by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Table of Contents



What Are Parasites?

Symptoms Of Parasites

Therapeutic Principles


Food sources

Water Sources

Airborne Sources

Toilet Seats And Other Contact


Is Testing Needed?

Stool tests

Blood tests



The Development Program For Parasites

Drugs And Herbs For Parasites



Victim Thinking And Parasites

Curious Sensation Associated with Parasite Death Or Removal



The most important thing to remember is that parasites are smart.  When you embark on a development program to eliminate them, they will secrete chemicals that will make a person very anxious or feel sick in some other way.  If you don’t understand this, you will think you cannot do the program.  In reality, the program is working and just keep it up.  We deal with this problem all the time!

The Importance of Parasites, And How To Remove All Of Them.  Most people have some parasitic infections!  That is our experience.  Here are the issues with parasites that make them a difficult area of pathology:

1. Most people have them.  One does not have to travel to an unclean area of the planets, for example, to contract the infection.  Today, food is shipped around the world daily.  Parasites can also easily live in some drinking water supplies, and elsewhere.

2. Most doctors are unaware of their importance, and don’t even consider testing for them.

3. Testing is costly and often somewhat messy.  If one does test for them, detection is often difficult, even with elaborate stool and other types of tests.

4. If they are detected, almost all doctors give toxic drugs or other somewhat toxic products to remove them. 

They must use different drugs for different species of parasites, or the drugs and herbs won’t work.

5. The drugs and herbs do not work well.  The reason is that the terrain or condition of the host is generally very attractive for the parasites.  As a result, some may die from the drugs and other products, but some will usually remain.

6. Even if all parasites are killed, which is rare, re-infection easily occurs because the terrain is still favorable for their survival.

7. Meanwhile, the toxic drugs or herbs further damage the body.

A non-toxic method that works better.  development uses a completely different, non-toxic approach that works far better.  Here are a few details about development for parasites:

1.  We are well aware of the parasite problem.  It is so common that we assume everyone has them. 

2. No testing is needed because all parasites will be destroyed, and different remedies are not required for each species.  This saves time and money.

3. They are killed by making the terrain or internal environment of the body inhospitable for the parasites.  This is a slow process that involves a number of factors.

These include, in their order of importance:

A. Making the body much more yang (most important and overlooked by most physicians)

B. Drastically increasing the bile flow by many methods, but especially coffee enemas and a bile supplement.

C. Use of the red heat lamp sauna.

D. Restoring the alkaline reserve minerals.

E. Drastically improving the adaptive energy of the body

F. Drastically improving digestion, and getting rid of “leaky gut” and other damage to the intestine.

Unless ALL of this is done, the non-toxic method described above will not succeed.


3. When a person follows a development program that is set up correctly, all parasites (there are about 300 species on earth) slowly die off.  Some clients report seeing them in the toilet. 

4. If one remains on a program, re-infection is unlikely because the body has been made inhospitable for them.  This is very important and is the only way to prevent re-infection, in many cases.

5. Beware – when parasites are eliminated, the intestines remains irritated for several months.  This is because the parasites secrete very toxic chemicals, and it takes a few months for the body to remove them.







9/17/24. This is a scary message. We are sorry, but we believe it is true and not meant to scare anyone. We are working to overcome it and there is progress – in the conclusion at the end of the message.

We have learned that the thugs, negs, satans or rogues use specially bred parasitic worms as a major weapon system. They put them in many people and use them to communicate, monitor, sicken and kill people and animals.

Weak bodies cannot fight off worms. First, the thugs weaken all the bodies before birth by beating, raping and poisoning all the mothers. This depletes the nutrition of all mothers and causes all babies to be born weak today.

In addition, during gestation the thugs destroy the criste, a very important part of the pancreas. They do other surgeries on all developing babies before birth that also weaken all babies.

The thugs also steal a lot of calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and possibly other minerals from the earth so that our food is low in these vital minerals. This further weakens the bodies.

They also bring massive quantities of poisons to our planet such as mercury in the oceans, arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum and other toxic metals and many toxic chemicals. The entire planet has become literally filthy, whether or not you realize it.

In addition, they upset digestion by terrorizing women, in particular, and they teach bad nutrition by promoting eating of fruit and salads, and making sure refined flour and sugar are permitted though they are complete junk. They teach that a little junk food is not bad, which is another lie.

They weaken the bodies is dozens of other ways, such as allowing cell phone use and cell phone towers all over. This insane device puts out highly toxic frequencies that they also use to monitor and control people. The magicJack is much safer and much less expensive.

Today they are also putting tiny electronic weapons in new clothing, new appliances and elsewhere. These are just a few ways they weaken our people, animals and plants.

A hidden cause of death. For all the reasons above, the special worms slowly or quickly eat a person's organs, especially the heart and the liver. One may have a heart attack or develop another “disease”, or one just gets weaker and weaker. It is a subtle but very effective way to weaken and “kill”.

I put the word kill in quotes because we know that no one really dies. What occurs is that the body becomes weaker and weaker and seems to die. Breathing and the heart can stop, but the thugs put equipment in people that keeps the bodies alive enough that they can rehabilitate them. It is impressive technology.

