by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© October 2019, LD Wilson
Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Lead is a highly toxic and interesting mineral that
was discovered thousands of years ago.
It is still widely used in industry due to its unusual properties. It works well as a lubricant, and was
used in printing, gasoline manufacture, dyes, paints, and hundreds of other
A horror mineral,
the mentally dull mineral, and a selfish mineral. We call
lead the horror mineral because of
its toxicity. It is also the mentally dull mineral because that is
one of its major effects on intelligence. Some also call it the selfish
mineral because it has a peculiar effect upon the nervous system that makes
people more selfish.
A more
“male” mineral. In development science, lead is also
considered an older “male” mineral.
This means that its effects upon the body are often structural and
warming or more yang in Chinese medical terminology.
A structural toxin means that lead severely weakens the body structure. It replaces calcium in the bones, for
example, weakening them and eventually causing a type of osteoporosis. It also replaces calcium in the blood
cells, damaging the blood and causing a severe form of anemia.
It also goes to the brain and the entire nervous
system, where it replaces calcium, magnesium and other vital elements
there. It causes dementia,
violence, criminality, drug use such as CBD to calm
down, impure thoughts and many other mental problems as a result.
A persistent
poison. A major problem with toxic metals,
including lead, is they are persistent
poisons. This means they do
not break down or degrade naturally.
They just remain in the environment for decades and longer.
There are bacteria that can transmute lead into less
harmful elements, but the rogues do not like this and they kill off these
bacteria wherever they can. For
details, see the section below - The Rogues And Lead.
Home products. These
include the use of 'Grecian Formula' and ‘Youth Hair’ hair dyes, Suavecito hair pomade, and some lipstick, especially the
more costly ones. Other sources
are exposure to older lead-containing paint, cigarette smoke,
colored inks, older ceramic glazes, older solder, and food cans soldered with
lead. Fortunately, most cans are
crimped today, not soldered.
Industry. Other
sources are the manufacture of lead-acid batteries, working in the smelting
industry and exposure to leaded gasoline,
Food. Other sources are contaminated
drinking water, pesticide residues (lead arsenate, for
example, especially in wine, grapes and other fruit), food contaminated with
lead from the soil or from pesticide use, and occasionally water that has
passed through lead-soldered water pipes.
A source of lead among health-conscious people is bone broth because the bones of many
animals today contain too much lead.
We only recommend bone broth from beef, and we unfortunately cannot
recommend more than twice a week for this reason.
Food supplements. Fulvic acid, humic acid and some
colloidal mineral products may contain too much lead. A number of years ago, an employee at a mineral
testing lab who was very careful was surprised when her mineral test
revealed elevated lead. The
problem turned out to be her colloidal mineral supplement.
A major effort of the group we call the Rogues is to make sure everyone on earth is toxic with
lead. This may sound outrageous,
and it is. However, it is
People who are somewhat lead toxic are less
intelligent, less well-coordinated, and thus much
easier to control. However,
outwardly they often appear to be quite healthy. The following sections explain how the rogues accomplish
Babies and children have a serious problem with lead
toxicity for a number of reasons that combine together:
1. Congenital lead toxicity. Today, many, if not most American and European children are
born with elevated lead. They get
it through the placenta from their mothers. This alone can cause reduced intelligence.
It also contributes
to today’s epidemics of autism, attention deficit
disorder, birth defects, developmental delays, dyslexia, impaired or delayed
muscle coordination, tooth decay, mild rickets and other bone disorders, slow
growth, cancers and other problems of our children.
2. Congenital low calcium. Many, if not most babies are also born low in calcium due to
a deficiency in their mothers.
This compounds the problem #1 above because low calcium in the body
increases the absorption of lead.
3. Fast oxidation and lead toxicity. All babies and almost all young children are
in a state we call fast oxidation.
This is a chronic fight-or-flight reaction.
This state of body chemistry causes a loss of calcium
in the urine as part of the stress response. As a result, the need for dietary calcium is greater. When it is not met, these individuals are
very prone to accumulate lead, which can replace calcium in the bones and
elsewhere. For details, read Fast Oxidation.
4. Growth
requires lots of calcium. Babies and young are also growing fast and
need a lot of calcium for their bones and nervous systems.
5. Breast milk. In
addition, the breast milk of most mothers is deficient in calcium because most
mothers’ diets do not contain nearly enough usable calcium. This means that babies get too much
lead from the mothers both before and after birth.
