub off some of the salt if it is excessive.

If you cannot obtain blue corn tortilla chips, organic yellow corn chips have a little of the needed chemicals.

Other grains are not as helpful for development. As occasional foods, you may have some old fashioned oats, quinoa, millet or amaranth.

Beans or legumes. These are not preferred foods because none of them contain much of the chemicals needed for development. Eat them only once or twice a week, or not at all.

Foods to avoid: Avoid all soy, wheat and spelt products, which are very hybridized today. Also avoid buckwheat, white corn, rice and lentils, especially red lentils. Rice has too much arsenic these days.


Fats and oils to eat. These are meat fat, cream, butter, creamy or soft goat cheese (but do not cook cheese), and the fat or oil in almond butter, sesame tahini and that found in blue corn chips.

Olive oil in moderation is okay, but do not heat it and do not cook with it, particularly in the oven. The olive oil in cans of sardines is okay, but we would limit your consumption of it.

Vegetables oils. Some vegetable oil is okay, such as that found in blue corn chips and sometimes packed with sardines. However, do not eat a lot of it.

Fats and oils to avoid. Avoid lard and hydrogenated oils found in all margarine, regular peanut butter, shortening and some other foods. Also avoid deep-fried foods such as French fries and fried chicken.


Good salt. Natural sea salt is an excellent product and can be used liberally. Good brands are Hain and Hawaiian Bamboo Jade.

Salt to avoid. Avoid all regular table salt. We also find Himalyan pink salt, Celtic salt and Real Salt not quite as good as the ones above. These seem to be higher in aluminum.


Foods to eat: Soft goat cheese (also called chevre, at times) or plain goat yogurt are excellent in moderation. Eat 8 ounces or about 227 grams per week of either of these, but not both. Do not overdo on cheese and yogurt as they are both fairly yin in macrobiotic terminology.

If you can find raw (unpasteurized) goat cheese or yogurt, this is best. However, pasteurized is okay if that is all you can buy.

Organic dairy products may be better than standard dairy products. However, small farmers often cannot afford organic certification. Yet their products may be better than organically certified products in supermarkets.

The above should be your main dairy products. We do not recommend much cow dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt or kefir. If you want a little, have no more than 4 ounces or 110 grams daily.

Foods to avoid: processed cheeses, cooked cheese (as found in quiche, pizza and cheese cake), chocolate milk, cheese food, string cheese and smelly hard cheeses.


Good beverages. Quality spring water is excellent. You can also use carbon-only or sand-only filtered tap water if your tap water is safe to drink. In some parts of the world, it is not safe.

One cup of coffee daily is okay. One cup of herbal tea or black tea is okay.

Beverages to avoid. We do not recommend soda pop, fruit juices, vegetable juices except for 10-12 ounces of organic carrot juice daily, alcohol, ‘sports drinks’ such as Recharge and Gatorade, mixes such as Kool Aid, coconut water or designer waters, reverse osmosis water (also called purified water or drinking water), or alkaline water.

We also suggest avoiding almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk, other nut milks and most cows milk. For babies, some milk is often good. Recently, we had a baby who did not do well on camel’s milk.


Foods to eat:

Fruits. We find these are best avoided altogether. They are too cold, do not contain the right mineral balance, pick up too much toxic potassium and other chemicals from the soil because they are cool or yin, and they contain too much sugar. They also rot your teeth due to their sugar and acid content.

Some think this is an erroneous recommendation, but we assure you that for development and health, in general, fruit is harmful. For more details, read Fruit-eating, Its Benefits And Problems.

Also avoid all fruit juices and dried fruit.

Good sweets. Some natural foods are quite sweet such as onions, carrots, soft goat cheese, almond butter, some heavy cream or butter. These are the only sweets we suggest.

Sweets to avoid. Avoid all sugar, honey, maple syrup, rice syrup, corn syrup, dextrose, glucose, and other sugars. Also avoid fruits, fruit juices, dried fruit and other sweet foods such as almond milk.


These are at the bottom of the list if one is interested at all in development.

JUNK QUALITY FOOD we define as that which is so highly refined that there is little nutrition left. This, unfortunately, is the bulk of the food most people eat such as white refined wheat flour and white refined sugar.

FAST FOOD. Junk also includes what people call fast food – the chain, often drive-through restaurants. This food often begins as the cheapest they can find. Then it goes through more refining so it lasts on the shelf, is quick to prepare, and tastes good because chemicals are used to trick your sense of taste.

Further reading: What Is Food And Why Do We Eat It? and The Food Story

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