Then the body is taken to a hospital or funeral home. These places lie to you, saying they cremate or bury the body, but really the thugs take all the bodies. They rehabilitate most of them and convert them into thug fighters. A few are also chopped up for body parts – extra arms, legs, hearts and other parts for their fighters.

Very difficult to detect. The worms used by the thugs are specially bred and often will not show up on parasite tests of any kind. How they achieve this so well we are not sure. However, it is the truth. Also, even if they do show up, medical drugs and natural herbs and other remedies will not remove them all.

The worm diet. Worms are a cold infection. They love carbohydrates and sugars. If you eat a lot of starches and sweets, you will make the worm problem worse.

We suggest avoiding all sugars and most all fruit because most fruit is high in sugar. An exception is that one can eat a few black botija olives or black kalamata olives each week. Olives are a fruit, but they are not a sugary food. We also recommend green beans, which some say is a fruit. Once again, it is not a sugary food.

Worms apparently do not like blue corn chips. However, they love other grains, which are starchy foods. Bread is one of the worst foods for this reason.

Cooked vegetables contain a little starch, but are absolutely necessary today to supply minerals and many other nutrients.

However, even if one eats the development diet, the thugs can feed the worms inside people, so diet alone is not sufficient to stop the worms.

Split pea soup and old fashioned “whole grain” mustard. We have learned that eating split pea soup, even in a can, and using what is called old fashioned whole grain mustard may help the heart. It has particles of mustard seed in it and is not creamy.

This is very new research at this time. It may help against the worms and it helps against another of their death technologies, which is to shoot tiny holes in the inner walls of the heart until the heart fails.

Coffee. Coffee used in enemas can and will slow down or stop the worms. However, the thugs have at least 100 methods to block, steal or deactivate coffee inside and outside the body.

Conclusion. At this time, the worm problem above is extremely severe on earth. It is a major weapon system they use on most everyone we have checked, and they use it on animals, as well.

On the positive side, doing coffee enemas with enough coffee and following the development program will help. Also, the immune system of a healthy person can be trained to find and remove the worms, and we are beginning to do this training. However, the thugs replace them so it is an ongoing battle.

Oddly, using a bidet toilet attachment on the anal reflex area whenever you use the bathroom can show the white blood cells and other immune cells where the worms are. Often you will experience pain doing this procedure, but it can help.

The coffee stages offer hope. Another very positive bit of research we discussed briefly in the messages of 9/6/24 and 9/7 24. It has to do with stages of coffee accumulation in the body.

The coffee first fills the physical body. Then it can fill what are called the upper bodies or upper energy fields of a person or animal. Then it fills other subtle structures of the body such as the merkaba. As this occurs, there is more protection against the worms and other thug death technologies.

Placing coffee near the body. Coffee enemas are not be sufficient to achieve all this because the thugs steal some of the coffee. One also needs to sit or better yet, sleep with a one or more bags of coffee next to the abdomen. You can wear thin clothing, although the effect is stronger if the bag of coffee is against the skin. So far, it is working.

I am using a few bags of coffee beans or a large cardboard Kroger (a supermarket brand) can of ground coffee. It is not fancy coffee. God willing, we will keep reporting our progress on this subject.  



Parasites are a large class of infective organisms that live on or in human beings, animals and plant species. They are extremely common everywhere in the world, particularly in warmer nations.  They are classified into groups as follows:

1. Flukes and worms. This includes several hundred types of flat worms (such as tape worms) and round worms (such as hook worms and ascaris, the common round worm).

Worms and flukes usually don’t cause death.  In most cases, they accumulate in the liver, colon, intestines, lungs or elsewhere, and cause symptoms such as pain, bloating, gas, fatigue, mental problems, and nutritional deficiencies (because the parasites consume your food).

Walking around barefoot, especially on dirt, or in dirty surroundings, is a common way to contract these.  They are also found on unclean food, and in many places.


Liver flukes. A member of this group is liver flukes, the most common parasites in America and many parts of Europe and Asia.  These infect most people, because their eggs are so often found in swimming pools, hot tubs, bathtubs and gymnasium floors. 

They are also found on things people touch that others touch such as armrests on aircraft, buses and trains, toilet flush levers in public or private bathrooms, and elsewhere.  Even some municipal water supplies contain some, as they are difficult to kill.

Liver flukes are easy to get rid of permanently with a development program.  They are not that easy to kill with drugs, herbs, electrical machines and other commonly-used methods.  Even if one kills them with these methods, re-infection is common, negating much of the benefit of these therapies.


Trichina.  Another very important parasite in this group is the trichina worm.  People get trichina infection when they eat products of the pig, mainly, even when the pork, ham, bacon, or lard are well-cooked.

The only exceptions we have found are pig-derived pancreas and pig-derived thyroid gland, both of which are used medicinally.  For more on this topic, please read Trichinosis on this website.


2. Protozoa.  These are smaller parasitic animals that include amoebas and giardia lamblia.  They are microscopic in size, and more associated with Mexico, South America, and unclean food and water in tropical countries.