Lead also gives breast milk a foul taste that babies
do not like, and which may cause them to reject breast milk.
6. Bottle-feeding. Even
worse are babies who are bottle-fed.
The reason is that pasteurizing milk reduces the biological availability
of the calcium in the milk.
7. Raw milk. The
calcium in raw milk is more absorbable.
However, today most cows are fed corn and hay, rather than their proper
food of fresh pasture. As a
result, most cows are low in calcium and their milk is low in calcium. This problem affects all milk.
8. Oxides, carbonates and other biounavailable compounds of calcium. Another very
important factor is that most soil today has too much calcium that is in biounavailable compounds. These find their way into all of our plant and animal foods.
Once in the food, these less usable forms of calcium
compete for absorption in the digestive tract of the farm animals and that of
all human beings. This serous
problem further reduces everyone’s intake of biologically available calcium. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum. The information applies to calcium, as
well as other minerals today.
9. Babies need sunshine. Most mothers are brainwashed by
ignorant medical personnel and do not expose their babies to the sun every day
for about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the time of day and one’s
latitude. Without this exposure,
babies do not make enough vitamin D and this reduces their calcium
utilization. This makes them even
more prone to lead poisoning.
Dark-skinned children have more of a problem in this regard because
their skin absorbs less sunlight.
10. Parents
are fooled by milk product labels that say the product is “fortified with
vitamin D”. The problem is that they contain a
cheap, synthetic form of vitamin D (vitamin D2), that
does not work well.
11. All plant and animal products. In
addition, lead has found its way into ground water supplies and even falls from the sky when it rains or snows. As a result, many pastures and fields
are somewhat contaminated with lead, which in turn affects all the plants and
animals raised on this land. As a
result, much of the milk, meat and plant products are too high in lead.
12. Pesticide use. In
addition, lead is still used as a pesticide in almost every nation on
earth. This just spreads more tons
of lead all over the planet.
13. Lead pollution from industry. America
and Europe have cleaned up their industries that require lead. The same is not true elsewhere, particularly
in China and other parts of Asia.
Communist and socialist nations are notoriously lax when it comes to
pollution because it is not in the interest of the government to clean up
14. Stress. All of
the above cause today’s babies to move deeper into fast oxidation right from
birth or soon after. The babies
are more irritable, more nervous, and more frightened as a result of their
deranged body chemistry.
Moving into faster oxidation further depletes their
calcium, magnesium and zinc and makes them even more prone to absorbing lead
from their food, water and from the air.
Other important sources of stress for babies and
children include daycare centers and then pre-schools and schools. All of these places are unclean, less
safe and increase children’s stress level.
Another location that often increases the stress level
of babies and children is eating at restaurants. Often they are too noisy, not clean enough, and the food
quality tends to be worse than fresh, home-cooked meals.
Another activity that often increases the stress level
of a baby or young child is riding in airplanes, buses, or trains. Problems can include a high noise
level, electromagnetic stress from computers and phones and germs all over the
seats and in the air.
Another stressor for babies and children is carpeting
in homes. Babies spend a lot of
time on the floor. Carpeting is quite
toxic when it is new. It is also
impossible to keep clean.
Other important stressors for babies and children are
fire retardant used in mattresses, and the use of smelly soaps and
shampoos. Children must also be
around their parents or others’ smelly perfumes, lotions, skin creams, and deodorants.
Other stressors that affect many babies and children
are exposure to many toxic chemicals found in products such as their mothers’
nail polish, household cleaners and other home products. All of these add to the toxic burden of
our babies and children today.
The children and even babies then “burn out” at a
younger age, which further impairs their digestion, further worsening the
problems of calcium deficiency and lead absorption.
Another stressor today for babies and children are the
new washing machines that do not clean clothes well, often leaving more smelly
and toxic detergents in the clothing, bed sheets and other items children touch
and wear. For details, read Detergents.
15. Sewage sludge is
permitted to be used as fertilizer, even on organically grown food. The
problem is it is often contaminated with lead and other toxic metals from the
sources listed above.
16. Vaccines and medical drugs. Giving babies and children vaccines and
medical drugs such as antibiotics further weakens their digestion, in all cases. This makes the lead problem much worse.
17. Eating fruit. Parents
often feed children fruit, but fruit is a very low-calcium food that makes a
calcium deficiency worse.
18. Eating sweets. Parents
often feed or allow children to have sweets or sugar such as candy, ice cream,
cookies and cake. This upsets
calcium metabolism and can worsen a calcium deficiency.
