(former title, The Trophoblast Theory Of Cancer)

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Details About The Causes Of Trophoblast Activation

III. Reversal And Healing




The trophoblast concept of cancer is that cancer is a normal cell of the body that arises at the wrong time and place.  This makes it very dangerous for the body.


In 1902, John Beard, MD, a prominent embryologist, published a paper in a British medical journal, The Lancet, entitled The Trophoblastic Theory Of Cancer (Beard, J., 1902).  The theory is quite simple and has never been disproven. Others actually advanced similar theories even earlier.

Fairly recently, the theory received strong confirmation by scientists at the University of Michigan, USA (Townsend Letter, #240, 2003). 

Dr. Beard showed that a normal tissue of the body, the trophoblast, exhibits characteristics identical to cancer.  It is invasive, metastatic, forms new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and has many of the same specific markers and chemical composition as cancer cells.

This article discusses what promotes the growth of the trophoblast and what stops it.  These are keys to the prevention and healing of cancer.

The role of the trophoblast in cancer is not currently taught to doctors. If it were, cancer would cease to be as much of a threat to human health.


All human and animal bodies have a number of special cells called totipotent or stem cells that can take on different forms and different roles.  Their activity depends upon the needs of the body and upon the biochemical environment of the body.

One of the roles that these cells can take on is to become trophoblast.


The word trophoblast from the Latin language means to nourish the baby. Trophology is another word for nutrition.  A blast in medical terminology is an immature organism or baby.  The way the trophobast normally works is the following:

Formation of the totipotent cells.  Very early in life, about the fourth cell division of a fertilized egg, some totipotent or stem cells form.

At this time, the fertilized egg is moving out of the Fallopian tube where fertilization often occurs.  The egg is moving into the mother’s uterus. 

When the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, the totipotent or stem cells sense a need for nutrition.  Also, the uterus has a much more acid pH than the Fallopian tubes.  Also, there is lots of estrogen around. Also, the uterus has a lot of oxidant activity.

This combination causes the totipotent cells to activate a genetic pathway that changes them into trophoblast.


#1. Secretes human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG, alpha feto-protein (AFP) and other chemicals. HCG, for example, is responsible for nausea and other effects of early pregnancy.  It is also used to detect pregnancy and to detect cancer.

#2. The hooks. The trophoblast cells develop tiny hooks that grab on and hold on to the mother’s uterine lining.  This prevents the egg from falling out of the mother’s uterus and being lost.  This phase of pregnancy is called implantation of the egg.

#3. Lysis and invasion. After implantation, the trophoblast secretes enzymes called lysozymes. These destroy the surface of the uterine lining around the egg.

Then the trophoblast invades or burrows into the mother’s uterine lining. It is able to digest normal uterine tissue in a special way so that it can use the nutrients and blood. The fertilized egg is a foreign body in the mother and needs nutrients.

#4. Angiogenesis. As it grows, the trophoblast forms tiny tubules that become blood vessels. This process is called angiogenesis.  Through these vessels, it steals blood and nutrients from the mother and sends them to the fertilized egg.

Later, the placenta helps with this job, but for the first 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, only the trophoblast nourishes the baby.

#5. Metastasis. As it grows, the trophoblast metastasizes.  This means it is able to invade normal tissue and convert its DNA to make more trophoblast-like tissue.

This is the same mechanism that viruses use to replicate themselves in our bodies. However, trophoblast is not a virus.  This mechanism of the trophoblast explains why each type of cancer in the body has a different ‘look’ to it.  It is part trophoblast and part converted normal breast, lung or other tissue.

#6. Poisoning. Lastly, the trophoblast weakens the lining of the uterus in the area where the fertilized egg has implanted.  This is necessary to prevent rejection of the fertilized egg.


It is very important to realize that a developing child is a foreign object inside the mother.  It is not part of the mother.

This fact may matter because those who advocate abortion often say that an unborn baby is part of its mother.  Therefore, the mother should decide its fate.

But technically, this is not true!  The developing baby is always a foreign object and an independent being.  It is never part of the mother.


Totipotent cells are found in all areas of everyone’s body at all times – women, men and children.  The reason for this is that these cells can take over any function if the body is low in specialized cells.

The problem occurs if the biochemistry of the body changes to favor the production of trophoblast.  These changes include an acidic pH, a high estrogen level, oxidant damage, and excessive toxic metals and toxic chemicals.  We explore this more in the next section of this article.

When this occurs, trophoblast arises and, if not stopped, the person dies of cancer.


#1. The pregnancy test.  The test for pregnancy, measuring human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG, is also a good test for the presence of cancer in the body. Testing for another trophoblast chemical, AFP, is another cancer test.