These can kill babies and people who are weak or ill if they move from the intestines through a weak spot in the intestinal wall and migrate to the brain, lungs, heart or other vital organs.


3. Spirochetes or spiral-shaped organisms.  This is another group of microscopic parasites that cause Lyme disease and malaria.  Lyme disease is very common in damp and wooded areas of the United States.


Lyme disease. A complete development program can end Lyme disease, in our experience.  There is no need for antibiotics, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, or other toxic remedies that will reduce the number of parasites, but in my experience will not get rid of the condition.  For more, read Lyme Disease on this website.   


4. Yeasts and fungi.  Some people also think of yeasts and fungi as parasites. 


Candida albicans.  Infection with candida albicans and other candida species are extremely common.  For much more on this condition, please read Yeast Infections on this website.


As you can see, there are many types of parasitic organisms, several hundred, in fact.  Unlike bacteria and viruses, most parasites are large enough to be seen easily with a microscope, and some can be seen with the naked eye.




A mild case of parasites will often cause few, if any symptoms.  As a result, millions of people walk around with parasites and have no idea they have them.  In fact, most people have some.  Everyone whose body is somewhat yin has some parasites.

In America, for example, liver flukes are most common, followed by Lyme disease, I would guess.  In tropical countries, amoebas and other protozoal parasites are most common. 

Unfortunately, because people do not realize they have parasites, they often spread them to their family, sexual partners, and everywhere they go.


If enough parasites are present, symptoms may include:

- Worms and flukes tend to cause a bloated belly to some degree, fatigue, a sad look on the face, slightly darker skin tone, malnutrition if the case is bad, and interestingly, a craving for fat or other cravings such as for sugar or sweets.

- Protozoal parasites, and perhaps others cause diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, intestinal bleeding, rectal itching or itching anywhere in the body.

They may cause anemia and headaches, and many other symptoms are possible if the case is severe.

- Spirochetes such as the Lyme parasite (borrelia burgdorferi) causes a bulls eye rash early on, which fades and later may cause joint pain, neck pain, headaches, brain fog, and other symptoms as it invades various tissues and organs.

- Candida albicans and other fermenting organisms may cause gas, bloating, brain fog, confusion, fatigue, weight gain and other symptoms depending upon where it is and how severe it is.

- In serious cases, parasites invade the vital organs and cause serious illness or even death.




Parasites are a worldwide health problem that accounts for half the diseases in the world, or more.  They live everywhere, though they thrive best in warm, moist, often tropical, and dirty environments. 

They are considered a disease of filth.  However, in reality they are everywhere.  They are often present on foods, especially raw food.  They can be in drinking water.  The eggs or ova can float in the air and on other contact surfaces that are not cleaned well enough. 

For this reason, going barefoot, eating raw or improperly cooked food, and lack of hygiene are among the main sources of parasites.  However, avoiding them completely is impossible.

More specifically:

Liver fluke eggs are found throughout the world on food, on napkins, silverware, glasses, in the air and in the water supplies.  They are almost impossible to avoid, even if one observes excellent cleanliness.

Hookworm and round worm eggs are found in dirt, on dirt floors, especially, and on all unclean surfaces that people walk on and touch.  For this reason, round and hookworm infections are diseases of filth.  Cleanliness is essential to avoid them.  Wearing shoes, and better yet, closed shoes, is a wise idea in all tropical nations.

Trichina worm cysts are found in all pig products, in my opinion, even if the pork, bacon, lard or ham are cooked well.  This is an important reason to stop eating pig products entirely!  They move into the brain easily, and are endemic among populations that eat a lot of pig products anywhere in the world.  Christians should be observing the kosher laws, which forbid eating products of the pig.  For more on this topic, please read Trichinosis on this website. 

Lyme disease and malaria are carried by insects of various kinds.  Lyme disease is difficult to avoid today, no matter where one lives.  Most people have it to some degree.

Malaria requires any of about 40-50 species of female anopheles mosquitos as its vector or carrier.  For this reason, it is mainly limited to certain tropical areas where these mosquitos are present in large numbers.  If possible, I suggest avoiding travel to these areas.  Malaria maps and mosquito maps on the internet can show you where they are. 

If you live in one of these nations of Africa, Asia, South and Central America, the Middle East or Far East, do your best to take precautions such as always sleeping under mosquito netting, wearing long sleeves and long pants, wearing socks and shoes, and avoiding mosquito-infected swamps and other dangerous areas.  Malaria is often rampant in these areas, and it will shorten the lifespan of most people.

Candida albicans and other candida species are everywhere on dishes, glasses, silverware, on food, and everything people touch or wear.  Wash you hands several times daily, and always wash and preferably shower after you have been out and about. 

This means wash after being in contact with others, after going to restaurants, after sex, and after sleeping in hotels.  Also wash after other contact with people or places where people have been such as theaters, movies, stadiums, studios such as television studios, schools and universities, and elsewhere.  I know this may be difficult, but it is helpful to reduce the spread of conditions such as candida albicans and some other parasitic diseases.

