by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




Why This Article?

Ancient Knowledge

Detecting The Energy Fields

Internet Articles


The Physical Body

The Etheric Field

The Small Spheres


The Love Body

The Blue Tube

The Oval Bodies

The Whole Body


The Negs Steal Creatures That Are Part Of The Energy Bodies

Colors And Brightness Of The Energy Bodies

Coffee Enemas And The Upper Bodies

Development Of The Energy Fields During The Life cycle




Human beings and all living beings are not just associated with physical bodies! There is also an aura or subtle energy field around every living being. This electromagnetic field surrounds every living being.

The human aura or energy field is quite complex. This article concerns just one part of it that is sometimes called the subtle energy bodies.

These are six electromagnetic configurations of energy that enable a human being or other living being to function properly. They are present at birth to some degree and are an integral part of the design of our bodies and that of all living creatures.


If people understood what complex and amazing beings they are, they would care for themselves much, much better.

Some knowledge of the human subtle energy bodies is also needed to understand the reasons for and the effects of the development healing programs offered through this website.


Understanding the subtle energy field of a living being is very basic knowledge! However, it is not taught much for at least two reasons:

1. Most people cannot see subtle energy fields.

2. Those in positions of power on our planet, the thugs, negs, rogues or satan, do not want us to know how amazing the human being is.  They prefer we think of ourselves as just a bag of dust or a “consumer” or a “resident”, “a tax payer”, “a person of color” or something else that is really very unimportant compared to the reality of who we are.


A few people can see the subtle energy field of a person, animal or plant. Some are born with this ability and others develop it during their lifetime. It can also be photographed using a technique called Kirlian photography.

Also, everyone can feel the subtle energy field. People use words such as “warm”, “bubbly”, “intense” or other words to describe another person. These are often really descriptions of the person’s subtle field.


Development is a genetic upgrade of the body that is amazing and very important to know about. It is necessary if one wishes to fill and grow the subtle energy bodies. Otherwise, they remain small one's entire life. Also, one does not develop abilities and the body does not last as long.

Development is one of the goals of the nutrition programs we offer. It is unusual and it is the reason the diet is unusual. Most other nutrition and healing programs do not cause development to any significant degree.

To understand more, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.


The internet contains many articles about the human aura or the subtle human energy fields. However, they vary a lot in their accuracy. We hope this article will serve as a basic introduction to the human energy “bodies” or energy fields.


For convenience, we divide this article into a section about the three so-called lower bodies and a section about the Four so-called upper bodies. The lower bodies are just smaller in size, while the upper bodies are much larger and can extend for miles around a person.



We will not spend much time describing this body because it is the one we all know about.


Other names. This field is sometimes called the double because there are two of them.

Location. The etheric field develops around the physical body.

Shape. This field is shaped like a human being, except that the arms and legs are somewhat shortened. It also has no facial features and no genitals.

In fact, two etheric energy fields develop as one becomes more developed. One is right side up and remains this way, even if one lies down. The other is upside down and remains this way even if one lies down. They cross at a point around the knees.

Size. The etheric or double body remains about the same size as a human being for a long time. With continued development, each of the two etheric energy fields grows to about one mile or about two kilometers in height from head to feet.

Color. This field should be a light bluish color, similar to sky blue.  As it develops further, it turns to a beautiful gold color.  If it is darker, it indicates impaired health.

Brain centers.  The etheric field reflects the growth of some higher brain centers.  These help one control one’s emotions and support the impulses of goodwill, compassion and overarching emotions associated with advanced spiritual truth such as we read about in the great teachers and leaders in the Bible.

If one reads the Bible or other spiritual texts, the etheric body will develop much faster.  This is an excellent reason to attend church or synagogue, and read the Bible.

Hair analysis indicators of sluggish etheric field development.  A recent finding is that a hair mineral analysis in which the hair has not been washed at the laboratory may reveal problems with the etheric field.  Indicators for sluggish etheric field activity in an adult over the age of about 40 may:

- A sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 25.

- An iron level below 0.8 mg%.

- A copper level below 1.0 mg%.

All of these have to do with excessive emotions.

Pulsing of the astral and etheric bodies.  The etheric body pulses bright to dim once every two to four seconds.  The pulsing of the genital orgasm corresponds to and is related to the pulse of the.

Advanced etheric development. In most people, the etheric body does not become very large.  However, if one follows a development program faithfully, and does the pushing down exercise every day for at least an hour or more, the etheric body grows very large (both tall and wide).

