by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. What Really Happened?



In 1911, a large ocean liner called the Titanic sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean. Over 1200 people died in the freezing water of the Atlantic Ocean because the boat did not have enough life boats or rafts to save them.

The story we are told is the boat hit an iceberg at high speed and this tore open the hull of the boat and it sunk. The problem is that this is not what occurred.

How do I know this? There are many stories about the Titanic and I have read a number of them. There were survivors who talked about the ordeal. There were also millions of souls who were present on the boat who watched the entire event unfold.

The true story is the boat was designed to sink. It was not built well to begin with. It was also bombed. It did not hit an iceberg or if it did, this was not the cause of the disaster.

Furthermore, having too few life boats was a design of the boat. It was an insane design because cruise ships always have enough life boats to take of everyone on board.


The real story is rather sickening. At this time, legislation was pending in the United States to set up a central bank. A central bank is illegal in the United States. In this nation, gold is to be the currency and that is all. There is no need for a central bank whatsoever.

However, the alien group we call the crud, thugs, rogues or satan wanted a central bank in America so they could control the money and bankrupt the nation.

The legislation was not progressing because a number of banking families knew it was illegal and was just a takeover of the American money system by a group of thugs. So they talked to the legislators and kept blocking passage of the legislation.


The aliens went to the trouble to build a faulty ocean liner. Then they invited most of the important American banking families to take a cruise across the Atlantic in the new ship.

The ship was designed to sink and the entire event was carefully planned and executed. Murder is one of the standard rogue methods to get rid of their opposition.

Soon after the death of many of the bankers, the aliens got their legislation and the result was the ruin of the American financial system with the founding of the Federal Reserve (which is neither federal nor a reserve). This is the real story of the titanic.

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