The worst areas of the world for parasitic disease are generally poor nations, those with bad sanitation systems, dirt floors instead of tile, linoleum, wood or carpet flooring, and in nations with contaminated and polluted water and food supplies.  However, they are found in all nations.  Detecting the ova or eggs is almost impossible to do thoroughly.  Chlorination of the drinking water or ozonation of the water are helpful, but do not stop them all.




Especially avoid ALL raw or poorly cooked meats, fish, seafood and shellfish.  This applies to Americans just as much as it does to Europeans and Asians.

Sushi, which is sadly very nutritious, is a big source of problems in developed nations of Europe, Japan, America and others.  I am saddened to have to respond to the lies that raw meats or raw fish are healthful, at all.  They are not! and are usually full of parasitic eggs and cysts.

Avoid eating ALL unwashed fruit and all poorly washed vegetable salads if you want to avoid more parasites.  I suggest one should never eat salad or fruit with skin unless you wash it yourself.  This means avoiding ALL salads and ALL fruit with skin in restaurants.   One never knows who washed the lettuce or the apples, and how well and how cleanly it was done.  Remember, today many food service employees are from unclean nations, and their hygiene must be questioned.  This is not an accusation against any particular group or nation, but it is the truth. 

Also remember that many of our fruits, vegetables, meats and fish come from unclean tropical nations, which must include China, India, Southeast Asia and South America.  For this reason, the problem of cleanliness of raw foods is far worse today than ever before, and getting worse by the day. Finding out if the food is clean is basically impossible, so you must assume all food is contaminated until proven otherwise.  Some food is marked where it has been grown and shipped from.  However, most is not marked, although it should be.

As stated above, to avoid trichina infection of the brain and elsewhere, I would avoid all pig products such as ham, bacon, pork, lard, pig skin, sausage made with pork intestine, pork rinds and other products of the pig.  It does not seem to matter if it is well-cooked.  The only exception is porcine pancreatin, which appears to be very safe.  Perhaps this is because pancreatin digests most everything, including parasite ova.




Drinking water supplies are a major source of parasitic infection around the world.  Never drink tap water in most nations, even for brushing your teeth.  Also, if possible, always use warm or hot water and lot of soap to wash dishes and clothing.

Important water-related sources of parasites are pools, hot tubs, hot springs, boating clubs and facilities, cruise ships, and wet or damp floors in health clubs, gyms, school locker rooms.  Just because a pool or hot tub has been “sanitized” with chlorine or bromine does not mean that all micro-organisms have been killed.  Some cysts and eggs survive very well in these places.  For this reason, I suggest strictly avoiding all public pools or hot tubs.

Even lake water, river water and occasionally ocean water can be contaminated with parasites.  Ocean water is safest because few parasites can survive in the salty water.  Fresh water is commonly contaminated, often by human beings or animals who  use the water for bathing and relieving themselves.  Untreated sewage also may find its way into lakes, streams and some ocean areas, as well.

So swim only in the ocean, clean lakes or rivers, or seek out healthful and very clean-flowing hot springs, which are scattered everywhere on the earth and much better because the water comes directly out of the ground, and is pure and always flowing.

Notes on chlorine and bromine: These are powerful toxins that are best avoided.  The amount in most municipal bathing and drinking water is not too bad, although it has found its way into all our food, as a result of its widespread use.  This has damaged the entire food supply on earth, and harmed all the soils of the earth.  While these chemicals kill many germs, they do not kill all parasite cysts and ova.  They are also highly toxic and cause the bodies of people, animals and plants to become more yin, which worsens susceptibility to all parasites. 

Ozone and hydrogen peroxide are much better methods to sanitize all water in the world, although they are not perfect, either.  Sanitizing and producing healthful drinking and bathing water for all people of the earth should be a major priority in all nations, and is a costly, but important public health concern for all nations.  I hope it will receive more attention than it already does.  Until then, in most nations, drink only bottled water, and only water directly out of a sealed bottle, even for brushing your teeth and for cooking.

Wine, beer and other alcoholic beverages used to avoid drinking water.  While cleaner than many water supplies, I do not suggest drinking wine or other alcoholic beverages.  The only exception might be if you are traveling for a day or two and cannot obtain bottled water.  However, alcohol is very yin and also toxic for the body.  Continued use is damaging to the body.

Among alcoholic beverages, beer and distilled spirits are usually the cleanest, interestingly.  Wine often contains some arsenic and perhaps a little lead used in fertilizers and pesticides applied to the grapes.

Grain-based beverages such as beer are also a little more yang and therefore better than fruit-based beverages such as wine, especially sweet wines.  However, I would not drink these beverages for optimum health.

Notes about reverse osmosis water.  Throughout this website, I do not recommend reverse osmosis water.  In my experience, it does not hydrate the body very well, it causes a type of plastic poisoning from the polycarbonate or other type of membrane used to make it, and it is mineral-deficient and very yin for this reason. 

However, if you are traveling in an unclean nation, reverse osmosis bottled water may be the best alternative, and it can be used for a short while by most people.  If you live in a nation with unclean water, please seek out a clean bottled spring water for regular drinking, as it will be much better for you than always drinking reverse osmosis bottled water. 