#2. Choreocarcinoma.  Rarely, the trophoblast overgrows during pregnancy.  This results in an aggressive uterine cancer called choreocarcinoma.  The cell type is almost pure trophoblast.

Summary.  The trophoblast is a normal genetic cell type.  However, it is thoroughly parasitic, destructive, invasive, and metastatic.

It displays other qualities such as angiogenesis.  This is the ability to form new blood vessels and steal blood and nutrients from a host organism.

It uses a primitive energy system based upon glucose metabolism because it must operate in a low oxygen environment - inside a woman’s uterus.

This sounds exactly like cancer.  In fact, there are many more biochemical similarities we could discuss.


Transformation of totipotent or stem cells into trophoblast occurs in two situations:

A. A need for nutrition.

B. Certain biochemical conditions.  These are:

1) An elevated estrogen level

2) A very acidic pH

3) Low pancreatic enzyme levels

4) Nutrient deficiencies, especially low omega-3 fatty acids, low vitamin C, low vitamin A, and low iodine.

5) A lot of oxidant damage

6) Excessive amounts of Toxic Metals, especially toxic forms of copper, cadmium, lead and nickel.

7) Psychological factors including oppression, rape and molestation.  These lead to negative emotions such as sadness, discouragement, loss of the will to live and resentment.

8) An autonomic nervous system imbalance called sympathetic dominance.

9) Low available oxygen.  This can be due to shallow breathing or anemia.  To help combat this problem, we recommend an ozonator/ionizer air purifier at home and at work.

10) Too many toxic chemicals.  These include Aldehydes (from eating too much fermented tood), AGES from eating roasted and baked food, and the ‘Amigos’ or oxide compounds of common minerals. Other Toxic Chemicals include pesticides such as glyphosate.

11) Too much Yeast in the body.  This is usually related to a damaged energy production system in the body that forces the body to burn sugar for energy.

12) Fatigue or lack of adequate rest.  This is usually due to going to bed late and pushing oneself.

13) Infected teeth, especially infected root-canal filled teeth.  These may present no symptoms whatsoever. However, about 18 months after a root canal procedure, they begin to infect and release extremely toxic chemicals into the blood stream.

14) Auto-intoxication or production of highly poisonous substances in the intestinal tract.

15) An overall yin condition of the body, also called Yin Disease.

16) Lack of the frequencies of the reddish heat lamp. For details, read Sauna Therapy and Single Lamp Therapy.

17) Structural imbalances such as chiropractic problems that restrict the flow of nerve energy in the body.

18) The presence of small structures called rings.  These weaken an area of the body and make it difficult for the body to defend itself against cancer.  The group we call the Rogues on this website place these in many people to shorten their lives. 

The rest of this section discusses some of these factors in more detail.


One of the primary stimuli for the growth of the trophoblast is high estrogen, as occurs during pregnancy.  Estrogen is associated with cell proliferation.  Modern medicine acknowledges that estrogen is a potent carcinogen.  This is why estrogen inhibitors are among the drugs used for cancer.

One may then ask, why does so much cancer occur in men, or in post-menopausal women who do not produce as much estrogens?  The answer is that everyone's adrenal glands and perhaps other sites produce estrogens, in both sexes and at all ages.

Normal estrogen production by the adrenal glands or ovaries is not a problem.  The liver converts potent estrogens such as estradiol and estrone into harmless chemicals and excretes them in the bile and urine.

However, when the liver is toxic or otherwise compromised, it cannot detoxify estrogens properly.  Estrone, in particular, increases and the stage is set for cancer.  Arthur Guyton’s Textbook Of Physiology, sixth edition, explains the fate of estrogens as follows:

The liver conjugates the estrogens … and about one-fifth of these conjugated products are excreted in the bile while most of the remainder are excreted in the urine.  Also, the liver converts the potent estrogens, estradiol and estrone, into an almost impotent estrogen, estriol.  Therefore, the liver plays an important role in removing those estrogens from the blood.  Indeed, diminished liver function actually increases activity of estrogens in the body, sometimes causing hyperestrinism." - Guyton, p.1010 (italics are mine).

Liver toxicity today is the rule rather then the exception.  Causes for liver toxicity include various toxins and other nutritional and biochemical imbalances.  Let us explore what these are in more detail.


Toxins in the food supply.  These include toxic metals, pesticide residues, preservatives and several thousand other food additives that the government allows in many prepared and processed foods.  Eating only fresh, minimally processed and ideally organically grown food definitely reduces your intake of these poisons.

