by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The Procedure

III. Cautions




Pleasure means happy feelings. They can be at any of the levels of life that we call the 7 system. These levels are physical, emotional/sexual, simple mental, social, work-related or expressive, intellectual and spiritual. For details about these levels, read The 7 Pleasures.

This is a large and important topic and this article is meant as an introduction. Hopefully, we will add to it in the future.


Pleasurable feelings are very important for one's health. They should be the normal situation. However, this is often not the situation today. Many people do not experience enough pleasurable feelings.

An important reason for this is the presence on earth of the alien group called on this website the Rogues. The Bible calls them Satan. Others call them the crud, the negs or the creeps. They are invaders and have been on earth for thousands of years. We write about them because they control many activities on earth.


One of the worst activities of the alien group is they damage the bodies so that people are in pain. I call it destruction - one through seven.

Destruction 1 through 7. For example, they starve the bodies with poor quality food and dietary restrictions for women. They damage all the bodies on earth with poisons such as mercury and arsenic. They wreck the body structure with rapes and beatings. They mentally abuse people to upset them mentally. They wreck marriages and families. They lie, which is very damaging for the mind. They damage the seventh energy center on everyone so that one is less in touch with God or higher levels or reality.

When they do all this, the souls and cells of the body stop sending pleasurable messages to a person and one becomes unhappy. That is what they want.


Pleasurable feelings can be heathy in nature or unhealthy. Ones that are unhealthy may be called up pleasures. This means that they move one's subtle energy upward.

Standard sexual orgasm is an example. It feels good, but it spins the body's energy centers backwards and it depletes vital sexual fluid. This weakens the body.

However, another type of pleasure is possible. It can be called down pleasure because one's energy does not move upwards, but rather stays the same or moves downward. Here are some examples:

- Coffee enemas provide a slight tickle to the lower body.

- The Pulling Down Procedure is another excellent form of down pleasure. Moving subtle energy through the energy centers is pleasurable, but does not tend to cause orgasms.

- Down sex and Down Hugging provide down pleasure.

- Some massage, either with hands or with a massager, can provide down pleasure.

- Many other activities can provide down pleasure.

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