19. Eating shellfish. Parents
may give children shellfish such as shrimp and scallops. However, these foods are bottom feeders
and caught near shorelines that are often contaminated with lead and other
toxic metals.
20. Eating refined flour and refined
white rice. These foods have had their calcium,
magnesium, zinc and other minerals stripped away, so this worsens vital mineral
deficiencies and causes the body to absorb more lead.
21. Reverse osmosis or distilled water. Some
parents give their children water purified by reverse osmosis. It is called “purified water” or “drinking
water” and widely advertised as the best water to drink. However, it is devoid of minerals,
which worsens calcium and other mineral deficiencies. This causes babies and children to absorb more lead and
other toxic metals.
22. Soda pop. Cola
drinks, in particular, contain phosphoric acid that binds calcium in the
intestines and removes it from the body.
This worsens a calcium deficiency, causing a child to absorb more lead.
23. Bad medical advice. Medical
personnel often do not advise parents to feed their children correctly, they
rarely prescribe vitamins for children, and they sometimes tell parents that
vitamins are a waste of money.
This is not true and this serious problem tends to worsen calcium and
other mineral deficiencies.
24. Other toxic metals. Exposure
to cadmium, for example, interferes with calcium metabolism and worsens a
calcium deficiency. Many children
are born with too much cadmium, mercury, nickel, aluminum and other toxic
25. Digestive problems of babies and
children. These can be due to infections, vaccines, stress or medical
drugs. Digestive weakness impairs calcium
26. Other rogue activities. The
rogues remove calcium and other vital minerals from the earth and bring more
lead to the planet.
These factors above combine today to cause a very
serious problem for most babies and children.
Today, it is also difficult for adults to obtain enough calcium in the diet. This is why we highly recommend certain unusual foods. These include almond butter, sesame tahini, sardines, loads of carrots, a little carrot juice and blue corn chips. We know that some people don’t like
these foods, but we find them necessary. Otherwise, one cannot obtain enough calcium and the bodies
will then absorb more lead due to general environmental pollution with lead.
Calcium supplements are helpful, but are not enough, in our
experience. Calcium from food is
required, as well. For more details,
read Three Kinds Of Calcium.
Wine-drinking. In many
areas, grapes will not grow properly without the use of at least a little lead
arsenate or other lead-containing pesticide. Wine is actually the most toxic alcoholic beverage in terms
of lead poisoning.
We do not even trust organically grown wines because
the soil may still be contaminated and because some pesticide may be used that
is not reported to the organic certifying agencies. We do not recommend any alcoholic beverages for other
reasons, as well. For details,
read Alcohol and Alcoholism.
We also do not recommend grape and perhaps other fruit
juices, as these can be contaminated with lead, as well.
Increased lead absorption. Diets deficient in calcium, magnesium, or iron increase lead
Two unusual cases of lead
poisoning. Dr. Paul Eck told me of a client whose
job was to refuel commercial jetliners.
He touched and breathed lead fumes for years when jet fuel contained
lead and contracted Parkinson’s disease.
recovered with a development program.
Interestingly, during the program whenever he took a bath, a ring of
lead was left in the bathtub that the man could scrape off with his fingernail.
The second
case is that of a neighbor who makes his own bullets for shooting
practice. He regularly melts lead
in front of his house and then pours the lead into bullet molds. This man’s home contains too much lead,
a residue to air pollution from heating lead close to the house.
A bizarre recent lead problem. Recently, we encountered several cases in which the Rogues are spreading lead in some homes. For details, read Lead Poisoning Of Women.
Blood serum – This is excellent for acute lead toxicity
only. This means that if a person
is exposed to lead and one gets to a doctor quickly, a blood test will reveal
Blood tests are not nearly as accurate for chronic
lead poisoning because most lead is removed from the blood within 30 days of
exposure and stored in the tissues such as the hair.
challenge tests. For this test, a person is given a dose
of a chelating drug such as EDTA. Then one collects urine for 24
hours and measures the lead in the urine.
This test is definitely better to detect chronic lead
poisoning than serum blood tests.
However, it misses a lot of lead because the chelating agents only
circulate in the blood and do not reach lead that is deeply stored in the bones
and other body tissues.
Hair – The US Environmental Protection Agency review in 1979 showed
hair to be an excellent method of testing for chronic lead poisoning. However,
as with all toxic metal tests, hair mineral testing will also not detect lead
that is stored deep in body tissues.