 The developed etheric field has some other strange qualities, such as that it is always upright with respect to gravity, even when a person is lying down.  The reason is that the etheric body is not tied to the physical body nearly as much as it is tied in to the gravitational field of the earth.

Monadic development.  The etheric energy field marks the beginning of the development of what some call the monad or independent spiritual human being who is less dependent upon the physical plane of existence.

Energy centers of the etheric field. At first, the etheric field develops its own set of seven basic energy centers.  When fully developed, however, each etheric field has only one energy center located in the heart area of each of the etheric fields. 

The shape of this energy center is a star tetrahedron.  A star tetrahedron is two interlocking tetrahedrons.  A point on one of them faces upward, while a point on the other faces downward.

This joins to the physical body through a connector or tube of energy that goes from the middle of the head of the physical body upward to the heart of the upper etheric field, and downward to the heart of the lower etheric field.


There has been confusion about this. I hope it is correct and if it is not, I will correct it.

Location. One sphere is located just above the head of the upright etheric body. The other is located just below the head of the upside down etheric energy field.

Shape. Spheres.

Size. The small spheres begin very small. If a person develops, they grow larger until they are each at least the size of a grapefruit.

Color. The spheres should be a light orange to gold color. Often, however, they are darker in color because they are not healthy.

Meaning. The small spheres are very important upper or subtle bodies. They have a lot to do with one's health, in general, and specifically the heart. They help a person to function physically and mentally. We are still learning about them and will add to this section as we learn more about them.


The three lower fields or bodies are the physical, the etheric and the small spheres. These are the most common ones people develop earth.

However, there exist four other energy bodies or fields that one can develop. Various books use different names for them. They are:

4. The love body.

5. The blue tube.

6. The oval bodies (top and bottom ovals).

7. The whole body.

Together, they represent the development of the full genetic potential of a human being.  They can enable one to have abilities that one reads about in books such as the Bible, in the Life and Teachings of the Masters Of the Far East by Baird Spalding, Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and some others.

These levels of development, however, are difficult to achieve for people in the Western nations, and indeed everywhere on earth, because the health of the physical bodies is poor.  There is simply not enough nutrition to allow the full genetic potential to occur. 

Other problems that interfere with upper field development are pollution of the air, water and food with toxic metals and toxic chemicals.

Still other problems are the use of cell phones and other devices that give off strong and harmful electromagnetic fields.

Another problem is interference from the alien invading group on earth we call the rogues, crud, satan or the negs.

More advanced evolution of a human being.  Most people will not develop these energy fields.  However, anyone who follows a development program with one of the Approved Helpers listed on this website can develop them, at least to a degree.  This does not occur, however, by following most health and nutrition programs.

Most people are unaware when they develop the upper energy fields.  The only indication may be a feeling of increased solidness or sturdiness of the body. 

Souls all have some upper energy field development. This tells us that souls are indeed capable of advanced thought and action.


Location. This energy field is located within another upper body, the blue tube. It starts small and grows larger with the correct diet and lifestyle. Coffee enemas also help develop it.

Shape. The shape is somewhat heart-shaped with more size on top than on bottom.

Size. The love body varies greatly in size. Most children have a very small love body. Starting in the teen years, this body grows in size. In some people, it fills up the entire area of the blue body. In other people, it is not as large.

Color. This body normally has a greenish tint to it. In some instances, it is quite green. This is called an emerald. It is usually a sign of more advanced development.

Meaning. The love body is a measure of a person's desire to connect with other people. It is the fourth body and the fourth energy center has to do with matters social.

Some say that a large love body means a person is more loving. We are not sure about this. However, it usually does mean that the person is rather interested in connecting with others.


Location. This energy field forms around the two etheric energy fields. The inside of the blue tube touches the outer edges of the two etheric energy fields.

Shape. The shape is that of a round tube. It remains vertical in relation to the earth, even when a person sits or lies down. In other words, it aligns with the earth’s gravitational field, as does the etheric field.

Size. The size of the blue tube depends upon the size of the etheric energy fields. When the latter first form, they are not much larger than the physical body. As a result, the blue tube is also not much larger than a physical body.

As the etheric field grows in size, the blue tube that forms around them also grows larger until it is several miles or more in diameter and ten miles or more in height.

Color. The color of blue tube stays a pale blue throughout and after its development.

Meaning. The blue tube is the gateway to higher development. That is, it is needed in order to develop the more advanced fields or bodies.  It is still rare upon planet earth, although the number of people developing it is increasing on earth.


Location. One of the oval bodies sits just atop the blue body above the head. The second oval body is located just beneath the bottom of the blue tube. It is always underground.

