by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© August 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any health condition.
V. Mental And Emotional Crutches
Crutches are compensations or adaptations to stress that allow a weak, toxic, nutritionally deficient or otherwise unbalanced body to survive. Accumulating crutches is one of the major ways our bodies keep going when they are out of balance, toxic or depleted of nutrients.
We find that everyone has some crutches, even babies and children. The reason is that all the bodies are malnourished and toxic to some degree. For details, read Everyone Is Toxic And Depleted.
A visualization. Imagine people walking around with hundreds of crutches. That is us!
The body uses a number of substances and methods as crutches. They include toxic metals, toxic chemicals, and even some so-called diseases. Certain thoughts, attitudes and emotions can also function as crutches.
Like crutches used when one breaks a leg, the crutches support the body. However, they are unnatural and do not do a very good job. They also cause symptoms of many kinds.
Crutch removal is the process of reversing the accumulation of crutches. It is an essential process if one is to achieve and maintain excellent health and it is not so easy. It is a long and slow process and one reason that deep healing requires remaining on the development program for some years.
The development programs we offer enable the body to remove crutches. It is a remarkable process! It rarely occurs when one uses other methods of healing such as medical drugs, vitamin and mineral remedies, herbal products, homeopathy, energy medicine, and other methods in which one diagnoses a condition and then just applies a remedy.
The topic or crutches in very profound and essential because the souls know that the bodies are full of crutches and not healthy. This causes the souls to feel sad, anxious, worthless and depressed.
This, in turn, attracts the group we call on this website the Rogues, or Satan in the Bible. The rogues function as scavengers who destroy unworthy creations. If you feel unworthy, you are in danger!
We wish to end this scourge on earth. Understanding crutches can help change one's attitude to one of deep love for the self and for who you really are – the extension of the Creator's love in this world of form. For more about this, read The Real Self. This is a short book that is also available in hard copy.
While it sounds simplistic, and it is to a degree, one can say that the entire development program is about crutches and crutch removal.
The topic of crutches and crutch removal is very large and somewhat complex. Our bodies have layers of crutches upon crutches. You could say we are a mass of adaptations and compensations. This article is an introduction only.
1. Toxic metals. For example, cadmium and lead are powerful crutches that keep the sodium level up. Cadmium and lead work at the level of the kidneys, it appears, to stimulate the activity of the body. Unfortunately, they are also very toxic. For more details, read The Toxic Metals.
2. The “amigos”. These are toxic forms of certain minerals including iron, manganese, aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt and at times others such as selenium, chromium, boron and others. They build up in the body in the form of oxides.
In this form, some can participate in enzyme reactions, though they are not as good as the correct form of these minerals. In addition, the oxides are alkaline and help balance an overly acidic condition of the body.
In addition, the oxides irritate the tissues in a way that stimulates the glands of the body to function a little better.
An analogy for them is they are like little spurs sticking into your side that give you a ‘kick’ to keep you going. For details, read The Amigos.
3. Some cases of disease. Some of what are called diseases are really crutches. For example, if the body is having trouble pumping enough blood through clogged arteries, it may raise the blood pressure. This is considered a disease. However, it may be a compensation for clogged arteries that acts as a crutch to maintain adequate circulation.
4. Other. These may include toxic chemicals and biological organisms such as particular gut flora and even parasites that provide certain chemicals that stimulate the body.
Crutches also include ideas, emotions, belief systems, and even habits such as smoking cigarettes, marijuana or cocaine that are toxic, but may balance the body temporarily.
This is not easy. There are layers of them and they exist at all levels of the body – in the tissues, in the organs and more.
Blood and urine tests are often not adequate for this purpose.
Tissue mineral testing can be used to identify some crutches. This is a large topic that we hope to add to this article in the future.
1. The crutch is functional or active. Removing it can easily and usually does unbalance the body, at least temporarily. This can cause unpleasant and annoying symptoms.
2. Some crutches are deeply connected to the body, such as inside cells or inside enzymes. This makes their removal more difficult.