Some pesticides and other chemicals mimic the effects of estrogen by occupying estrogen binding sites.  This makes the situation even worse.  An interesting fairly recent study found that cadmium mimics the effects of estrogen (Nature, August 2003).

Thousands of organic chemicals and several dozen toxic metals in the environment.  Besides food, sources of toxins include contaminated air, dental materials, especially silver/mercury amalgam fillings, and skin contact with toxins in solvents, detergents, skin care products, chlorinated and fluoridated water and other household and industrial chemicals.  Building materials, carpets, plastics and office machinery also often outgas toxic chemicals.

Radiation exposure damages the liver.  Everyone is exposed to some ionizing radiation from atomic bomb fallout, nuclear plant accidents, medical scans and other x-rays, dental x-rays, and other uses of radiation.  All nuclear power plants emit some low-level ionizing radiation that is poisoning everyone on the planet.

Prescription drugs.  This is a major cause of liver toxicity.  Most all pharmaceuticals are synthetic chemicals.  They all cause some liver toxicity.

Many contain toxic metals.  For example, thiazide diuretics contain mercury.  Prozac and some popular antibiotics such as Cipro contain fluoride, a very powerful poison.

Many vaccines contain toxic metals such as mercury, aluminum and harmful forms of iron. Many contain toxic chemicals such as benzene.  One vaccine dose can give a young baby up to 20 times the permitted dose of mercury and aluminum!

According to medical studies, drug residues are present today in most, if not all municipal drinking water supplies around the world.  This is a major environmental problem that has received far too little attention.

Herbs.  Most herbs are somewhat toxic for the liver, as well.  Used occasionally for only for a few days, they are not too harmful.  However, more and more people take them them regularly because their naturopaths suggest it.  They build up in the liver and damage it.  This is another source of liver toxicity that few talk about.

Vitamin and mineral supplements.  A few popular nutritional supplements including iron supplements, high-dose niacin, fulvic acid, humic acid, and some colloidal mineral supplements contain toxic metals that poison the liver.


Most people and most doctors do not realize that a portion of most medical drugs and many herbs remains in one’s body for decades.  We know this occurs because drugs that a person took years before will come out of the body during a development program. 


Adrenal exhaustion.  This is an indirect cause.   Adrenal weakness contributes to a slow oxidation rate and sluggish liver activity. 

Also, the body compensates for adrenal depletion by accumulating toxic oxide forms of copper, iron, chromium, selenium, manganese, aluminum, cadmium, iron, lead and other metals that are toxic to the liver.  For details about this phenomenon, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum

Nutrient deficiencies.  Most people are very deficient in many vital minerals and often vitamins.  This seriously impairs the liver's normal detoxification pathways, resulting in liver toxicity.

Nutrient deficiencies are the result of N-P-K fertilizers used in agriculture, eating raw salads and overcooked food that does not supply enough nutrients, low quality diets of refined flour, sugar and other deficient foods, poor eating habits, stress and impaired digestion.  Stress of any type increases the need for nutrients.  Other articles on this website discuss all these problems such as Everyrone is Depleted And Toxic.

Autointoxication.  In most people, poor digestion causes the production of toxic substances in the intestines due to fermentation and putrefaction of food.  A vicious cycle occurs in which a toxic liver does not produce enough bile and digestive enzymes. 

Food is then poorly digested, which generates toxins that, in turn, worsen the condition of the liver.  This further impairs enzyme production, which results in more toxins in the intestines.

This vicious cycle goes on quietly for years until one day the result is cancer or other serious illness.

Improper bowel flora such as candida albicans and other pathogenic organisms. These can produce deadly toxins in the intestines.  Candida albicans, for example, produces alcohol and acetaldehyde.

Chronic infections anywhere in the body.  Bacterial and other infections generate endotoxins and exotoxins.  Chronic infections are much more common than imagined.  We find that most people have at least a dozen low-grade chronic infections.  Common sites are the teeth, eyes, ears, throat, bladder, bronchials, intestines and skin.

Stress from any cause activates the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn reduces liver activity.  Stress also impairs digestion, which leads to more toxin generation in the intestines.

Autonomic nervous system imbalances, in particular excessive sympathetic nervous system activity.  The sympathetic nervous system inhibits the activity of the liver.  This is explained below in more detail.

FatigueFatigue due to lack of sleep or other causes is an important factor in liver toxicity.


An acidic pH of the tissues helps totipotent cells turn into trophoblast.  The main cause is a deficiency of the alkaline reserve minerals

These are special compounds of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium, selenium and a few others.  Replenishing these is not easy because pills or supplements don’t work well. 