Shape. Each of the oval energy fields is a horizontally elongated sphere.

Size. The oval bodies start out small, just as does the blue body and etheric bodies. As the etheric bodies and blue body grow in size, so do the oval bodies. The ovals can reach many miles in diameter.

Color. The ovals are a purplish color. As a person develops, they lighten in color. If a person is ill, they may be darker in color.

Meaning. The oval bodies are sometimes called the causal body because they cause many types of abilities and powers to develop in a human being.  These include the ability to communicate telepathically, to be able to see the aura to a degree, and others. They also confer a longer and healthier life.

When these subtle energy fields fill completely, a person is more at peace, more powerful within, more centered and grounded, and more in tune or attuned to guidance and the truth about the world and about all things. These are among the many benefits of developing the causal field or two ovals bodies.


Location. This very large energy field is located around the physical body. The inside of the whole body just touches the outside of the two oval bodies that are above and below the blue tube.

Shape. It is a very large sphere.

Size. The whole body begins rather small because the blue body and the two ovals start out small. As one develops, the whole body grows in size. It can reach a diameter of millions of miles.

Meaning. The whole body helps a person live a longer, healthier life and facilitates communication and broadcasting.



The alien invading group we call the rogues, or thugs, or satan take away certain creatures that are part of each of the subtle bodies. They do this through rapes and beatings. The result is the person will not develop nearly as fast.

The same group steals souls and creatures that are normally found inside the physical body.

One aspect of healing from the effects of the rogues or satan is to find and restore the souls and creatures that are part of each of the energy bodies.


All of the energy bodies should have bright, beautiful colors. If a person is ill, the colors are darker and muddy-looking. If the negs have stolen a person's upper bodies, the bodies are less well-defined and darker in color.

The color of all the energy bodies is also influenced by one's thoughts. The system is roughly the following:

- Red indicates anger and lying.

- Orange indicates less lying, but still a low level of integrity. Orange is also associated with anger, but less than if the emotional field is reddish.

- Yellow indicates more acceptable emotions, including some love and gratitude.

- Green indicates some higher emotions such as love and compassion. Green is associated with some growth of the fourth energy center or heart center.

- Blue indicates a more spiritually-minded person.  It is not too common on planet earth, but it is becoming more common.

- Indigo (light purple) indicates even more spiritual development of a person.  It is fairly uncommon.

- Violet indicates that emotions of love, gratitude and compassion are well-developed. These individuals are gifts to humanity.


An unusual fact we just discovered is that when coffee is used in enemas, some coffee accumulates in the oval bodies. We believe the coffee helps develop the oval bodies. This would explain one way that coffee helps cause development of special abilities.

When the oval bodies are almost full of coffee, they turn a slightly darker color. Then the coffee begins to fill up the whole body, which is much larger. This process can take a number of years and we believe it continues until the entire whole body fills with coffee.


First octave (age 0-7).  The physical body grows at this time.

Second octave (age 8-14). During this time in life, mental and emotional activity increases. In many children, the etheric field begins to develop at this time. In other children, the etheric field does not develop until later. The love body often begins to develop at this time.

Third octave (age 15-21).  At this time, the physical body reaches full size. The etheric field and love body are developing at this age in most people.

Fourth octave (age 22-28).  Emotional and mental maturity normally continue at this time unless the body is so malnourished that the brain does not function well.

Fifth octave (29-35).  If the etheric field has not already started to develop, it often begins to develop at this time in life.

Everyone must pass through an astrological milestone called the Saturn return around age 28 to 30.  One is often forced to review one’s life to this point and make important decisions for the future.  This can help the etheric field to develop.

Sixth octave (36-42). Etheric field development should continue, or it may just begin at this age.  Many people today are in such poor health, however, that in some of them development of the higher energy fields stops at this time and does not resume ever during this life.

Seventh octave (age 43-49).  Etheric development should continue here, but it has often stopped and there will be no more development during this lifetime. If a person follows the development program, the upper subtle bodies often begin to develop at this age.

Eighth, ninth, tenth and the octaves beyond (age 50 and beyond). Development of the energy bodies may stop at this age, particularly if a person is poorly nourished. This is sad and very avoidable if one follows a development program.

This program, but not most others, will nourish and detoxify the body properly.  This allows the etheric energy field to resume development.  This tends to prolong life and cause much improved health.  It also opens the possibility of development of the blue tube, the two ovals and the other higher energy fields.

This is a brief introduction to a large subject of what is sometimes called esoteric anatomy and esoteric physiology.

For more on the stages or octaves of life, please read Life Stages.

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