by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            The Old and New Testaments of the Bible offer many health lessons.  This article discusses just a few of them that are particularly valuable today.


1. The Kosher laws. These have to do with diet, food preparation and slaughtering animals.  They are extensive, and all are not needed today, in my view.  For example, some are designed for a time when cleanliness was rare in the world.

Most important are to avoid all pig products, not to mix milk and meat at the same meal (2 protein foods), don’t refreeze meat, avoid all shellfish, avoid eating algae, and wash food and your hands thoroughly before eating.  For more, please read the Kosher Laws on this site.

2. Homosexuality. This is not recommended.  For details as to why homosexuality is not a good idea, please read Homosexuality.

3. Abortion. Murdering unborn children  cheapens human life, a trend that is harmful for society.  For details, read Abortion and Abortion Syndrome.

4. Marriage. Marriage is an ancient institution that benefits people in many ways.  It is a much better idea than living with someone out of wedlock.  For details, read Marriage.

5. Reality of the soul. Understanding the reality of souls is very important for understanding ourselves and our world.  For details, read Soul Science, Soul Upgrades and the other articles about souls on this site.

6. Our dependence upon the Creator or God. Realizing that one is totally dependent upon the Creator for life is required for deep healing.  For more details, read Thy Will Be Done and Turning Your Life Over To God.

7. The merkaba. This is mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible.  Developing the merkabah, which occurs with a development program, powerfully heals and protects the body.  For details, read The Merkaba.

8. Morality. The Bible urges people to live a life of truth and integrity.  This is most helpful for one’s health.

9. Bring Heaven to earth.  This is a central concept in the Bible.  The idea is stated in the Lord’s Prayer: “Thy Will be done on earth, as it is (already) done in Heaven.”  A powerful way to do this is with the Pulling Down Exercise.  It is amazingly powerful for healing if one continues it for a number of years, especially when combined with a complete development program.

10. Care for the body. The body is the temple of the living God, and we are admonished to take care of this great gift.

11. Truth. The Bible urges us to “Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  Always seeking and following the truth about everything is most helpful for one’s health.  It is not an easy path because one can find conflicting opinions on most subjects.

In addition, some today teach that truth is relative, or that there is no such thing as truth.  This is a pernicious and false teaching.  For details, read Truth.

12. Forgiveness. The Bible emphasizes the need to forgive “seventy times seventy times” and the need to forgive ourselves, as well.  Practicing forgiveness is one of the most health-promoting activities imaginable.  It is also an absolute requirement for Development, the goal of the healing programs described on this website.  For details, read Forgiving and Forgiving Parents.



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