by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Unique Aspects Of America

III. The Plan For Turtle Island



One of the worst errors made by some people is to believe that America is not a unique nation. They believe America is just another nation, but this is not true.


The main reason for this article is to introduce the plan for the American nation. This plan has been nurtured and guided by a set of more advanced men and women for many thousands of years. This may sound a bit outrageous, but I am told it is true. We discuss the plan in more detail later in this article.

A second reason for the article is that the plan for America is in danger and we need to bring this to everyone's attention. We need the prayers and other help of everyone to keep the plan alive and move it forward.

America is in danger of forgetting its past and its founding principles. The schools no longer teach the truth about this nation, and the truth needs to be told.

So let us begin with some of the unique qualities of this nation.



The founding documents of the America are totally unique. They are not slightly unique, but very unique. It is a blueprint for a nation of sovereign individuals, not slaves of a government.

We are aware of the presence of the aliens, negs, rogues or satans and how they have attempted to ruin this. However, as of today, the documents are still here. We know that women, in particular, do not enjoy the liberty that is intended for them. We hope to change this and want everyone to know this.

The American documents have been copied by others, but most of the time, it is not done well. They are just nice words. The American founding documents are the best, even though the rights of the people have been reduced over the past 120 years or so.

Many Americans understand those documents and want the nation returned to constitutional principles. America is not a democracy, which is the rule of the majority. It is a republic, which means rule by simple laws that are the same for everyone, and by constitutions, which are agreements between the people and their governments.

Government should be small, simple, clear, transparent and do as little as possible, allowing individuals to conduct their lives as they see fit.

The goal was and is to allow people and private groups to supply many of the people's needs economically and socially. Some of this quality has been lost, but the American government in relation to the private sector is still smaller than in many other nations.

This is the American “system” and it is unique in the world. It is battered and shaken, but so far the founders and founding principles have not been forgotten.


America is unique among nations in that this nation helps feed most of the world's starving people, most of whom are in Africa and Asia. America is not alone in this, as many groups participate. However, if you study them carefully, many are American-funded and American-staffed.

The groups range from the Peace Corps to dozens of private and public charities. They lend a hand in dozens of poor nations around the world.

Feeding children. A sub-category of the above is so important that it requires a separate section. America, more than any other nation, helps feed hungry children around the world.

No nation realizes as much as Americans do that if children eat well as children, they will grow up with intact bodies and brains. If they starve as children, they will grow up, if they do so at all, with damaged brains and cannot think clearly. This just perpetuates the misery that is the lot of many children.


The military generosity of Americans is not nearly appreciated enough and we want to correct this. America is one of the most powerful nations militarily. Yet it does not rule the world!

Instead, it sacrifices its soldiers and weapons to defend other nations in the world. It has done this for at least 100 years. Most people are not aware of this, but it is true.

From Europe to the Middle East, to Asia and Africa, America has signed agreements to defend over 40 major nations in the world. This means that if these nations are attacked, it is considered just like an attack on America, and the American military will come to the rescue.

In most cases, America charges nothing for this amazing service. Some of the nations America defends, such as Mexico, Pakistan and others, dislike America. Yet America continues to defend these nations.

One may ask, why does America have this policy that costs billions of dollars and often earns the nation no respect in the world?

The answer is that the America is rather unique in caring about other nations. Americans are also more aware than most other people of the horror of socialism, communism and dictatorship Wherever it may arise.

One could say America defends the nations because America is strong. However, this is not a sufficient reason. Russia is also a military power, as is Communist China. However, they do not defend others, except maybe for Russia that defends dictator nations such as Syria, Iran, Gaza and others.

One might ask, why does Russia do this?  Is it because Russians are so caring. No. It is because Russia is basically a dictatorship and nations that think alike stick together. Please always remember this next time someone wants to “negotiate” with these terrorist nations, of which Russia is one.

So America is unique in coming to the defense of not just a few nations, as Russia does, but to dozens of them. America saves them a lot of money, as they do not have to fund a military that would still not be strong enough to resist a full-scale attack. It also makes them feel secure, which is important for small nations.


Many Americans are appalled at the behavior of their recent leaders. However, compared to the rest of the world, Americans tend to be more honest and less corrupt than those of most other nations.

Businessmen, especially, know this if they work around the world. Americans are generally more trustworthy and easier to do business with than the Chinese, the Russians, Arabs and many others.

This may not seem important, but it is important. It promotes prosperity and happiness. If there is a lot of corruption and lying, the society is weaker.



One of the names for America is Turtle Island. It is so named for several reasons. In part, its appearance is similar to a turtle. The legs of the turtle are the state of Maine in the Northeast of the United States and Florida in the Southeast. The rear legs are not so clear.

Another reason for calling it Turtle Island is that the turtle is an important creature for this land, more so than some other places in the world. There is currently an effort to kill off the turtles, and they are important.


Briefly, the plan, which has been going on for thousands of years, was and is to have a nation that is a leader militarily, spiritually, socially and in other ways. The goal is to lead the other nations by example.

The plan has been followed, although it is far from where it needs to be. The invading alien group called the negs, rogues or crud try hard to ruin it and have succeeded in some ways. Yet it is not totally ruined, at least not at this time. We hope this article helps you understand more about it.


Every nation has its favorite foods. Americans like peanuts, peanut butter and coffee. They also like beef, but beef today is not an excellent food due to hybridization.

Americans also like vegetables and these are very important foods. Sadly, the vegetables are often eaten raw and as a result, most of their food value is wasted. Always cook all vegetables until soft.

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