NOTE: Nestles, Dasani and Aqua Fina are made by reverse osmosis and are not spring waters, though they are found in the spring water sections of most supermarkets in the USA and elsewhere, unfortunately.  Also watch out for “drinking waters” and “purified waters” in health food stores and elsewhere, as these, too, are usually just tap water that is run through a reverse osmosis filter. 

Notes about drinking bottled soft drinks in unclean nations.  While I am definitely not a fan of Coca-cola or other soft drinks, these companies have actually helped the nations where these drinks are sold because they make sure the water they use is adequately filtered so as not to spread disease. 

This is important to know if you travel to unclean nations, as these beverages at least will not spread parasitic and other water-borne diseases, provided you drink them straight from the bottle or can.  Do not make a habit of this, but know this if you need a beverage and no spring water or reverse osmosis water is immediately available.  Ideally, always bring your own water with you when traveling through unclean nations or areas.




This is not a major source of parasites, most of the time.  The only exception is if one is breathing contaminated air, for example in a chicken coup or even some cities where debris and garbage take to the air and one may breathe in cysts of parasites.




Troublesome areas are all public places where one touches chairs, toilets, sinks, beds, money (paper or coins) or anything else that has been touched by many people.  Such places include theatres, auditoriums, laundromats, lunch counters, buses, trains, airplanes, subways, restaurants, and many other public locations.  This is why frequent hand washing, wiping down toilet seats before sitting on them, and other hygienic measures are absolutely essential in public places of all kinds.

Wealthier nations tend to be cleaner, as do primarily Christian nations such as the USA.  However, watching your hygiene today is critical even in the United States and Canada.  This is partially due to immigration patterns, and partially due to the decline in wealth and in Christian values in these nations.


Children spread a lot of parasites.  We must add to contact sources the enormous spread of parasitic diseases that occurs among family members.  Today, sadly, many children are born with parasites that are passed on from the mother, although the placenta affords newborn babies some protection from parasite infection. 

Mothers should take care of their parasitic infections before giving birth, if possible, as some live in the vagina and can easily infect their babies, causing blindness in some cases or other problems.  Sexual hygiene is the key here.  Husbands and boyfriends must be treated along with their female partners in all cases, if a disease is found.

Young children often bring home parasite eggs from pre-school and kindergarten, especially, as the children often slobber a little and may place things in their mouths or other contaminated areas.  Then mom or dad gives them a big hug and the filth is all over their clothes and hands, as well.

This is another reason to teach your children at home, rather than send the little ones, in particular, to daycare centers, pre-schools and kinder schools, in particular.  However, even grade school children and high school age children often bring home parasites to the entire family from their sports events, group showering after gym class, and even just from contact with others at the school and in the stores and other places they frequent. 

Besides keeping your children out of school, I would not allow most group sports and other group activities.  They have benefits, but they often spread disease.  Never allow your child to swim in pools or go in hot tubs, for instance, unless you want to contaminate the whole family later.


Sexual activity.  Sexual contact is a common cause of parasitic infections such as chlamydia, and others.  Sexual activity also always spreads bacterial infections such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and others, and viral infections such as herpes.

Even simple kissing can spread parasitic diseases easily.  I would avoid “kissy” people, as they usually are spreading disease without realizing it, and some of these diseases such as some strains of herpes are very difficult to eradicate.

Among heterosexuals, casual sex is by far the worst.  You never know if your wonderful new partner is lying about their sexual past or disease, or is just ignorant as to whether he or she is carrying parasitic or other diseases.  Both occur all the time.  One may even think the diseases are gone, when they are rarely gone.  Fidelity in marriage, monogamy, and avoiding adultery are best.


Other people-to-people spreading of disease.  Parasitic disease spread easily to friends, anyone you are living with, business associates and even those one entertains at parties and other events.

Sharing clothing, riding in cars belonging to others, riding subways, buses, planes, trains and other public transportation are sources, as are most human group activities such as attending sports events, concerts, etc.  Try to be clean at these, and always wash or shower when you get home. 

Keep clothing clean, and do not wipe hands on your face, if possible, and do not use dirty handkerchiefs and tissues.  Do not leave these around the home, either.  Even new clothing today are best washed before wearing them, as they can transmit parasite cysts.


Home contact. The dirtiest rooms in most homes are the bathroom and kitchen.  Floors should be washed, not just swept or vacuumed, at least once a week.  Use a steam mop, not a regular mop that just moves the dirt around, too often.  Only the steam mop mixed with a little soap, can kill or remove most parasite eggs.

Be careful when sweeping or vacuuming, as these can blow dust and living matter all over the home.  If you squash a bug, do it preferably with a Kleenex or paper towel, and then put the paper in the toilet or outside in the garbage since most insects carry disease germs and may carry parasite eggs or cysts.

Do not leave dirty dishes overnight, and wash sponges and kitchen and bathroom towels often.  Also be sure to wash out sinks, stoves, ovens and other places where food debris and parasite ova may lie.