The best source of the alkaline reserve minerals is food and the best food is cooked vegetables.  Some books say raw vegetables are better.  However, we find people cannot absorb nearly as many minerals from raw vegetables because they are locked into the touch vegetable fibers.


Oxidant damage activates the trophoblast.  A major cause of this is the presence in the body of oxide compounds of minerals such as iron oxide, copper oxide, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide and others. For details, read Iron, Manganese and Aluminum – The Amigos.

Toxic metals and toxic chemicals may also cause oxidant damage.

Another cause is a dietary deficiency of anti-oxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, selenium and others. Some physicians recommend anti-oxidants for cancer. The problem with this is they are mostly very cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology, and Yin Disease is another cause of cancer.

A much better solution is to remove the toxic iron, manganese and aluminum compounds from the body. The development program is the best way to do this and one of the only ways to do this.


This is another important cause of trophoblast activation.  These chemicals are everywhere today.  For details, read Toxic Metals and Toxic Chemicals.


At about 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, a biochemical change occurs – an increase in pancreatic enzymes from both mother and baby. This helps stop the trophoblast “invasion” of the mother.

The critical period of pregnancy. In its place, another transformation of the totipotent cells occurs and it becomes the placenta.  This takes over nourishing the fetus.  This is called the critical period of pregnancy.

This is the basis for the use of pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of cancer advocated by Dr. Beard, Dr. William Kelley, DDS, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD and others (Kelley, W.D., 1997).  Large quantities of pancreatic enzymes are given by mouth, which inhibit the growth of malignant cells.

This therapy works. However, it is quite yin in macrobiotic terminology and somewhat costly. It is not used in medical care today. One reason is that one cannot patent pancreatic enzymes, so there is no money to be made with this therapy.  We know this sounds very cold-hearted and hopefully is shocking.  But it is the truth.

The pancreas plays another role.  Pancreatic enzymes are needed for proper digestion.  A weakened, toxic or depleted pancreas contributes to a toxic liver by failing to provide adequate enzymes for complete food digestion.

Most people do not produce nearly enough pancreatic enzymes or they overeat, exceeding their digestive capacity.  This is why we supplement everyone with pancreatin and ox bile (GB-3).

These pancreatic enzymes are not the same as "food enzymes" found in raw food, which do very little.  Ideally, the body secretes excess pancreatic enzymes so that any cancer that begins to develop in the body is destroyed.  However, very few people are in good enough health for this to occur. 

Causes for deficient pancreatic activity are similar to the causes of liver toxicity.  They include stress, poor-quality diets, poor eating habits, infections and toxic exposures.  A complete development program will restore healthy pancreatic activity.


An important cause of impaired pancreas and liver activity is excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system.  This branch of the autonomic nervous system is sometimes referred to as the fight-or-flight response system.

Its role is to prepare the body for a stress response.  However, it inhibits the activity of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines and stomach.  These are the organs of detoxification and the organs needed to produce digestive enzymes and cancer-fighting proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that digest foreign proteins).

Excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system is extremely common today.  Causes include stress, hurried or busy lifestyles, toxic metals, nutrient deficiencies, some toxic chemicals and negative attitudes such as fear, worry, anger, resentment and guilt.  These factors keep the body in a fight-or-flight or sympathetic state most of the day.

Many cancer patients have a sympathetic dominant personality.  This means they have difficulty relaxing and are often hard on themselves and others.

They are often fearful, angry, guilty, perfectionistic, resentful. or use other mechanisms that cause the body to remain in a sympathetic state much of the time.  People who exercise too much, worry a lot, work too hard or are obsessive often overwork the sympathetic nervous system.



If one corrects the conditions that favor trophoblast formation, totipotent or stem cells stop acting as trophoblast.  When this occurs, cancer will stop growing and will go away.

In other words, any therapy that causes totipotent cells to stop becoming trophoblast will be helpful to prevent or stop the growth of cancer in the body.

The way to approach cancer is to go through the list of about 18 conditions that favor trophoblast and reverse them.


For example, therapies that inhibit the sympathetic nervous system are marvelous for cancer patients.  These include lots of Rest And Sleep, Red Heat Lamp Sauna Therapy, Coffee Enemas, the Pulling Down Exercise, Deep Breathing and the Development Diet. These are all part of a development program.

NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: The development program is not a cancer therapy. It is a method to reduce stress, renourish and balance the body. For details, read Introduction To The Development Program. To learn about development, read Introduction To Development.

For more on this and related topics, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies, Black Salve, The Cancer Pioneers, Stem Cell Therapies, Cancer And The 7 System and Bone Marrow Transplants on this website.

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