Hair testing only detects lead that is stored or being
eliminated through the hair and skin at the time of the test. Hair testing will reveal much more lead
if one retests the hair at regular 3-6-month intervals while one follows a development
program. During these programs, the
hair lead level often rises and then decreases several times as more lead is
eliminated from the body.
Blood -
inhibits enzymes associated with hemoglobin synthesis, and increases the rate
of destruction of red blood cells.
End result is fatigue.
Bones - lead
is incorporated into bone in preference to calcium. Lead can fool bone density tests because it is radio-opaque. This means that if one’s bones contain
a lot of lead, the bones will seem to be dense on an x-ray, but they are weaker
than normal bones and more subject to breakage.
Brain - can
inhibit copper-dependent enzymes needed for neurotransmitters
(dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine). The result is hyperactivity, mental dullness, a lowered IQ, violence and anti-social behavior.
Energy -
inhibits copper and iron‑dependent enzymes in the Krebs cycle required
for energy production. End result
is fatigue.
Kidneys -
lead can raise uric acid levels and impair kidney function. End result is gout.
Minerals ‑
lead displaces and can cause deficiency or bio‑unavailability of
calcium, zinc, manganese, copper, and iron.
Thyroid gland
- lead interferes with iodine uptake by the thyroid, and can inactivate
arthritis, osteo
arthritis, rheumatoid
back pain, low
Nervous system
brain function, abnormal
multiple sclerosis
muscular dystrophy
Cardiovascular system
Digestive system
abdominal pain
liver dysfunction
weight loss
Reproductive system
abortions, spontaneous
libido, diminished
menstrual difficulties
Glandular system
adrenal insufficiency
Excretory system
nephritis, other
pyorrhea, tooth decay
concentration, poor
depression, mental
memory impairment
mental retardation/lowered I.Q in children
mood swings
psychotic behavior
possibly criminality
methods of lead removal are:
1. Remedies. These
include mainly chelating agents such as EDTA. This is a toxic chemical that binds to lead in the blood
stream and carries it to the kidneys, which must eliminate the EDTA plus the
lead. This is somewhat hard on the
kidneys. In our experience, a
residue of EDTA remains in the kidneys, poisoning them.
also always removes some vital or essential minerals along with the toxic
metals. This slows or stops
development and is quite harmful.
For details, including other problems with chelation,
read Chelation.
Some claim to use homeopathy or radionics
to remove lead. We do not like
these methods because we find they are toxic, even though those who use them
may say otherwise.
2. A Development program. The
program we offer removes lead by about 20 methods simultaneously, without a
need for chelation. For details on how this is done, read Toxic Metals and Introduction
To Development Programs.
These include certain forms of phosphorus, calcium,
chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, dietary protein, and
vitamins C and E.
Most people have excessive lead. In our experience with over 100,000 mineral tests, most
people have too much lead in their bodies. Most people are born with some of it and may be exposed
through their food, water and air.
Lead in gasoline was stopped in the 1970s, for example. However, city streets, buildings, soil
and older structures may still contain high levels of lead that is blown
everywhere on earth.
Ideal hair lead
level. We use a lower normal or ideal lead
level than most mineral testing labs use. The reason is that we can reduce a
person’s lead level to a lower level.
For our ideal lead value, please go to Mineral
Levels In Human Hair.
Poor eliminator pattern. A very low lead reading in the hair
indicates a poor eliminator or very poor eliminator pattern. For details about this pattern, read Poor Eliminator Patterns on this website.
Slow to be eliminated, at times. Lead does not leave the body rapidly. During a development program, a number
of years of development may be needed before lead is revealed as it is
eliminated through the hair.
Very high readings. Hair dyes and hair products containing lead occasionally
cause very high hair readings.
Lead is easily absorbed into the scalp when these products are
applied. Please avoid products
such as Youth Hair, Grecian Formula, Suavecito
Hair Pomade and other products that contain lead.
Retracing problems with lead. Usually, when lead is eliminated, one does not experience
annoying symptoms. At times, one
may feel a new strength and flexibility in the bones and much better mental
description was given to me about a partner who had a lot of lead in her body,
along with very low zinc. The
person was stubborn, sluggish, tired, mean, cruel, nasty, tough (meaning thick
or dense), sad, lonely, in a daze, and “adrift”. All of this went away as the lead was eliminated from her
body over a period of about 6 years.