Doctor’s offices, dental offices, and especially hospitals can be a source of parasitic infection today.  Some of the electronic equipment used in hospitals is very hard to sterilize.  If possible, stay away from these places.


Pets and farm animals. Animals are often infected with parasites, and these can spread to people easily.  Birds are the worst pets for this.  Birds often flap their wings in their cages, spreading larva and parasite eggs throughout the house.

Dogs and particularly cats are often infected with worms and other parasites.  They should be de-wormed periodically, about once a year, using garlic, if possible, rather than toxic drugs. development is excellent to reduce parasites in dogs and cats.

If your animal is indoors all the time, this is less of a problem, but still a possibility.  Ideally, after petting or grooming any animal, wash your hands, and do not sleep with animals in bed with you, or even on your bed.  Hugging, and especially kissing pets and other animals can spread these parasites easily and should be avoided. 

Dogs and perhaps chickens are the cleanest of the small animals, even dogs who roam out of doors daily.  I am not sure why this is so, but it appears to be the case. 

This is a reason to own dogs rather than cats or other animals.  Even pocket dogs can carry germs, so if you have one, wash everything they touch carefully on a daily basis.  People think they are like little people, but it is not true.

Never own pigs, please, and if you must be around them, wash your hands often and deeply.  They carry the most disease, it seems, although I am not sure why.

The problem of parasites in farm and livestock animals is a daunting one.  In trying to figure out why they are such a problem, I would suggest that “industrial” or large-scale livestock production is more yin today and this may open the animals to more parasitic infections.

Causes for the problem stem from raising animals in very close quarters, not enough sunshine, cheap food, bad water, widespread use of medical drugs and vaccines, the use of other chemicals used on the farms and ranches for cleaning and other purposes, and some resulting contamination of the food, water and air of our livestock animals. 

Modern methods of livestock production are more sterile, perhaps, but there is a price in using more chemicals. The animals have become more yin in nature, negatively affecting their ability to resist parasitic attack.


Note: Garlic for dogs and perhaps cats.  Giving dogs and maybe cats small amounts of garlic daily can reduce and eventually eliminate some parasites such as heartworms in dogs.  Beware:  too much garlic is toxic and even lethal for cats, in particular.

However, small amounts of garlic can be safer than the anti-parasitic drugs, and can do a better job, in some cases.

Insect and other vectors.  Some parasites are spread by crawling insects that may leave parasite cysts in their urine, feces or other body secretions.  In fact, most spiders, mosquitoes, small rodents and other small animals that find their way into our homes and offices can possibly spread parasitic organisms.

Plant vectors.  Some parasites, including Lyme disease and others, are transmitted easily if one handles plants, as well.

To minimize this contact, keep homes closed up sufficiently and pick up insects when they are found.  Put them outside or destroy them.  When hiking or moving through any area where insects are, preferably wear long sleeves, long pants and socks to help prevent insect bites.  Check yourself before going inside to remove any insects that may be on your clothing.  I know this is inconvenient, but it can be helpful.




            Detecting parasites is often very difficult.  They can hide in various organs, and none of the tests for them are totally reliable.


Is Testing For Parasites Needed?  I do not need to test for parasites for the following reasons:


·           I assume that most people have parasites.

·           The tests are not very accurate or reliable.

·           development programs, especially with GB-3, near infrared sauna therapy and coffee enemas, will immediately begin to reduce the parasite load and eventually will get rid of all of them without needing testing or other anti-parasitic agents or drugs.


Stool examinations.  Stool exams are used commonly, but are notoriously inaccurate.  The reason is that the laboratory only analyzes a small amount of the stool.  It may not contain the parasites, even though they are present in the body.  Parasites also go through live cycles, and an exam done at the wrong time of the month, so to speak, will miss the eggs or ova or the entire parasites for this reason, as well.

One can also test the stool for occult blood.  This may be caused by parasitic infection, although one must rule out other causes, so the test is not that reliable.


Bowel contents exams.  A few laboratories may offer a “bowel contents exam”.  This is a very time-consuming and costly test in which the patient is given a laxative and must sit at the lab for several hours and collect everything that comes out of the bowel.  The lab then analyzes the entire contents, hopefully.  This is not widely offered, however, and costs hundreds of dollars.  Also, it still can miss some items, and it only detects parasites in the bowel, of course. 


Blood tests.  Serum tests for antibodies and others are also not perfectly reliable, as one may be exposed to parasites, so there can be false positives as well as false negatives.


Biopsies, x-rays, PET scans and MRIs.  These are occasionally useful, but are rarely done unless one has a strong suspicion and knows exactly what one is looking for.  They are the only methods to detect parasites deep in the internal organs.


Hair mineral tests. Anyone with a four lows pattern on a hair mineral test probably has parasites.  Other patterns are not clear indicators of parasitic infection, in my experience.

While a properly performed hair mineral test does not specifically detect parasites, it will tell your Approved development practitioner how to set up a complete program to slowly eliminate parasites from the body.

Most doctors who offer hair analysis, however, do not know enough to set up a correct program.  This is why I only recommend working with one of the consultants or doctors listed on the Approved Practitioner List on this website. 