3. Many crutches are very toxic substances. Removing them involves dumping the crutch into the blood stream on its way to elimination, usually through the liver or kidneys. This causes unpleasant and occasionally dangerous detoxification symptoms.
4. Crutch removal can look and feel like disease. This mixes up all types of health practitioners and our clients, as well. As a result, many people receive the wrong care when they remove crutches.
5. Going through the process of crutch removal may feel like being on a roller coaster. Sometimes it seems to go too fast, while at other times it seems to move too slowly. Some days you are up and some days you are down.
I call it the roller coaster to heaven because it is a healing process. However, it is not always pleasant and it can be a difficult psychological process.
6. The process is often surprising. Symptoms can seem to arise from nowhere, and then they disappear just as mysteriously. Also, some shifts in body chemistry and mental functioning can be quite upsetting.
For example, your perception and beliefs may suddenly change, you may look different, or a relationship suddenly needs to change. Your whole life may be turned upside down when a powerful crutch is removed.
The development program does not, by itself, remove the crutches. One cannot simply pull them out of the body because they perform essential functions in the body.
An analogy. Removal has to be done in a special order and timing. An analogy is that if a brick building has some broken bricks, one cannot simply pull out the damaged bricks and replace them. The reason is that the bricks are holding up the building.
Instead, one must support the wall of the building around the damaged brick. Then one can remove and replace a brick. Then one moves on to another damaged brick, supports the wall around it, and then can remove that damaged brick. It is a slow and delicate process to avoid doing more damage to the building.
The program strengthens and balances the body is certain ways and this allows the body to slowly remove the crutches. More specifically, in our bodies, a group of souls called the Planning Souls understand how to remove the crutches. The development program assists them in this task in the following ways:
1. Balancing the sodium/potassium ratio. For more details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio.
2. Balancing the oxidation rate. For details, read The Oxidation Types.
3. Supporting the body in other ways with the proper diet, supplementation and the detoxification procedures.
4. Making the body warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology. For details, read Yin And Yang Healing and Yin Disease.
5. Other means, such as facilitating the removal of toxic metals.
Crutch removal begins shortly after a person starts a development program. It continues for years because most people have a lot of crutches and because the process is delicate and involved.
Most often, when one removes a crutch, the oxidation rate slows down. The sodium/potassium ratio may move lower, as well.
Toxic metal levels often decrease if they were elevated, or increase if they were in the Poor Eliminator ranges. That is, they move into the ideal range for these minerals.
However, at times, the level of a toxic metal increases as more of the metal is eliminated through the hair. Then, on the next mineral analysis, the level declines.
Crutches can be other than physical. A fixed idea, for example, can really be a crutch to allow one to cope with stress of some kind.
An emotional tendency, such as being depressed or anxious, can also be a type of crutch to help a person cope with life.
These crutches will also disappear as one heals on a development program when they are no longer needed.
The process of removing a crutch often causes symptoms. This is part of the very important healing process called retracing. Causes for symptoms due to crutch removal include:
1. The toxicity of the crutch itself. For example, this occurs with copper removal. Copper in the bloodstream as it is being removed can cause headaches, skin rashes, anxiety, depression and more.
Cadmium is another very toxic crutch. Release of cadmium can cause fatigue and pain in the kidneys, ovaries and testicles.
2. Changes that occur in body chemistry as the crutch comes out. For example, removing a crutch often causes the oxidation rate to slow down, and it can cause the sodium/potassium ratio to become lower.
3. Secondary or other distant effects from #1 or #2 above. For example, a reduction in the oxidation rate might affect hundreds of enzymatic reactions resulting in symptoms ranging from a flare-up in an old infection or constipation to feeling cold or not sweating well.
Most of these symptoms are short-lived, although some of them require that the development program be adjusted so that it is once again appropriate for one’s new homeostatic state of body chemistry. This is why it is important to contact your Approved Helper if you begin to feel unwell on a development program. The cause is often crutch removal.
A very important article related to the topic of crutches is Energy Locks. We plan to expand this article because it is a very critical concept for healing and development!
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