When to test for parasites?  Possible situations are:


1. If symptoms are massive and one wants to “knock down their numbers” before or along with a development program.  I have never encountered this, but it is possible.

2. If a person will not follow a development program, then testing and using toxic remedies will be needed, at times, for Lyme disease and other parasitic conditions.






1. Parasitic infections are extremely common and most everyone has some parasites.  Most people have Lyme spirochetes, liver flukes, trichina cysts or worms, and often others, as well.

Infection with parasites is more likely if you work or live in contaminated areas, are not that clean in your living and sexual habits, travel the world, eat pork, ham or bacon, or live in Lyme-infected areas such as the East and West coast of the USA, and parts of the mid-west as well.

Places where one finds the highest rate of parasitic infection tend to be in the tropics, and in nations with less cleanliness, and especially those where clean water is not readily available.  They are also more common where people walk barefoot or work barefoot or in water, such as in rice paddies in Asia.  However, parasites are everywhere, and not that easy to avoid.


2. Parasites are opportunists and thrive in more yin and sick bodies.  An important principle of parasitic infection is that parasitic infections are much worse if your health is poor.  In this regard, they are opportunist organisms that thrive in sick bodies.

They literally have more to feed upon if one is ill.  Also, the weakness of the body in terms of its electrical nature, acid-alkaline balance, and enzyme strength, makes it easier for parasites to thrive in sick bodies. 


3. Healing parasitic infections is really a two-stage process of 1) reducing the parasite load, and 2) completely eliminating all the parasites.  This is a very important therapeutic principle in dealing with parasites.

Stage 1) Reducing the parasite load. This occurs first with a development program.  It is also the only effect, in my experience, of medical drugs and natural remedies for parasites.  It may be enough to improve symptoms, but is not the same as eliminating all parasites.

Stage 2) Getting rid of all the parasites.  This is much more difficult because parasites can hide all over the body where drugs and herbs cannot reach them.  Also, if the body is weak or ill, there is a lot of debris and other matter for them to nourish themselves with.

Also, even if you get rid of them all, re-infection occurs easily because they are all around us, to a degree.

When people say they have “gotten rid of their parasites”, usually it means they have reduced their numbers to where they are not bothersome and they are harder to detect.

In our experience, following a complete development program can eventually get rid of parasites completely, but it takes a number of years of building one’s health.


4. There are two basic ways to get rid of most parasites: 1) kill them with usually toxic methods, and/or 2) make the body a less hospitable host, which either kills them or they leave on their own.

This is another important principle to understand.  If you the balance of the body chemistry, you may not see them leave.  However, they will slowly stop reproducing if the terrain of your body is not suitable for them.


5. Most parasite remedies are toxic to some degree and therefore best avoided.  This includes medical drugs, herbs, homeopathy, colloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil and the others. 

The least toxic methods may be homeopathic remedies and rife frequency therapies.  However, these are quite yin and definitely harmful, for this reason.  They also usually do not remove all the parasites, but only reduce their numbers.


6. development does not usually kill parasites with toxic products.  Instead, it makes the body less suitable for their survival until they die or leave and go elsewhere.

Important advantages of this method of handling parasites are: 1) no toxic products are required, and 2) re-infection is much less common.  Even if you are re-exposed to them, the body will not support them nearly as well.  The disadvantage to this method is it is often slower than taking toxic remedies.




development programs can rid the body of hundreds of different parasites.  Usually, no herbs, medical drugs, healing machines, or other “killing” methods are needed.  The anti-parasitic effects of a complete development program occur due to:


1. A much more yang diet. Parasitic infections are generally “cold” or “yin”.  As the body becomes more yang, it becomes less hospitable for all parasites.  This is a critical concept and one that I find very few doctors talk about or understand.  However, it works.


2. No sugars. Sugars in the diet all feed parasites.  Sugars, including fruit and fruit juices, are also very yin, which promotes parasitic infections.


3. Development.  Enhancing overall vitality of the body is essential to rid the body of parasites.  Parasites thrive in sick bodies.  As vitality improves, they are often easily expelled.  Increased vitality also enhances the body’s ability to resist repeated parasitic infections.

A powerful way development enhances vitality is through the process of development.  This is very unique for this program.  It is explained more in articles such as Introduction To Development.


4. Repair of the intestinal tract.  This is done by eliminating all fruit, all juices except a little carrot juice, all raw food, all wheat products, all shakes and smoothies, and all food chemicals and refined foods.

A diet of mainly cooked vegetables slowly strengthens and heals the intestinal lining, making it more difficult for all parasites to attach and thrive in the body.


              5. Letting go of victim thinking.  This is far more important than one might imagine in helping to get rid of parasites.  I am not sure why it is so, but we have consistently found that a shift in one’s attitude away from victimhood will help expel parasites.

To help with this process, I suggest repeating often the affirmations in the article, I Choose.


6. A focus on liver detoxification.  This increases bile flow.  Bile is very irritating and sometimes lethal for parasites.


7. More rest.  This helps all healing.


8. Ridding the body of toxic metals and toxic chemicals.  This enhances vitality and helps create an unfavorable terrain or environment for parasites.


9. The use of a digestive aid with ox bile and pancreatin.  These substances upset parasites, help correct the intestinal pH, and have other beneficial effects.  Other digestive aids are not as good because they are not as yang and not as irritating to parasites.


10. Garlic.  In a few cases, a person will follow a development program for a year or more.  Yet the parasite problem has not cleared up.  In a few of these cases, taking garlic capsules, up to 5-5-5 daily for a few days to a week, may hasten the elimination of round worms and perhaps tapeworm.  I use Kyolic original or Endomet garlic for this purpose.


              11. The development procedures.  All of them are excellent to help expel parasites.  They include:


Coffee enemas.  This is probably the most powerful additional procedure for parasite removal.  Many clients notice parasites in their stool after a coffee enema.

Coffee enemas stimulate bile flow, mechanically clean the colon, and upset many parasite nesting places.  Coffee is directly toxic for some parasites, and the enema can help loosen and remove them from the body.

Coffee enemas also reduce liver toxicity and have reflex effects throughout the body.  Please read Coffee Enemas for more on this amazing healing procedure.


Daily use of a Red Heat Lamp Sauna or red heat lamp.  This is also excellent because parasites do not like the heat of these lamps.


Other procedures.  The spinal twist exercises, the pushing down exercise and foot and hand reflexology are also helpful for parasite removal.

Colonic irrigation.  I rarely recommend colonic irrigation because the procedure is too yin.  It is usually also not needed if one does regular coffee enemas.

However, if parasites in the colon are a real problem, then a series of 5 to 10 colonic irrigations can help quickly loosen and remove them.  Combining this with a development program is always best.




Pharmaceutical drugs.  I do not recommend drugs for parasite elimination because:

1. They are not needed with development – even for severe parasite infestation.  I know this may sound amazing.  It is quite amazing to me, but it is true.

2. All anti-parasitic drugs are quite toxic, and some always remains in the body.  For this reason, they all worsen overall health.

3. They rarely, if ever, get rid of ALL the parasites, in my experience.  If the body is weak, as are most of them, the terrain is just too perfect for parasites and it is difficult to impossible to kill or remove them all. 

4. Re-infection often occurs because the terrain of the body has not been improved.


Anti-parasitic pharmaceutical include metronizadole (Flagyl, Helidac, Metizol, Metric 21, Metro IV, Metrogel, Neo-metric, Novonidazole, Prostat, Satric, Trikacide), itraconazole (Sporanex), ketoconizole (Nizoril), fluconizole (Diflucan), quinacrine, (Atabrine) and perhaps others.


Herbs, colloidal silver, homeopathy, diatomaceous earth, bentonite, grapefruit seed extract, Rife machines and other natural methods.  These work to varying degrees, and are generally less toxic than medical drugs.  However, they have several problems:

1. They are all somewhat yin.  This is harmful for the body and can actually increase the tendency for parasites.

2. They may reduce the parasitic load, but will usually not remove all parasites because the terrain has not been corrected.

3. Re-infection is fairly common.

4. I find they are not needed if one follows a complete development program.  We occasionally use garlic, but not other herbs.




This, of course, is best.  However, it requires a careful lifestyle, and even then it can be difficult until one’s health is improved substantially with a development program.  Just eating a ‘good diet’ and taking supplements is not enough.

Tips for prevention include:

- Completely avoid pork, ham, bacon, and lard.  It does not matter if it is well-cooked.  Egg rolls, spring rolls, wontons and other prepared foods often contain pork.

- Do not travel to tropical nations, as a rule.  If you do, you must be extremely careful to drink only bottled water and avoid all raw food.  Even then, it is difficult to avoid parasitic infection in some of these nations.

- Eat only cooked foods in restaurants.  There is no way to know how clean the food is in restaurants.

- Avoid all hot tubs, pools and other possible contaminated sources of water and food.

- Wash your hands a lot, and stay clean.

- Avoid all casual sex, as this is an easy way to spread some parasites.

- Wear long sleeves, long pants and socks in damp areas where ticks and other insects live, and preferably do not go to these areas.

- In public restrooms, clean the toilet seat or use a toilet seat cover.  Also, always wash your hands well after using the toilet.


I believe if people realized how prevalent parasitic infection is, they would be far more careful with their food, water and hygiene practices.






We want to emphasize that parasites in the body appear to be highly associated with thinking that one is a victim.  Changing one’s attitude appears to be very helpful to get rid of parasites and prevent their reoccurrence.  For details about how to change this attitude, read Victimhood and I Choose.




Two clients reported that when the last of their round worms left the body, they experienced a mild “happy” feeling that moved from their feet up to their head.

They also had a reduction in bloating and diarrhea symptoms.




Planet earth is teeming with parasitic diseases.  Avoiding all of them is difficult, if not impossible.  Fortunately, and quite amazingly, a properly designed development program will make the body much more resistant to all parasitic attack and will slowly cause the body to eliminate many parasites without requiring drugs or other parasite remedies.

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